The Kines Mountain . t . . . erald fir CD Vol 12 , Kings Mountain, N. C., Thursday, Juno 21, 11)15. No. 20 G. G. PAGE, Alitor uud Owner T 7 . PRINCIPLE FIRST - - $1. A YEAR in ADVANCE ' SHOIT NEWS Condensed for K !V. M. B. Clegg a i l family of denrietta wcro here Friday. J.E. HuMidon visited in blacks burg last week. Konneth Babington of Gaston ia was IwreSaturday on business. Dr. Geo. Oates of Grover was m town Friday. Mw. J- O. Plonk is visiting relatives at Mt. Vernon Springs, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. CaniDe of Oak Grove section were among fie shoppers here Friday. J. T. Welch left Sunday night for Roanoke Rapids, N.C. to vis it his brother. J. F. Welch. Mf. W. I. Rankin of Charlotte recently visited his sister Mrs. J. T. -Welch, hero. Mrs. M A. Rankin of Mt. Hol ly is visiting her daughter, Mrs. j. T. Welch. Bob Craig, a prominent busi ness man of Gastonia, was on our streets Thursday. Mrs. J. M. Hord is visiting her daughters, Mrs. Ledrord and Mis. Roberts, in Shelby ".'-,- Miss Estelle Willefordlcft Sat-! unlay for Morehead City where) Bhe is visiting relatives. , Dr. J. Sidney Hood has moved from Piedmon'. Street to W. L. Plonk's new house on Gold St. Mrs. II . T. Fulton visited her sister, Mrs. Ira Turner, in Char lotto last weekr J. A. Wright visited his father in law, Mr. Humphries, .near Grover Sunday. , . . Charlie Littlejohii is camping at Sparrow , Springs, for his health. - A. A. McLean, Jr., is now sup irir.tender.tof the Atlas Mfg. Co, Bat-seiner City, N.,0. Esq. W. A. Mauney and H. F. Peterson went to Blacksbur Friday on business. Mrs. Earlo- Carpenter ot Wbrth, N. C, spent last week h-re visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. MoGill. . , Miss'Ncttie Meritte of Char-, lotte was hew last week playing a part in "'Miss Busby's Board er. : ' S. R. Shumaker went to Da-vi-'son Friday to visit relatives and accompany his IamUy back homo the first of tho week. ' v R. Li. Gaddey has accepted the , ptuitlon of superintendent of the Hass Mfg. Co., Bijssemer City, N. ft. - ; ::,-;Miss Lillian Sellers left for her - hojutiftt Charlotte Friday after '''fl,.,v',it to her aunt, Mrsi . J,-. W, . Sk...uer. , , . The Herald has just delivered yn, nieo lot of stattoaery to Jno.S." -'Biake Drug Company oJE Cha - r' tgi.tfl. ITEMS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE the Convenience of Busy Readers Mrs. A. II. Corn well and two children left last week for Ashe ville where she is under medical treatment. Miss Mary Hunter is on an ex tended visit to her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Houser, at Oherryville. Prof. C. P. Gardner will leave next Sunday for North Char lotte where he will teach a weeks music school. two A freicht train passed here .'northbound Friday-nior'i ing con taining twenty-one cars of hom es presumably going to the war. Mrs. D. F. Hord and children soent last week as guests of her parents. , Mr. and airs. A, P. Spakp, at Shelby. ' The old stork has. just visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ees lie Mcliinnis and -left a fins ba by. "Miss Ida Rankin who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. T. Welch, lert for her home at Mi. Hollv last week. . Miss Estelle Castles of Gaff.? ne.y, S !. and Miss Susan White of Gastonhifvisited Miss White's Isister, Mrs. M. L. Summers. here last week. - . Mrs. E J. Terry and Essie Allman went to Bessemer Satur- dxy to visit he. son J.'N. Terry whose wife was rheumatism. very sick with M. E. Heradon, casliier of the Peoples Loan and Trust Com pany, attended the Bankers As sociation at Wrightsyilie Bisacb last week. Miss Winnie Vera Mauney re turned last week from Richmond Va'., where -she spent several days very pleasantly with relatives.-.- 1 Fanners coining into town are all smiling over the good rains. Of course-they are made mighty busy fighting grass but they know that while the grass is growing other things grow to-. Barring a few cold nights whoa the -worms got id their work, this has been an ideal spring for the farmer. Plenty of rain for trrowini purposes and plenty of sua to kril grass. Rev. J. R. Miller will begin a series of protracted meetings - at East Kings Mountain - Baptist Church next Sunday. The servi ces will be held in tho Cora school house.. i . . Mrs W. G. Bird of Colmabiat S. C. spent several davs here last week with her parents. Esq. and Mrs. G. W, Kenlnck. She returned borne Friday nccomp anied by Miss Kathryn , Moss who is visiting Mis.. Bird. . The gardens of this section are doing their full share tow- kird feeding tho people. The market has been trluttcd with beans here for .over a week. There seems to bo an'tenu'sual - 'orop of them. Peachett aro also pleutiful and of good qjiality. Mr. and Mrs. j. S. Mauney who have been in Philadelphia for several weeks are expected homo in a few days. They