ns if w ,:; .::r,.,,..:. :v.. ixils llountaiii 11 lie li 'i -.; 1, -5 1 - :: .-H; J1 ' -nil lltl( I . Yob &..- PAGE, Editor Ojer- A Hundred Of -Kings h . lititain's Best Citizens Join i -f 'law .and Order. League. The Kings Mountain Law and Order League Las' almost, sud tVenly grow to. enormous pro . portions. Itoniy . infant vet Wt 5 a,whoppiag bW baby and has already mustered the tpfagtii of aiaay giants. Oyer a .nndrexl ,pf -Kings Mountain's Hpa? sons anu uauuuteis . ss'ciattd theuiseivei. together for the purpose of creating senti inent in the enforcement of law. The principal gun in" aimed nt : ' violation of tua jM-oliitrition law The tiger and gall-berry brigade are already on the defensive and , ujanv of them are looking the judge in fie face and many more in prospect. If a Maw U engawd ir- the manufacture or illicit sale of whiskey he wouUrdj ' well to ' nurtt -another job before' t" Jeague scents the trail. We onbHsft below tl st ot those who have already sinned ' up as members Ol tne ieat!-. j Here is what they siened al r vvbo signed it. If Anybody fcaa ieen overl joked who would like ! . to sicnvuji ust diop into the 'Heraldbffica and :u shall fea an opportunity to iine Jip with ; stamp oot the liquor busi'Dens- in -. aud around Kings Waunaii. . ' . Whprpas there h now i e-sr " t6"n a strong sentiment t !) press crime and lawletisues and promote good; f here-, tuauy tf our young men are ueiti rain- d by- tiwiase of witoiaeating i; liquor; ad whereas, we tiewre to lend oar ' aid in npiresing rime of erery kind .r- deacrip tibn and especially the il licit ate of WHISKEY and uriwnote good -and Viring about tuore wholesome " conditions generallyr . We the undersigned, do fcereby sassociate ourselves into an or tanUiation Vnown as the Kings Mountain Law and Order Leagne ior the purpose of assisting in r. the enforcement ,ot the law H ; -what ever wa - we re able to render service. - V'-;'".. .' WHO 8IGKa IT. ' ' ' " Mesdames Lizsie Falls, W. L. Fortune, C. L. Bragaw, Fred Finger, I. B. Gofortfe. C. A. DiV 1m,- W; A. Ehiejbour, J. M. !Patfer8oa, J. G.:? Hord, G, E. TwelL M. ti. ' Housr, 8. H. ' Rimnntrm. H. N. MoeS. G W, ' Keodrick, W. P. Fulton, A. . ' Rudisili, and ' J. : S. Mauney. ' Misses Sue. Canap, ' Pearl 'r Jooe8, MoBie' Sapoch, nd -Guesje- Beatty. Messrs. , A. L. All'ran,'W L. PiOttk, T6ev. 3. U Bragaw, D. A. Furtcm,J. L - Summers, W. S. Fulton. A.' E. flline, J. H, Garrett, B.R. Pay ieurVti; Parish; ?. W.; Short, Plat .Foster, Jf..-.R. Ferguson, r-J4; A;.' . Bookourt, V. A. Howard, H. S. Huff&tetlen, JL L. Speneer, Dewy Moss, A. R. Coenian, C. . . A. HapiUn, J..M. Rhea, Beck Page, N. Di Orotts, A M. Clon 1nger,'Joim Weaver, tt. B. Fa'Hs, W. H." Blake,' Fraak Undsay, J. . J. - Foster, ; Buclc Lindsay, HoyleMoas, C. Hi Baniagardner, , E. Bratton, Artlror .Witeon, W. Samseyv A...8. Sfelson, J. MeCarter. C. C. McGinnis, Ujt" j, iJoho Foster, Geo. Mto, Lee Morrisoiir Bittie Weaker, Bjurl 7 f Moss, : Krilmrd Philips, Albert . i V mnninn.v Arthur Hamrick, Joe and Owner Rhyne R. Bennett, 0!en Fos- tar,' J. M. Poster. W. T. Parker, E. J. Lucky, J. P. Long. J. S. Manney. J. G. Lackey, C E. "Neisler, J. E. ; Anthony, : Misses Maitha Simonton, Irtna Wille ford.A-inaGarlington, Mesdames E. O. Cole, C. E. Neisler, K. L. Cansler, Sarah "filackwood, W. A. Ware, J. TV Welch, H. L. Bainseur, B H.' Hunter, L. P. Baker, W. S. Dilling, RufuaBa- ker, Larenee Mauney, Dons Manney, Geo. V.'Pattei'son, B. M Ot a and. Worth Fall; Liziie Falls. G. G. Page, Jotm Long, E. L. Ware, E.O. Cole, MisHes Bessie Ramseur, Carlyle Ware, Bessie Simonton. A CORRECTION The letter which appeared in the Herald last weak under the caption, "Why 'Mr. Bradford Killed Himself" and purported to be the letter left by Mr. Brad ford to his wife and family, proves to be only a part of