',- i,:,.V o '"U ?J 7' i ' . Y ;'1"v "m-4 . f.l,y.,-,y'y.;i'.Tr; .MTi ".' ' ",i i ,i i,i ,, 1 r : i , i 1 ftilnr'i''-ttt'iffrt., i ', ' " , , ,-'. ,,- ' "' 'PAGE Etor;ina: Oinar ? .'. i&f n' ?i?itf&&iV t$ PBICIPt iFlBSt"'- .V-.;-. 5 :J.rv. Vv W V f 'JOEYUST V dOLRULES -1 i V BY SUPT- J- 'YlrWlN ' Ra1 (or teacher? and papils to Qeye "lni Cooatf schools y!"''', ,'.:'.'. r. , V,''V ' 1, All schools shall open Npvera- V'.bei 15, 1915. .A V ' 2. Tbe daily , sepsioos .of the v scbook sha! bfgip 'not ; . ( than, ?: 15 a. m.- nid ?011 0 ' tlnuis notlegs tliaa !x honrs'cx cluhlve o( all iwiesps, with," a tnorulnft and uttrnooa yecess of . not more than 10 minutes and. a . ' noon recess of not more tlx a one hot r. ' ' ft. AltteacherB'of the coUntyr hull fettend all meetings ot the Tp ach . er'i Aeoomtiont These meetings 1 will be held in Shelby the HrM Saturday of December, January, February and March. i 4. A'l teachers shall be in their :. respective school roons at least ' 15rauutes beCore the time fined .. .,v. for openlnu th schboL. and-'ai Jeist onp teacher shall remain . on the ochool k round at ' noon ." ' and after school until the hild Isjt bas been saftly closed and all the children senc home for Ub daj. , v ( ; V 5. AIL pupils doing . daihfte.' to . tne sohool propeitv shhli pay foi , . ..Mine, and updu failur to do so, j. aiav brt' excluded fromtba bctiool , nrtd for willful damage W:ay be prosecuted. : ,r .' - . , 6 The teachers shall hold an x i6Uunatton dunnif tlin. fast week ofcbool,aa(lialirrjmotetbose1 ' making ai average of 60 vv ci t. The q'lestlnntj fo.' the sev' emit grade examination shall be spared bv the. County Superjn teccentand seutito the teiichers upon application. ' j i' y' , 7. The Count CommsnceineEit iliall beiheld the first Mou Jay fit pri' April 3, ' MondayJt VAIl upils who have. Oasse X esslul examination 'in-iAvesrxar on school bfaocfie!,. 's'alf be ve.1 a ,. diplomat vn t cqj pu pi I nail be giT".u such diploma tin ssthe teacher Certifies thcom letion f the 7ih grade ' woj'V - , .... .... ( i , . The teacher stall look fter le library during the school rm and shall efideavor to tet ipijs and parent interested'!! o book. t . ..: All teachrrs are urged by- tr)e unty Board to enroll alt ellg- rr a totin I l n ffriA. T?- o ' fAM NOVEMBER COURT Cotui tonTtDts Jn shtll-yNor, f it,' i'-: ; fudse. Sh4w..presi4loi V t 'The fall- term of Clevelahd auperior .Uourt nUi convene! Nov, 1st witlvJndge 3'. J. Shaw t iU iJlwesiding. The conntV tsommlB.' toners ac me , meeting tne nrst Monday, drew; ; the ' ollow'ing jurors: ". ' . . , -, '- - ;: VFifstWeek-:-.. No.-l T. fl..Mc0raw ' a .No. 2-rJ: RWaiheneyy ' Nan Wamriclf, W, A. Lattimoie. . - No. 3 T. H. Lrwery, .W. F 'vloore. W: D. Lemmoms. . -(-. ' No- W. Cofn welk S. "A (Cont'tt from last week) ' 3 material m the Boys' Corn ub snd" tha .Girls' Tomato Club 1 to organize in ever J district .V Club. . , ' t I All teachers . are asked to ganize a ' debating .society, to ld spelling bees, to hold par ts' meetings, 16 have a' school ;lnbit and entertainment at se ot.Boaooi. . - - All teachers' are' asked to ng tholft'scbools to iCouny mmenueimsut First Monday Jn lnl and to' take part In the iellingiContest, i the oratorical ntesf, the athletic con. tests,, aad L' ! tit. . AIL teachers ire barfed Id prove their ehool giounds&nd organise a ; Betterment 'Asso Ltioa to. improve the:- ncbool lildiosr s , - The Compulsfiry poilod' was It to begin December 41; nd ttftl ttendancfe offlVrs are to - e ve J1.00 for Yach trial and '"ction i'lsteattof 25 ctnts ' I. C. Gliflla . was ,'fim i hold . all -. Teacjiers' or ttie yji,r. All teach- r. ) to , end I . ,,. r, f t i :.!::-)' Ciousv S. X . Norton,' X K Reynolds, A. Worth ' Falls aud fS, ti Mil.sr. - No. 5-..L. Bord, GA -Har . No. 6 Chas. .C.r riinnton. '.T. (pKQaer.ta, R. E. j Summr.