fal Meeting Kings Mountain Battle' Meniorial Assocfatio July 6 at 8 p. m. ; 1 . G. P.-VGI'., i.'iilor SHORT NEWS Condensed for - Certaioly. October 7th. Shall we Celebrate '' The folks are expoctin It. Come out Tuesday Highland talk-t over. Grady Watterson's bab.v lias been right sick bus is iimirovinx. : Ksn. G. W. Kendrick made a busings tii lo Kannapolo and China Grove Friday. Mrs, M. A. Rankin left' Vri tiny after a visit to her daugh ter, Mrs, J. T. V.V.di. Mrs A. L Little of Wilkir.s ville, S.C. arrived Friday to vis it her uncle, W. 1'- Fulton. Miss Crawford Sledge rett.r.i- ed last week from Columbia, S. ;. C, where sbo visited relatives. Mrs, White of Ga.Oonia visit ed her daughter,. Mrs, M. 1' Suinmers ner last wtek. -!',-JaUo: Uambi-itfl.it,' n in-osper-o is Ini-iner of near, Grjyei' wts here Saturday. A . V UiM-..l CI I. rived Friday to visit htf sister, j Mis. J. A. Allison. Mr. A. It.. Rndisill : Saturday from Clover where she had visited her .daughter,. Mis. J. A- t'ae. '- J. T, Welch retiiined Friday from t.'oar.oke Kapids, K. (J. where 1)0 had visited his brotli " er, J, F, Welch.' Mrs. M: L. Siiniirovs left Fri day for an extended trip to Washington, Philadelphia and other' northern olties. Mrs. V,'. A. l'.aie of Chnrleij ton, S. 0. left Friday after a vis it to Her Hep mother, f ire; Jacob Heavner, .. '-';'.- Since his last operaiion 'n At-, iant-v last week the specialist thinks that Willie Parker has one nortr.al eye and the othe.-im-proved considerably, . '.. J. It. Foclerliiiq.-Vfpinner.'at : the- Phenix mill, attended the meeting of the Southern Cotton Textile Association at Asheville 'Friday and Saturday, j , Rev. J. R. Miller returned Tnursday frour Gibsonville where he assisted ' Kev. S. F. '' Morton in a very, .sucoessfi;!: re- vi'vaL -The meeting -resulted in ten accessions to the church ana - a num'ier of other iK-ofeasioiis.' . -. - J..J. Alexander loft, tatnrday for Lninberton ihwu he is visit Ink his sons, W. tT. and F, Alexander. He Will .return Sat virdayjaccouipaniGd by. his diugh fail'iiis Mabol Alexander, who jrfAvisitiog in Lunjberton. 'v'''t'T ' V' ' ' ' ' . '. De'f,. G. Hr.rd is iiguring on uioviiiir iTack lifs residence, on thfl cornq'rof Piedmontand King Streets and Wiidinj? on the'site a haodsame brick residence. It niay be seversl'nioTithsVhoweyer before the work is begun. tied 0-.VIK-., ITEMS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE the Conveiiiencc cf Busy Readers ! -Wo uiv informed that coi' tracts iare lot for liv H-'W brick slore nuil.hngsin iJlai-nslnii'v: i that the Kiser Lumber Coiinim.v is u figure largely in tin.1 work Vhat .1. A. Falls is to make brick for those, ami ll.i: sc i-.P.d i thel :uoi building a, Li-; new plant. Ill, ;t0 ks The new overhead bridge pul uji'by Hie Kouthrftn at the Last, end of the yards here, lust week is a good one. Folks who know abotit bridges sav that it is an exceptionally substantia', bridge. It is built eight inches higher than .the old one whk-li was tiiat much below the standard. The annual meetimt of tin ittl.scf KiiirfS Mcuntaii; Mmiv oriai .ssor.iation will bo h,.l.i '.July t'th. Let everybody turn I out and let's la jrxh a naive'nerit I for n liiij celebration this tali. The people away from here, arc !e.."eet:nir i s tr. iral.e, Lood tin,. fall. Miss Caroline Cai!.pl;ei'. ieft Friday niter k visit to her neph- ew". K. 1j. C.'i'ripl;eH; her P'.oth er. 0 M. Cair.r.Uell an i neice. Mrs. G. (i. Paste-...She. stopp-Jii j in Gastonia to visit, her sister. Mrs. L. II. Me.VUian uiul tl.en Went on home ui-ar J.