le Kings- Mountain Vol 12 "7 , Kings Mountain,. N. C., Thursday, May 13. 1915. No. 14 " G. G. PAGE, Editor and Owner . .... PRINCIPLE FIRST - . ... . . . ft. A YEAR in ADVANCE BJQ DELEGATION ATTEND CHAP- WAN-ALEXANDER MEETING. ies The KWg Mountain delega llOirto the Chapman-Alexander ting at Charlotte last Wed day wag a. big success. Fully a hundred of our people were ttiereiam1 in a oody. a mg reser Vstlon bad -been made for the 'delegation and we 'filled it up, At tiie afternoon service held at 8:30 our reservation was to the front rh'ht of the speaker's stand and in good hearing range. 'At th'e evening service we sat at the same angle but to the left of 'the stand. For the most of us it 'was our "first trip "to the great meeting 'and we hadn't boon there long 'before we' well understood why few who hnd already attend ed were so zealous in making up the Kings Mountain party. Our delegation was most an' Wv and cordiallycared 'or. Not only did the"; ushers take the greatest of care in keeping us. together but both Mr. Alexander! vand Dr. Chapman made frettlenti references to the Kings Mdtititttln 'delecat.ion. Thev both extended greetings and rejoiced HVfc our, town was so Veil 'represented. We wVe righVh the jSb too.' Mr. Alexander 'called upon o to sing a nuUib9C"tf 'songs which to most of us were brdnd IneV kn'l mch of us witftoir 'books. Tlie Srst trial or two waVrather i floSr but under ttro inspiration of terned ou No. 85 at 12 o'clock. ' i i 111 rt the occasion our people arose to the situation and sang sufficient to bring commendations from the great singing evangelist. Bus our recognition and qu allocation was not the beat part of the trip. The Edification and inspiration coming to us through that Kreat channel of blessing counted most. The inspiration one gets from such a season of songs and sermon is ttfntid toJ tell forever. Dr. Chapman's nr. - i ,i peal for christian fterseverenceu and endurance at the aftoWioonfl service was most proMtmfl 'and his warning of an Eternity and the clarion call' "Where 'will yon spend it," at nigWt was un mistakatfle and beyond argument The delegation Went from Kings Mofftfl&la In the SDirft of worship MA this -attitude was nfeliftained 'throughout. Cbl(S shVBg the promoters of the detegatibn we're 'Rev. E. O CHreTind H..T. Tdlton both of whom'rftid already had a fore taste ot the 'meeting and were desirous of taking up the bretb ren that rood mieht be done an to (Mm. There were ninety who bought rldkete here and ten or more went by automobiles to Gastonia and there boarded either the trolly or train. The delegation went on train 42 at 12:25 and re "The Relation Of The Christian To Amusements And To The World" BESSEMER GRADED SCHOOL RE ELECTS FACULTY. BY REV. J. WILBUR CHAPMAN D- D. At the Chapman-Alexander Tabernacle in Charlotte last Thursday. LYCEllMCdURSE FOR THE TOWN NOW A CERTAINTY. That TSinfcs Mountain is to avea Lyceum Course during he fall and winter W15 and 1916 'seems now a certainty. J. L. 'McCana, representative of the ffeedpath' Lyceum Bureau, was 'here Friday and closed the con 'tract for the course. ' The Civic League assumes responsibility for one fourth the cost of the course andj the following ten ladividuala.ase.sa ourlty for the remainft, Jhree fourths; A. E Cli. W-. R. denbout, A. H. Patterson Bey. G. L. Kerr.Rev- E, 0. C'e. Dr. L. P. Baker, G. G, Page, W. P . Fulton, M, E. Hprndpn, and G. H. McDarel, .. ' . . About a. hundred; ap& fifteeaJ dollars. worth of ticket kveAi raadyfhesn, sold anqYtnose re spons4hlefpr the course,, wish to seUi.v Kbm many more as popo.aa,pee8ib!e. You4cot pay fothesM,elte,t.atil, tMober un- lm.you,,prnfpjvMrtJ. 8,Hpod has.slisand there is. one at the Heraldi) efjkse. Let everybody sign up at the earliest, coflve nence ' ',-''' BESSEiVERClW RE--EQJS OLD CTOQQUNCIL- In the municipal election, las Vth ; remainderof,' the., day,, even Monday the ojld . board;! oX town -mmisaioner. was. endorsed bj, , the citizens of, the toipn,byv being reelected for . the. enfnjng , twelve mo.n.thf -.' The ., efefijtibn started ofij very quiet, in fact . very littlejnterest.was manifest- ed at all, untU aboul? o'ploqk a second ticket made, its. apjjar ance in the field, 4. , serrM to then a comparitivajy light, vote. was. cast. The remit; was as follows: . ' - i: T A TTT I . r n T. r h u a,' mniie,,ov.