j .- . .-I ' " : , -. i v .. ! " - " - ' - Y IT-Tr The Eines 'Mou 4 4 Vol 12 O. O. PAGE. Editor mo crops MADE EACH YEAR Y7. E. Ware and Sods are intensive. Aftettt ying farmers, stcck raisers ' " and fruit growers. Mr. W. 15. Ware who lives on P6Us'kCreelc 8 miles west o( , : town.was here Friday to ship omo fruit to his daughter in Charlotte. He had a bucketful! left over to the greater part of which we fell hair. The fruit eon sisted of peaches and apples of a roost splendid varioty. They were bin nice specimens and of an especially fine flavor. ' Mr. Ware and his sons are as eociated in farming and are mak ing it a paying business. They are not extensive but intensive farmers with a hroad diversity ofcrons and products. They cul tivate fifty acres of land with three horses aud make two fuil croM a year. They follow a big crop of clover aud oats wi a eorn and follow wheat with corn. On J4 jcres last year the corn wop amounted to 500 busheie. The most of that 500 bushels is lying back in the barn today unshuck- ed untouched. - i. They pasture lots of land and make a s.iecjulty of highly bred Ivaraes, smJAa, cattle and hogs. Titttr fwrlt- Is abundant' and has taken prizes at fairs all over the state. In short the Wares live at homo and board at the same place. ' The editor and his wife have ft dale toappiopi late a whole day on the farm when melons get red anil maybe then we'll be able to tell more about the tnau with the hoc. - McGILL PRITCHETT ANNOUNCE MENT. ISAAC WARREN McGILL JEAN ESTELLE PRITCHETT MAKKIEtJ Wednesday Evening, Jnne tw.en . ty-third nineteen hundred and fifteen, El Dorado, Arkansas x AT HOME ,V 303 PEACH STREET . AfTEB JULY FIRST f EL DORADO, ARKANSAS. . V.SITING REV. AND MRS. BELL Dr. L. A. Fox and Mrs. Fox accompanied by Miss Nellie Phil ips, all of Salem, Va.,'" arrived Wednesday, to visit Dr.' Fox's daughter', Mrs. O. K. Bell. Dr. Fox Jeft Friday for a few days but will be' back to extend- his visit. . . ' ,:. ',. HELPS BLACKS BURG TO CELE BRATE , t - : ' : -s --v " . - . a T Quite a number of our. people wandown to Blac'csburg Satur dwhelttceUibrate the fourth. ?V f Gotorth was among them. ,1 '?.. r'. .... ' O. ' P.Goforli- and Wrignt virent : to , Thursdrjr night- Iiincolnton and Owner A RUNAWAY LAST THURSDAY Mrs. F. KMcDankl and child and Miss joclefiaumgardner were im. periled. -A very excitable runaway oc curred here Thursday aflcrnoou beginning at the rear of II. T. Fulton's store in the Mauney back lot and terminating in front of tiie post office on Mountain street. Fortunately noboay was hurt but the escape was sai-row. One wheel of the wagon to which the runaway horse was hltcHod was demolished and i. C. Baauv; gardner's buggy Wa stove up from a rear on cellisios with the. wagon. The horse and rvagon belonger1 to H. T. Fulton. The horse wa? hitched by a weight which prov ed insufficient wlien he decided to run. He came out of the back lot into Cherokee street the wheel striking a telephone; pole which proved fata! to the wheel. Mrs F. M. McDaniel and little child and Miss Josie Baum'gardner had just driven aptothe-s.de of the street and stopped io front of the mafltel An eff jit. was made to keep the runaway horfco from turninz into , Mountai iv street and imperiling the ladies but lie tarned in anyway and struck the buggy in. tlvj rear with a wlieefoftiie wagon before the ladies had time to -get out. Fortunately the horse to the Wig- gy took no fright and a am grabbed the boggy and kept it from turning over unti the 'ladies could u extricated. Simultan eously some one else stooped the runaway horse. BALLOON AS- CESION HERE LAST FRIDAY Under the' auspices of the Jones & Bilverlalth show cliich was here all ; last week, Jack Huffstlckl.