the i Iginal letter.'' Soon after the Herald'was issued Thursday a roa who wkne ' the contents of the original letter, appeared at the Herald office and inquired into the matter. As60on-as the editor found that his columns l been used to state, a half truth which whs misleading he set himself about to learn the whole truth in or der -that the .'record might - be kent straight. This he didand eoines forth with wliat he knows to be an earact copy of the genu ine and original letter. ' - But before leadllng the letter we might 'explain further that the Herald 'stands for nothing ehort of Jthe whole truth. We of ten rates it but it is not our prin cipal to do so. . .:V.( ' rThe Letter. '" Kings Mountain, N. C : v fApril 23rd, 1915., ; M v Dear wife andlamily: V . Tow are famil ar ivih 4Yitlnff conditions' and" I have lullyleeided to leave it all witn yon ail to gtalongthe best you an, and I feel sure yo will be Bvueh better mS in the end withont me than' with me. . My health is very poor as you know or should iiaam that I have Con sumption, and fcavo had Jor a long tiiae. b caa't live but a very ehort while at the best, and I (Wk the sooner I am out ' of tiki way the better it "AM: be. I have naade a wilt willing-"all I have t yon and your heirs, after paying the funeral expenses. Have me buried, in -as cheap a tVlain coffin as it, is possible to let thereby ayiog 1 yon can as yon will ned it, -and I will be Tastes well 'off in ten dollar Icoffin as I would be in a hundred dollarasket. Kise the children eood-by for e and tell" .them they.wJH be better off in the end withont 1 A papa tha with him I hate awfully Tsad to tall myself but the hutniliatien I nt bound to suffer isuioretha Imn bear The attached copy of . ietter' I lm wriaea Mr. " Plonk' will Lhow what is coming mr way and I iutimriyoaaX tear it. Hope OhianlAA AndThomas wiH trv to d0 better than they Tw-ve boen rtrvinc nnd that the Wllf try . to Kings Mountain, T. C.'. PRINCIPLE FIRST Jie Jowk for the Wast two Years, x Below we ive a brief summary of the accomplifchmenU of ' the'lBst adininistratlonof the affairs of the .town of Kings Mountain. This matter -was prepared last Friday for- another 'purpose and we are using it by permission. Some of tht Things they have Donr. 1 They have lived within their income. Notwith standing the fact that they wpre called upon to meet some extraordinary expenses, such as lowering the Water Mains when the Highway Commissioners grad ed the streets and paying $1500.00 - damages to a. O. Cleary who was injured by a live wire, they have ived within their income. $700.00 was anmnt in low ering Water Mains and $500.00 or more for Terra cotta which went under streets. Had an adequate Surrey made of the town which cost 81,000.00. Had this survey been made before any permanent Improvements wera made it would have saved the ta payers much money besides the incon venience and annoyance caused by tearing up the cement pavement and re-placing it. WATER AND LIGHT PLANT.' When - the pres ent Board took charge, the Water and ighj plant was costing the Tax Payers of Kings Mountain $1, 500.00 per year. Two years previous to this admin istration it was run at loss of $3030.00, For the two years under the present administration it will show a net profit of $800.00 or more. In other words it wi.V show a saving to the town over previous adminis " trations of 1.800.00. This has all been done without raising the rates to the consumers one cent, or in pairing the physical condition of the plant. More- , money has been speit for repairing and rebuilding and installing new equipment than during any pre vious administration. The physical condition of the- a plant to-day i better than it has ever bean. 4 , This administration will close their fiscal year to . day-with sufficient money to