V . . tr n Tina ;" v r tf.h'.ik '';.:,;v..: V -W Vol 12 Kin Mountain, N. 0..; Tliurst'av', November 11. 15)15. 64G PAGE, Editor And Owner ' PRINCIPLE FIRST . 51. A YEAH in 'ADVA NCR - - . - - - " J.J XI . 1 Nil 'V 1 " By& SS - (Con 'td from last week) Such meals aa they serve would co-it at least $1.00 in Chic- ' uro at the Hotel La Salle. The dining room seats four hundred and at the beitfht of the meal there are al way s6ine waiting ' to get a aeat, which bIiows the pcuoiarlty of the dining service; the aanie applies to the room,, as many are turned away every day. Uothec thing I wight (KV here U that Los Angles Is en. . tertalniog niorj tourist than an . Francisco, notwithstanding, .the Exposition Is in progress at San b'rancisco, and Los Angeles has only her natural attractions. We were delighted with the city aud its beautiful surrounds, and spent, uiore time thre did in San Frapclsco. Numerous side trips ran be taken from here to good advantage and they, are . intorostlngand well worth while, ai well as many things in the city ct interest. '.' . - ' Lo Angeles has a population of over 550,000 and is one of. the fastest growing- cities on- the 1 I'aoific coast. It also haj the, best and the largest street car system in the world, have con s.dcrable over enough tradk'',to - reach a million mile, if it ,were alt single track, with 1,800 men ' to, run their rs "in- service. Of . course all of this track is not in J . fr Anceles. but- this Is head :' quarters for the system, tracks leaching but in every direction cjnnecting ' uumerpus smaller , . Cities and rural diftrlctc. h I " 'rV(lay, Jan 25Mi. To day's sight seeing was oue largely on the streetcars, our first pip .faking us to Huntington Park to call on Mrs. Gorey, a next, dooi' neighbor's sister4 call in his behalf-on a party we-bad ever . met before. The visit wa: tery much enjoyed. Returning we. take car to Pasadena, a beautiful wealthy man's 'suburban resi tlectial district, a city of about forty thousaud inhabitants. ' At this.plaoe is located the fiinoug - Bosh Sunken Urdens which are indeed very beautiful. Wo also visited some .of Uie'r parks and children playgrounds, which are . well kept 'and -very nice. Xtn turning we 'visit the well VnoTn Oawston Ostrich ,' Farm, , which has over a thousand birds the largest Ostrich farm in Aenierit a i soota pX them beinn valued at as much a $2,000,000 each. , In ad ' d'tion to tba Ostrich they hvta - number of other birds as well . worth while aud very much eo joy;d' Perhaps a ; few facts about fhtt Ostt'ch would be of.lu terest. ' Thelreggs weiifh about throe pounds and it requifes forty f,woVay . to iiatoh them rident of thd city. We passed itlwr in an iubator or by.;!,, - . being' Used. Tukco from tour to .nW.years for a bird to aiatu)-e, which,; tu whicfiuwtipn Jjnpans totfllMt thejr aele(!lix theiV : i own niat and ' Jt'rjS'Cjriv'??':. if . VtlhemselveiiiV.lJu aettlhg tne wale takes turn abauit With 'the ' female. . Their plumage isgath red first - at ' tSb . age ': of .'six months aad onco very eighv months thereafter, the feathers being cllptied off (.nstead ot puU ed out to keep from injuryjuir the bird. They usually "Hvo to be ratliwr old, the oldest pair on this farm beinff tnirty nine aiid forty rears old,, The averce - ' - ef the -.Ostrich'- .is" 's'totit Swain Jour i : AtcSwain X) pounds and they cu l;lnck in orange- at the height "of ten feet. Some of them are run iu races and are a fairly good match for the average tace homo ou abort distance races. 1 Returning to Los angutns we visit our first "picture show since starting on our tonr, but why shouldn't we visit a moving picture sho while In tho center of the show work. About sev enty five to eighty present of all! the moving pictures made" in the United States are, made in Loh Angeles and- vicinity. THe city supports one hundred and thirty moving picture theatres. in our lours tomorrow we pass Universal City, ci'ty built for the movies, or to make movies, in, as well as some of the noted actors, of which we haU make mention later, as weil' as the wituessiinref the "making of a" movie.