' '.- i . V v .... ;. ,.. , mu-J iu-LJUui . "i . "v H ;IMii IKW U ' H - w1 I -W II II - II U . . V - U i.t ....! , . . i 5 1 '- Vo1 2 , Kings Mountain, N. C.t Thursday, September 9, 1915.; ." -. ' Noi ;.-" u.-. .tcis PACE. Editor and Owner' -' " : PRINCIPLE FIR8T . . .-: '. ', "V."' j?.-.-.- A. YEAR In APVAMCfr ' ' S.. j Si I Buy :9:yW! ticket now v Floral Fair ' The floral fair will be held October 25th-29th under the auspices of the Civio Tague. . The prises will be displayed at in early duto-in the show win '.. dow of Planter! Hardware Co. .. . Any one in the town or viclu - ity Is eligible for the prises - which will be given for flowers, : ferus and fancy work as listed '; beiow. . . ;,.::t:""-;';v:'. First best collection, ;'. i Marseilles quilt Second best collection, Brassumbrella stand. -' Three best cream blooms, v One doz. ice cream cups, . Three best white blooms, Rocking chair. ' j Three best yellows, Set Ice tea spoons. ' - Three best D Appleton. Meat fork ' ' '?' ', Three best bronze :-; ; ;; -- j- r Aluminum preserving kettle. Three best pinks, '- -. c Cut glass Jon bon dish. Three best reds. - '' LfNWOOD COLLEGE OPENED FALL SESSION WEDNESDAY ' L'nwo id College opened . lt: - d.iora yesterday tor the fall ses - aloU with good wrotmects for a '"fiwsrr Bswebsfut yearV woHir ty JTbe DO-educational plan worked o deoidedly well last year that ' Prrtideot Undsay is vorv en- - 'tliuaiastic over this featare of ' he work. Linwood is equipped .this year with the strongest fac ' ulty . jut its history. President ; ; : Lltid8jr has been most careful in his selection of teachers for ; -' the various departments. These - nun and women were Invariably ae'ected with reference to train- v Ing. Christian character and a daptability. The' faculty as it stands at ibis writing is as follows; ,:. v Rov. A. T. Lindsay, A. B., Pres. . Bible and Psychology , Mrs. C, W., Dendyt;. Dean v - Latin, and English Rev. G. L. Kerr " Greek and Science ' . Prof. J.'. R.. M inter. ;. BOLD ROBBERY IN OASTONIA v Castonia Gazette, Friday - 5 At 'some time during the - night last night burglars gained entrance to the building on West 'Airline avenue occupied by F, D, Barkley & Co., wholesale dealers in flour, grain and feed, and finding' the; office sate.' iin locked broke oqen the money drawer in the safe and made. a-, way with Its contents. The draw- . er was tound on the railroad track nov far from the' scene of the robbery this morning anil ill the checks, notes and other pap. ers Which it had contained wore recovered. The robbers obUinbd only a few dollars in; cashas only a small'. atnounC of.; money ad been left iu the safe. - - 'Presumably tne same parties who perpetrated tW robbery in I' e Barkley butldipa- also held j . novvy. Slephefts, . pastor ' st Airline Avenue M. 1 . .unj.i, about 11 o'clock last d! ' t. flpy. ; Mr. Stephens was October 25-29 A'uroinum roaster. . Three best variegated, Set tee-tea s noons. Best single bloom, Damask table cloth. Best collection fcrnr, - ' Rug. Best single fern, Set ice-tea spoons. Best piece embroidery, Cut if lass bowl. Best piece cbrochet, Set ice-tea spoons. Best piece tatting, Percolator. : Best piece baby apparel, Rug.. Best piece miscellaneous, Bking dish.':; Best collection cut flowers, Fern dish, ' Prise Committee. "Mrs. Liszie'Valls " G. V. Patterson " I. B. Goforth " Annie Dllling ' " M. L. Houser. Mathematics and Gecman- .' ProL U.JI. Hollidy Science and Pedagogy Miss Laura Plonk English and Expression Miss Bertha M. Massey :- . Art and History " Miss Annie Kirk Rowan Piano ", Miss Stella Bethnne . - Voice (Primary Dept. to be Supplied) - Mrs. B. H. Allgood , " Head Matron : ' Before the forms close we may be able to say who the primary teacher is, " . . v ,. The College is to have a new addition this year, that of a Col lege Journal wbich will be issued monthly with Professor R. H Holliday as faculty editor. There will also; be I Y. IS. C. A.,.,Y. W. C. A. Athletic. Exchange and Local editors. returning to his home on West Airline avenue from ft lodge meeting and as he turned the cornet of Main and York he yas followed by two men who were standing - in the shadow pf a building. They followed him to a point iu front of the residence of Capt, B. G. . Fry, i where an other man, evidently a., compan ion, was stationed. They baited Mr. Stephens and demanded hl money, but upon being iolA that be had noho, allowed him to pro ceed. :i--A-''': Another burglary i .occurred Wednesday njight when some person or persons ' gained . ec irance to the store of Swan-Slat er Company on West Main ave nue. ' Tney , were evidently in search pf mooeyy lor.only a. few articles were missed from the stock rof ' good. . Entrance (to both buildings was gained iy breaking glass from it rear win! dow. -' ' ' ; r THE PANAMA - NATIONAL EXPOSITION AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALI F TH E PANAMA-CALIFORNIA EXPO SITION AT SAN DIEGOCALIF., AND THE GREAT GOLDEN