have a grandson there by the name of Jacob Mauney Cooper, sun of Rev. and Mrs.'E. C. Cooper. Miss T.aura Plonk took her latest entertainment '.Miss Bus by's Boarders" to Clover, S, C. Thursday night and to Shelby Friday night. Good houses (greeted the! performance at both places. Messrs Paul avid Cleveland Saunders and Ernest Lemox, of Ritter, S. C, came up Saturday to visit Capt. F. Dilling and left Sunday. Those are Capt Dill- ing's special friends and are his hosts when he goes on his annu sl deer hunt to Grt-en Voud. Mrs. Helen Kay arrived Fri day from Liuxora, Ark. to visit her son, Arthur Hay. Mrs. Hay is a widow ilady and makes her home with her 'daughter, Mrs. S. A. Lowry of Luxora, Ark., her sou, Arthur Hay, here, and th relatives in South Carolina. Sue will probably be here about a year. The new First Baptist Church building here wili soon bo done and a splendid structure it will be. -Th- auditorium is about ready for the seats which it is expected will be installed about the middle of July. The Sunday school rooms are alsj ntamg completion. And the beauty- bout it is tli nt when it is finished it will be paid for. It is being built on the oay -as-yon go plan. The Southern Ra'l way force has removed tho old Overhead bridge just cast of the yards here and are 'installing at tl same place a new bridge. There had been talk that the old bridge would stand -until the double racking and grading was done here and a now bridge built clos er in to connect King street. ' Mrs. Henb' Houser ot Cherry ville visited her daughter Mrs. C. F, Hunter, here last week Mrs. Houser and Mrs. Hunter left Thursday for Charlotte where thoy visited another daughter; Mrs. J. D. -.Campbell. Mrs. Houser went ou to Cherry yillo Friday and Mrs. Hunter returned here, '"' ...... During the absence this sum mer of our nenographer, Miss Adna Garlington, Miss Lois Wil son will supply.. Miss Wilson is a graduate, of Davenport College business department,and will be glad to talcs care of all the pub lic :work: which formerly came to Miss Garlintftoiv Yon will find Miss Wilson at tho Herald otHo corner Cherokee and Mountain streets Phone 117. An official -of the Smithern Railway whs here last week.. We interviewed fnui about the double tracking through this section. He stated that it was indefinite just at hts time. : The condit ions brought abon k by 'the war kept, bonds from bfinging us good a figure as was desired by the company and the work vtp threfore ' :leld up. lie stated that had It. -not bet n for the war the -work woatd be uuder way throuifh here now, -C - . CURFEW: LAW FOR BESSEMER CITY Pe:p!e under eighteen must not be upon streets after hour; i lie lonowing ordinance was ratified by the Board of Town Commissioners of the town j Bessemer City, N. C. at a moot ing of the Board held June I Ith I ill 5. The ordinance is to be come etfective June itli HH.". ORDINANCE NO. H. It shall bo untawtull for-any porf.on under tin? age of eighteen years, to loiter on the streets of Bessemer City or in any place of business or other public rluce between the hours of ten P. M. and five A. M. during the period from April 1 to Oct. 1st in each year and between the hours of !) P. M. and rive A. M. during the period from Oct. 1 to April 1 in each year- Any person who shali violate this ordinance, shall, on conviction, be imprisoned for six hours for the first offence, and uv.-fit.v lour 2l additional hours imprisonment for each subsequent oJfeiice, and the par cnt or parents of any ci.ild, or any person standing in the place of a parent thereto, shall .be. iia-j ble to the town roi the costs o I t;10 arrest ar.d trial and for the sum of $00 asjiquidnted dama ges, to be recovered in each case by civil action. By order of the Town Commi s sioners. Be'setnor City Journal John Freeman Garrett Is Dead John Freeman, the 18 mont'.is- old son of Mr.and Mrs, Joe Gar rett, died last Thursday morn ing after suffering a week from bronchitis and dysentery. The funeral was conducted from the residence on King street Friday at 2 p. m. by Rev. E. O. Cole as .isted by Rev. C. "K. Bell .ind interment was made in the city cemeteiy nearby. The death of this child has ex cited unusual sympathy for the bereaved parents as they have lost so many of their children while so young. Mr Garrett's brother. Dr Jno. Garrett, of Henlersonvilla at tended the burial. p-cy Mr. HIDer. Gastonia Subscribers will take notice that Mr. W. M. Miller is authorized to collect subscrip tions to 4he Herald. A large num ber of Gastonia subscriptions are falling due just now and we hope you will see Mr. Miller and renew. ' T G. G. Page, Editor the Herald. Frog hunting has become quite a sport around Baker's pond. But it lias its ops and downs. .