-.' : ':- baturday, June ,26th. We wero up eirly this motuing feel- trig much more like sight seeing after Jiaving soent yesterday in a rather sight soeintr manner, ana are soon off let an auto sight seeing tour of the city. In our tour we visited the old Span ish Mission, now about 150 years old,, and still answering the pur pose of a place to hold servicei. The Noted PJez Park at which women .were whipped about 120 years "ko; publi-' iy. for any, of fence considered deserving. ' Ve also view the new Times build ing erected on-. the spot where the old one was dynamited by the Iron workers, aid which uawe resulted in several penitentiary sentences, fend is well remember ed from news paper accounts.' The tallest building in Los Angeles is only fourteen stories high'trie allowed limit, though they have many splendid office and other buildings, modern in every v lespect. The longest straight and a Very fline. street The'Wrgesf pfcturo show house in .the citv, tho Auditorum. which '1s used.1 or a theatre through the week and preaching services (on " Sunday, although they ' have two hundred and twenty-six churches, as Weil as two hunqred and oiht saloons w'th two hundred and sevehty- saven splendid' schools which have an enrbllment f - eighty- eight thousand pupils, ; Streets running in one direct on 'arensmed while in tho other they sie . nuinlert'd- fi r s ' second, and so on, but no thirt eentli lib : unlucky. ' etreetj ' in Los Angeles tbi one that ahonld be thirteenUi via named, Pico. a Spanish name for a once wealth ions of tlie ..'"rtHy,1' and " many ' of the fine mansions arfe well worth jiietionf Snt w rihall. oniy, incut ionW few Tli home of one of the oil if jttgi!',D(ltey;3)a the finest home-jp!lanb 1 the ivbtld,;oo,tibg. SSTWiOOi; Tbi matt valsq has II ne3eer.par t aijoi ning hi ome wntca contains ovev nve iiuna red der. ' Most-of ' my; "readersri - rj,tf) yir' - 'i!fe.-, f:i li&'va no' don bt seen ktpsk'.crd views, of Bihgieton's PalJi Driye; iVe not ' only passed through t h is d ri ve bu t b towped a nd . took a'lvalk around over the famous estate.' wbich is now in Utitfatlott to be tfq.ot'd uext .ek ;. SINGING CONVENTION NOTES BY THE SECRETARY . In tho report of the Singing Convention in lust week's U era Id we only gave a brief report of tho proceor'ings and nor will try and give a more detailed report of ecli choir. We had in this con vention two lew choirs and now We propose to give our im- prectiion of each choir and t,hlr singing. .The first one we will notice is th Eut Eingf Mtn. Baptist Cora Mill Alt who have heard this choir sing in the past rfnow they sing well. This choir was led bv M. J. : J. ' Alexander who has had charg0of it for three or f ur years. ;The organist was Miss Kosa Qehrteld and she plays real well giriag good expression and accent.1 which aids materially in choir sinking. : GriaCaarch K. E. This was one of the new choirs present for the flr8t time and they entered into the spirit of the Convention- with the greatest enthusiasm. This was quite large choir and was led also by Mr. Alexander of the Cora Mills. Miss EUiel Davidson was the organist and did h e r part well. We also noticed the Pastor, Rev. B. A. Culp, taking art and singing with all his might. Will say right here that if all oastors'would take the interest in the music of their church that Mr. Culp does than the musica, interest in all cur churcl es w iuld ue better. In the bet'in- cing of the service tne fresiueut extended the giad hand to (.he new chofrs s.nd Are will expect them next time. ratterson's Grovr. Baptist On i of the convention stacd- bys, always oa hand and doing the best of singing. Whie this choir is not large in numbers it id great in narmony ana voice blending. It is alwa:s expected . . i ; ... of this choir to do good singing and the people weio not disap pointed. The most faithful mem bers of this choir are the Fells Sisters, the Ware'-, the Led- ford's and Mr. Beaty and wife. The writer was leador and organ ist. ' - -' ", ''.