-r made ad aerial fligii in his bil oon Friday eveniug. The balloon attracted quite a crowd.- . LORAY PAST OR MOVES TO BUFFALO, S. C. Rev, 'A. T. 'Stoudenmire, who recently resigned the pastoratae vf the Loray Baptist Church In West Gastonla, left' yesterday with his family for Buffalo, S. C where he will make l.i home in the future. During his istay of about two years here Mr. Stoud enmire made many friends who greatly regret to see hkn leae but wish for him muchjmcess in' his new Held. Gazette July, 2. GIFTS IN GREAT PROFU- SION i ' i We had the pleasura Friday of taking a look at the presents re: ceived hy Mr,- and Mrs.:" E. W. NeaU ..8pakin(f ,' frankly. '.we haven't seen a better, collection anywhere.. The gifts are espdbl-ally-otlceahle for their superior quality and their available ntil ittf. - - ' ' 4 , V ' Kintjs Mountain, N. HABDIN MILLS TO BE REBUILT President Carpenter states that- mills will re rebuilt new machinery installed Mr. 0. D. Carpenter, president and general manager of the Har din Manufacturing Company whose plant was rh st roved by tin- some weeks ago w:is in the cit.v yesterday en route to Charlotte on a business trip. In conversa tion with The Gazette he sta'-eil that it was his pui pose to reLiiiiu his plant as soon as possible. The hnilfling v.ill be e;nsti ucteti anew from the erouml U. N'ew and improved machinery will be installed. Tha mill'will be elec trically driven Mr. Carpenter was very optoinistic over the prospects despite his recent loss. Gazette July 2 COMMUNION AT LONG CREEK SUNDAY Thre will bo regular com inn nion service at Long Cree.k Pi-esbj teriaii Church next Hun diiy,. July 11th at eleven o'clock. Re'. Thoin is Baleman of She!, by f ill proayii the sermon. Sup ply Pastor, Rey. J. T. Pharr extends .'a' cordial invitation to all to be' present. YORKVILLP ITEMS OF INTEREST. Yorkvifle Enquirer Miss Sue S.nilli of Concord. N. (J. is Visiting Mrs. J. li. Can nn in Yorkyiile. Miss'- Elizabeth Caldwell of Columbia, is visiting Mrs. R T. Allison in YorkviUe. Mrs. J. B. Bowen and son of Charlotte, are yistting relatives in YorkviUe. Mr. G. W.. S. Hart, Est. of Yorkvillo, was a Visitor in Rock Hill this week. . Sheriff II. G. Brown of York business, visitor -in ville was a Hock Hill. Miss Mary Plaxico of York viUe No. 1, has "as her guest, Miss Statia Philips of Chester. Miss Jennie Lou Thomas of Gaffney is visiting .friends- in Yorkvillo Md Rock Hill. Rebecca, little daughter of Dr. and Mrs.. J. . D. McD.nvell, of YorkviUe, has appendicitis, . Mrs. J, M. Riddlo of Lancas ter, is yisitingher daughter, M,fr J. S. Mackorell, in YorkviUe. Mrs. D. E Finley of YorkviUe was the guest of the Misses Roach in Uo3k Hill this week. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hurt of IYorkyille, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. S Rc-iV in Rock Hill this week. " ( . ,. Mrs. Fay Kilbourn of Texas City, Texas, is visitlnff her kraother,' Mrs. . Mv .A., Metts in Yorkvule. ; -: - . " Cont'd ou Back Page) C, Thursday, July 8. PRINCIPLE FIRST STAY AT HOME SAYS HEALTH BOARD Ccnsumptinn can be cured in any paii of United States -BuHetiji Health , Press Article rth enrolinn Stute Hoard of Hi-ulUi .lun l;il.r,. From 10,(KHI to l.'j.OUO cnM.tn. fives go West every jvar in search of health This ostiruat: is based on lecent iiiV,.slgatioii!', made by the U.S. Puolio M.