-. u. t. r rone- "bvn&r, .61., J. L.sKesley, ,60.. J.' K. Collins, 60. R, L, Martin, 60 4 1 The vote fotj, the .new, ticket wra followsrC. A,Thornburg 58.: E. D.Bnllard, 52. JCin, Rich rdonf eter Hasting,.;. 51. stimuiate,lnterest soniewha forlf D-. Gtayson,,,.- John,, Slsk.; . ' . ' At Journal . f GRADED SCHOOL CLOEWIXtl, ARPRpPRIATRllCiSES V . ThH COtnnirpceqjent -exercises of the Kings Mountain. Graded, School. held last' Friday, wa, a most excellent , program, . Toe. various .selections itf .. t .inml-. eating cas exercises, .wepe, most splendid,, and. were.mar;ejl .by V originality,, in prpductioj,(an4 J T iill in renitjour Th, iVif jPjP15seta,i VHopl,wp: irprk.-; . The,. Oration, ,by Jphfa .Ffqyd,, qassvHifcory.,by MlssAUeen,. Orma,nd, Clafe Poplecy byMissEthe McGijl, Class IWtJaM'iBter: and tbe: Baay',by Mia? Virginia MvHy,wr all master., pieces ieethcise jns.t emerging from Jhe Hgb Scibool. There were a nom-, fter. of.mqslcai jselect'pns , which pajte the high, class of teach ing doe,. by Mlsa.es . Rqbjinson ne,w standard.? q grd-f i But. the, chief .rfea.tqre, of , the evening wae. the n,n.u,al .address by Dr. Le&DftvjsL&flge, ..Prasi Jon,td onyeditprjaV page. ; Ifext; "Wherefore coints out from a&ong them, and hv separate, saith the Uord, and (onch nut the unclean filing, and l will receive you." 1.1 Corinthians 6:17 ' "I cannoi understand how mere would be presumed to us more explicit directions as re gards our attitude towards both sinful and questionable tilings that may be found lit the sixth chapter of St. Pau 'Is epistie to the Corinthians, "From the first verso to the very last it is more searching in its influence, and the ideal for Christian living which it pro-, sents could not be higher.,' be seech you' says. Paal, 'that ye receive not the grace of God. in vain,' and it is a sad. tnng that man v of us Christians, are the the objects of His grace. and.; yes we are leading lives that are anything b pleasing to. Him. and Ioa apjte of grace we are fail IP,. ''T,b,an,. wha.tt could be Vno-T wliiiit than this oom- ' 'Se ye not unequally yoked together witu unbelievers: what fellowship rinhteousnes with uprightooU8ness? and what pommuniop hath light with dark: 'And what concord hath Christ wiMBelial? or what part hath he that believeth with an Infidel?.;; 'And.iWhat agreement, hath tSe.temple of God with idols? for yo arp4hft temple of the Hv- ipg God; as. God bath said, I will dwell in them; and will be their God), and they shall be my peo ple.' II Gorintbla(Bs6:14, 15, 16 "With this high ideal presiuo ed on the one-sid 3 and the pic tare of such lamentable failure op the,pther side, the; Apostlo Pau I J sneaks. in tpe.. wpru. ot the text: ' "''WJigrBfojieaome out froqn among .tbem,, and be ye separate, sqltb.4ha, Lord'and toucli not the npcJeaotmngj and I, will re- ceiyoyou. ' TUfeTt(p.ts.: j Thoaly life, that. coants. in this world is that one which is abftottitelr yielded ;to Gxl, of Whieh He has perfectcontrol and Vhicb ilived coastantly for His Glory. - ;'.;,'".:.-- ed do, places I wanted to v.s:, i schemes I wanted to work, imt 1 1 was obliged to give them -jII up, i and do this -one thing, and L.v ! the way, ' he said, 'this isal'.vuys I the price of power. ' I How did you become s skilled in your execution as h musician?' I said toaspthiM- and she said, lBx bou-H and hours ot practicing At. tjmes it 'is real hardahio,. V))fc iit we s il(ing this wy tiw i caiae.to thL' plac. wheie. J sewed, to. be able to cpnjtaol the bftrjmonies in the mpsiQai, ioatjtunvtnli wlji'.li 1 play.' "Then ate. things, which 1 must gire up if I am a Christian. Others may be able tp. do Utoui witi 4 perfectly clear, coflsetanee. but I cannot. It is not at -ill n quwtion Of whether. th$ ue sin ful or simply questionable, I must turn aside from.tlmm, "In the OKI Testameat times they nut blood, upon, the cyicht foot, the right hand, and) ttie right ear; and the ear must linfr en to no unclean, thing the hand must touch, no thing, that is unholy, and the,, foot must walV in no way that is question able, x "In the Netr Testament times Gods people have b;en redeem ed by, the precious bio!, of Christ. We aie a blood, marked people, a peculiar, and, whether we like, it or not, there is. a- cer tain. way we must, walk,, certain things we must, do, and-, many other things we musi-.leve un done, y The things we must give up as Christians wil depend upon our position. 