ft A.'A :'A V.A.w ...-;, AA'Vi'A' 'A:' A' A,;A-'. A--.., A ; A;,--' -v. . - tV- '..v.-' ,:-vr. - ..V.' -' .7 . l 1,1(3 - ma ' v- v AA:. A.' - V-VA A K' l v A"4;' ' AA Av;' A- Yl Kings Mountain. N. CV Thursday, October 21, 1915. PACE. Editor and Owner PRINCIPLE FIRST $1. A YEAR eri 1 f Gaston County Fair BIO success Effort most sacceufol far first Comity Fzhibit ' ' ' ; ' ' ' ' --, .-Following M an aooreviaiea 4MXuntottne uaston- uouniy x r u.u v- oay uasewe. roni lum otner umn m nave seen naruoiuiola.r.ii.0.iOU.u r, iB,h rP did beginning In this line of , en- deftvor. . f . Gaston county t nrst annual "C: w " " !?7riVT",n rJ . r? u .1 . i wthlnh Iha AAnntv ntui Inst r " -, - . 7.IT P J uvmvmum.vm. ss I - ihe ground. , Tuesday morning. A , T 1T3 oKii cpt a te dJftl J who wt through oa.ee . ; 7 17 TliT. u.. '.h , 7T I Z,ku .7 u u ','-r7 " - ' ?ne time during the fair. .The ; .,. ,7 H " TTr ; " V L'L :. nv . r'. rr l. mvn a.:" T , . 'ZTZ. LJZ ? 7 " 7 "T1 CI 1 V,, 7 T 77 : 7 'a(- "" . Cum to ? ,r j r.-'," . " , 7 .ri nlnn tint fthlv vrf JnKfli ItOU ,K .J" .7rrr,Zl " h i'" I7ZiIZ oeatjaf of owner, of spleidid . er section. IHM M fa oty had ,ntend. ; 1n. Gaston county sfslr ta n,, toe,WWt4Umals tcUcm- o any ever. - the SUto kia(J - Notwithstanding the fact that V. ItetaiMfrlS believeJ blo for making,al. the repara- g -y horses 4ulM shown. ,f jsmoothly andtfbe "f "ore. will be id .W-t the -Ingexh.Wtwaslhatin tho agri- G(Ust v ( ' utturial tent This issapoint- 7T 7 i'jmentwas notWeauseiet any lack - ' . '.iot quality in tberticl. shern m berdftpoip(liajf ett ' f 4ut in the quanity JTiwt whsr the se fair ma rhe icitw r farmers did not mantfest a larg- ih was evidently ijt v tfl ' -i W :ittteirei iSenotknoMi Kctatie of the om- sinless . it : be rthat .not ibastag Bent- ' ,r but as ood "A Iknowa of tho fair a(1y i& ibhe quantity as sia4 been fqet tan tbepring,lj.fiiac a4e -ed. This to atnre which ka 7 .anithing espeoWlly -ejchtW- Jmprove t iear. i bition. Mus matter df tfaet ttkat - corn, potatoes, eoione, aRf4e8, ' pears and raaj tber - swedscts of the farm she wee pleBrMj,iilane did some plendld 4 jine in aoality and 4ldredi, to ilm agriculturial lateresta : Vjf ."Jto'e of the county. et yeo&witl no doubt bring t We and varied exhibit to the agrieulttkriail imUl ding. One display that atttraeted I very widespread atteiition And ji ' rvery large Buwber wf tneetfpm- elementary remarks as that of ttbe Girls! anniag Clubs, The fine jara -of jellies, jams, preser J 'vcs, etoM 4ooked o UKruwtme i;.atoneitW jjiTip one urniterb'wooat acdttiaii.' -way v ' iiL Theeaaag.''rflb Rlrls desowre4Keiiife-; dlt ,' I Ishowimc bey (BBiide "'mr i ta envaMigdito .dd . .. tth llBe; t if are ninety odd boys in the couu lyclub th's year and there should be twice ttiat number nex. year, The club boya were In attend- Unoe at the fair and doubtless were greatly benefitted by uun uing the various agricultural gbibitg. ... n In the fancy work tent there were displayed a large number dalnty and ,plendidl Mu odtfld pieces of band work to. ned ootb Klr,8Md "omen over the Tboe In a position to know say that this exhibit was a splendid one. ltt department the showing was a fine one. In altogether, perh'Ps toe creditable ex I hibltlon on the grounds. In the eck pens were to be seen i- B.ack An- --"Ufu8, Hereford. Holsteln, Jersey. .1 "tsve w bawi u OUU VlUCt V CI I I C t LtfH L d mi,K "bout it was that each specimen wa. a G.,tou county There wem do fancy gnow sections belonging to pro Ielon1 ebibitors from other t?eraieoith8 Nation, Ue being to show the public- what Gaston county can produce ,ntho Mb llvk Tr. were.afewbheeoand an excci lent sb-wing of hogs. In the lest numed department, there were a great many, specimen, but ilw shown were floe.