-I - x Vol 12 u Kinfc8Mountain; Cv Thursday,--November, 4, 1915. - : C G PACE, Editor and Owner , ... r . V , - PRINCIPLE FIRST . - . th A -I OTHER FIELDS OTHER LOCALITIES ; air as JAc JLS. 3our wain A . ., - .Y : ..1 ,-; 1 A 1 Ml Big Mrs. R. C. Baker Winning -- ' Receipts Very Satis- factory - Weather Ideal , With Ideal weather conditions prevailing th annual Floal Fair opned here Thursdav id the ' Kings Mountain Garage, bulla lax which Lad ben reted and vacated the two days lor this purpose. r.- i - ''''.x'r;.t ' '' People began pouring , hv as the doors were opened. The fair was the Mecca for the whole community and scores of visitors .until the doos closed Friday night at eleven o'clock. Eery thing went off in the ' beat , of style and everybody seemed to get a fall measure of enjoyment ' from the occasion. . -... ." The array of flowers over ' a gainst the north and west walls or tne spacious bunding was ' most excellent. It had been fear. ... . . . . . Bd mat we recent sold snap would injure the quality of the flowers which consisted .mainly Jot Chrysanthemums,1 but the , blooms came uc to the -former standards, 'with tne exception ( fewer 'in number. -, , -At the entrance to the right ; was tuo fancy work booth, la ; Ibis, Was displayed i nice, collec tion of the product of the need' le from, skilled hands,, ; i?; .:t; The midway was used-at the dining room and was no les at tractive than the other exhibits. ,' o fact it ? m ,-the goal for :, : fpany. " t: it i 'V, :. Every thing sold well. Sever--sl houis before the door closed . ' all the, table comfocta had pass ed from view save ice cream and. . ' ake. The choice flowera ; were all o1d at good prices and just before the closing hour the re- ' . maining blooms weie sold at afro- . tion. The fancy work, went very : wetljjnt a few ' pieces were left to be disposed of later; Between five hundred and a thousand per- . sons bad passe through the doors making the door receipts swell up nicely. 1 The tetar receipts ; r were about $325.00 which netted the Civic League something like ' .J225.0O the expense! being about 4m0(V't;4.i;:V'":tV;H ; The judge were as follows; Flowers, Mrs. J. M.' Sloan, -of 1 Oastonla; Mrs, H, W.eidnr, of. Lincolnton; Ud MrrtcLurd, - Cherry ville, FaneWorkj kltss ' Emma Frick, Bheibyj Miss' Ed- : 1th flambrlght, Grover j and Miss Laura Page, Osstoqla, The A prise winners tvere a follows. '" . FLOWERS; y '. ' 1st BetfOoCMro,' E.eisler; . Jnd, - M , Mm. R. C lEaker. I Best single bloom ' r - ," ; 8 best pinks, Mrs. C. BL.Ketslet s; S ' red, Mrs. BV T. Fulton, 3 " variegated Mua Mianie Phi.- fer I m .1 Vt-8 'M. bronsev;:Mis8 Line' Aliisoni, 8 " white, Mrs. " yell6w.I r. a. Jsker " : cream; Mrs.W, S. tJiHihg, 3 DfiAppleton, Mrs. R. C- Bak- i,er.:j(-s,v;.f.yf:;;:;,-.!j(;l( Best vase cut , flowers. Mr. . Worth fft$&f-;Z Best tinirle fern Mrs, Dora Belle Willelord. SW s FANCY WORK -;s Best embroidery Mrs. Josie Ir- win.; ? SA.;5: JCost piece tatting; Mrs Arthur Crz-'9.i : ;';! ''::'ftt:';l'-:;-'' pleads in Prize Allison, i . i Best piece baby appearel, Mrs. Kelly Ford. Best piece miscellaneous, Mrs, Geo. E. Lovell. Reunions' V ;; iby H. Y. Belk v- Tis sweet to meet, but sad to "pert, ' . Is and old maxim we know by, heart. ': -:' .,.-'.;.' - And we realize that it is so ' When to reunions we do go. The old folks come from far and near, .; - ,- . 'r ,. With a hearty handshake nd a ' word of cheer. j V ; ; , They greet.their f rlehds of : ' . bygone years, .v , WiA hearts all, terobbing and .'eves (ml of tears.7 ' -Vs i Time has wrought a great many . changes ."' To the old homestead a.ai j: ohildhood raiiget r y .. But the bills and vales remain the sm r- - i . '"'':r'-' As when thejr flshed and nuntel And the little spring at the foot of the hill : r . With sparkling water Is running etill. U:iJ- Where the daisies and butter cups' with perfume sweet Blostomed under their little : They frolicked and pjaved , from mdrntill night, ,t f ' " ; With mirth and glee and hearts so light' j . V;. Cares an sorrows they knew iv not of. v- : : .v.t'j -i ; To them all was joy and peace Swiftly passe 1 the yean when they we're in their teenajT Then came the period of youth-; Zul dreams . ' ' : ' U Oi hopes and wishes and am-" bitions, Uto-;f"f i :'y- f'i,'l " Love and romance and a mate ' to woo. K''- '.:f'-J'"i:-These little children are grown ; pareoU today :.J. ''-'"r. Toiling through life's rugged Bearing sorrows and cares as ' :;;.rtey onward' gb, fs 'f And feasting on memories of Jong aga:C i.'v; The old remind us as through . . v'life we go '-; .-.