Read all the ADS this vveek. There are some special BARGAINS offered. The Kings Mountain Herald I G. O Kings Mountain, N. C Thursday, April 1, 11)15. G. O. PAGK, .Editor and Owner . PRINCIPLE FIRST SI.-A YE.VB in ADVANCE ELECT MAYOR NOTICE OF ELECTIU Mr. Campbell announces himself a Candidate , We publish in this issue of the Herald the official announce merit of the municipal election to be held here in May. A mayor and .a board of Aldermen and one school trustee are to be elected. Tliis is a matter of vital hnpor. taiice and we should choose wise ly tbe men who aie to till these offices. THE MIGHTY COURT OF THE UNIVERSE, THE HUB OF THE ARCHITECTURAL SCHEME AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION NOTICE OF TOWN ELECTION. To the qualified voters of the kwn .of Kings Mountain, N C You are hereby notified that an elec tion will be held at the Town Hall on Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1915, (or the purpose of electing a May or and five Commissioners for the said town and for the further' purpose of electing one School Trustee whose term expires; and you are also notified that 0. W. Kendrick has been appointed Registrar and J. W. Goforth and G. F. Hambright judges of such election All by erder of the Board of Com missioners of said town, done at a reg ular meeting held .March 1st, 1316, - W. H. McGinn is, 4-29 Clerk to Board. - . E. L, Campbell. Attorney .E.L. Campbell an- nouncea himself as a candidate for the office of mayor in this Isrie of the Herald. We under stand that there are ouier can-J dictate? in the Held but no othei public annoiino me lit has . been innde thus far. For 'Miyar. I hereby a'launce m.'sjlf a C .ididate for the office of u ayor Kings Mountain, N. C and win aopreaiate the support of all my friends." Respectifully yours, E. L Ci:n,oell I ffiinnnr! hmfmSJ w. it i iniMMitniMwmiTi !! i mm ir mw E8 CORNGBACKER INTERESTING LETTER .WTH 1ilWTWs1MllM(sr j lannnt. 'nil mrui.ii All visitors to the Panama-Pacific International exposition at San Francisco at some time during their stay at the exposition make their pilgrimage through the Court of thof Unlrersa, This Is the largest court on the grounds and Is the central radiating unit of the architectural and ground plans.-. Noble sculptured groups embellish It, the two Homeric groups the Nations of the East and the Nations of .the West surmounting the elect arclurs. at tb as, and west portals. By night the beauty of the atiri U enhanced by tie flood lighting affects County Line The notice of election as to changing the county line is run ning in the Herald.' Read it. Study it. Thin Beriously. Fer ret out the truth. Learn what the situation" really is. - Find out exactly how you want to vote and then go and vole as you please. Our Exhibits. Supt. R. A., Yoder went to Shelby Saturday to carry the exhibits from the graded1 school preparatory to the County Com mencement Saturday. -Our school will make a splendid showing Of essays, drawing, number work etc. " Herald Moving;. r The Herald Publishing House is changing quarters today. We have secured tbe Goforth build ing formerly occupied by McGin nis Brothers. The building has been overhauled inside' and is altogether a splendid place for sanctum and ; shop. Later on another story will , be , added to the building which will also be occupied by the Herald.: The office and " mechanicai . depart ment wiH be on a ground floor with pifant foundation for ma chineAvSo, don't look for us up staiKS any more but come to the new quarters ' . : -. a Mrs. Forrest Fioyl id in Ten Rules For Correspondence, Here are ten rules for country orrespondents. They w ere pre pared by an experienced news paper man. Cut them out and keep them. Then try to make vour next letter to the Herald conform with all the ruies; 1. Do not abbreviate. Do not write Mr. & Mrs., but Mr. and Mrs. not Mon. and Sat. but Mou day and Saturday. 2. Leave space between items for corrections or additions. Give both initials. Write C, fl. Brown instead of Mr. Brown or. Mr. C. Brown. 1. Write important subjects fully. Do not dismiss the death of a well known pioneer in half a dozen words, but write some thing of interest concerning him. If suicide or murder give all de tails y iu can get. 5. Have verbs ngreo with sub jects. Dont say Mr. and Mrs. B. was, but Mr. and Mis. B. were. Mr. and Mrs. B. may be one scripturall.v. But they are two gramatically. 