Mountain Vol 12 Kins Mountain. N. C, Tliurs(';y, May '27, HU"). No, 10 CI. G. PAGE, Alitor and Owner pimnciplk fikst SI. A Y.KAR in ADVANCE- v' FULL FACULTYiWRAY SPEAKSl MB. FLUME BOTH GUILTY GRACED SCHOOL HERE SUNDAY DIED FRIDAY i FIRST DEGREE MURDER If they al! accept the gr.-ded school (acuity is complete-Five have already accepted ri he board tru.-tei.'S of the 'Cings Mountain Graded School had a inof:tin.r )''rie.y morning and completed the election of t!io tenchors for next year. With oik: erwition the entire fai-nlty of this vear was rc-eleeleit. The exception was that of Mrs. ;rov e.nee whe is to be succeeded by Miss Bessie ft. MeCrow of Hen derson, ii she accepts. The listele.etstands as follows, Supt. K. A, Yodpr Principal Miss Orawforl Slode 7 0 Miiss Moliie. Sapoch '.i-5 Mi.;s Anna Sue Camp. . Miss Laura 15. Meal's Miss liossio Simo-iton Miss Martha Simonton Miss Bessie R. Mel'row Miss Pearl Jones Up to Monday i Supt. .11. A. Yoder, Misses Cnwford Sie-dge, Meores, Jones .tud Camp had signified their acceptance. The Herald si nee rely hopes that they will all accept. That will mean so much for .he school T'.ie school this vry ' good anl with practically vhe same faculty next year we may look for even greater results. The habit ef re election is grow ing more popular und it is' an indication of progress. Prof. Joe S. Wray will address :ing iug convention here Sunday-Be;t yet convention i. I-I. IT'S THE NEAR EST BY KINGS 'MOUNTAIN. It differs no, whether ruling, .' walking or hoboing, folks trav eling from the North to the South and 'viss, versa pass through Kings Mountain. For eign automobiles pass through he re 'every day. There have been . two. hiking expeditions through here within tho last two, weeks. Not long ago a hobo was killed bore by a freight train. They all come this way. They are giving Ivtngs Mountain an immense a mount cf i ubliopy. Wondci what ikind' ii is. Well lets hope its good. The Grand Old Fall tuy An unknown man was found dead M tho outskirts of a small Kansas town recently. A revolv er and 100 in cash were found on his person. The coroner held an inquest aqd it took $75 to de fray the exnenses and bury the body, The police judge fined the corps $25 for carrying concealed weapons and confiscated the gun. Tho locai esitor, who pub lished the ohituara, Rot nothing. --Altoona (Kan.) Tribune. 9 SO miles on Foot. Two young men and a young , lady - paused v through . Jiings Mountaiu last Thursday on foot, Thier names we didn't learn nor their object in taking such a trip They were, dressed suitable to . the work tbey were prosecuting. 'JlfV""? traveling eqaiperaonts us was an old time "sXiSWorgmird which the girl car j'ei"slung over her . tshoulder. 'Tit6.y -left .cards which read ts titollows, "The Nationat Trio 'J.' Hiking from Atlanta, Ga. toNw 'York City, a distance of 080 Sunday is Convention Day in Kings Mountain. If tli weather ; is good everything else, point;, to I the greatest rciet-ting in the life I of the Union Sunday School Singing Conventiiiu. For three j mouths the various choirs have! been looning to this event as thc ureatest singii'.gjnei-t yet. It is! not to be a contest hut, a gem al singing for the promotion of good music in the Sunday schools and churches mid foe all concern d. Aside from the music by t In different, choirs as per tho list published last wk, the out standing feature-of the