- '. .' '!,' . .; ' ; That our steps, too, will grow ',:ifeeble andslow. -- ' Atd f he hory hairs like 4drk. Will sooner or iater. be adornv. .. mentforoars.?; " . 'j. 0 ;. With each, dawning, dsjr jarijf " ;f setting snn; S't'J': This race on eaith is nearly May they hayeilspd a'.l'ife .so.J"'-:''greaVr:''-:;'..,-:'i'1' (!m-f',;; Worthy lor uj to emHlale. , - Kings Mountaii Kt.-.fc.: - Littleton Col lege.' which, car- rid an adverUsemeni iii rthis paier during the past snmrner has had the laif- :.' -!?t' f SBy S". S". (Cont'd from usf tea tte) ' We visited tlielr telephone ex change nd ionnd it very Inter eating. Other points of interest visited included the famous "Joss House, " and if you should judge from the things that can be had here if you have the price, it should be called a uombioatlou "Lawyer's oStoe-Religlous dis pensing' shop-a Fortunetellers haunt, and Curio headquarters.' Yes, its all of these and more, If a Chinaman gets in trouble of any kind he can get relief here If be has the price. Various stat ues representing the many Gods that inhabit' this place are in are in evidence; altars on whic the precious incense is burned as well as many ether wonders performed; the much used wish sticks, which are maJe of bam boo much in the shspn of abana na f plit half open. These are placed , flat side to-gether and thrown up with the wish, the manner in which the fall repres enting the outcome of your wish, good, bad pr. indifferent ' Many had made articles cai be had here as well' as ' the wooderful "'righteous" paper or I sha.l call it that for want of knowing better name. This paper is of the tissue nature cut in strios aloutone by four- Inche wiCh nomerous holes in It and is bought In quanitrestostewalong the street fro ui the home to the cemetar.v following the , corpse, and It is tbeir -belief tbet if enough of this sacred paper be pot in the way tbe soul of , the person dead i witfCvftever'-. be troubled, as the Poyilsmust alt past tnrough' all the holes in order to reach the corpse. -They do not mourn -their loved ones, and while they attend the funer al no" tear are shed by relatives or friends; this is all left to hired professional mourners, who morh aocordirg to the amount of the cssn you put up . We visited a Professor of Music, ; who enter tained us with -many instruments- dozen I should say as a rongh ' guess, though , he : had many more-he played them with not onlj American Mnsio but with Chinaman's aires marches, and other things-thelr wedding march and funeral marches being the same. The instruments were of a very crude design, the Violin haying only twq strings with the bow In between then, and with a head .about six Inches acrosn. Other were Of about the "same the crudeness,' but still you could make out an familiar piece he was .striking "-, at, ot which played sereral. It "was very interesting.' - ; Passinjf on e 4 visit one' of vueir uoiuea,' privttK) tainuy id nioderatie'iroumatancesbout an "average ; yfe werft told, ; 4To reach this hame we .went down steps f romv an ' opening ' in,', the sidewalk, , which Is tbe way mope of 'them llYe untler.grOnnf f audj with no W except that Whfch come in through th4 one ioprr" down through r.thie eidewalk,,; a kind of trap-dooretyle; but few (Ighsf'jio chairs aud only' a kind of blank for beds, which are used for their chairs when they do not sit on the splendid floors which are made of the "Mother Earth." It wag about ten'o'clbclt at night biit still the father of the house !)!J' not come in fiwri wo ht rit ' ,i f . 4t(Sualn- origni cnuaren wdom ages ranged from nine months to nine years." Three of the chil dren had been attending school and were able to speak pieces, sing songs, etc In a very inter eating and entertaining manner, some of them being in English and some in Chinese; so they (mere in a measure master of two languages, and they went at it with a vim that showed they had the, right determination to win the master, There were no charges for entering any of these places but ot ouurs that tbe hat was passed by the kids, at our conductors request, any many were the coin that chat changed hands, but it was well worth it, nd more.. The Prpressor,; of music also accepted any offer ings you felt diftposod to -pait with and his was liberal share, This was the case down the line. We also visited one of, their stores which carried various and sundry curio artieles as well as the necessities of life, nd pt course you wmted s sou venlnr, a post card and what not. There are many other things of interest I would like to tell you of San Francisco and the Great Exposition 4but I feel tht euough space has beon devoted to it, so we will return to the hotel between eleven and twelve atler having put id'Hho most stteunouH days work of ourtrip. The eighteen hours was enjoyed in its entirely not only by the writer and the Lovely Lady, bat little Veld i took the lead nearly all day,and yet was not ready to retire wh n we reached the hotel, nor would she consent to dQaovatil a number' . of her friends little play mateshad a card from the Exposition speed lng on its long road to greet them; her endurance and ability to stand the "go" was inded re markable, for she not only " went today-but was ready and more so, for to-morrow. . ' Thursday, June ';. 