Hear Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman and S. D. Gordon at Linwood the last week in August Laymen's Conference he W W i T IT 1 Banes ivi r Vol 12 Kiwirs Mountain, N. C., Thursday. July 22. 1UI5. No. 2 1 G. G. PAGE, Editor and Owner $1. A YEAR in ADVANCE oiMiiam neraj JURY-LIST AUGUST CCURT Cleveland County Superior Court con venes in Shelby July 26. The summer term of Cleveland Superior Court convenes in Shel by July 26th with Judge Shaw presiding. This court is for the trial of both civil and criminal rases and will run two weeks. The jury list as drawn by the county commissioners is as fol lows; FIRST WEEK No. 1 township: E. B. Price No. 2 township; Eli Turner Julius S. Goode, A. Reuben Ham rick, Jr. No. 3 township: W. C. Sur ratt, J. M. Roberts. Sr. No. 4 township; Ira Patterson Kastus B. Dixon, Thomas Arro vood, M. L. Beam, C. H. Rob erts, J. J. Logan, No. 5 township; J. B. Smith, A. J, Putmnn No. 6 township; B. F, Wilson, S. O. Andrews, C. C Beam, J. R. Dover, G. L. Allen. Chas. H. Wells, C, B. Putman, J. H. An thony. ; : No. 7 township; L. O,. Ham t!ek, D. Queen, T, B, Hamrick, ..Tesso W Jones No. 8 township: M. B. Maun dy, K. 0. Whisnaht, W. T. G'ld No. 9 township: C. J. Ylton, J.J.Stockton, J.E. Hoy le Thom as Costner. No. 10 township; T. A. Canipe No. lltornship: Sidney Wort nan, SECOND WEEK No. I township; W. S, Harris No, 2 township: A, L. McKin- ney No. 8 township: W. L. Harriili No. 4 township; F. L. Ware, ,, No. 5 township; P. E. Ranall, O, R, Eaker No. 6 townships E. M.Hamrick William Beam No. 8. township: W. P. Led ford J. A. Horn No. 9 township: Buford Spur lin No. 10 township; --, Theodore Warlick No. 51 township: J. S.'Hunt Littleton College, a wellepuip ped and hinrhly -prosnerous School for yoau women, whose advertisement "appears in an other eolumn of this paper is offering $50 scholarships t ac ceptable applicants prepiwitnfr to . teach. ' The imstihitlan a wards peda gogical diplomaa. has its own ..practice ad Observation School and is sending oat many efficient and successful teachers, all of whom secure good positions, MRS. CAMPBELL ; DIES . Mrs. Fannie Qampbell wife of D. M. Campbell of Kings Moun tain and stepmother of Attorney E. L. Campbell, died in faospit- :14th at the age of 56 years and "jl' ' was bnried at the late home! Baxlny. Ga. Deceased was a X iaithful member of the Metho- . ' idist Church, a loyal wife an.l a lovinR mother..- She was a nat-a iv of Robeson County North "Carolina :i -s v'i ,8atiCTlbe for The Herald.'- ' GIRLS' REVIVAL AT BETHLEHEM Rev. Vance Htavircr to preach at Beth elehem ani Oak Grove 'First Sul day ra Aagust. Rev. Vanci Heavner, the fam ous boy preHeher, wtU preach at Bethlehem on the first Sulay in August at eleven o'clock -and at Oak Grove the same day at 2-80, The Bethleliem servic will Imark thebeeinnlnic oi a, series of revival service. Pastor J. M. Suttle will be as- 'sisted in tho meoiinft by Rev. J. j n,ohflm . . A ten days singing school be gift at Bethlehem this week. IN CAMP AT LINWOOD Mr, and Mrs. CB. McMillan, Austin McMillan, Misses Ella and Annie MeMilla, of Gaston' a, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Pace and N. Fred McMillan, at Kings Moun-! tan, are taking aa outing at L''n wood 'College. They moved there last Thu-redny and will be there until the end of the week They have an apartment In the second story of the administration build ing. rt is a most pleasant place t spend the hot weather. The -fine mouutain breenes sweeping down, ":: . the various kinds of feealthgiving waters flowing from many springs, the broad acres of thickly shaded campus with it's heavy mat t living green together with rural soli tude make it the grandest resort at all.The outing paity are under many obligations to ' President Liadsay for granting them quart ers in his buildings. ' - Will Harris of Shelby was the guest of the party v lor a few days. . ' - . " i , Little Marguerite Kondriok of Waco is spending the week here with relatives. Miss Margie Hord came home Monday to spend