-.r.'.certou j ill RoL't'soa e'.vant.v. : . M, Sidenbor-r, our loe.il lew i d-y 0'.ds m.'ivh.niM is planni'is: H lor l h.l pivanotion of nrohi-l-ettu-n-jd !tJ,;l,'l','-'e . i-'heae of bu-.ines-, )llion .;,,.:,,. j(1 tllL. ,.,,.,' U) some, otliei- tcvn . wiu-i-" this inc. ith. Hj is "ndeeided where lie will t'O. Mr. iden j Mr. Siden ber ciipjo tiero Pt'.if! move man a year ao and -or i'aed in the dry (ioods and ulothii'K business in the Plonk btiilclinur jon Mount ain street. .. W, Frank Coforth had seri ous accident'. Inst week when a young horse kickod him in the side in the .region ct.tjia doafing ribs. He was in the' wheat fiel d and had mountsd the older horse and expected to lead the you, i; er horse" by a .eiiiu to dinner, Thoyo?.n;rc,r horse eot too much reign and gained sulliuieiit ; len'J to give him the proper i-ange of heels ai.d be. kicked. Mr. Gofortli off tne other horse. , The Sevier mill village has; coiUe one in a t-ranc. now sum - raor suit which is both elegant and attractive. ' upt. . Claude A, Hamilton has had tho houses of the village painted.-. It is nbt a one color monotonous appear ing sigliteither.Tbe Golorson the different houses Varies -and--the trinimiegs aro artistic and well in keeping with the good: tastes jof Mr. Hamilton who takes great interest in his people and town. Shelby, ' Juno - 21 Lightning played a stranga prank on .Gil-, bort Wylie; ft white farmed liv ing ia lower Cleveland'.-Wylie 1jm sitting on, his front porch holding his little boy in 'his lap when a bolt of liglitning was car i fed a the porch -by an irup-uiiSf, Irom the ivell. His "shoos were i lorn to mitherinefl aiul his feet so badly burned that he'is. con fined to his bed . The boy .. was shocked, bat unharfced Farmers - , in thu ;smaH hptl stricken area have given "frail hope of cotton coming out and are planting corn in -ilie -devastated cotton txekh.- i i"' ' ; ':, Kiiis Mountain; N. pkixciplf fiust, .....I in 'i i F M. Meltaniol of I .umbel ton was in town last week. Miss Laira Plonk was 'i Char- visitor I' :-i 1" v Cln icon ' e Khun of Win : Uii.g rolaii- es iotte 1 lorn to Mr. and .Mi s. amp D-i! Phil";- on Silt ''nhiv Jtir..--e axon, VVewieil Lunette ('hi'ei. Ur.- I- I oarlict i II. M. ilea; ew isil tO n- and Im left Sat lier rot !,!: Lrotlier in law l. II:.. J, T. u ".d And rev: Mt C'a awii.'. c--i:iit-. isit theii i ,o' l.c ,!i vv; lit 1 me.- .'a Saler I't jhi Inline Old. M. I. f-.nv day: f.itioil. 1 ih.'r, 'I . L'ai. li-'ir ui-:tlier . Mill I'M' .. rlnon; ia I. .-.no- ill'0 nial. i fi-r i 'k u !. a N. 'Ha : J;l The. F. Gof'.rl i Urnveil Si t nr liinhiiay liinn-'r !(.,y HP(! Sunday vvilh his :i.st.'i-. Mrs. .1. VV ford, ft was the occasion ol hi:- 0 ;l; i.r.d lie:- 7 th amivcr- Tliefe was -i sp'ini nnii),i s.'r vice iiv tiic Metlio..'SL c.ii'iiei. ,sm.(1;,v .nitr:ir espwinllv dtsiuu- nity... PresiJent . ,. Korr'-pf ,i the I.iw and Ord.'r ' Lea!."ie )1.PH(.1,.ti -j.o sermon f.