1 do. notoi mean to suggest that there are two stan dards of living, one for the min ister, ana xne ouier:or his oeo At the regular monthly meet- inn of the school board last Tuesday night the election (f Saperintndent and teachers for tlio. graded school was taken up. Prof. K. CByerly was re elect ed .superintendent. All of the old t"ndiers were re-elected, ex-cepttli- Slewartaad Mr, Owen, thev did not make applicatioa for re-election. Miss fjanra Ctementof Mocks 1 1 ! i . uml Mlsa Candace Wolf wvro elected tofill the places of tbe Misses Stewarts. Mr. Owen's successor has not vet been se Vctod. v ' ' It is the general legret that Misses Hurcn and Er e Stewart and Mr. F. K. Owens could not be with us next year. However, it is believed that the selections made by tV' bonrd to fiil t.lielr p!ac. are well .diosen j.uid that the now ineinljefs will prove themselves ellicient and httfldy satisfaetory to tln piitrons of th school. ---Journal. ed. and I had just as soon a member of wy eeurch would do any one of them or all of them i as to he a gossio and treat light- l.v or carelessly another's fair r.o me er reputation. "When I say what we give np depends upon our position, I menu that if I am a minister there are certain things I most sacrifice, the gains of the mer chant, the flacseof tbe explores, the power of the lawyer these I iini,'s are not for the man who preaches Christ, and every suc cessful minister today has faced this proposition and been willing to iud.ke the sacrifice,. ' I was preaching in one of j the Ohio cities when a gentleman said to me, Do you know the tMaWiodist minister in tbit city ?'l ' And I said, -Slightly.' 'Well," be 'said, 'he is the most remarkable inSn I know. He is a perlect wis aid as regards finance! ' The man who was speaking to m. was worth almost if noOpiite a oriK lion dollars, and he said, 'When ever I am in a perplexed condi dition I go and seek his advice.' He said, 'That minister could have been a milliaswlroif be had wished to be. I thick you ought to mftet him.' And I thought so too because a preacher who might have been a millionaire and would not would bar, been worth seeing. Jsst as I was leav ing jny friend I said, 'How much do you pay your minister?' He tried to evale tbe question. I asivcd him attain end be gave an evasive answer. When I pressed him for a definite reply, h said, tt- , ... , , . en, we pay , mm about ouu a .year and his hou.se.' Then I was pie; one for those-prowinent in Lter'nined t see tbe minister , "-It is a yielded IJfe and a lite of sacrifice. Jesds. said, 'It any man will come after me. Jet him pimself an! take np .bis, cross daily and followMM.' itisa pria- ciole of,rligiouJot oslst bat - it Is prjaclple of. humea,life- as well. Meago .otknte-s power, by tray of seltsacrifioe. Jtfany things mast , be . glren . np-.wWah.. we would jike yery much to-do, but thy must.be, ;acrinced it we would gaio the, workLi best euc- . ''-'How did-1 youi-reaeh. this place of .greatness?' I said to one of America,' greatest merchants. And he saJd.i'Bs danjing oiyself. me an another-foe -those v.