set aside a Sinking fund of $1,500.00 ail have enough funds available to meat the running expenses of the town for the- hal a nee of the year. Thev have S2;000.00 in cash and' uncollected taxeof $3, 000.00. v Cffie ZKnockers (Breed I believe that nothing- is right. I believe that everything. " wrong. I believe that I aloue have the right idea. The town is wrong, the editor is wrong the teachers are wrong, the people are wrong, the things they are doeiug ara wrong and they are doing them in the wrong way anyhow. I believe I could fix things if they would let me. If they don't I will get a lot of other fellows like mysfclf and we will have a law pass ed to make- others do things the way WE want them done. I do not believe that the town ou,ht to grow. It is too big - nowi I believe in fighting every public improvement and in spoiling everybody's pleasure. I am always to the front in opposing things and never yet have I advanced an idea or supported a movement that would make people happier or add to the pleasure of man,- woman or child. I am opposed to fan and am happiest at a funeral. It's a sad world and I am glad : of it . Amen. JAe Boosters '(Breed I believe the world is growing better. I believe that there are plenty ot people who have as much sense as I and -that 1 may sometimes be .wrong in my views. I believe most people are honest at heart and would pay their bills promptly if thy could. I believe that our town is the best town fa the world and that our people are as good as any. I believe the -voice of the people ought to be supreme in matters of goverment. It I am wrong in my contentions 1 hope I will fail and that right may prevail. .., v t . . I believe the town ought to grow and thatH is my duty to help in every progressive ni ement. The town is not as big as it ought to bo or will bo if folks pull together. I think I Kt. si An ail . T pAn to add to the pleasure of other folks. If ,'i cant help a goocT movementj - courage everyone I find engagea m a nooie enwjrpnae. i lieve that any honest labor, however humble, is a sight more honorable than loafing even with gbod loth-s on.; This is a good world! a good countrf,; a good state a good county and , the best town anywhere, and I make it still betterSo help me ' : My brother,are you a we A short canvas was made Frit , AtLi bv some of the ladies to as certain whether a lyceuin course for the fall and winter cduld be supported here. The results were gratifi.ing, about a hundred Thursday, May C 1915. I will not hinder it.' I will en- am gojng m qo my levei ow faoa.. ; .. kuocker or a booster? Aau. 'e a tfceum dollars beimr subscribed. 0 nrAi-all the neoole have beea naitd nnon and other can vassea will be made. A list can be ign d ur at the Herald office any time . Let's get together ana A Commencement Ex ercises here Friday night REV. L. D-LODGE TO SPEAK The Injured Rride Speaks To Editor ot The Highlander: I wish to teply to an. nrticle in the Highlander of April, 17. which was headed; matrimonial violence.." I wish to state that I was forced inti this marriage with Mr. Broadus Philbeck at Gaff- ney, wheie I had gone to Uke part in the field day exercise. I never saw Mr. Philbeck but one time, and never had any re gard for him other than a friend I do not love him and had no idea of marrying him at Gaff- ney. when he anu His oromer, and his brother's wife, came to me and frightened me until I did not know what I was doing. My mother sent me word to come and get my clothes it I wished to live with him Not knowing the circumstance of the marriage. I induced him (Broadus) to take mo home. When we arrived at my father's house, mother asked ine to4ake my clothes if I wished to live with him. and I told her I did not want to live with him. and a.alri mr f.it lii'r to take me out of the buggy, which