-oin the tfixt -Vinc-1s a mocker is ii lnociter. sii-ona drink is laifing. iinu uhoeier is deceived Iherebv is not Wise. ,: A collection was taken to pelo .iel'ray tiio exnenses of proseen lii.g whiskoy eas s. The Loacue has about b.-o'.. r. i.p "J;e ii-iuor business here and iioartK. In hchor of hef mother, Mrs. lorry. Mis. E. A. i.ojier gave a .liiir.-.-r Saturcuy .to a nuiube" -C relatives, and friends. Tnose present were; J., A.. Terry and sUter, Mrs. Carsw.ell, of Ctnton. K. C.,,,T. X. Tc i'iy and family of Bessemer. City, Joe 'J'ec.ry and faniil.v, . Ray Wallace and family, H YV. Allnain and family, Mrs. Sue Fii'dai-.:!,. llar- ; yi?y t,m:iu and (ami ly, Mrs. J. J. j Alexander. I'e'; I!. A. Cr.lp, j R. y., K. (). Cole auii' th' editor of the Herald. Mr. and Mrs. .i no. Lindsay will leave sometime hi- July for Tennessee wliere tiiey will visit among their child.ro'i and. rela tives for probably a year. They have three sons in lennessee: Rev. E P. Lindsay. '.Mamp.liis; Dr. W.E. Lindsay, Cha ttanooaa; and .I. E. Lindsay. Fayetleville, and one son in 'J'ortii .Carolina, President A. T, Ltncisay of Lin wood College, Kings Moiifitnin. They r.lso have more thm n himdre.l and fii'ty ilf-phews aud jneices in Tennessee, -''i'ey w ill leavo - their l'uf.'itti.re all intact,- Rev. G. L: Kerr will occupy the house and .furniture. ; Mr. and Mrs, LiiidsnV: aro ex ceedinglv popular here iwul wili be- gceatty missed,: The Hnraiti hopes for. thoin a, most pleasant sojoiirn among-lheir kinsmen and wjli. kMk fdr.waict to theh- - re- 'urn to cur v.vvri. .. .. "Thursday, July J. 11)15. DR. PALMER PASSES AWAY I Pfcmiraent Clc--cbrJ County Physician I it: a: igt of U ;Gcvikr.:; c Hi-. . .1 iii, .. I . ph.. in dv. M. 'ier of 1 1. v 'or ami baiic - of a-cl cim;iiim;t,v n.i:! -.!' arac. i iciicer i i.i-mi.ii 'i-.'.n'y Mil ! ,)f li l.oY:e ssrit i' i.-ninti or j.lori.iity to j rot in I .-, I With Ins ri plow o) the l!i:cs i'i, s forever. , 's asiii';. I ev e i In I' I t:i;' c.ii ,at.v lo.-1'r, onr- of i'.s i,:ol vain.-.l ri'. .ens IV.r I.l'iy ...'iiji yvi-s la- was a pnn .is.at; tj'- lan. it .ii.h'.ih no.'; ai..i . sui-fi.-i-iiij! ii.e.i ! n :! rendering to ti;..;i Lis 'li st n ml'tul sitii'i. lie lone;, ii P; th,- "saddle, buy and pill b.i." va.-'ety oT physiriaus, IH aelisiiv..' in an ae. ai-.d a tor-rti-r'- ,v:ie:v ,.)",-',!;. his v.-. .v..-ar..-' I.'Isiii'nS v.-t' aii-t;i'-.!-., ir::;- fPle.-.l eoiiiiri years !)..-..-. i s iiuil ... v.;,- lie ii.l pio-e-s ol tr,, i ll: tr ,ii atii ins "',' slow, i-'.i: ,rs be ro I-.- his horse b.-:-,r.s. v:i IKt i-U'lr. I bony ii t a in I'i'l 'A in u b-.u' i;n..' into lis,.-, i;- ' :! i o-'in.- b. gi 'M a ii'-yn1. i.-'otl-trdk'ef. Wiii.-nev eol to visit a pa': denied his s.-rv.c ( tl.e .i,iliei)i ma;. ill 11 : I of r he was rv ! ni'., ff- nevoi oven though hav !.:(.'! in debtou to hiin. ! lis iife work vn- Mi-.i.t oi reii' i ing sa!Tiiri.jr hu inanitv and in this lie .sin nils n peer of any i.-inn i:f his day.- Oit in tiii-fK I"! traveled mile. aud went sl.ev..,l:asily al.o.n, hi.--duty when In- wonid T..ciiiig W:rse t.salV the p:iti;,-ii! he Was oiug to see I lie country pro oilier .sol Man duces few fio.-i like Dr.