- There ""i c-nnas. du.w jer 0-1- O'.; Berkshire and va4eties. In the horse muow " "nberwas small but again the quality was hih. Among the m(t admired animals wa a goicent Percheroa stallion vwl Peheron colu belong. I . . " Mr Sparrow. A Ot coarse theteCar attraetie the 4ylng maebioe. Prank .Champicn. wwb t Bleriot mono ml was vateheA afl mlrlngly by thausands. ' Yesterday afternoon ttbe Gaatoo &&r6s , jiiwiicipated in the Rattle between the mono plane nd the iort addisg iuite KOM deal to switt. speotsixuar eatare of the .'t&v.ent, . ffhe fort, built on the eagjtern edge of Abe grounds .was :wd ntetaly demal- ished-N-- .jv ; r , - First iDtwision. aires uo to one Ljrerj' ;Fijt priie, Ruth (uriisbj3rsementa, and jy&&it BabingtejJaaghtef.ot M. nd Mrs lE iB. .Bahinirtr.n: kj r .tftftd ,)sa, ; mptitipm ' iocrltDiisiun, ages on jiear "'-, " fil ErHsncor.-'.aaaghtet PUBLIC LAWS ON PUBLIC MONEY Town school boxrfc, etc publUh sUfcacnU rist Tfa notise In the Troy Mont gomerian of September 2nd tbt a suit had been stertei agalos the town commisibne for bAl ure w publish the anneal ttato- ment That paper In comment ing upon the suit stated tbw' the statement is not required by law to be published In a paper, bt can be posted on bulletin board or other public place. In view or the erroneous idea which prevails in the majority of the towns of the state, and among tbe bulk of the editors, THE 8IL.ER CITY GRIT desires to furnish a little. enlightenment. Says the Grit, "Chapter 12Svf the laws of 1911 specifically sta tes tbat all towns of 8,0000 pop ulation and over must publish their statements FOUR times a year, and towns nnder a.OtXruust puousn snera once a year, in v Newspaper having its publica tion in the town where such roon evs are collected. Tber Is no get tiDg aronad this! The commiss ioners are liable and sheeld be ndicted for falure to n o publish in the local paper tho statement of Jthe town's 0iance And thirl if nothing but , rights The hut payenrsbould be allowed to know minnteiy how much money is col lected and how expended, and this serves as a rigbtooos check againvt graft and extravafa!. TUBLWVVl Setioa 1 That gUtncnt lumtag tb. wceipto and diS sui n to of psbBc money, by municipal corporation nui- municip! corporations, adadroinhtraJ riv boards of limited territorial jura- diction, ondar grant of powCT-from the State, sbvll he rogulvly psbliriwd'. as follows: : '. 1. Boards or aldermes of other gov. anting bodiei of all ineorpoiated cities and towns having a population of three thousand or over shall likewise cause to be published, as hereinafter provide. either monthly or quarterly statements of all municipal receipt, ud disburse ments, which shall be itemised and show from what source received and ta whom and on what account paid, shall likewise cause to be published annually, St the end of each and every flscal year, condensed and classified statements of Lsnch municipal receipts and disburae- jmejits, showing the source from which Mosived and the account on which ez- . Jb. boards of commiuiooera at all jtnjMrnoqrted to was haviag a population Uf kasJSS tares thouiaad; boards of LgJdfl JShMl tnustses sod other gov ,ernipgilroloistr(jve bodies- of .scrioplrfisojts crested y special act of Mfce CeaaaalnaeoAblyj county boards of asoatioq; bostflsoxroad coeamlaiiooers nd tfence jpmmisajqp.rs charged with Jthe wpervlfiqe. mnwtajiaaee. and repair iof public roads and Jences; the govem- Aas bpdles of jtU qtber 'cuisii-mimidpai LcqtjeWtloos: all other admiatatna-1 Utbeardskmited ierritouai jjrisdie- ttktn under grant A power '-from