V tr rr duntain Hernia inn -.X L J Kings Mountain 23( 1915." )l 12 No. 11 n Pint itM,,. nn,n- frf 4 , V A .'WVJ Ml HUM V PRINCIPLE FIRST tl A YHAIt is ADVAHCB, tie asm J. 1 A, 7" 42 YEAS 3, IN KINGS MOUNTAIN Esq. W. A. SUunty Celebrates his 2 Anntvtrsjuy In Localltf One of tho qiost enjoyahlo bo nial events of UiH.season was a Wnquot ulven at the Mountain View Hotel last Thursday niht by Ehcj. W. A. Mauney in eela- tiratlon of his forty-sucond uni versary iu the town of Kins Mou'i',uin. Seated at the festal ' board vere thoioilowintf wlitTfenjojed tho hospitality of -their host and the pastime attend'anttHereunto; R, C, K. Itoll, presiding at the head of the head- of the' table Cam. P. Dillina and Miss Vir ginia Mauney, Esq. W. A Mauney and Mrs. Mauney, J. S. Maundy and Mrs. Mauney, R, P. .Roberts and Mrs. . Roberts of ' Cherokee Fails, S. C G. W Cornwell and'Mrs. Cornwell, M. M. Carpehter and Mrs. .Carpen ter, C. E. Neisler and Mrs. Nets ler, "V. A, Ridenhour and Mrs. Ridenhour, D; Hunter Mauney And Mrs. MauHey of Cherry villa, W. Sylvanus Mauney and Joe Garrett, Dr. J. 8dney Hood and G.G. Pane. Rev. C. K. Bell invoiced God's blessing upon ttiaia' - assam'ilod and -upon the bountiful rcpas. o! which the guests 'were soor to participate., Wheir we say that the meal was prepurod and served at the Mountain , View Hotel that bespeaks the quality of what was set before that hun Kry twenty .throe. Tlie superior quality of the various-, 'ingredi ents entering into the inc-nii and the ej.ollency witlf Which it was prepared and served was al together above feriticism. Capr,. ; Dillini; stated that he had sat with three hundred in the Wat dorf in New Yorlt behind a twenty-five dollar plate which had failed to bring the satisfact ion to his inner man ' that this meal had done. ' ' - ' ' The meal over and the board ; cleared the cigars were passed and epefich-makintf begun. Esq. ' W. A. Mauney and .Rev." C. K. Bell exchariRod seats ancL Mr. Mauney became toast-master. In ins opening remarks Mr. Maun ey stated with feeling that he was indeed thankful that there were a few of the first settlers still alive and that they could . get together and recount -. tho thing of -days gone by, renew old associations and .rehearse some of their experiences o .younger days. He reviewed all his guests and found that all bolojjged to his party either by family, tigs or : seniority except : Messrs ' Bell Hood, and Page. He stated that he wanted the preacher to iasif -the blessing, the doctor for ser yiae in case of overeating and the editor to tell about (he meet ting? The doctor was : the only one oM&o three .who '" was not called upon to Derforni his as- .'signed function. -Everybody ato and the probability is,,' that everybody ate . too much, doctor and all, but tne nonr ot. laught tt and v- fun which followed . took care of any vJetra' digest- - iou. , Dilfing preceded bimi'by rnearly J ' ' IvwAhe torty-secpnd annl i- versif. Esq Mauney V-i';sc; ' Opfa '41s favoi;ed, spot.' Capt. 1 a year and J,,S, Manney and W. Mauney came about the" time rf the squire or.sooa tbefearter. - THey''' were'folI6wdJy Squjre '" irt!e?'s f-'-Viilv tui J..--- P. NEW FIRM HERNDCN BROTHERS Two popular bankets. Uaacb Real Es tate and Insurance business We are glad to announce that a much needed Institution in ttin community has cone into exist ence. There nas been a long-felt need in Kings Mountain for a real estate medium. An ag&ney or company whostj. business it is to help the homeless to buy ! omes and to aid those who "'inb to dispose of their real estate to do so to the .host advantage. Heretofore we have been 'depend ent upon imported agencies They come in and get options on prop erty and then put up a big auc t:on sale which in the end amounts to very little except a b)g expense to