21th. We have already given you record of part of today's sights, so we will start with our trip to Los Ange les. Leaving over tbe Southern Paciflo, shore tine, we pass out through, and I should say ohder part of the city as we go throu- gb.tunriels in the heart of tbe city At first the'-road follows alone- down the shcre of the San Francisco Bay, passing down through the famous Santa Clara County, one of the most, adver tised , sections : of Cahtoraia. which is commonly called "The Valley pt . Hearts Delight..,, ; It Is indeed a very pretty country, productive and well cared ' for. It ia pot onlj a splendid farming section where almost all kinds of vegetabfesi corn,, etc. thrives,, hut is ' noted , for. the', large variety of fruits that are': raised with great success, among tbem being; Apples; Apricots; ' Cher rles; -Fis; Lbmons;.' ; Olives'. lOranges; ... Peaches; ; Pears; Piomsi Prunes: Quinces,' sis well as Almonds and Walnuts in a- bundance. ; Th ese' are the - prin cipal crops, ; but others' grow. One thing toat Is very striking ia the fertitlity of the' 'soil;' . or. I should say its depth. Mot fields have growing in Jhem large oak or other hard wood trees,.-- scatA terod all about, but they do not seem to injure the crops "at all ff 1'iio aL'k p J,' ft Rcws From Some of Oat' . ... flereiod There Also Bojgkd and Don v , Monroe journal) . At "Whilo people are 'motoring' A here and 'motoring' there, " naif Dr. Bart Houston,- "! wish that you would put in tbe paper thht Bob May buggied .to Wiognfc! last Saturday. . Ahd that Jin aoiuva aonsefi fa we, uepot. T Jl . . . I A . after tbe mail every day.',' , Gastonia's Whit Way (Special to the Charlotte '.. Observer.) Oastonia, Oct. 29. Gastonia's long- cherished dream of a wb'U ' way Is at last to be realised. Con iracta were let today or tne eity for $6000 worth, of equipment, including 63 light Doles and trol ley poles. The lights will- ' tailed, at once and will b - on Main avenue section of Vua' the cross section', f Thls.i action takt)w at au adjourned mtrntnig. , cltv will also spend $50,000 strflet paving, , XC'J L Several ' representatives , o . paving conoarns 'have been . in tbe city today and some bids on sheet asphalt and bitulitbio have already been submitted. Others will probab'y be submitted before the council meets again the first of next week, when it is , something deflate will i ed updn. Tle money t pended is part ol a re issue" for public imp) , In connection with t ment ot the white wa poles and wiresw b from r the business t Vt Main avenue.:. : Yorkyilie 'Matter (The Enquirer 20th.. c-. Detth of ElM Margaret Barncfv Miss Margaret Barnetr, ag3d 81 years died at' her home in Bethel, township this moruing. Her death was; not unexpected, since she bas been In bad health for some time: She leaves a num ber of relaUVes., Miss Brrne" was for many years a membu of Bethel church fromVhich place the funeral 19 to ' be held this afternoon, conducted by her pastor Rev. R. K.'Timmons. ":"To Begin Work Konday '. Superintendent of Education fohn E- Carroll was at ' Bowhn Green Tuesday, where he went to inspect the new Bowun CreeB school' house .which is nearing completion. The new building is a handsome structure built on the Clemson .planan.re altthe mod' era school houses, and cast about $1,200 and contains t jtq ' Bchool I rooms and a cloak loom, Th 1 . . sptjooi, wui open i iay, ' ' ' The T ver r.-w. ' The annual flower show t duoted by the ladies ot the I byterian ebuvch of Yorkvii'is, being held in the O'Leir.v f room building today.,The ', served a turkey to a un people at noon a:i I r serve oysters thw T'loc'ff ' ; drn tOI' If you wai tauRht In the read tbe less show this vea ber of chrysai hition. They and more be: owin to lhpi- r i.i the nnul)ti year. Accord tocting the ii-dner's exhib "ltiful flowers i: s which hr t " 'VIOum flowf -.ontinuing "it' 2 embroWi i ;- the pnly cfi' ' show are v.i "y made by 1u-j . "iles have It a proceufl um 'expc

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