conven tion will lie an address by Prof. Joe S. Winy of Gas Ionia. Prof. Wray is superintendent of Gas toniu Graded Schools and was re elected last week for the fif teenth year. He is a great Sun day School worker and is deeply interested m music. His address at eleven o'clock w-ll be a feat ure of exceeding 'iro-iiinencc. Tin eXv'rcisos wili beirin at ten o'clock. The forenoon pro;; ram Will consist of devotional oxer with congregational sink ing, routine singing by the vari ous choirs, the addi;ss by Prof. Wray and general singing. D;n ner will be served on the gnunds between 12 and one o'clock. The Cou'enHon will re nseui'le at one o'clock. After a few congre gational songs t'tit) business meet' iug of the "'Convention will be he'd after ,hieh routine singing wiii be resumed. Peop'e from the Country bringing baskets will be waited on by the committee on prepar ation and this baskets care-' for until .tba dinner hour, ! -.rC G. Pace President. New Subscribers. New Subscribers are being scored almost daily. The Herald is growing in favor with the reading public which fact, is evidenced bv the "Semi nie that paper that I hear so much about" which has become a common ex pression. in the Herald sanctum. We don't know what it is "thev hear"but whatever it is it makes them want to read for them selves and to this we say, Amen Mr. Fulton Brought Home Mr. "W. P. Pulton went over to Charlotte Saturday morning and accompanied Mr..-. Palmer Putlon home from the Charlotte Sanatorium where he hn had an operation and treatment for appendicitis. Mr. Fulton has made fine progress in recovering from tlie attack and barring, re lapse he will be about his work soon &3 could be expected, -: I ' . Miss Shaw Here Miss Susan -Shaw, a, number of the faculty of 1913-1'JM Kings Mountain Graded School, and who tought this year m the Moi'goutott schools, sfcepued of hera Friday to visit Mrs J. C. Patrick leaving Saturduy for her home at Macon, jtf." C Miss Shaw is pleasantly ifunnmnrwi j here by lier -nupjV--vi mtiryl A GIST OF THE EXERCISES OF THE 32nd ANNUAL COM MENCEMENT HELD AT LIN WOOD COLLEGE THIS WEEK &abbaJh ftliirmmj 11 A. ffl. llaccalauieaU' Sermon, Dr. I). O. 1 li : i ! i i . C!io.l,.r, S. ( , f'Marslwls) Miss Wilina. White, Mr. .1. ';'. Giirnson. MN-. Myrtle McLain and Mr. Invis lin-om. S'.iiikdh B n. m. the Y. M. C. A. and V. W. (.'. A. liev. G. 11. llendeiiite, (jastonia, . ( '. (Maislial.s Miss Mae Kidd, Mr, W. K. life, C. O. C; Jos and Mi-is;. . . ;c.-s- . if. ai. Art lAhd-'i'. Buna! 4 j in. Ct.AS'- )' I'iXKIK" Jin-mttiiion, lie v. A. T. JJndiav li'ull called Y-'elcoine Address, Mi.-isi's Macie (hi'Tisor: Class Song History, 'Juet Stat'-fiCi, Solo, Class Wi'l, D-let. Pror.ii. -ey, Cinss Poem. Ilerdimr, Ya'i Jic'ory .o(i:'f Sjng, '-.'a:-i;v. e'l 'd l.inw:.i.:,i. " (M i-.!,:Js:, Mr. M. L. Kcwtnu, Us 'MiUlivd Kr.i'.-, Mr. 1 4. C. .Hal t.m. Miss. Ma.- .Kr.o . jUnnit). li v-A.-,m:.m. II:.. 'IT vi '"Its M.iy Tiiee " . . : or.- Choi : ":. 'Jimrtett-', ' "Ninderh it ';;:sc!i.' M .'vaii.-:- Mioses !!!a!;.-i:ey, PrAssl.-y, MM'' ai:d W i!i e( Solo, 'Tie; I .i:xo.' .,ia.-.. i ayiii ;iiss Lo.v Mi-r.a:n. Hue!, '"Hirds of Paradise Galop" Mi!,rK I loon an-! :.:ii..y. Heading, . "Mv. Hvown has hi.-. Hair Cut,'' ' -iug.a, iv.iiss Sarah Coie White ' . "Hiict, "Moniui'io l:rul-,i,'' i-V ::;:.;; MUoes Jenkins and Kidd Sj'io, ' "Lulls c.y," Xeidlenger, . .MJss Gladys I'rcssley. Trio, "Prc!ii(uade March," Misses Presstey, Minter and Press'vy. ; Duet. "Two Merry Alpine M.