-to are., comparatively., unknown: such jteachwgja -sometime ur- ed. butlt, hasr.no.:place in th . New Testament Scriptures. "Bj the. way, te whole ques tion ot worldly. . amusements would soon.be.settied if church people would do pnly the" things that they wonldiJiave their mto-i8tersdo,,Forj-exajpple, yiu .say that it is perfectly right to oance, play cardsanig to the theatre, and yet ttyottfeow.tkafc 1 was in the hsbifc ofrfiwqveBting the theatre, if you tow that! was a devotee of the daseeni tnat I had a passion for.caro no one in tais citar would iibave the slightest confidence my teach ing, nor. wonlthey have the Slightest use tor me. It it Is wrong for ate, why not fr. you? "I do not messo say that all tht sins of tbe-ohnrob are to be summed Bp . under, these three so-called popular ramnaeWnts. There ere mant k people who think they are very pious-. and good simply, because they do not do tbeoe particular thinas but so fac I imx coamroned I think it i inn am wiciadi to be a scan- dal-moaBMT as- todoaaiv" of, tbe There weje, .many tUmgs i.iah-pother thajss IbamftjawUnention.' who miht have been a million aire and would not. I went to bis house. It was poorly furnished; and I said to him instantly, Do you know ype could have been rich?' 'Who told youxthat story,' lie said. I said, 'Hid yon know itV And he answered, Yes, I Uue it, but'wben I was' a little boy I had a call to preach- and I gave myself to. Cod for-that par ticular work, and now that I have tfone past the middle life in the. ministry I can sar that I count it a greefcjor to have giv en It all np forvHta.'' ;';'If Iamjoter member of the church there are-certain things i'jat I simply .atanot do and be ft faithful follower of Jeans Cbnst. My friendK my do them, and their eoaacieeoes mT not hurt them but .am a follower of Christ: I amHI-revreentatire. He expects m&tto coo tribute to His glory, and l,bav no right o h that thin that will make my weeker-.brothw stumble or uatse aooiher men to fall. I em brother's keeper,. I tis not always an easy poeition to fin, but it is of divrnftcomimnd and I most befaithfnL, , 'It I am an evangelist I know there are certain things. wbieh I Imnst sacotoe which ,e-.misister . settled over a elmreh need not give up; the comforts of ho ne, the follow ship of one's family, and many oilier things dcai to a man's liesiri must be sacrificed. Hut there is a principle underly inir it nil. I must irivo up anv. thing that would st-i rjil between me and power and previ nt Uod from working out His will in my life. I do not know what that lr' ;for you, nor do vou know whatr it is for me, but without fear of contradiction I declare that we both of tis-know what is in our' individunl lives which must be httveu up, and peace is out cf the nu.jction and power uuattaia- f able until we rnaketlie sacrifice. The Apostle Paul aW 'Whsr fcre fay aside every weight in.' tlie.siu wliiob doth so easily be- setyoa. ' A weighs Is anything about which, you may be -in-doubt. It is a thing concerning Which we are always arguing and In oar arguments seei:mg' to convince ourselves rather than onr opponents. "At tl s close of a service In another ity I hea-d two young women arguing ve be mently. Thej we're both of them professed christians, but- one of them was saying 'I know this is wrong for mo', and the other said, 'I know it is not. And when pressed for a reason she gave what is sometimes said to be a womans reason, when she replied to her friend's question, 'Why Sa it not wrong?' Just be cause', she said. So I tutned to - her and said, 'Are yon quit sure that your position is right; and tbinV it. proper for ypu to do? And she answered quickly,. 'As a matter of fact I am not Jure and I was arjruinsr to cm viuce myself.' If you must place a question nmric le"oie anything you do, that thing will br. a weight-and you cannot run the Christian race with that thine pulling .ve back. You know what the weight is t'.jr you, I beseech you turn aw ay from It at any cost. Four Solutions of the problem. "There are four solutions : which I have to suggest which would enable us to bo m.ire than conquerors as christians along . this line. First. Give Christ the bene- , fit of tbe doubt in everything. It -' yon ere not abeolBtely sore, then let the don bt in yoar mind be the argument toe your giving it . ttp to him. .. "Second. Take tbe Apostle - Paul' siurgcstioB in the text Wherefore coo oot from among them, end be ye sepe- mte, saitb the Lord, and tench ' not the Acleaa thing, and 1 will receive yoe. Wben I wee ft bov and ittud- iedia sckooi I read that yow- ooeld net ell aan with elec- tricity se kms;ae be stood on tbe ground. Tbeeerrent woe Id come m .) biff, end tow away from Man. ' 'Conl'd on baek pagjg . n