her vacation. She has been teaching at " Waco three years and will resume- her work this fall.., , .,... DORMITORY WorK is er The Cleveland County Com missioners are certainly makinar good their pled?" to build the Kiugs Mountain. Yorkvill" road in consideriitioii of tho County lin- election held in April bein favorable to Clevoland County and as soon as they are done with the Yorkville end of the road the other eiid of the road extending from kiii(js Mount ain to the line of Number Five Township will be built. The Kings Mountain precinct road force is doing the work under the direction of J. R. Gamble who is recognized as an expert road builder. This means that the work will be done right. When this road is completed a gateway will be opened to South Carolina commerce and travel a lack of which the town of Kind's Mountain has felt kesnly for for ty years. It will open up a large, area of good fanning country just across the mouutain and make it easily accessible to our town. That trade logically be longs here but the isxtreme diffi culty heretofore encountered in crossiag the mountain has. turn ed the business to Gastonia, Clover .and Yorkville. We un derstand that the people over there are already rejoicing that they are to have the 'great wall broken down and that they are lo make our acquaintance more fully.' Kings Mountain . holds out a glad hand of welcome to these people and pledges her self to do them good, , L The prospect sow is thai the mountain road will be open for travel by Spring, possibly earli er. ... At the hands of Esq. W. A. Mauney. we weie given an auto mobile trip over the road Thurs day morning down to whore the hands were at work on the Clar Creek culvert. From thew J. B, Thomasson took us on his buggy over the balance of the road that has been partly workedi- fhe road being ..already jn ' :-v:.-.-....,-,;.:::....:.h :Lh ; ..J LIN WOOD COLLEGE well way good passable conditio:! an far a tho gold mint;, the work was bogun opposite the gold mine whei'o the real bad road bngan. Departing from the old ...roal, a nw short-cut road was 'madu J i from the starting point at the gold mine to the hill of Muddy Branch, The grading; is pract ically finished on this section. The road crosses Muddy Branch at the old crossing and follows the old road to where a straight line strikes Clear Creek. A new crossing is described at Clear Creek, The road lied from Clear Creek to the state line will not coincide with the old road but will cross it a tima or two. A bout a quarter of a mile of the new road has been graded be yond Clear Creek, We found the force divided. Part of the hands with the teams were finishing up the grading on the new section of road extend ing from the gold mine to the hill of Muddy Branch. The oth er part of the force was putting in a concrete culvert over Clear Creek . This will be a splendid job, . It is said to .be much bet ter than a bridge and is certain ly more desirable to the travel er. -At the culvert works we found County Commissioner L. C Palmer in the garb of a lab orer executing what he knew a bout ttw construction of the culvert. There was Mr. Gam ble. the road suoervisor and Mr. C. C. Martrn an experienc ed cu. vert man, ah .butting their heads together to make it the best job possible, A similar cul ver'., wilt be ouilt at the, Muddy Branch crossing also. Y , The biggest job on the! York ville end of the road or on the road anywhere is yet to betack led That is about a quarter of a mile of the mountain which must be blown away and jrrided through.; ' After crossing j the Mountains there will oe about & mile of easy work. V The Commissioners are to -lie cpmmendedior for thwilr prompt-. NEW ROAD TO SHORTEN HIGHWAY Bridge is in and most ol grad.'ng donc- Shortening distance to Linwood. Work is still goiii: on upon the now road connecting King street with the National Highway at J. T. McGill's place near the Anna mill. Tho road has been graded except a few hundred yards either' side of the little creek over which Gaston County has built