-'''. .'; Mary's Grove. H. E. Sonthj One of the new choirs- anH a very welcome addition to the Convention. They did some Teal fine singing and were listened to with rapt attention. We counted forty-one grown K'ris in this choir and about ten men ; and boys. They made a very . iayor able impression on the audience and too cauch cannot be said in their fa Tor. Mr. Hudson Ham ric't was leader and a good One while Miss Wright, was organist, ; Oak trove. Baptist Only portion Of this good choir was present and they did not sing in the forenoon yet they came bravely forward I t .the at" ternoon and sang several selec tions very - uicely. Several of their principal singers Were "ab-; sntisJ tiiut they did' well and Showed their 'nettle, by singing at nlK Mr. Hudson Hamrick was teidtr of this choir whll Miss Essie Bell presided at the organ. ; Bessemer pty. Baptist ? .Tliis choir belpg at home was at their, best 'and. bang! as they usually do, with the '"spirit and to a ndersfandiBg. Tils is n'e f the finest ohoirstwa know. aid for several "eeks we jliaveH ueen teaching tnem ana caa say that tihev orlr alwava ) td". ,Wch other's gobd and In perfeetf ' har mony ana always enter near vjy . .. ,'.:.., '.. into trie song service mil are a fin lot of s;ngers. Kev. .vi r. j 'ortcn said it was as tine a lot of singing girls as he had ever heard, and that was saving a g'-ent deal as ho has traveled quite exstensivelv and taught in fifteen different states. ; Notes. The hospitality of Bessemer City was unbonded and every Kinuness mat couia nave been shown was given gladly. A few mistakes were made in the sing ing by several of the choirs and it was caused by people trying toting with them without the practice chat they evidently needed. Choir leaders should no- allow people from every where to come in acd try to help and probably ruin tha practice of sevferal weeks.' This Convention also held its hieri record of attendance. Peo ple packed the aisles all day, seemingly content just to get in hearing distance. Tho President was at his best and at each me ting wufeel more like we did the right thing when he was chosen to steer the con vention bai k on to ' greater things. C P. Gardner Secy, C. E. Nelsler wont to 'Veen viile, S. C. Friday to attend the Textile Exhibit. - . SHORT NEWS Condensed for Mr;, and Mrs. E. A. Cole and E. W, Coie visited Ry. ai,d Mrs. E. O, Cole here last week. Dr. Scroggs, piesidinj; elder of the Shelby District Western North Carolina Conference M. E. Church Sou tb. was here Fri cay Jiignt and held quarterly conferencasat the Methodist Church. 1 Mr. Scroggs has been in lulling, health lately but we are glad to note that he is groatiy-improved. Anton Brothers sale is a big success boh for them and the public, F,ver sines the sale start ed last Thursday the store has bean crowded with' shoppers and busy clerks. Read thj page ad in this issue of the Herald and see what. they offer. Ia fact just read all the ads. Miss Oll'e May Witherspoon of Mooresville N. C. who ente- ed tlio Womans College at Due We?t, S. O. this fall has been forced to return homo on account of eye trouble, She visited her uncle, Rev. G. L. Kerr,"liere last week-en her trip homeward. ' The Dilling Cotton Mil1 re sumed operation Friday morn ing under the . permanent re ceivership of A, G. Myers and W. T. Lowe f Gastonia, It was a great relief to the . operators who had been idle for two weeks to get tncir work. back. 'The new cotton mill built -bv Mf.;,C. "E. yeisler, or th spinn ing annex to the Pauline, has 'been finished and is ready for the machinery. Tho .'.maoblnery" is -arriving and Mr. '.Naislor tliir' ks It will le ready for oper ation (ate in DecemWr.. . :. , . "THE AURORA - "Tho Aurora Highlander", is Ihe naino of Shelby'snew ,opub lican paper. It made its initial appearance last Saturday and a copy found ife ,Way ,o our ex change table. The new paper is issued ly DePrter.i & t'o. and edited by B. H. DePriest, editor of the "Highlander" which is advertised for sale under receiv ership. Tne initial issue is a six column eight page nheot gotten up in very neat style. In his Iront page announce men Editor DePricst makes the following statement over his sig nature. .."The new republican paper is here at last. "This hit. "It is meant primarily for