-iides'' Glov or, MissesM.Jjain and Yates. ' Solo, "The Old Oaken Bucket." Pvenk, Mr.Gus Anthony. Miss ''jr.ina Pergusyr. Misses ;-.!rL:iii'. u-.J Withers,!-;!'. Miss Sa-a Cole While "diss Ijoy Mi Lam Mr, A. K. Wiiiie.dde.i Mis.-ifi I liakenoy and Kondi-vbnrkc Miss An.-iii: l.'arti :' Mr. .1. L. Siiannon ' ' .iiss N'eilio i.:ei-i;t: Mr. L. H. N "I! Heading, Trio, Unet, Duet, Duet, ' Heading, "The Sign of The Cross" Miss Nettie Mcritte. "Ouida" . . Misses Kowar., McGiil ar.d Hay. "I Know a Bank" "A Metra," Misses WilUins and Yates. "Dance of the mil," "IVabony ' Misses Fuuderburko and blakeiiey. "Hoses kvery where," .' 'Denza ' Miasm Moljain and Wilkins. , ill ram's Housekeeping," "Warren" , Miss McGill.. Solo, "Sing Ye Hitds," "Mett-alf," Miss Gae Wilkin?. Quartette, "Poet and Peasant," '"Laffe," Misses Wilkius, Funi'erburke, Good and Witl-.erspoon MAHSHALS Mr. Poke Hanna, Mr. J. Fulton, Miss Lois White, Miss Aileen Gosset. i- SJurubaa fHorniug Prefer. Duet, "Huslic Dance" - Mason Misses Good and Whit" "Modern MedUral Hiscoverics" Miss Ethel Green Q.iartette," "Sliubert's Serenade'' Misses Bethuue, Wi'kir.s, Witiierspoou and Yates. "The Chain ot pile" ; . ; Miss Edith MaGill . Solo, :. "Pis Spring Within Gur Hoitrts" S;ross - Miss Bethune . "The Greatest Danger of the Age" i . Miss Emma Ferguson Solo, "The Swallows," Vannah, Miss Gae Wilkirs Anniversary Address, by .' Dr. E. M. Poteat, Pres. Furmaa University. D.!et, Tiik Dj .K'6iaw.rtt: " ' ,".,c-: i T:l:i::s - ; , and Good : Awarding of Medals.; - . ;. v Deliver of iipiowai. - s.-M,V.RSHAU. Mr. E.-P Anti.o.-, V ss i ( Vf J H .'Tini j s-f,j kin i '-, 'i -s J.i'i i Cr j Weil known German f irmer ded on ' Gf.wgc Poston and Etmest Lowry to I R'.M-.t.; 3. ia'.t fiday ,-.flc: Inir. ! to Vc eVctroculed (or murder of i ilhwss ! Cnut Davis Mr. 1 C 1 .':-:i l..i.l was in After delibei at iug over night j:o'i- K: . i .i.:i r..;,or;cd tin-. the jury S.itmdav morning re l'rth !ui' -j. ' liing of Mr. Fred 1 1 i.i ned a vedii-i ni murder in the : Fli-iiU!, -i pi-ui'.inoiil fnr:i.-r. whoI'Mrst ih'gl'je against '..h.-orge I'oo livec, iii, ro'ile I :.!,ui I- !. i Vs ' I an a ed l-ii;.i si :.i,.r;, uvo lie J I ; -; j i K'.-!'- ' lo. i: "oi iir I'i u.iie j .;iocs i iiai'ed v, i''l me rdyring' :t,i.t :o.- ., s: ' ii a.'.i Da ,-! i.:i agi1.. i::-g.-o near ri'iiirlis i.-.;, . ,r-,i , i i d' I - so hi, ii, .si'ii.i'i 1 it. -v-r I montliM lacli : i,-h .:.. ilie .r,e (: i i i - j Mi. o. Tlie v i-lili'4 proilneu.1 ii'oaih. shoM-i.,) that the mnr.'l-T had I Tlri'i-.isrd nis . a i'l.ii i!f d-r 1 hern h brufai inn-. After l).ivi !o.-rniii i,-.-,ii-- i-ntiii' triii-' was M-r-n K down with a .-hb his -Miy drugg'-d .mUi a ditch 1 1 1 a 1 i v i - hentb li .- .i .-bi.i'i j ! (rt y-i-.s ,.g. an i :o ', h-.g.-.! m,,l e-"Mred with brush. Hob ' Mor.n! nr. Mote rlai: : i.v i was l he mot i e .Toie tl:ai: iyi in.-(I - '.as no: an ord : - j : 1 " ' being .-.a-ii-ed froe. th. 'n-:vv an e: ,',.'iu,i. negro's person. ' !! is s-.n--, -I'.-.-.i ii-, !,( vi-l"i ; 1 d f!,. ii.:lov, ii ..'.id -en. ;IV..!S I- lorn ii. f !ri ('-. ii!" s, 1'ieil i-'iuit..- ! ilai'.r an:, i';-i.: ! Mi-... I .Hid. Smith i ! S:,:nni,',' NllSa Mis I,-, io:n..l,,:t ,.f j ..flfr ll... I.omt.-M, i'ostiiii ai;d Lov.ry tl.n ( ;(i'iiri'i!. iiiiini'iiia teiy ill's.'