135th. Annivcrcary oi u it i 7" A 7i , J yioum. PAGE. Editor And Owner after Jipproachi Acrobatic performances and Fireworks. ' hdeavor to have something doing all day. ihe great blebretion in ... . UA A. he -whole af jissue of the ttee Arc hard ajrreat J ii6 town, r.y quar- fen closed and. This Won hav- on -many The band is. Negoti- Lad acrobat 'under wa.v. Alay , is tbe II IS DC Is now- com- Ag, commit- loiiftcd and are fir various an ION will have out invita- Secy of the ley.H. McGln- ID ARRANGE T8 .r- Chairman. : , J. B. Thoms on, Vi. U V. , Anthony, Dr. M, L. Harmon,, DCONCESSION Alt Chrmn. J. C fcMoney, ; d.- a Itusip JitMir, Chrmn. E. L. W. MeGinnis, "C. r - '' 1 ERTISING -,er,"Chrmn. G.' G. vL. Heavoer.'-G-IL E. W. JleaC W. K iW. J.'Wright, ' Ralph . H. Patterson, 8. f IXANCE 1 ' firmd I. B. Go ''. D.' Her'ndoa. MMENT Ah' A E. Cline Seventh eat Day Is Fast innapoIis Band of 22 pieces has Deen contracted witn to iurn v ish the music for the day. kgotiations are under way for I1C VUIIUU9 VUlllllllllVVi? IIUVW "i appointed who will G. T iCInir. K. White, W. P. Pulton.' J. O. Plonk, W. Mauney, DillinK, R. S. Plonk, J. S, Mauney, ;. M. Carpenter, : J. C. Baumifardner, D. M. Baker, Dr. J. G. Hord, W. A. . Ware, H. P. Peterson, E. W. Barnes, : E. A. Patterson. ' The entire, membership ot the Civic League will act or)jo!nti.y with' the entertainment commit tee. , '-; The Civic League has also ap pointed a coqimittee to provide a rest room lor ladies for the day. The members of the committee are MeedameH R. .. C. . Baker, Chrmn. Lizzie Falls. L. L. (iampbcll, and Miss Katie Gar rett. . O : Assmmcot ledotti 'Messrs-. A. G.'MungDm, coun ty attorney, ' And 0. G. Falls,, chairman of the county, commta oloners, went to KUeiRh Monday and appeared before the' State Corporation .Commission to pro test against :th increase of ten percent ordered by the corpora Hon comniosipn in the assessed Valuation of real estate in Gas ton county. Notice wm received by County Auditor L. E. Rankin this moralng that tbe commission had1 decided to make the increase uly five oer cent, instead of ten, and the tax -books will be made U according, r Gasvnla Gazette, The Herald has a treat In stcre for its readers in the form of the history-of a certain locality In Cleveland County written np by abteveiand County.boy for our oblnmns. li glvea a general de scription of the "Settlement and People. It marks the various! stages Of growth, along social, educational and religious lines Id the v most , vivid language ! and weaves into Ht "toaBir characters alive and asefnl today. It may be several weeks oefore re' can use tbe matter but keep on the lookout for it. .Mrs. S, Q. Cole vras a. Char- lotie visitor Friday. , Kings Mountain, Ni C.s Thursday, September 23. 1915, To . . GLORIOUS 7TH. Hail to the seventh, the glori ous seventh, Tnat fills our ' hea'ts with cheer. We know that our GoJ is good to us, ; ' , For we'vo lived another yea". Our fathers to tfiir graves have gone, Their ; strife is past their tri umphA.won; . . And now we wave the stars and stripes and slog the songs : of joy, '', And watch the coming glorious , seventh Just like a happy boy. ? .- .. , We feel that It , is good for w to live in a land where there's no fear;- - Where our lives and comforts are both secure ,. with our loved ones all so near. . Oh! the glorious seventti and the grand old flag, ' - , That waves above our heads, That protection gives when we're asleep -and snug within our beds. , 7 Give us tbe flag and the- glor ious seventh, , And the souUthrill that they give; . Give us our hemes in our old South Land, And there ever let us live ' Till Christ shall come to claim his own. . 1 ' .-. . H.Y. Blk, Kings Mountain, R.F.D.5 -' la publishing the rules of ihe graded schoolf last wee't the one relating to the time when pupils vhould assemble on the grounds was inadvertantly misquoted. It should read "Pupils are not al lowed to assemble on the grounds or in the' Immediate ricinity be fore 8.-15 and not to enter the building before 8.30 except by special permission of the; teacher n charge except on rainy days. , Boliil Dead '' Bill Bolio who was shot by CLief Duncan at Blacksbargdied last Sunday night a week. Dun r can wett td arrest Bolln who u- sod his knife on the ofheer most cruelly. Dsncad opened fife on tbe man who was resisting - ar rest' It was at first teared - tiiat both would, die. Duncan is under ftPOO bond. " ' ' " ' , 'V. PRINCIPLE FIRST. Be a KINGS MOUNTAIN BATTLE GROUND r THE PANAMA-PACIFIC NATIONAL EXPOSITION AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIE, THE PANAMA - CALI FORNI A EXPO SITION AT SAN DIEGO, CALIF., AND THE GREAT OOLDRN WEST, a& seen by . . Mr. E.S. McSwain and wife Mrs. Ava Herndon McSwain and their little, daughter Velda Irene, of Montgohiery Ala., on their recent ten thousand miles tour. nmmmmmmmmmx ere siwjswain (Con'td from last week) Right here I might add that Oregon and Wsahingion, as well as British Columbia (South-west .Canada) appealed to 'me' more than any other points visited as an ideal place to live. The clitn ate, the resources', the