WEST. as seen by Mr. E. 3. McSwain and wife Mrs. Ava Herndon McSwain and their Jlttle daughter Velda Irene, of Montgomery, Ala., on their recent ten thousand miles tour. ITI ( Cont'd from last week ) We were very much impress ed with the beauty of Victoria, in fact The Lovely Lady was al most in the notion of stopping there for gooi: the splendid streets: 'the elegant homes T the nice people tho disirable climate the beautiful toses . and other tragrant flowers and the enviable snrrroundings nadeths pi ce one to attract rather thnn detract. The Parllment Bjildlng men tioned farther uo cost over three million of dollars and co dpare favnraMjU,hb,anit.f those, 10 the U. S., and contain the main seat of the British .Government in North America. British Col urn bia contributed t'le first contlig ent of Z.000 soldiers for the pres ent great w-r, " who sailed from Victoria, Of this number only 1,200 were hot kilted during ti e first battles they were in. Victor ia .also is the seat of a great wire less station from which messages are sent and received over a dis tance of 2,700 miles. There are many other things' of interest that could be mentioned here, but we have given enough space to the subject, but allow me to add that in Victoila, Queen Vic oria tor whom the city was nam i, has a great monumen t to her jredit Vancouver the sister city across the strait was named for a man -of tho same name, it founder. . . - Ai four thirty we board the samH steamer that we came over on and atari for Seattle, which if we take the time table at its word, we reach at twenty one o'clock, but winch really is nite o'clock p. m The "distance of eighty-three miles is pleasantly spent, part ol the way in the steamer observation parlor, part On deck and part in the excellent dining room. Where ' didner was served for $1.00 each. Among the things of interest seen dur ing evening was a whale, but we will not say as did the .colored preacher on a certain occasion before bis congregation, that it was -''The whale " that Jonah swallowed." However, it was e good sized one' and placed along for some time at the rear Ot our Rteamer, on two or three of . his capers almost Jumping ont of the water. The view ot the setting San into the restless Pacifio,,- M it were; was I tf - very beautiful 3cene, and later the lights of the cit',es on the shore, those of Se attle la particular, with their re flection into the waters beneath or rather between you and them PACIFIC INTER SK.OSWAIN made a niagnificlont picture one that stands out very forcibly in our memory. It was not only beautiful but was enticing for when we reached it we would be again in the U. S. after several days pleasant journey in Cana da. On arriving at the dock the way out led through the emigra tion office, and although it was nine o'clock every suitcase and Dig nau to be unlocked and o Dened up for them to examine ineir contents, under tne pre tense of looking for th'.ngs that would be a violation or tne neu trality laws of the U. S., but to the tired possessor who was more anxious ,to get to his hotel than he was to learn what is contra band, it looked like the duty of these gallant officials was to make you hunt a laundry shop and a pressing club the first thing. He kne w just how to Wrinkle and tangle them up, but business conditions are a little depressed, and why shouldn't he make you help keep money ip circulation when he had the chance and was backed bv the Government? I purposely left off the "$to Can ada" f migration procedure when we crossed the line in order that I might contrast the two. We passed into Canada la the night or early morning when every body were supposed to be asleep sobafore retiring for the night our obliging conductor provided with blanks to be filled oat, giv ing name, address," birth, 'mar ried (bow many times) where you were on your way to, how long you would be in Canada, whether you would seek ' work or a new companion in Canada, and other about as impcrtant quertionv It looked like the government had an eye Open for .marriageable prospects for the numerous good looking ' women whuee sweethearts will lose their lives in the conflict across the water Bather wise government you sty Cmada has a soldier stationed at every railroad bridge of any size in' the Dominion," whoso duty it is to guaid the bridge aud walk across before and after every train, which is a . matter ot precaution against the dist inction of the bridges aad there by stop- the - transportation - of muuitlons and soldiers. -' We stopped at the . hotel Bar ker while in Seattle, a nice hotel with reasonable , rates, from which place we start this morn; j ing, June20Vh, for an auto Sight (cjnt'd on back Rage Graded School The graded schcol opens here next Monday, the 13th. It is hoped that all the patrons will have all preparations mado and will have every child present the first day. The school will be ably manned. The same superin tendent who so ably bandied the