the land' owner and a bonus to the agency. It it the poorest wa in the world to determine the value of property and the advice of the Herald to people dealing with such agen cies is to turn their bus'ness to the home institution. - The new firm ia known as the Herndon Real Estate & Insur ance Company jmd In. launched by Messrs M. E. and P. D. Herndon, two of the town's clean-1 est and most efficient bush men. They are both young and vigorous and have gone iuto the new . business for the purpose of building up the community ,aa well as 'adding- to .tueir daily stipend,. They will buy and sell real estate on; com uiiasion basis. This is thb fair way to transfer property for the middle man has no chance for graft. They have already some good bargains to: offer in tho shape of farms ttnd towu property. Read the ad in this issue of the Herald and then j watch it from.: Week . to week. They, will be continually quoting on desirable property and some i day , they , may offer.- the very i thing you have been looking for. The company will also do a fire insurance business. An automobile will coine into phiy so that the promoters will be -able to take prospects out to see their property. You will fi-id the' Messrs Herndon at tho Peo ple's L.an & Tr"st Company where they, are respectively cashlar and bookkeeper. -. All togethor for a : Greater Kings Mountain .and the support of every home institution!- Book Qub with Mrs. Lorell ' -On Thusday afternoon, - April 1st, at her homevon Kings street, Mrs. Lovell most deligbtfully enlertained the members if the Book Ciub and a number of in vited guests. - : i The hostess greeted ; her friends at tho .door and invited them into the dicing room, wh&r they wero served Jioi. chocolate and marguerites by , Mesdamrs JB. Lipford aed R. C. B&ker.: ' When All were xathcred in the reception hall aod llviag roogp an interesting prograin wijgiv. en: Reading, "German Life," by Mrs. G. Y. Patterson! "Selec tions from the History, of Ger many;1' "Tdrsc 0.; C. O'Farrel, and "The Russian . Je.w" Ameri oaniaed, " by Mrs- C -Ev Neisler. Mrs. Lovell had prepared :a pleasing 'Flo wer ' Contest" and at thi coriclusiohVf the program an hour war-given over., to .this (hich was. thoraughJyjenjbyed by eve:-yone present. After the contest delicious crpara and eitt HONOR ROLL FCR TWO SCHOOLS List of those whs bare won distinction in oar scbixls. KiugS Mountain, G'V-dd School First Graded' i hi Hord, Will ism , Jack&3, F'tbel Ivsckey, DuVVitt Cornwell, Ernust Ad erholt, B'ay McGiunis, Margar et (!. Comwoll.'Gladys Wright, Jmie Gamble, Bright Rich ardson. First Grade A Onie Barrett, Charlie Falls, 'Lawrence Sty- orsy Rolahd Hutohi-ns. Second Grad Pearl Styers, Clyde Wright, Roy Navy; Tbird Gntde-Margaret Lackey, Julia Catherine Mauney, Ami ie May" Waro, Ruth Wilson, J. M. McGinnis. '" Fourth Grade Hunter Neisler, Howard Pursley, Thomas Mercer, Agatha1 HonO, faille Harmon, Luclle Cornwell, ' Emelyn Billing.' Manuon Mc Ginuis, Helen Shu maker, Inez Abbott, "Nell Wattemon. ' Fifth Graded George Hord, J. D. Hord, Gertrude-King, Win nie Vera Mau,ney, Glessa Go forth. - Sixth Grade Lawrence Falls, Fay Wilson, SjAra Fulton, Kt! Harmon, Mary Plonk. Seventh Grade Marvin Let'- . ford. S::r --. Eighth Grade Lillian Ramsatr, James Hambright,'Willie Knm- ; jieur. .'