-n!l.i, Service. Colorado. C..l.foii.,a. iViizona, New Mexii-o nn.1 Tox is ire the status that uttracl. m sumptives most stroni'ly and are the states furnishing the data of investigation. 1 he poi'its bearing - especial warning and advice to North Carolinians are these; from 'JO to fifty per cent of these eon suniiilivesare hopeless ease. n.d die within sixinontiis alter their arrival, tlie pe- centatre oi those dying wiMiin 30 cays running as high as I'ftccn. A largo but unknown per cent al.'!" die in almshouses or aro the leeipi-tits of chanty ar.d tlie great niaioiiry of these could have been made comfortable in their last days if they had stay ed nt home among friends and relatives,. No 0110 should think 6C going West'w South west for Irs health unless n has at least $1,000 a bove his railroad fare, and can leave all his cares, v.orrie and trouble at t home; and no one should go who is in an advanced stage of tuberculosis or who has not taken careful medical advice. Tuberculosis can be cured in any part of-the United State, and it Is far better for a con sumptive ot moderate means to go to a sanatorium near at home than to go West and live in aslightly more favorable climate without proper food or medical care. . GAITHER PlilL- BECK DIED LAST WEEK Shlcb.v. July lS.ecial. Mr. Gaither Philbec.k, one of the leading farmers of Vie New House community, died Tuesday night at the home of his daugh ter, Mrs. D. K, Gngg, just west of Shelby, of progressive paraly sis. He was 63 years old and had been sick, for a year or more, Three children survive: Mrs. W. W. DePrlest of New House, Mrs. Willie Hoyle of Palston, and Mrs. D. E. Grigg of Shelby. Ho was buried at Sandy Plains Church yesterday, where- he , held his membership. Rev. Mr. Harrill of Elonboro conducting tho funeral services. MRS. IDA SMITH DIED THURSDAY NIGHT Mrs, Ida Smith, wife of John Smith, who lived about a mile beyond tne Sevier mill died Thursday nir;ht after.a long sick ness. Rr. E. O. Cole - preached the funeral Saturday morning and interment was made in the cemetery at Bethlehem. Subscribe lor The Herald. . Published, ever Thursday 1015. SI. TENTMEETING AT BESSEMER CITY Cbur:bej ua. under big tent-Rev William Black preachhs. Bic Choir. j . big tent union i ;ng is going Oil 'it I !':; wilii Kvi'i'.gnlis M.im I. lioii.c t'.e iweii pa.'aiory se-vii-es we last w!,- nnl an em;' Iihs le.:n l-i Irainiiii 'inn. Ti:e .ivacliing vivtil meet isceier City Villium hing. I'll' -. h-ld all nous choir ; for some iast we-'k v.iis (ione by uiflevenf. justois from the various pulpits in Bes semer City. Gastoina and I Mountain, BARACA CLASS HAS BUSINESS MEETING The Raraca class of the First itaptist Sunday School held an informal business iiict-tirg at the home of the teacher, G. CJ. Page on Kincs Street Friday night. fler niiMi v mat tors of vital 'in terest to the class were, discuss- 1 the members of the class were snowu mlo the. dining room wheif? ico cream and cake were serverl. REV. GRAHAM RETURNS FROM MEETING AT GAFFNEY. Rev. Edw. M, 'Graham, past the Wesloyan Methodist Church, was in Gaffney, S. C ia.