- P as a physician, a can ar.d J ih-r. . Dr. Palmer was born i;i on Comm. S. t-, Feb. lb and ciiine , to Clevelmul County in January GASTONiAVTES SCHOOL BONDS. Gastonia, June 2-. Gastouia today almost v, it hout opposition voted a bond . .issue- ol' SW0,OIX for t:e city schojis. O it of a total -iegistraiioa ot Hi' there were- bill votes Coram) tt against the issue. . , . Thiee now brwlcingi nr.: to lie ero'-'ted for the schools. Oho is now under construction.' ' SURVEY OF THE CASAR RAILROAD .-' Shelby, juiio Prof.AV C. Uiddijk and son. V, W. Riddic.l; and Prof. L. C. Mann of A. & M. Collee-e,: Raleigli, . arrived this week and have-oomtnenced sor veving a loie for the proposed Casar railroad to upper Cievo land. These gentlemen were engagbd to do this work during the Summer -on a private sub scription raised locally to ascer- tuiiv definitely what it will cost to build' the road. Outside cap ital has been slow to accept the S120,OOQ voted in bonds for the 20 miles of standard gnage road, so local men are having this s.ir 'vey inade with the view to sup- pjementiiig the .bond .money, if the cost does not appear more than they tun afford, to ' build thej rna'ji tbemsehes. ' A JREY.G.L KERR; MARRIED YdSTETROAY Takes roL't'is': bci'ii Lit! .'v his h-.de --k 'tor. !::r E;.:.U A nn.-t e:.r ),' !' i-elijiu'riled esier. N',.;v!;:rV '-. !'. I,. K,TI , . : 1 ! "it . v 1 r i.m i,;, lo , i o! ti-at t ;l ,'. .' I. II.. ',V,,S :y '.!! m at h.-n !'-"'. !. !,'.'lh,: ;,M W'l i..a '"til, Tin- 'r.ai rir.ec t.v.l, 1,1a,.,- in tie.' M;:i -,tl bona' and a naisi 'I'- ' .M .-i.-la;,. ' :,..,.. an I a' o: i..e hglilfd cc:.-ii a ti- Mio i-n-ti. !' - in -i.h- !,,. 1 1. !. o! lui' and a.'oi.t t-..- 1. 1. !'!: .'!;:':-,. i o. ,..- ; , .. .,...! M-s. ilivltitl K.iosf.. j -. i' N 1 1 :iu '.i .1. .ii.. In --!- .in.-' Rt ;;i' mi.Iio ti". ''i In '.. -i" Mi- i i u: "V . ' i . ' i i ,-.',-, i a , ' u 'i'. . i -1 ! i tt 1 ' i'i r'i, ; ,-,ml Mr .. I . S. U: !!-. ,y : on a '. ; y cpu';"' .. -. ..-''' i; j I be V -.1 mi' i-, ii.i.-.i-.,.:itl re and tl.-- i entvi. t:r.-r '-1M1 i . ,e:, i i . 1 ! a .',. r tin .: : V,ei--ani.- wr t.-.'! J ': ,:,(-,' I. . :' ii;W(ie,i i'.'I- '-I.'!'-; i-.e sp;, i ieus aii'l t.isK'i'ili'.l I al.;-ll. le. oi'.Pi i. i;:,!i w'.el : i..-.' .!. VV. , ( lijo ' re: h:is-prol!:iv '.i :.l. (.'., i-m-.i!, pavar r : iis'ei. ii- .-. t . iU'.v. T. W. yr.v.:. ' tlio, S. I ' Oleiu. I . . iiioii;:. i'be 'e-i i -.vis i o i ' : " i': tl... .(!! . '! :tv..v ijv he, I : Iii v. VV. C- r the gl..)"in, iirl'-.'l bi-vhe:- or , i.,,.; ai:d Miss t.ai;.l Ma.'b;. sis::r ( I tbC bride. s i-vei of -.oner. Tiiei- woie si:c bj ides ii r.i i.. , - beautiiiillv e,;iv:-e.i in while v. it h Veiio-,;.' sashes a-,,, c.i is .es. 'J lie bi ! v... ,- i:-e a !;nr r.-ai carried a si.ov.e.i- iaai- u. ' of bride V I ti i lib, oi the valby. le' . !,. :..)''. bioti'.-r if tin' i-'iii,';1, ;"i'.i . . r . Maltm. blOlhe- oi' tn - b.-i .icted a.-j llShl':!'... . I ,, , , ,, ,. . ! r.iv.c'., ui.d Mirn Ma lir. and ,. , , , . l)-eiM'hn"ii ami. H.'i.ry Sv.ert. . , ' , . i i lu.'ic, s ;tnu ,ir,i;i'v, or iiie ui i.u- were i: -an-rs of booue'.:- cf dais In the eCA'o.-inicns Cm Uior scheme was white rani yellow, daisies being the prevail ng flowers. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mrs .an.es N. Mar tin of "ewbcrry -and is well- known here as n, member of the faculty of- Lin wood College dur- inur the vtar V..Y6 1 t Her many fi iends here will hail her return to th" city v'ith joy. . The groom is the pastor of Ikiyce Memorial Associated F.o formed Presbyterian Church of Kings Mountain and s professor of Latin ar.d Grcol; in 1 anwood College - - Iuiu.euiately after them:, rriage i ho hap,..y ;a.ir depirted for 'vVrshingtOh ami other points north. They wili .bo. -at home te tliolr many friends in King.i Mountain Kometiuie w:t avcct. For a orief period th.ey v.-ill board with Mrs.. H. . It. Hr.nLer ivhero Mr. Kerr litis inade his home since he cnir.e to Kings Mount ain, A iittle later thev . '.vill set up house keepii.g in 'the resi tlence now ocenpidd by Mr. Jno. Lindsay. : . T.io Herald extends tongvatn liitim. BarberHartIey. Miss Annie M. Barber, daugh tei of Mr. and Mrs. B G. Barber of Kings Creek sectioii, and Rn tus: Hartley of Lenoi r, ).'. C. who operates a. saw luii! ovr-r the mountain; drove .up .'to Eu. G. W. Kendrick's Sunday afternoon were married. Sbo is a sister of Mrs. L. M. Logan, ' - No. 21 YKAK in A DVANCK E. W.NEAL !3 MARRIED ."iss f.aflo.vav oi Dae. West, S. C. be I n- V. Nul t ; .'. I Me. j ! N r V N.-i! ;i' Ivinf.-.r, y, . i i;.-!.-rt (;.! '..,. S. i' !il T:-i'...l,- . .1 Mi. I.--:.:,. ' io t "I ,.' ,-;;r .ir.: ,t t.e- !a)U 'I. 1 V;, I in? I i.lil, '.I l- t-!L'.- ' "w'nt-i tl iab :' a', vriteiMi ol tie- v. hole i tl :. 1 ' Slid ' on" o publiis'. tin- sio-.v in: unci hoi par:" o' mIii.-. 's.-Ai.- .! the Ueralo. Los! On Paytoiir HmtnUin ' I -s ii'iin'r (-'it v ,'ou riiai ) M:.--. I.r,:. Hia :..,vood. (i.ii!j:li j5''' "' V. Wi' i a :i!,.':kOod. I ' .he ilv; :, .b:.a! 1 hr' " miles ti'atl. j "'' ' ' s I' he , went hiielJebern ! ' - "m' inountair st r..,iv S !.; v a-' a. oo'u.in'!- io'; ir- ' wo ,.i. ;.!' .-'.HI Iron, h.-i-e-::i-e i.ii'i r.ep!., , . . '-i.t c'.nii. a ;(l ' ! e i.i iii', , i, '.e-.iii i,. .1. '." i i . i.a.r. :i;g : t " iihi he;, h: : ir.t !. bo.ai W.'SiV. irom. The i. hi:.!. -en'., ij.o'.her: i :h):!:-.:g-t!..'. ha-1 r.a: r ".;'.! foir piny. - n-.'.iui-al'y b,-eai:ie .anil :alaiiiied. They caibd for heh. 'ni:! a scan ning paru ,.iniii.isi i ' ol ai.'")-.',l a doen n.eii ol tin . , , , I iieigiibc.r'iO'Mi was soon forme, lin! oi: its vr:i v lo "ijiinlai!. but before r.'-acr.ing the . moun tain the' children were met or. their way home, 'i l.y explained -hat, they had been losi and had spent the. night in a co.nfielC with very little sleep, Tin: children were g'.ad to get bad; bene, am! ' say they are ccr. h lehu.beriy hunting.' GASTONIA ; NEWS ITEMS Gazette 25. Mr. Clark rt.S'Uirncs, of i'oii , Hill, is visiting his ao:v Mr. starnes. . '.Mr.'l!auip l"-.sM, of Linceln ton, v. as in the city ci: hiisii:' ?--: ye;-.t(jrdr.y . Vr.- I'ari.y Sruu ti.ej, c" ia!. las v. as it: Cast :iv:i or. l-c.:.:ret, ye:. ten'. ;y. Mr. .losev h .P.itric'r. - of t'li; Union Soc.tiou, 'A as a l..u.-:;ess isit or in tlio city yesterday. M iss M ildrc-d Putt, of Char lotte t'Ti-ives today, to be the .,,r.f PAm o-.m lit,-.?, -.I" tr:s iCaU'.eiino Mason, Mr, Chester liackin who biu been attending Mai-sey's .-liusi-uess College in RiehriioiiJ a: riv ed home a few days ago. Mr. KobyrtW: Ai:irt-s. 0f t- Wl'stlntillOUSO Aiectrjf-l lanta, ianta, is In the city ;vi:!:nj:' hi-, parents Mr. 'rA Mrs. .i.-Je- V. par Adams. ' : ((Cont'd on tack pajrt)