lie did. My brothers in law did not lay hands on me. Papa ordered him to leave and he would not go, my two brothers in law osed hia (Broadus') own whip U give him the whipping I think be de- rved. I the whip was loaded he was the one who did Die loadinc. as it was a whip he bought in Gaff hey the day be fore. '. . As for being locked ia a room I have never been locked in any thing, as I was on the porcb. talkinir to Broadus. father , and Mr. Green Sunday evening' fol lowing. I was also in Gaff ney Mondav with my father , and mothe-. I am only sixteen years old and am under my father yet where I expect to stay. I do not love Broadus Phil- hnrJr anil never did and am de termined not to live with him. I am as yet bare to peak for mwslt if anyone believe to the contrary,' come tome and I will make an endeavor to produce proof. . .';' '-. - signed . " . . Minnie Mae Moss, BUeksburg, S.C., E.P..D. Pfo. I (Editor's note By iaadver-1 tence on oar part, the article re-' ferred to was not credited to tne King Mtn. Herald. 2fot Guilty.) (Hnfat the Srtiood The story as earned ia the Herald was re ported by a friend of Mr. Phil beck V whom he told his version of the affair. Now, we are ex ceedingly glad to have the young lady's side of the case an i let readers draw their own coucl . ' . . :ri-- ,v; i ' v suras. . ' . . ' v' G. JG. Page, Edit of the Har- aid.) ' ' . ' QM Btnks am. , Utile ElUabeth Knox tbree and a half ' ter of Dr. and Mrs, 3. Sidney No. 13 YEAH In ADVANCE Vhe closing exercises of the Graded School will be held at the auditorium Friday evening at i-ight o'clock. D Lee Davis Lodge iwesdmit of Limestone college, Gaffney S. C. will be present tod;itver the commence merit address. In aildition to the speecii, there will be exercises by the graduating class whichf consist of nine members. Tenth ot Maj The 10th of May coming on Monday the Local Chapter ot the U. D. C. has decided to ob serve Saturday May 8th 1915 as memorial day, and extend a most cordial invitation to all the cit izens ot the town and community to aitend the exercises to be held at the graded school build iug, also to participate in the decoration o' the graves in Mtn. Rest Cemetery. The daughters, Veterans and all interested are requested to assemble at the school building at 0:30 to march to the cemetery. At 11 o'clock at the Graded School building. Col John A. Parker ot Charlotte N. C. will deliver the address of the day, after which dinner will be served on the grounds to Veter&aa their wives and widows, Yill0ptintv will be tfeken for the benefit of the Arlington won-' ument. LIN WO OD Miss Bnaby's Boarders" was presented in the auditorium at Bessemer City by the Junior Class of Lin wood last Thursday night. The Annual his been in the printers hand for sometime. It will be out by the 3h. One of the nuxt interesting evenings of the year was the joint celeiraUoa by theCalatlien- ian and Adelphiaa Literary bo- cities last Monday eveciojt- It has been higtity comuUineuted bv those who were present The foUowiag is a copy of trngrsm: Part L Quartette. William TeU-Misfles Faaderbttrke, B!ak- eney. White and Good. Sommer fancies, Metra Chor us Class. ' Cactata, Heyser Part?. Life of Longfellow MissMcGiH. Solo, Beware Miss MeLaio. LonKfeUow as Pne Miss Martin. Solo, My AhroBiioin Mm Hiawatha A Paatomined Beadioz. The Adeiphian. Literacy Soci ety invited the other two socitiea to a public meeting ooe week ogo last Saturday night very ao Otizing retreshmeots were served The Bryanlinlaa didr the ssn iatarday bight following. - i'V - - fall and broke her ana IJasf Beiday, about noon. She Uia&iijr kmtm im. turn- dire-r faer oft Sfae fell oa iher oreaJting both boas. 'jost above toe wrist. ;v V" ' 1. Weaver 3lm 1Wever,C. Q (Cont'd oaditoritlpagei getuhacodese, tTfi rUflSttjrfU'di '?!'1,,,,,A, ' '