a steel bridge. The bridge is tinis'ied and the road is being worked up to it. This road shor tens the distance to Linwood about a mile. This road and the Yorkville road which is being built by the Cleveland Commis sioners will prove a great boon to the town of Kiugs Mountain. The avenues of opportunity keep opening up to tha town Work has beer, started at the gold mine. Some building is un der way and preoaration is being made to put the mine in opera tion soon. J. B. THOMAS SON TO BUILD SUMMER HOME J. B. Thomasson has discover ed aa outcrop of seven springs all in close proximity on his farm out on the York"ille road beyond Clear creek. He says that there are different kinds of water pres ent but he doesn't know how great the variety. The plare looks so inviting that Mr. Tliom asson is building him a summer cottage there and will move to it in a week or so. ness and fidelity in the execution of their.pledge to the people of Kings Mountain and vicinity. The town is to be congratulated for the great avenue of trade and opportunity being opened up to it through the construction of this road. The building of tne road not only ' opens up a channel ol communication to York ' County but serves as a connecting link of a great high way from Ashoville to Columbia.'- ' ..- PICNIC SAT. AT DIXO.sl ACADEMY-' Annual Sunday School picnic hdd-- N. F. McMillan speaks. - We had the pleasure Satur day of attend. ng the annual Sun day School picnic at - Dixon 1 school house which is about 5 V miles from town on tho Buttle-- ground road. The day was sup uressinirlv hot but the splendid ' shade in the grove made it alto gi'thor bearable. A good crowd was present. The picnic was pu 1 d oil' in the best of style. Mi-. St. Clair, the very able and apt Superintendent of the Sunday &chool was mistress of the cere monies- In the torenoon music ; and exercises by the children formed the order, The chiMrui ncnuitted themselves mostsplen- did y and reflected credit auk. on their home training and the Sunday school. Mrs. St. Clair explained that owing to the faet that the' children had to work in the field they had been aole to do but little rehearsing. No op- ology was necessary however, for the children did well. At 11:30' the indoor program was suspended and the crowds assembled on the grounds for dinnei. Linec' up around llio lon' table were as hale and hearty a set ol cood looking men women and ehildre,. as ever bom barded a festal board. That board was laden wiLh the hriess variety of well prepared eatab les anv man ever faced and was urderset "7ith big tubs of deli-, oinjs lemonade all free and with out money and without price After the bounteous repast - and a good social hour the pick- nickers re assembled in tne school building for further singing and speaking, Attorney N. F. McMillan was the speaker of the day. Mr. Mc Millan was at his best ana gave a most interesting address on TIip. Younir Man of Today,' He dealt, in comparison of the yojng man of today ard his outlook. wit h the young mar. of twenty -five voars ago. The speech was - to the point and well taken. Af ter Mr. McMillan'," speech the ttditor was called upon but his - having an'engagement in his of fiA in Kines Mountain prevent ed his talking any more than extenaing eoofcratulattons ana . encouragement to the good po pie for their splendid worn a long religious and cducationKn ines. 1 heDixion people have a good Sundav School attended by about 75 farming people. They say that they could have much better crowds at their bunuay School and public meetings if they hid a bridge across the Dixion pond. The lack of the bridge cuts off their people and thev hone that the commissioners will soon build the bridge. They need it. KERR-MARTIN . (Newberry Observer) The marriage of Miss Elanor Martin, daughter of Mrs. J. N. Martin, to Rev. Gilbreth Lawson Kerr of Kings Mountain, N, C. which bas been anticipate-! with interest for some time, was sol- emn'ized Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of tbe.T .v (Cont'd on back phscV