. - , ' Ninth Grade---01iver Ramsaur, Mary Fulton, Nina Hunter, Mary King, Mattie Ware. . Tenth Grade John Floyd R. A, Yodbu, Sup't. CARE OF TEETH HONOR ROLL East Kings Mountain Graded School. Miss Irma Willeford's Room. Rva Ballard , EvaJ;'ayseur Will Pearson Houston Stowe. . Miss Estelle Willeford's Roomv Annie Roberts Karlie Atkins ' , James Ballard DeWItt Hull Raymond Strout Miss CaHyle Ware's Room. ' NoraSisk Wade Short . : Earle Howe s Reed ". OdeTf Bennett. Eastings Moontain . j .. - V We are getting batter over in this part of off town. Spring is almost here. Things areookiug Qne for the future, averybodj seems to feel good-Jud the boys siy the girls look5 betier . In . the Spring than any other', time or it looks that way in East Kings Mtn the bfys all claim one. ; W are oractisinz for the Sintrins Convantion which is ' to come off before loniTaVtbe First Baptist Churchy We are glad to 'tote that Mr. J. J. Alexander is OJt'agaii , He has been very sick but is able to correct our mistakes in singing. We all love J. J. : t, W're orlnil In nAt t.h t f.bft Cora Mill baso bafrteam . played the Old Mu team last Saturday aud the score stood 0 to !r in favor of the eoHT. "Mill boj s. Our boys are out to- play j ball this sutflmer and ,We hope, they will irnke ood. ' LOCAL ITEMS WOTES OF INTEREST Picked op here and there and boiled down for to y readers . Miss Gussie B-atty spent a fw d-4js in Yorkvillo, S. C last week. Misses Eloise and Irma Wilio fonl Marie Moss and Otto Hord wer.t to Uastonia Friday after noon. Attorney E. L. Campbell and s jn, Charlos Campbell and r: r.i y McGinnis form an antamobi e party which left here Friday for Lumberton and ot';er pointN in Robeson eouhtv. Thuy are ex pected hack tomorrow. Mrs. Lizzie Bullets left for her home iu Centralis, Penn., last week after an extended visit to hfcr father, John W. Howel! near Bethlehem, J. R. Champion of Oak Grove was in town Saturday riding in a r.ew automobile all his owtn. Misses Ethel Davidson, Lee Mode, Bessie Phifer, Edith Davidson, Mrs. W. B. Phifei and Lloyd Phifer, all wore Gas tonia visitors iast Tl u -sday, E. C. Caldwell is making' his Iwadquarters at Elkin for a- whiK!. . ' .. . Rev. G L. Kerr spent Friday- til i Monday atBradly, S. C. ass isting his brother in preaching. A good many of the Iocs! Presbyterians attended presby tery at Gastonia last week. C. E. .'Neisler was Bjipointed a dele- Kate to the Gimerai Assembley. Capt. F. Dilliug left Saturdiy for a trip to Charlotte and Rock Hill. .. .;. : M iss Gussie Beaty visited Mrs. Uludwortb at Yorkyille last week. ' I Miss Sarah Watson spent Sun i day and Monday in Charlotte j visit'ng home folks and attend-1 ing tao Ueapmai-Aiexanuor meeting. . '. Dr. W. 0. Rnddock spout Sun I day in Gastonia. Harvey 0. , Mode returned Monday .from HoMwell, Va.t whore he had been in the employ of the Du pont Powder Co, (crowded out last week.) Ee , E. 0. Cole, Mrs. Cole and Miss Adnn, Garlinszton, all left Monday for Charlotte where they are attending the - Chap-man-Alexander meetings. R. T. Cansler- is 'Operating a moving picture theatre m Gits- tonia for colored" people. Greensboro is visiting his broth er, C. A. Hamilton, here Work on the: building of the First Baptist Church wu-i ''re- sumed.Monday and it i expect ed that it will be rushed, IS Com pletion , " " "' v ... Bill Hamilton spent uhe week. end here with his brother, C. A. Hamilton. v " Mrs. C? A. Hamiltou.has re turned from a visit to relatives at Hamlet. . - In his disco u roes on China at the Baptist church Sunday Rev. W, E. Crocker, ; the " returned missionary, highly, pleased the congregations both morning and evening. - v v -. ; -Miss Katie Garrett jittocoed tho musical fistivol in Spartan burg and -ttsitod her si6ter Mrs. Barrow. Mr. and Mrs. H J. McGee were called to their horn at Ander son S. C. on account 6t the daih of his brother's rife." County LinePoliticat Pot Is Warming Great Interest Taken Uy All Voters In Ter-V ntory Atteeted-The Rfuil Advantages to bo Secured by lieinx Wholly in Gaston or Cleve-1 land Must bi considered. Deeiaion t be Made t Saturday's Elect ion. On Saturday the Battle of Ballots will be on. On th it day the good people of KJn; Mountain, No. 4 Township, Cleveland County, and a certain district of Gaston county will