6. Dont use nick names. Use James Brown instead ' af Jim Brown, Edward instead of Ed. 7. Give the time in an item. Mr, Brown was in Lansing, the house burned down are' incom plete. Tell whan things happen ed. 8. Divide words correctly Dont divide such . words as enough, enough, 9. Dont send articles reflecting upon the chi-racter or individ uals or firms, The newspaper' is not locking for libel suite; . nei ther does it care to right your personal wrongs. ' 10. Write j our name and town at top of page. Last 'but most important rule of all. It is most essential that the newspaper know from who:n the news is re ceived and from what place. ', Important suggestionbut not a rule; Carefully look over your news after it is published ; and note-what changes- had to be made. ' While the ten rules given above are importand as -relating to. written newe, yet there is one rule supersedes them all Tele phone really important news' at once, . :'. . Xastdont get mad and abuse the editor if your article doesn't ap pear in print, Nobody knows bet ter than the editor bow annoying it is to get up copy and then not notion. But we have come to learn that when the column is full it wiil not hold any more and that's the reason your mat ter is so often left out. It's true there is lots of matter printed that is not as important as what you sent but that matter arrived in time and had it's place before yours was reoieved, Now in good faith, lets do our best to give the news of your community. Aged Ltdy passes Mrs. Kate Fa! s, Mrs, LUzie Falis, Mrs. Sup Rudisill, Mrs. Dickey and J. R. Reynolds, all went over to Laboratory to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Lou HufTstetlor, a relative' Mrs. Huffsteler was a very prominent am' highly respected womau. So much respect did the Laboratory mill authorities have for the deceased lady that they shut down the mill during tne funeral hour. SummorTille, 8. 3, where she' is Bfie la m ni int. He served as visiting her sister, Mrs. EW: nMri; cornapondent ten ycaas Haight. She will be awa for .before Tietad anyofflejal or;; fi two of three weeks nancial connection with ady' oub- Carl Plonk "' Mr. Carl Plonk, a tenth grade pupil in the Kins Mountain graded school, won laurels, at Hickory last week in the Fourth : Annual ''--'.Inter-High School Declamation contest. Mr. Plonk cam Second number on a program of nine contestants and took the gold medal over tne heads of all others. Those eight declaimed acclaim ed, proclaimed and finally ex claimed but what Carl did for them was sufficient. Mr. Plonk also contested for the Hoey oration medal a Shel by last week and so stiffly did he shake that old orational bush that he mad the medal awfully hard' for that Piedmont boy to get. ' ' '. -' - - At Lutheran Church Tnis Week Services will be hld" each night at the Lutheran chgrch during the week - preceding Easter, excepting Friday and Saturday nights. Service will be held on good Friday and on Easter Sunday at 11 A. m. 15 Tiger Convictions Our folks certainly did a whal ing liquor business last week. It paid fairly well too. That criminal court up t Shelby of course helped out. It was a reg ular marketing of the blind tiger Five of the ferocious sort went up from our justice court with a total of 15 cases with convictions and road sentences aggregating 22 months. One Jim Phifer was convicted aid judgement suspended on account of his Value as a witness in nther cases. ; The pie was distributed as fol lows, Rush Patterson, white, 6 cases, 8 months; Poston Patter son, colored, 4 cases, 0 months: Walter. 'Cd Id wit, i! cases, 2 months; Ike Ellis, colored, 2 cases, li months. Walter Caldwell was from Kings Mountain proper and Ike Ellis from Grover the others be- Ing to Johnstown den. Ike Ellis is a sure enough blind tiger for he is really stone blind. John Smith was called for to answer something like a dozen charges but he. failed to come into court and a bond of $000 was forfeited. Attorney N. Fred McMillan prosecuted all the timers but Ellis We are glad to see the good people rising up against this raid of tigers. , law and order League is to be organized to- NIGlii'AT THE GRATED SCHOOl) auditMium AT EIGUTOCLOCK. John Smith Brought To Jus tice John Smith, chief among blind tigers in the Johnstown section, who forfeited a $600 bond by noif.ppearing in court at Shelby last week to answer numerous charges for retailing, was appre hended and broght to the city jail here Sunday morning. " V "' Chief of Police J. H. Fisher accompained by Mr. W. A. Morris, , . who made . the bond which Smith had forfeited, started out Saturday nieht n j,',oh of tbe old daddy tiger who was known to be' evading the officers and thought to be dwelling in ' the mountain - just across the atate line. Like tbe bear, they went oyer the bioun tain to see what they could see. About two o'clock in . the morn ing three men, for : they had Prd minary Counir Commencement Popular Education. March 20. 1015 Please eive me spaco in your columns to .!:u'K in iiiiin-ossioiis of on; liminary contest ut 'x'ings Moun tain last night, of the approaoli ing coumiencemiMit. Scheduied for Apr. ii. Hil j; and tlie matter of deciding where the historic town of Kings Mountain belongs. In this preliminary, eight jjirl and three boys participated, and the exercises were ralculat ed to cause a friend of the pub lie schools to thank God and take courage Kw. 