-y, A. V, Wray, V, F. Roberts. J. A Dovei, J. F. ..Wilson Sought Hopper, ' . - N Or 7r-J. 3. Graon, . M. H. Green, Zack Budges, R." I. Big gerstaff 1 ' No. S -M M. MaunOy, W. W. Covington, t;i W, Powell. S No,.'. 9 Geo. - AVilsoo, D. 'F- Wright, I- F; falls, C. A. Bem: Jtfo, 10-Ell Newton, , No 11-A.I Elmore. 1 1 Stcondj JcckA 'No.1-rli, B. ScrlpfM.. N--No.CIJariby-p. aTreIiead. No, 9-Xjha Marine. , N0 4-S tt. Aotfiony, V. H McGlBnU.H, K; .Black."' W Nf.:j'-J. A: Black, Jr.; Ralp5 Rhyne. " .':-:. v . ... ,No. 6 Frapk Whltworlh,' A. .1. Spalu , A, A-Brantcn,' v . o. 7 J. A. Jenkins, 3 V Jones."- .-. f v - ; ' 4vNo--B. J. 'Jenkins, -R. A; White. , -jc- 1 r Nb''9-T. M Lee v No iO-J. F. Cook, V. v No. 11-CbKs "A. "Wortmau ' The building tna.de of Are proof inalerial.' In the center it the arc, is erected a great dome ;itli steps leading down- to, 'the lagoon in a' bfautifnl Setting of shrubbery, composed 6f;Mdni gomery Cjpreps and Other'evori grea' trees, whibh in H forms what is the' prettiest vjsta of li e whole Exposition. As ihejiauic iini)ifes thlrf'btiiialhg is the Home of ,61)0 Paintings and .Sculpt cp' gathered ' f l-dai all nations of thp RlobV, artiisticiilly-arrn nged, ind l e iVf senting xbei best the ije' ; ta in ti'is line by the' 'most proml- nSr. Artist';, end Sciilyrturors there ro In the' world .are' JisVe lived lh days gooo bK The .ex hibits ftre.-pnly' grpd and . he-' jond ; deserlption. but to add- "to their ' ii)Rniffclfc."(hjer:cIiN c&refnl examination, and your interest witl'noi l'agf here, fi Next we come; to the alabeof Marihinefy, which lr the largest bnildUg erected '.oh Mhe,, Expo sillon'site, b'ein 903 by;. 868 feet Fbur'cat loails of nails were, used i rl the con'Jiti-uctibns of .this build ing as well as r.aoqf , tons of boits .1 '! ... I - i i f' , .' PASSES. AWAY arT uriiti linod niiu if p iiyt D . r. i. Tijls is Hot ou,lyv the largest building tut coiitajns'One 'of. the' mogt hitoresdng exhbies..: In 'it are asswubled not' only h'uioet modecn; machinery of a.11 classes ind pusi.Lut as a pontrint. the .machinery", ttea'. ia 'ot . stead; a" flfjutury ago, thereby. Showing One of East Kings I'oonuln'i oldest ti)l Llifc'hny'jTpcen -tnadertn, the va rious kinuii of machinery qsedin (he short spaco-of tone- hundre. years; it Is truly jnarvelous ta loo) 4itas'youVUiiily -'ti'V.rtd lm schemes of the gallei ips var to Ugine how bi3rTo6-fathers man serve as a ymfathelia. bsck-J aged td get alonglwith just such ground for Its contents, Jt Is .a f and such v machine.' The cbl Paradise forthe Artist' and . the lover of arj; in paintings ori in lection emhrticos almostaljUicds i l ot .inacfiines imairipable,' j and' bronce or other . scnliityrewoBk, time takesi 'iwfgs'as' you 'pass fattcrMB Grove Beta ting Society Tne Patterson Grove pebatan Society Is a thing to be udmired aqi encouraged, ',TL6 sotietv was organized about a year iro and has been In. vogue ever since, didn't even lot up for hot weath or. -..The society' consists- of thirty of the young-men. ol : the community Leaded bv Mr. Grady Goforth '! prflsi'lent. The ftyoung men meet aeh , Friday nignc ana aeuitte tne issue 01 the day, ;'Tl'ey f- talk of having public debate soon"; y Hope i they will and we Will all - go. 6o. a. head boys: ;(. . . ., . ' I. : A. ' ' "Editor GA Gf Pge has beon nvittsd to address tha. Baptist Sunday School '. at Patterson, Sutidii- 'nexf Sunday.'