decide whether :heir territory shall be come wholly a part of Glcveland county or of (la-smi county. The Town o! Kings Mountain will remain, jeoj;rapic-. ally, as it has always been. The "trier tactions of tlir t-rri-" tory will remain as they have been, geygmyhicilly.' Therfc ; will ' be no changing and moving of town and forms. An imaginary line dividing the two counties vil'. be ; changed so that eithar one or the other of 'he two count ' i:s will gain considerable territory. By this change Gaston county could secure approxi- 1 mately $6jO,vO J.U ) worth of taxable property; Cleveland county could secure about $-100, 000,0-) worth of taxable property. Either one or the other will secure several hun dred new and desirable citizens, and you, Mr. Voter, will , decide the question. To tho votor arid taxMynr ttili quoftUnn of county affiliation is one that needs tlu iwwt i'urnful ronni.l omtlou anil attumioi ono waeniuil vutttngB im.r bo balnn'-cd with dlsjd antugo; out where the cost of po- .Mirilitr tlir, !', J v rit nlcA nttlu' bft oo-jnt- ed and coiiHldertid. It Is a question' ihat niuBt bo-fiivon duo. ooualdu.ation, mrt thought and the ball-it rhonld lie' votd alter wvntbing caioiuliy every miuuto pttrticlu of e.iduci; of utl-'Iu vnntace to be touured. Thia queation merit') the thought ind consideration of every man in.aomo citizens, prior to the public. he district affnttted, It is loo luuor ant a matter to be decided upon tienr fny or the opinion of another. E ery voter ovtos H to hlniBblf and 1.1b conmuulty to get, facta; that cannot be disputed; to study theso facta, and, by studying them understand Just what tho real lasuea are, theu vote as hia conacious dictates to hiiu. I'oo often, personaiitiefi and elev enth liouomUirieH circuiatud to hurt i Jutt ciufiu, are taken net iously. and are Biven tho attention of enriouH minded and Intelligent men, no Bbonld. be wary of such stories in this eloctiou and consider nothing but substantiated facta Wiring on tho Qu(;t-n. Whlio those moat IutoresUd in tho:y election to be held t-aturoay anu which will chango the lino between the county of Gaston and Hie county of Cleveland, are Uiobo who live in the district directly affected by tliej tbe cUizens that makeait plain that outcome of the election, there Is no i this was nt simply an olctlon iircin denying that the innlrle of both coun-j Ue to he firgctten Immediately after ties are greatly Interested. Gaston tho eleutlon, their" aiipreilsllon will county la Interested for both a coili-Ii! be even greater' when It ia reali4 and unsolllth reason, and has beiia. ibnt at an adlou-rnod meeting of tho candid in explaining those selfish roaBons to the voters of the territory affected, as well as pointing out tho unselfish reasons and tho ad van tagcB? to be gained by being wnoliy in oas- ton county., I It haii not been tho dealre of Gas-' ton county to endoavor to influence the voters to cast their vote for Gas ton by misleading alateuients or statements that could bo dhcitud and misinterpreted,' but rather to give a plain atatement tf tho facta concerning the advantages that the taxpayer and the property -owner would secure by gojng to the polls on Saturday and voting to become a part of Gaston County.. .. ." , In this' paper last wcjs numbf of facta bearing oa this question ot county aftlllatlon were given by Gas ton county, end while ninny wero not surprised that the position ol the People of Gaston coticty was made Pluto,". number were in.ereioi In Iho information given on ,tiestlun thai bad not: been fully understood before. - ; , The resolution of tho board of eounty commissioners providing for tho building,- grading and construc ting of a -30-foot road commencing at Elienezer Church on tho King Moun tain and C'herryvllla road nd run ning to