the State, charged with) the receipt and disbarsemcut of ppbbe inpnen, apd for l6e publication of whose roteipU ;ajid Wisbursemeabino other iproision .e made by Jaw, shall eanse to be Bp Ehedra(allx,J(t the sad of each atjd LTeay fial fyf, .sUtsaaents - of j!l Upjpts Wq) ipprn)enU of ,piblic iteilv ateteBunts of municioal reeeiDts fi1 WWV? WJff prl,w.IW c -"SsA J-'-iTlat Istatwnentsfcf.r- ifiW disbursement .heotiabarc newspaper having its place pf tton, or which la of gennl c ,; ;ri f er-'inty, civ, or t -- -. v HONOR ROLL FIRST MONTH fifs Houo'iln Grade! School Ho 6i RoIL FIRST GRADE James Mich am, Issabelle Stvers, Evelyn- Meek Pimrely, - Kvsj Uellt Gai ble, Nell Kord, Swdle White, Edna Payne, Knlh' Bennett, Forrest Hardin. Ssllie Wal-Wer, Emory Hullender, Albert White. Ollio Falls, C a s pe r Hutcbins, Pauline ' f t U' a r t, CUrence Ford. eCONl GHADE- Orangel Barrett, Charlie Carpenter, Margaret Corn well, Notiai Falls, Charles Fnlton Bertie Lee Hambrlght, Willia'n Jack son, Ethel Lackey, Margaret MoGinnis, Francis Maimey, Doy.l Moss, Bright Richard ton, j.Awrence 8tyersi Brown Ware, Clyde Ware, Idtt Walk r,.Charli38 Wattorson, thei Sty era, Jack ft imssur, Gladys Wright. THIRI GRADE R ebb so a Kerr, Pearl Stye rs. FOURTH GRADB- M roaret Lackey. FIFTH GRADE Ruth Plonk, Gertrude King, Gnssie Buff steHer, Lexter Ware, Bessie Ramaaurv FreWriilr W"ve.. Jlell.Watterson. , SUtntGKAJiE- Kelt Cansler, Winnie Vvra Mauney, Mi. 'am Goforth; Robert Kun t . SEVENTH GRADE ; : Taunt' J Maunev, Sarah Allison, Kth ' Hunter, Lawrenc Fails; JWGUTH GRADE- ; A.i b r y, Mauney, Bryan Hord NINTH GRADE Willie Ranv senr, James Hambrighb, Xuilt bvtRsmseor. ' " v-vwv- jhwsmt vnwtoBlitwmMir examined. Fpr- Mary Fultofli Mary rSng. Oet Cnrhtotm Cane, The Herald is already prepsr-j intf for full dress at Christmas. We have selected a very, hand' aom desio-rjof hohda eowr awttl will isane a special Chrtas4 """ piaoe'to rtsre as edition of tb' Herald. Thrsi splendid cover has three pages of blank space tor holiday ad vert is ing witich ba boen prac tical! v sold already. The- aser- chanta have been eaceedrngly all ve to this splendid optxrtnnlty of placing their holiday goods before the public just at tbe payohologioal moment 'and in the most attractive style. The special issue will be mailed shotr! Wednesday, December 22nd, just In time to catch the Christmai shopper. Let all ' advertisers in thia Special Christmas- issue have1 their copy in the shop by Decern bor 10th, if possible. ' And let Christmas shoppers look cut for the numerous ba reams wbicb will be offered. The Herald wishes to thank e,very person who has subscribed apd thereby helped to make ppcslble the Christmas issue. Mr. h. Plouk was in Gas- Uonla Saturday. . Lsucii csbju: mpnasu are tatmiUA and tpendeL.and Wtxm i asea publics UiqBshl MtaxcMP ona-balf of one mmjfi imm.mk .aw are "-. .inland fiffr (H;-r "S. 4 this,?y Af Navigation in all its branches k Well represented and . thu showiBg Is very complete and' lntemtrog, shewing the VArlotrs kinds t boots used by all awtionsv Locotnottves are well represented both in steam am) electrlsy ss well ait the various (Muds of ears used1 in the differ ent cil, the beat and largest of : every thing being the watch wora m preparatiotv of the e Wbifls, aa weM as the latest, in veutionftr the prevention- of accidents and- appliances for the protection of life and1 property. The automible Is here well rep resented, well nigh all nianu- lactureg or any consequence having spSe In this building and displaying the best of their warvis. It is truly, a- .great! eoUl lection and Is the center of at' Cractton for the enthusiastic autoisr, bue it