. ' Unless Providentially hindered he .wil be there. Ie will goeak oO. the general';. pQnditidns .exiBtintT in the. Kiga Vountain' Associa tion, 15, 'Since there , were onlyv 22 sc(io0U tnat called on fio county for window lights, it is the opin ion, ofthe school Board that it l not just' fo the ' districts that take cara of their window lightn' lfand have "the oos who. break them put thenV back in to help ay for lights in districts t! t do not take any care of tliefn ana ioaoy .uaya can . .-.be spein hero by these sj' inclined ' viqw- the seemingly endless collection. Next we;isittio Ptilftce lot Education wl rich - CQntamR e x tilb tlfc that show the Intent 'develgn ineula '., along educational' lints. tt)i i piBUsfhAh .teW' n:ov(-incrlts ao'l re'fornis seeking to forecast the e4itftt(ion ; of ,fo morrow. This is elspdoutrflited with, a, comppiiive. ...eMi'liiy of the, ediicational. system's of.' all the natior,of Iho v.'osld,, and a conlprehenslvo demonstration of tlie educfiticnal work lit-fpg done in the- United. )3ta,ta .frotrt the Kindergarten -to- the Uni vcrsi t vi This Is well worth a great "deal of thought and ypur time, is well' snnnfc here..: : .,.v. ;.. : -. The-Department of School Ec-'. onmy has brought . togatber a comprehei-Stvc collection o( - ex hibits illustrative ol UH)k conditi Tons and n-icesalticft ot man., con sidered as a mebec . of r organized eanlzed society and govqrnment, together with displays . sliowfnj the agencies or means, employ ed for bjswell pelng.. All. matteis pertaining.,to oommerac.busii'pf standard ind vstcms; labor prablem?, domestic; scieuco and woman's vocations. The- latest discoveries of hygiene;- mislsion. afy worknterrffttlonl sod uiu versal pence Institutions; diplo matic and consular - systems,' as well as miiny'other kidrid' jjubr ects, U :weU treated.- - The Palaco of Liberal covers nearly six acres of ground and ranks high in.tht classifies-' Hon oL exhibits,: and embraces the applied sciences which indi cate the results of mat's .educs fromijno to tbtiiothar lhough.-it is well'speut.''" Next Are pass on to tbe Palace of Transpotjatioa, in which ; the vast filed ot traiisufortation x all hs phases are well represented, from, the submarine to the aero-ilaae.These- are not only gath. cred -om.the United '.SUteVbut . if i t . " - -. . . ir-om an nation n ot tue globe and drp from.tho exhibits -of Pal- neb; if Machl mil y , c aitjee' -'. they show, only the Jatest achieve ajentslu the various lines repre sjjtited i S " ' ' w ' ' M. Ene K 'Smith, Of 'East Cings-MouijUIn 'died -at -' the home : of ; her "on.-i Benatt A. i Smilh,' SundavOctrJber 8rdV at R tfio age oi .00 -yeare.,,' She had Lfct. suffered: ith aistiima for several h years and it Is thoqg"ht.lt ciused m ber4eatb: She 'hadv'not tl beenr seriously sick but'had been h ItttlB' wprse lhan usuaror day 0 !otwc.Aiea she'falied-tcj 'r ". port for .brea'ifasr Sundar morn- a Ingher room. Vaa visited and she y. ilijuu m ne very, in roe ol w wath' and'died'a 'few 'minhtcs h . . - . . ....... . - .later; 17' .. f,- vr 1 v L. ;' Mrs,' -Smith; was 'a -consisted m hiemhar of the'Metnddlst chnmh ft. n ;alhd Was' krioWja f6r' ,her atrong bt d Christian; tharacter; 'f. ,;r ';;.-'..-, , j f.. T'' ...... j- - -jeceasea is. suryivea-oy . two d; ' Vf ' ii" n .-.- "' . (Jr. ..I sous, ixorcn om)tn . ana. tsetc. at nett A. Smith of fangs' foun tain."'-, Tha' funeral waa conduct-': ed, attb'e' liomq ot' Bennett SA. Smith' at two i p,.t)3.. Tuesday1 ;by Rev'. E; jC-:. Cole:.paVtor of Kings Mountain Methodjsf. ehurcjk ss'-- ststed by Rev, B, A.;Curpi. pas tor Grace Methodist Oh.prcliy and Rev. TOw. M. Grabaia pastor of y wionu mufciiuaisi' iiurcn. i Interment followed in Monatainl5u.'anf 'Rest Cemeter.v. . ; ' ' t.- LOCALS. . M isrf'Joh'a HlerTidon a teacbiog at Biideihran.N. C. j. Since the -above -was v writteh Miss-' Herndon was taken ' sick and went 'homer "union .Level Va. i, . - , V ,i ' " Misses EHi ahd Aqnia McMif lan oE.Gastonla spent ''Thursday and Friday , here as . guests ol theirsister; Mt-ii. G. O. Page'-'-1 -" ..;.ji f ---i'Vj'Vr'vf VMjssSue: Whit.