'i,' ami girl did uobl.v, and omens for the future are auspicious. T) hear the recitations of these boys and girls was truly an inspiration and recalled th" sen tiinent; Iew Strength will gather for the fray Aiid newei hopes will borrow And where the vanguard rests today Th rear shall halt tomorrow". As to county commencement we hope every school will be represented and every teacher fired with zeal to make it a red letter day tor the cause of popular education in Cleveland County. Everybody cant win; but all can be in parade and liavo some kind of an exhibit. A start must be made some where, and the wedge must be driven at some time. The success of all such en dea vol's depends largely on tact. 7'iil, and personality of the teacher. . As .very field of effort, v, e hall rpap in due season if w faint not. Real educations means improving he ld, heart and hands; and the promotion of citizenship Of course teachers are paid n.eagre salaries; but the way to get more is to prove you ate worth more. , .The merchant tlie mill man the railroad projector and builder; and even larmers often work by, faith and not by sight. . A teacher who merely Jraws h's breath and his salary, will never rise in the professian nor adorn his calling "f iSpise not the day of small things", ap plieable to teaching as will as to other fields of human endea vor. I have felt, at times, like Elijah when hiding from minions ofjezbel; but now then did recieve anau ranee that there were yet seven thousand who had not bowed the knee to Baal nor kissed his image. : As to moving Kings Mountin out of Cleveland county, such a proceeding would be manifestly unjust. Romance, sentiment, history and tradition associate, Kings Mountain Shelby and Cleveland and I have no patience with the ruthless course of tne iconoclast. With the contingent of the intripid Campbell of Virginia c tme my great grandfathei to help subdue the minions of- the intripid Col. Patrick Furgeson, and Jsiac Shelby, a hero of this battle, comorremorated by muse and bistorarin,' was first gover nor of Kentucky the Dark and bloody Ground. helby county Kentucky, and shelbyvill in that same earthly HONOR ROLL FOR SIXTH MONTH Kings' Mountain Graded School child ren who hare won distinction, 1 f ' ,ln i L'amsaur, Fay Mt-Ginnis, Bertie Lee Ham bright, Jasoer Fisher, Karnes. Add liohil, Bright Kichardson, Margaret Cornwell, Charles Ful to.i, Prue Nell Jlou.xer, Ruth Hord, M.,rtle Howell, Frances Uanney. 1st. A. Jissii Carpenter, Char lie Fall-, FivJ Huffsletler, Clegg Goforth, Julius Wright, Edna Davis. '2nd Crude. Wilnia Mricrr iioy Navey. 3rd. Grade Margaret t acky, Ava Ware, Julia t'athurine Mnu ney, Ruth Wilson, Weav er, Thomas King. 4th Grade. Vera Hiiuibright, Bessie Rainsaiir, Helen Shumak er, Inez Abbott, Ethel HutTsttH ler, Ma ii non McGinnis, Flora Belie Fortue, Clajdeliambt iglit, Howard Purslcy, Fred Mercer, Tliomas Mercer. 5th Grade. Lexter Ware, Geo. Hord, J. D. Hord, Nellie Cansler Miriam Goforth, Gussie Huffst etler, Lucy Hanun, Odessa Go forth, Winnie Vera Mauney, Gertrude King. Cth Grade. Edith Davidson, Ruth Baker, Kate Harmon, Fay Wilson, Mary Plonk, Sura Ful ton, Juanita Mauney, Viola White, Sara Alhsor. 7th Grade May Ware, Aubrey Mauney, Marvin Ledford, Vestal Jones, Vera Abbott, Bryon Hord 8th Grade, Lillian Ramsaur. 9th Grade. Mattie Ware, Mary King, Oliver Ramsnur, Mary Fulton, Nina Hunter, Kathleen Williams. 10th Grade. Virginia Mauney, John Floyl. R. A. Yodkr, Supt. K. N. Ham bright Electro - cuted K. N. Hambright, butter known as Kish" Hambright, 36 years old, was ' electrocuted while in theemplo.v of the South ern Power Company near Maiden last Saturday. He and his crew were engaged in raising a tower when the cable by which the tower was being lifted came in contact with a live wire. Mr. Hambright was standing on the ground with his hand against the tower which arrangement com pleted a circuit and ended his life instantaneously. Deceased was a son of Mrs. M. A. Hambright. who lives about six miles South of Kings Mount ain. He had been in the employ of the Southern Power Co. for several years and lived in Shelby He was married on last Christ -(Cont'd on front page) been joined by a Sontu Carolina his memory as does Shelby (Continued on back page) . Icounty, Missouri, and Shelbiana of same state. Can we afford to mar bin tori c and sentimental proprieties for reasons of doubtful commercial expedincy? The ooet and the potriol are the only - men who paradise of the famous bluo grass really live; and let us not wree'e region of that state, perpetrate, and violate past hallowed assosin lions. Corn Cracker-