the' dissemination of news, general intelligence, moral and civil ri ghteousness, progress in educa tion, agriculture and in.lustry, an honfst ballot: and in politics, it offers itself as a champion of the great principle of. ' a PRO TECTIVE. TABRIFF for the benefit of American labor. J 'At the same ti:ce ip opens, its columns to-men -of, all parties woo believe-in a sqiare deal and who oppose underhanded meth ods of competition, ., . '"It-gives a voice to everyone hereabout who is ' dissatisfied with Shelby ring mofhods , and J-U...aj.JI.L j ITEMS LOCAt AND OT HfeRWisi the Convenience of Busy Readers Mils Mae Patterson went Gastonia Saturday. to Mrs. Jamei Goforth of Char lotte visited relatives here last week. J. R, Federline ' attended ,thi Southern Textile Association at Greenville S.- C. last week. Mr. and Mrs Jacob. 'Heayner wont to Forrest City ' Friday to visit his daughter Mrsi Jacob Heavner aud Hen ry Jones will visit at Princeton N, C, the latter part of the week. E. M. Lohr made a businpsa trip to Spartanbarg S. C. Fri day, ' Mrs. L. P. Baker returned Friday from a visit to Charlotte. Mrs. D. M. Baker y attended the Floral Fair at Gastonia Jas't week and visited Mrs. Clifford. We are glad to report that Au-. brey .Mauney,. soil of. M r.n ar.d Mrs. S. A. Maunev who was re ported in last week's Herald as bemg seriously ilf in the Presby terian Hospital tn Cha lotto is improving very nicely. The Piedmont Telephone and Te'egraph Company is J m pray ing us ices here byrr erecting we poles in iace of ' defective ines. . : ,'. .'. ' ' The Criminal docket in Cleve land Superior Court wsa dispoa posed nf in two days last week and court adjourned ontll Mon day of this week jwhen the clv'J dooket was taken up. n. ., HlGHLANDER"i APPEARED SATURDi who would like to B90 a clil iu our local, State and Wat, governments This paper caanot Qp without support. It will live anemic life, unless you seed the dollars. ,. "Some merchants do not cay for Republican trade: hence 1 not patronise a republican pap A therefore, we are large'j deponf ent upon YOU brother subacri l er, 1 "Send as Si! Si 13. SJal whatever vour purse will st Wo c!t:nphie ' buying i-iuinr outfit at tha reC9M ers kale, but if Democrtts shd7 buy same THIS PAPER . w run ji'st the same, and ; scription will be exUndf cbrdance with your payoi No man ever paid a on subscription to either. Aurora, - Shelby Rnyiel Uighlander,' or the Nortll can Bulletin,' ever lost a A far as I know. So, let'a'pu quTsho he wheel : and' make Republican , paper ; god whoop. ' , '.':' ' 1 Tell your nolgb" It' a good onei?VV It doesn't owe world, It will b going'into debt i dreads the fireJ-' The;VAnrora-I here to stay." .,.; L I The case of crreataftt Imr ce to Herald reader ji is' that of Southern Rail st Lea Woodall for. t $i,500 oj the, 'rtJlw while he was station s This case, was .contiii Mr. Woodall iaduton ' titled bond, - A At an election helui w cou'-t house at Shelby the ujuuuj a uuuri Ol xulu4SM era fontbeiBuffalO Drainage eric jno. t was elected. All t, members of therfdv beard r. re-elected witb theriexcdptir James Borders being sUuK- place of G. F," Hombnuht L ' 1 , .1 . - J was uut a, uaaiuaoe. . . r r liWa"a iThe board Is.eleoled to -fi-voVw- two yearn, and is a ifftlJws: A. ' ' i H Cline, Js B KhAe,.. ..James Borders. C, Layehder and W, K. Newton. , . -' -The first regnloit meeting c? the Cleveland County Bara:-a-Pbilathea Union will meet rvith thp Stoond BaiHisti Church of Shelby on November 27th. being the third Sunday. It wiil bo re membered that tho Union 1 was oWnited'a few weeks ago with Dr. R, E, Ware o Shelby piesi dent. A big representation of all the classes of whatever; denomi nation In the county is eapeciw liy rnvated. The aim otthe o.ga uissation is to promote.' thir Sun day. Schoo work of the. county . and we earnestly solicit tito aup. V ,J port of every person Interested to our t)unay Sohoois Tiio program will .conaist of iddrepses, reporU from classes as toeino'hneat. attendana. enl- lections, r class wl. Siona d ere ' 1 1 ' wr of cburon In ' '' ' tlacs, conver - a i oar etc. and . It v ill be an all "y i Uinnor o tbt St