woulrj be- bnd place to select a car sinoa Ittfe fa machines are so ttumerous yoaHj(e.0D1 interest wowrf become dlv1(Kd,4 however, if yod' want any kind" of m machine it is hereshown , The palace of Agriculture net claims our attention, which cover seven and1 one half acres with a bout forty acres mofe aaioining devoted1 ssmculturial interest This Is of special interest to those Interested' Hi' farming for it is here thatftUe products of faims- rar amp near are on exhibit, a weli m the latest and most mod rn p.chlnory for farming. It is indeed a (jrsaf collection of the JwiittH-of mother earth and'a pla oe vhre you can- spend dtytrto good advantage. The exhibits am well! arranged sv that any PBrttealarserttoa or state can be wa(11v- tUtaMrA tint miti nmv otivry pvottt9-aiA ( rhowci ber: FsssToor om we ooar tb the Fftlisoe of P6od Phklticve; wMob irinreaHty a part of tb- fori J aoltbntl eahibtf though it is in a sepsYBtt) -palace. Ttiir was a ita4iwe, yea sot' only what year rurxi door- ueigfobor bad to ea betV wayetjble and animal; lnovry whs th taaB in- thei acrttisjg aistei hud'on his iW i it stop with the spread lp 'Tya) Samuere" table, but johwled tbwglobe, practically1 alt sations' hatying ; come forwardri Hand-''Set their tables for conv pany"rswtb speak, as it repres-- leaned- the-eest there is from all m ieeo stores or all the worle. It dioV $u$ atop at exhibiting either, for bore and there yotf omfortable booth in wlvwb were served' various UDeheonavieach .bavinf; for Jts dominating-teaUrre soma partic nlar articrle-ef fooo; here tea, there coifffeor-ofcr yondor choc, olate, and so oodown-ttie dhnk iine, as wel as tlie same ouod of the warkws things-to eaV. : In the preparation ol theee- things for the public you wave not only given a sample - ol th finlehedj article j uat as K wcoluV appear on your table, bnt with tb same operation yoo wer to thejig ting irom ,b very best methods ol 'preparlas ft. in various fonas.; . Next we shall enter tbe Palace of Horticulture, - which la oa- strncted a'omst ectirely of glass and covers over, five- acri-of land, ayd wich is Bumwn'l by a great glass dome 1 "Of - U Being' constructed C proper o ita many niflcient ; admits ' Hht, ing cont number butfall j are fftpf hibfts. things modertf ment ii tbe sail h pr-J packinf press I tbrngsf tihe md chifled fruits, W-e tho ? aiiuir iP'iea I 4 plorn! cojfTeioio. manufavre , and into . r various Indus' its in thia pali. kind of metal and many you v of before, and-) to attempt Xo"4 EavfD'g gonj) i Palaces with i ing glance atjt exhibits thy hope with this i drawing heavL' Uonfraoi'a.r' what we have our eyes on tb wiH;ba Impost wittf the brief PieHrfgrbe'ne the-oatttdi-we out' an view-wonder-tfere s rre:ieafg. of Jtrwels. whl heiffht oftofee' aHeetusal sti dominatrng-ftatv sltioii. The onfli. tower' is defined hundred , thonsan Kass -'Jewels' tremulously,. tho phericar din'turbSiko them to flash ; and ' ch scintillate in athpusaoV,. tints and. colors. .This itv a bn&uty but to be fully ai ated must be seen at nili the specially prepared iW tlon which makes-'its mar far' beyond - - deseviptioil viewed it by night anil Whereof ve speak. : j V Passtuu; on wo view tl ou Courts; Cotut pf Foj soaj: Court of the Ud Warn of AbudBVe,v CKuwCpf 1 C6urf of Flower and? I Alsco the- Biaing" Sunf. i.ha AoTki.0- Rl :vlA Uhor arclsesr coutU, el' Farther'on wettt the bu of tbe Statesriahich ft out of' tho 'flfty-jlwo are seated, by nice, f well a ao elegantly prnlsht d J .0 -t f 'an iIUiiMiV . fori m 03;'t6;t2,000()0, which Is the Cali aawhich ti'h t inga,-epuipn; of displays t. Theewb' Cl'D"' 1 fc

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