tlie South Caiollu Hue, In the event that th votera dorlde to become a part of Garton county, dis pelled many rumors that this reso lution did not specify a' certain 'iinB for the commencing or the rompie tlon of the road building. j - w ... The publication ot thia resolution- alsa dispelled, from many minds the contorted story that in the event tn;s road was built by Gaston county that the taxpayers in the district aCectod. by tc olecuon would Civs to stapc the biunt cf the uuatiou ts prosibe lot the cost of the read, Inasmuch as it spetiAed clearly that "the las lev ies ou real "cud personal property in tho territory Induced ' in Gasten county, if the election iliali be in la- m vor'f tiicludtn ail o' sa-h tcritjrj o'ff(-Gd by t.-.ich ,-o-tl'n in .iis toit oounly, as uf "i.-stil,!. HliAkb' MIT K'l:i ihA luiif on Bit. a propsrty of H-.ii uame l.ln.l ntnl clur acter in any otl.r-r liurtlnn of (liis'.i.n county." This nroino t:- ---t If !-.r.. thut the taxnti-.u of all p.i 3i urty at- tj-jired by U..:ta county ahall b equalized with that proparty alisady : the county. It rnnnot leave room for doubt or (or mlilmpreet Ion that niay have crept Into the ralndu of tlon of the resolution, that mbsiw menta and taxation would not b equallzad. Iluok of this resolution Is the bond of Twenty-fi Thousand Dollar signed by forty good citlzena of (las ton, their guarantee that the board -of county commissioners will carry out lo the letter the provisions of the resolution. The bon1 goes further than this. It. names two trus'ees, Mr. C, K. I.'elsler and Mr. J. M. Patterson, botn -residents of tha torrltoiy affee'ed, and mnkfH It their duty to cohect the proceeds for tils crotnpietlon or building of the read In case of fail ure ou the part of the board of conn- couimisbionera to carry out 111 : provlsiotui of the resolution w hlle tr.ar.y pooplfl no douM ap procltite tills action of the hoard of commkElonora-and the ruaranlec of board', of 'cotitity conimlBsionera if . Gafton county, Bld In . tho courS1 , hoiif.a at Gastorla, on Thursday, April .15, 1913, (last Thursday)- tlvn coinnilpsioners adopted ft FtHTHI.'ls KKMOIATHVY providing fir ;.o building, grading and construction of a sand-clay rosd, rt-mmnuclng at- . libenozor Chinch on the Kings Mon'n- ' ialn and Chorryvills i-;-ad (known ':-. th County L-ma Road) 'o a point at or noar" (ho rwidt.tico of H. 8.: '! . lore. A certified cipy cf this rnsclu tlon appears elsewhere Iu this parer In addition to tho building of Ihta road, the board of county commis sioners of Gaston county also provide for tha rewilr of s!l other roadn In tii 9 territory affiKtud. , .. In ao 'lidos to tin is hew lonrta to bft built in ibe ev-nt thu the citl:rene doclfle upon hocoralng a r art iif f!ar ton county Iho'o ra rr.a'ny oil: or ad- : vantage ti- bo secured- nuhMoriiig . amr-iiif thorn Several whWh er al roadying being ipnjoyeilvb- tho citi zens of Gar,tcn and .whirh mean con.--' vt-uitmce and a gavini-s of dbtlars'iind- cents each vear. Thwe TJtfT&Mf lNr!SI'l:T.BlE and dviibeHf rS'tne STUON'GEST JXV1CST!ATI0 of any person who may desir 'to ast er taln tho aulhonlty -fJir hliiiBo!?. - THE COXVEMEKCE? Tirst the otm-ve.ijieiice' to the ccun ty Beat taust bo tiO pn into consider ation, f In t'lsjsut that, this terri tory Comes syipjiy In Gaston county, tuo'conytraleace in reaching Gastonia means ii 'taWqg'ot tlmo aod uaocor., Southern Railway trains run boiwoua Kings Mount.iia!uid Gastonia, every-, to 1 'hoABtiwhi'.a is but a abort. 'iW the. twoTOiwis will he con- UM y.-t r: 6. S octrl.i llr.. : 1A,ai ll,A P ji, V Slil KmIM frnm C.ii.' tenia to Kkjigo MJaatain is cu.satao- ' iiMJ raot.. en roor rram ms .Mountain ba net boon definitely !- . tided Upon. , . . .. , " ..''." - .7

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