school. last year will be in charge and four of the old facul ty will be agaiu at the helm. The faculty and superintend e.nt as now standing is as fol lows; , - . Superintendent, R. A. Yoder of Hickory. High School Department; Prof. R. A. Yodur and Miss Craw ford Sledge, of Kings Mount REV. MR. COLE Editor Ilerald, Kindly allow me a final word. Mr. Gardner and yourself centered hard on the third paragraph in my statement in which I say, "I have been re liably informed thai Elbethel was listed in the convention on two other occasions without au thority,' Mr. Gardner makes the positive stalemeut that El bethel has never been 011 the flist asoneot the choirs taking part in the convention. Please nots that I did not say "listed as takltg paH", but "listed io the Convention." Mr, Page says that Elbethel was listed ia tha territory of tb i ;. convention. Doubtless that accounts for one o! the occasions my informant bad in mind. It may be that El bethel was mentioned a second time, and that would account for the two occasions. Now if X ha-'e damaged any one by using the phrase "listed in the oonveu tion" instead ot "listed in the territory of the convention" I most humbly beg pardon and I will -take all pains to : make a- mends. Possibly I should have written this paragraph as follows On one other occasion Elbethel was mentioned in . connection with the ottveutioii aud since it has c6me?up again 1 1 wish to make a statement to avoid future misunderstanding".!' Also- the phrase "without au- MR. GARDNER'S To Mr. Cole; Now a few foots for you to remember. :. 1st. Elbethel has never been listed in the convention, -was not this time. It was only "Ex pected. " A nd they were there all day except possibly two and they came hi the afternoon. ' nd. It ' was tho Elbethel choir that was mentioned and not Elbethel Church or Sunday School. Elbethel choir is com posed of four different denomi nations. Not one of the Bass Singers belong ; to . Elbethel Church. They bhouid be called Elbethel community choir. .; . 8rd.-Tbat I did not publish anything. at all in regard to El bethel or the Conveution. Mere ly told Mr, Page they were "ex pecting", to go which they did. 4 to. The pastors should en courage rather than discourage good singing in their churches, for.', good singing-' will -draw a. larger congregation than good Opens Monday ain. ' 7th grade and part of the sixth. Miss Bonnie Mauney,- King Moun ain, ' Part of tho 6th and the Stb, Misa- Effle .Martin, Mtf. Olive, N. C. 4th. Miss Edna Dixon, Fallstonr N. C. Srd. Mis Bessie Simontonr Kings Mountain N. C. . , 2nd. Miss Jennie Leo Kerr,.. Rock Bill S. C. -1st. Miss Bessie K. McCraw of Hendersouville and Miss Pearl ' Jones, John's, N. C. These new teachers come highly ; tepommtmded and tho old ones"6n the list ate already known to be gilt edge. All to gether for the bust school ever. WRITES AGAIN thority'' seems to have aroused i you somewhat. In vour reply you bring out just what I was calling attention to, namely, that the appearance of the church In connection with the convention was purely a piivate. action. Nothing was more remote- from the minds of those good men than the idea that they were acting with authority from El bethel Church. Mr, Gardnei seems to really get "hot". He says that he did., have authority and stales it as ,: follows; ''At tbA -soon- hour on Thursday during- the week V taught there some of the mem'jers ' of the choir. . asked me could they oome and sing in the afternoon, " . So in his own words he only had authority to say that some of . the members wished to sing or . would sing in : the afternoon, that Is not what .he published. He prints Elbethel in the midst , of other choirs withou t a word to indjeate any difference, His. own words prove that he did th's without authority, But doubtless he did this without the least intention of doing, wrong. I did not meau to reflect T on his goo I moral character. Possibly he was reading into my . statement the in dignatiou I ex pressed regarding outside inter. , ference. E. O. Cole. FINAL WORD preaching. F01 proof atterd th-j .convention once or twice. ' 5th. That I did not get "Hot" as you say for I knew that I had, not exceeded . my authority. -Proof. The choir was there as had been announced. ; , But now Bro. Cole - 'Pess" up". . Didn't you get real "HOT?" " 6th. That neither ot us have, helped the cause any by this dis cussion and I confess that I am. . . heartily ashamed of my part of it but was compelled to in de-, tense of.m'y position, v', , ,, . . 7th. That your reference to. outside Interference was wholly , wncalied. for. as Elbethel .choir was not asked to come to the . convention but knowing tUey were in the . territory . grasped the opportunity which was their and they were as welcome a any choir at Ibe convention. ,v . C. P. Gardner. (Unless the Herald changes ft mind this wde fh diseuuioe in thee eol- nnni. Editor.) - . . .

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