adaota- billty of the soil to farming: and grazing, the forest areas, the people. In fact, everything in an all around way, seemed to be very desirable. Of course, we aata other places that were very desirable and in many respects equal and in some superior, , but I speak In a general way from the general idea I gathered, as we passed on our pleasant joum- ey. . ' -. rr Tuesday,' June 22nd. ' During the night we crossed over the line between Oregon anrl Cali fornia and on rising at five we could bee the famous Mt. Shasta, a snow capped mountain off to our left,, towering 14,444 feet high. This - movntaln renmlh ed in view forf' nearly a half a day's ride end at all times appeared fc be only a few' miles away. : About 8:30 A. M. we come to the Ceatara Loop where we wind our way up the - Sacra mento River, then down the oth er side, descending the mountain all tbe wlilie. Twelve miles of. track - are '.- used in this loop which makes a drop of 1,600 ft., crossing the river eignteen times sod going through nineteen tun nels. Tunnnls fourteen and fif teen are directly over each oth er, being the-only ones in Amer ica . that are, exactly one . on top of the other, though .there are many nearly so, some of which were Bwnllioued asve crrtsed $1. Grand INTER-, the Rockies in Canada. Farther down the canyon we reach the well known Sharta Soring at whicb point the train "stops for all., passengers to , take' a free drink of the Ozone water. There is . nothing ' here excepi the Springs and a tew small hotels, but the' springs are in good shape, well kept Most passeng ers alighted - for . the drink but having had their appetites whet ted ,for adrlnk of the famous water,, which their minds had lead them to, beleive would be especially good, they were dis appointed in the first drink. The second drink tats not so t-ad and after a bit; while not good, it could '' be : :'s wallowed without getting some ones to hold your. breath for you while sovr did the stunt,'' This water is said to every neaicnrui -ana a great many people go there to uao it, while , quantified J are shipped. Tho mountain-side ; all along In this section is one spring after another, not all of course, the Oioce water, but wator that is water alone.,: " -X;-v -..;'; This Shasta Route Isalsocailr tftttThe Route of a Thoocand Wonders, " as it not only Dase through some of the most fertile lands,the most prodaatjve, bot through s barren desert, Noton ly through the level, almort end -leak, Plain, but through Mount a4ss, Goiges, Canyons; not only ovet- lands, whete racks cannot be found, but through some Of the finest mining sections of the country with great mountains of solid tock; -not only through some country with the mildest cont'd an back page J A YEAR in ADVA Occas FOPD TOUR With 39 Ford Automobiles la the procession a large delega-' tion of people from Spartanbarr , County, S. C passed through: Cleveland county last ; Wednes day. They entered by way of Moo res bo ro and EUenboro and came on through Shelby and Kings Mountain and oc out by Grover . Their object was two-N -fold; r-amely, to - celebrate th prohibiten yiotory in their state-' and more particularly to take a I spin over Cleveland's good roads I with a view to imbibing the good roads spirit In their people. Spartanburg county is in bad shap for roads we understand Groyer Bonds The 3wn of Grover. our neigh- ' bor, has covered herself in gto, ry. The recent bond Issue for school building carried in tbe-. ratio of 62 to 11; The. issue i for not less than . $5000 and not ' over; $6000. Arrangements for , selling the bonds have beea. a bout ' completed and work will , begin on th new building right j away. Grover, has one ot the best schools in the county -aui. when it is housed in . ' the asw .. building wiil bo a monument to the good people of the . town. Watch Grover grow. HE LIKESsIE s '.; U. S. 8. PaatheiC-v, .-''." . ; New Port R. I... "'. - ' Sept .18. 1915.. . To Editor of the Ileiald. Dear Sir: - f . . '. I am sending you $1.00 to renew my subscription, for your valuable paper. : I mut say the Herald is improving all the time. -Would be almost lmtioss.'ble for me to do without it. I have been ( transfetred to the U, S. S Pan- , ther. ' Her home yard i Charles - : -ton, South Carolina. At present please send , mail In care post master New Yprk city, , Thank ing' you for your promptness in sending 'paper. . I remain ydurs truly,' . : . J. B, Ware. Meets At Earl The King Mountain' -Baptist-Asoociation meets atv Rrl to- . day, - tomorrow and Saturday,. , Rev. John W. Suttle o8heV is moderator and JJi Lattimon Clerk.' We nnderstand that there are three new churches lhat wilt , ask for admission into the eso elation. The Kings' Monnteia delegation ' can leave "jere on train 89 in the morning and re turn on Ks., 40 at night They-, will be entertained in the horns of Mr. Olive.: H0.3B0IIDS We noticed": from Friday's Cleveland Star that tbe voters of No. 3 towpship will rote on ' bond factae ot $50,000 on October 18th for the pnrpose et ; bnilding roads in tt township. - -The - pood rvsiat toes Ifixj .'1 ' 1 'r"' spreading.