-; the , l.omii.hle and ive.i- :i,:;i,'t 'idea , a1: A rinour an I brotighi i" ( ; iA toni-i t- awnit tii-il within ;-. ii : Hlto is .r. !onii;.-'.'.i and I .1 Tins i.asii had taken U" lit Niis. -". -u;'ii f.yr. i ,-)lil'..' i-'il, -n. '.', . i . led 1.GJ..O. ', T i-.-e: io;i uf t-I.e f oiii t .sii W -..I j. ,iii .-,l.iv n-ornii g. !!o'.h ii.".riiji's ! -: i. "Sat iu iJ.h- f.eiitein.- d v.) 'hj i i-'.i-i troenii-ii. V' e .iiidi'i staii.'i Mia" I i v,v i s . v i rw i in. KNOW ABOUT ' LOCUST YEAR? ! lie- i-.ll - ol tl.i :e.!- (-, auU i'I(.-'t.rii.:''it,('ii -1 ! !, this a -.'ar PICK POCKETS GETS MR. HAA1 BRIGHT'S M0N-. I..,! -hi n. i ir-i'V aooiitl l,-i s! 'I'lii'-" Th' KnuntSj ... .i,- .'.irn i t.a airs :..'e litei rliv I Wk with ., and the BY AND TICKET. in -ISI IT.) tl y :':M'vi is alov. v. he .i'i ii- (and the wtind-r:'nl. i '"-'n't iwii,v I Si),i;ivii:i',- fit.lii'i .it- the stit I'll! :..! (and the '-nit-oi- was 'ion in K ings Moiniteiti or a Iter ,si:. hi it. .s a Hialter tor iti vi;st.i j lie had hoarded the train and be jgatuvi. You can :a.t''ely hfar I fori1 ii had ivai-hed Lovf-li last J the j'l.i-.son in th. seat with you Thiirseay somebodv reliex ed.Mr. ;tc..k. They say fnal this is '".c - G. F ' Haaigright of his pursp i cast year." Some auy il come:? I jiice in seven years others one. jin seventi-eu yt-;ir:-., Xow. il ..ny ,1 bodf. kiious about "Locusts year' the Herald will '-gladly ui;iiicate spacfi .for you to te.,1 aho:.t :. I Come ahead. which contained anil a re turn t., to Charlotte. Mr. .laiiibrig'at went to Charlotte on . atf which was very much crowd ed and it is very probable that the lift was mw!e, on board the. train ' It hdems that oxkpockets arc il.-r,tiiui on this iine when great crowds are on hand. On the 7th. of October J!1!." when the big iceinbi'stion was held here fhero I were something like a peck of. old poekatbooks and purses pick led ip on the streets and brought to the Herald office. They had of 'comae, beiiii taken -and relieved ;of. cheii-eonteuU by pickpoob'.ts. - MRS. PATTER-'-;. SON ENTER TAINS BOOK CLUB. i )nr ol ii)': :no,-t eiaiiorat-.! so ciiu evi-n'.s of ihe Sp.":.ig season was tht jeceotioii Thursday night. May j fth., at the, beauti ful home ot Ivl.-. aud Mrs. Geo. PaUo.rson. given by .ine ijeci bers of the Thirrsday Afternoon Rook Club in foir.piitiient. to lb vr husbands and friend?-. T1;e rooms were docora'ed for '-he hriP;;;; iiucasicn with pi'trnn ;i,iOM.L,u.iiHJIi.'J.i. uuiing (, ijfMh t.L.hi-ation t-S THE TWENTI ETH IN CHAR- j LOTTE. j 7 he "Twftiiotli'' found i. biff -I deic-craii&n o Kisw6 "SIouttatE. .".!dlf l, .,a(.Vrff.,, I ci.'f I'c Lr. the i-.venii.g Mi6S-s K-atie i ret. ffahrvr. 'Moss .and i: Winriie Vers, N'i;-.ur.ey,. iik"l; ner r.wp cnarmir-a i.iiu ne.i, .ur- , t.v, '.., .rr ..,, nished t-podiags snd rrsusic tea.i'se thatiri.oi-Kiup, ' I.v - r. ' v:i several qwii-tet-if-s, r,y sir.gers 'wsr. r6, which-: gave plfcRsiure to z.. ' ' ! th MecKienburg Dec:?a s c. 3 ! Icienead-Ee. Fctkt. -c-cct free. Uc-re on dijerfttt triits oty. t Ciugii Ller.attiT: ft-:;- .; wf. 'a '" hci-rc.. ace r-Lst ire i'.iil nri ware given eeras, Ttta':veD c -w-i . ittacnec, cn water i wrinj s.n iir.KM ucntesf-. wr.ici; at "v;;!i f.-Bi.t!" vi. i fordec mucn . sr. use t. Dei; Km& i.icLa-'ifr.r.r. , ' DtUi.'.;: ,- 'i e.' . a : tl i.s fcV-ftit : ... -fc. .-jc.: ,k lilies. May 2nd to July: itb.. ' (friends. ; -.. .: I