-The report .comes that Mr. Ed Ramsey and some of his friends went out the other night for to slay some of the hopping kind and while recconoitenng they lost tho pond and rambled over the mountain the better part of the night in search there of. It was mighty funny to our informant to think they would hunt a mill pqnd ba the moun ian. - " -': - ' . . ' ENFORCE LAW SAYS STATE DEPT Statf health officers score municira officers for not enforcing law Pr,-.-Ciii-i'Iiri Artict Ktal North lioaril of i:.-:.!th June 12 l'.'l.- The anli-spittiiii.' law is an oruinarri thai sleeps the whole year through in almost every town i.: North Carolina. It doesn't sl"e; or. account of its inertia or inability to stay awake but simply because it has no one to wake it uj and put life into it. Waking up the anti-spitting ordinance once in awhile in a town is a lire, good business from more standpoints than one. Below are the figuves of one busy town that found time and inclination to experiment with this la"V These figures represent the number of persons arrested for spitting and tho dis position of their cases from Jan uiry 1, 1!(15 to May 1, l'- l". 'ersons rrrested or summoned il. Persons iind 330. Person ,o('ity Prison (1 day) 1. Persons eutenee suspended S3. Pct-sOns ci:arged I. Persons cases nding Total amount of fines :? 1 IJ.CO. Was th(j law not worth putting into effect in this town? It was worth it to be rid of -Ibl nuis ances to say nothing of these as sources of disease infection. From a health standpoint the spitting ordiance is one of the oest on me statute duokr. All it needs is'some live city officer or health officer to resurrect it, breath now life, into it and put it to work. . Promiscuous spitting is not only one of the filthiest habits tolerated, but one of the 'most, dangerous. Dried sputum is the principle meaus of spreading tuberculosis germs, pneumonia germs, diptheria, common colds and nearly all other communi cable diseases. The Following Cards Are Out MRS. JAMES NEWTON " JMARTIN requests the pleasure of your company at the marriage of her daughter ELEANOR to Mil. GILBRETJII LAWSON KERR on Wednesday evening June the thirtieth at bait after seven o'clock. At Home Newberry, S. C. Mil. and MRS. NILS. AUGUST LAWjSON announce the marriage of Hielr daughter ANNA ELIZABETH ta ' HE V. JNO. MA ECUS K ESTEH on Mnday the fourteenth daj- of Juue one tuougiid iuoo . Hundred wi fifteen Boston afassacirestitts . At Hone Cedar Ttsmee Wcllf-sief niU-s M.iss- - t fJONEY DEW CN OAK LEAVES Full explanation from headpuarters re garding "honey dew" on oak leaves A few days ago a branch of an oak tree was exhibited on tho street here the leaves of which, were covered with a sticky sub stance resembling honey ntul which is popularly known us "honey dew" we sent a leaf oi the oak to the Department of Agriculture at Washington for n report and here is what they say: Herald Publishing House, Kings Mountain, N. C, Mr. 0. G. Pago, Editor. Dear Si i : Your letter of the I ith' instant, addressed to the Depv artinent of Agriculture, repnest ing information about "stifk;," substance" on oak leaves, t specimen ot which has also been received, was referred to this Bureau for attention. The leaf you sruu'it ueurs eviuence oi. having been covered with lioney dew. Honey dew is a secretion more or less copiously deposited by plant lice uud scale bugs. The indication is. therefore, flint the oaks in question are infected with either one or the othr of this group of insects. The honey dew is very eagerly devoured by ants for which reason the in sects producing it have beer frequently' crrWed ants' cows;. The presumption is that it serves the purpose of protecting those insects from their natuial ena mies. I enclose herewith,, our ' circular letter on shade tree oph ids winch gives briefly the I'abits of these insects and methods for controlling them wherever tho occasion arises. !, Very truly yours, A. D. Hopkins In charge of Forest Iusect In vestigattons. (An excerpt from the letter.) ' SHADE TREE APHIS A phids or so-called plant lice occur in winged ar.d winglees form on the branches, twis and leaves. They feed on the sap which they suck up by means of their pointed beaks. Under fa ' orable conditions aphid suddo, -ly appear in icreat number ! tho spring. Their prcscuce is indicated by an abundance o ' sticky "honey dew", by the presence of ants which feed on the honey dew, and by this corl ing and abnoriaal f.-lliag olleaw es. Shelby Matters of Interest OCTtfaaiSlai A ortffro sapiMxed to h W.,,.l tflc Shanijoa. iwzixvt tor tea kM ing i J'xkm.eajit. egro i. rested o.A.)E.e-ifle 4 frrt?fet SlMarti W-Ji. Le3rr sai-V.-- cos hsS .sfcsiCfjr" (DwiVa-it iiWit Hc is sci6- (& ko feiS-oiS iMS okwo. ; Sa as ttJr.fat t if. tlwi zbcp 9 vbiv t taie a tor e kejCRira fiu2ry iimttt x nossrj aasl at Kxi.&. Ctte)!hMi.t.! E. IT:. V.'ib hac 1 ttocfiS tin aru(iux.tke. o -: 40jo'itv3sQkifA.V ' - ' A - r " J.'f

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