-.t week attending the big tent meeting, held by Key. J. A. Clement and J- R. George. Rev. Mr. Graham reoorts that the meetings were largely attended and that there were more than 73 professions up to the time he returned home. Rev. Cler.ent is here this week holding 'revival services at the Wesley an Met'.o dist Church. REV. J. Af CLEM ENT IS CON DUCTING MEET ING AT WES- LEYAN CHURCH Rev, J. A. C'ement, of Cent ill, S. C, General. Evangelist of of tho Wcsleyan Methodist Church, is holding Evangelistic services at theWesle.van Metho dist church here, assisted by the pastor. Rev Mr. Clement is known throughout the South av a strong preacher anl a most successful evangelist. He held one meeting in Kings Mountain in which there were more than 100 pro fessions. A cordial invitation is extended to all pastors and their congregations to attand thesa meetings and take an active part Services every night this week at 7;45 o'clock. Come. Edw. M. Graham, pastor. Our Mr, Hunter has jnstdeliv. ered some d ico job printing , to leading firms at Mt. Holly, Kan napolis and Charlotte. Our work stands competition. - ; No. 22 A YUAU in ADVANCE HONOR BRE, AT THE NEAL H "Mt Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Hi il K tion in honor of M. arn? W, Nca!. Mr. :in-i Mrs. L. -. . Vni't.iiim.! lust. T; ,h v r. ., in lion r of Mr. anr' f V X-;il 't v.as ;'. mosti lain, .,1.' r. .. and enjo.a.)lefh-.c;:s-oii U : , ii'iinh r of fnei.us of tlie f,.tii Tli married peoplev.-. .-. ved from m to tl:S0 and thu youn ger set from 9:30 to eleveu. The iruei-ts were met at. t.1- viiigsjdoor km! shown l,- the uuncn bowl on the side porch by Mi; . fionrie Mau-iey. M sdam':s Piess'ey MoGHI ard R. T. Cip sler iresided 0"er the pun .; bowl. Mies Mia Harmon thuii showed tho giicsiji into tlie p1'- or where they were I'.'Teteil l v the receiving line as follows, Mr- Mid Mrs. L. V. Neii I, Mr. ,a Mr?,E,W, Neal, Luther Harmon. Miss Geneveivo Neal and ,i. . McGill. After tiii cbn,aii'i-., of the narlor the 'ixr. were ushered into the dvi wg room by Mi as Car!;!:: V- ii-f where Aiiss-is Virginia Mauno.- and Kate Harrrion served frt.au' nl cake. DALLAS ITEMS Di'Uhji, . July 1. :..'is Iviab'o Oi).on spent Friday iu Cli.ii. !o'.t . The young people .-mjo.ycd an ice cream supper at Mr. .'Jtvlcr Lincberger's Saturday nisrhr. Mr. Andrew Stroap an,' : : Miss Joanna, spent Sunday w-!i Mr. and Mrs. John Pavsour. Mr. and Mrs. --Prank Rhyne visited Air. Mrs. L. L. Pasoiir Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Miku Riser, ,jt Crouse spent Saturdav night with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mauney. . Mrs. Jpseph Gamble and MiKs Ethel Gamble spent one day last week with Mrs. C. E. Dixon. Miss Bessie Costner snent a week recently with friends in Charlotte. . Mr. Nemucl Clemmor v.-ho has been confined to his bid the oas two weeks is able to be up a gain. Mr. and Mrs. Grover 'Moretz and rhihl who have been spend ing some time w'.th Mrs. Sarah Pasour left Wednesday to spend some time with the form er's father in Wautaga county. Mrs, Jasper Ratchford- spent a week recently with, her par-" en'jS, Mr. and Mrs, Stauhooo Ciemmer. Mrs. W. It. Thomas spent set', eral davs recently visiting her brother. Mr, J. L. Clemmer and her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Pasour. Mrs. Amanda Davis and Mrs. Rose Pasour, of Ga&ton'a visited Mr. ami Mrs. Lemuel Clemmer Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Frank Friday spenton.i day recently with Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Pasour, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Pasour spent Sunday at Mr, Grant Pa sour's.' - The Misses O'Brien, of Bescr mer City 'Spent Saturday ntybt with their cousins, Misses Lnoiia, nd Tola White. , Mesdamc (!ec;go '.i . Ratchford spcrt on. i .: it: week witn Mrs. Prict' Ratchford. Gaaette. July 2. .

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