-, of (Jastonla visited ner 'sister.. Mrs M.-r L. Summers, here iast ,week:. .-. ' SO It 19 t' Of tioa-ftnd culture illuntiatuig Uis tastes and demonstrating his it)ventiire genis am? soientibe attainments lev eipressins his artistic hatnre: -This Indued is a pUoe to ho.d your interest. 1 ; : Tiie .Pal a"c6" ' o C . M a n ii font, urea and.' Vaneu -Iudustnesi aa- the names Imuljes, outaiiS the ex hitiinons of the finiHh'jd prodn:ts ot all natiomf. of manufactured nd manuat skill, tile objt ct of utility, -luxury nnd taste in wlncli constitutes tho-most iiart of its valuable ..'foreign trau.. The reader -'xra well i'v ' - ' , this will in.'! 1 : , ' Messis Euuehe and Paul iebrler, -Hudson Bridges, George McGllU atd. Misses Kathryo Moss and Aileen Orma"nd were SVrlsc DB l0?80 away atscuoot'wijp came.nome ' ipr. ine ceteuranon lastThurbd'aj. 1 c. ' Messrs .M...-L. Hafaion and Grady Kmg have resigned their posuona-'. at ' ine fining .iwuis I Store and are succeeded i' Mountain t Thursday i celebratio riod-Tiie ofMr', an We' wish to thank the good'peoD- le .for their kindness to our fam- uly dulng : thesicknesa and death of. rtur mother . Mrsi Sua ' L. Smftb.i May -the Lord bless 'Von. Bennett A; Smith ' -l' . J. North gmltt. ' x ' at thekl; siding wit May they Mr. J. the Elite i came oyTri the Seve'uh taking capar bo too: unto the .person o daughter of I B. F.' Llnds , by Messrs McC-aW ot Gaffnoy an James Borders of G-rover. . Oar townsman,-v ' Bennett Smith, lias just won two automo biles m A magazine, subscription Contuit. Coocl lor him! tTlio hext numbar on the" lyce uin coiirse will be given oh No vembnf 15th, TliiM promises . to e a most splendid attraction. It is musical and will ba giycti bv lilies, The 'Ivceum' .wuunU'c.' fluldren's Dy at Bessoner s. (Crowded ont last week) , the Baptist snnday school atl hearkened nm Bessemer city obsei ved . Child-7 r cld mftn tea's Day .Sunday, night 'The od the train an bousa was erdwdedto the -over- where wuretu flowing with anxlons" hearers upless om of The exercises by the children lS boarded i were the best seleclied.i'oest preJ r Gastonla w; pared and best 'rendered this thei way Pe writer has ever had tbe pleasure to enjoys Tho pieces were short and pointed and all bad tha right smack about thorn. "' - "K-.-; The edftor oi tha Herald was present and made an address On The kitaatlOH' which i conforts the Sunday School 'and tlie Shurchia tha Klngar Monotaln Baptist -Association While the pta-vupfccp; onurcn members eni tolled In .the Sunday Schools of thea8soolation average . 85 per cent of all the church members, Mr. Pace AtAtcid t.ha. t.Vii - Ttaaa eaier school averaged 50 per cent ?-"n of jtechnrch members enrolled )o-tbj S bnday ohoi. The Sun day school making the:"bet re( port in the Association is Grovor with Slxtvpereentof its'Cburoh mbers in Snndav SchooLThn one Halting the was 13 per cent but Mr. -Ptge would not divulge tha name ' 6 that chool. J - The. children's exercise's were prepared by brethren Rol hns Hull and others of the Bess emer school greatly aided by FroVC. P. Garduer- of "Kin.--Mopntmn who is teachinij a it ic s ' I t i- , C it , ForaG. r -There will b Methodist .chu. Saturday uiht ofujrganiziug a Baraca and ' Pir.l,, ! The meeting is cnV E. .Ware of "She'u i every . 'class- in tho whatever denominfit delegates. The gene. Of .thO: North Carol, Phllathea Convent: East Sines r - Too late it ' Mnse , Mart Bright Carper' lowfcst.score vHlerv,M n.aipn uonu nterj resn Satnrdav V-Miss t been i tniKt is 1 ica vl 1 by D nd 1 -) CI-- n on

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