"3 ,.Hin J 3 ''I Vol 12, G. G' PAGE, IMiior and Owner KingH Mountain, N.'C'. Thursday, November 18 M5. r " " - " " -jlv, .- ' PRINCIPLE FIRST " " V : $1; A YKAK In ADVANCE ;4 5 MEETS DEC. 7 AT- CHAPiuQTTE, the Baptist; Stale Convention-25, 000 Biptlstiw'Ufcc represented. The Baptist State conyetit'o;!) " inept, in phralotte Tuesday Do- . ceuiber 7th. There are . cow 3iS,000 Bptist in the biate and ' the convention is neccessarily i ureal gatlio'lng, The intertiin uient of the convention has 'also " become a pro blem. The "Harv 1 aid Plan" has been in the mind , pi the convention lor a lorg time but has . never been" . adopted. The Charlotte cowittce on' entertainment has has decided to adopt it Ibis vear, The plan, provides lodging aid breakfast for the delegates, And the delegate.) provide for then own dinner au supper..; The reason for adopting the "Uarvard PJau"- is given by Dr W. M. Vines of Charlotte lor the coinumtee and is taken, from We Biblical Recorder. ' 'lteuoitnislnie that the, time lia coroe. tor our State; Convun- .Hon to c&aire from .the. custom aoT' fie;ntertaininent; i--.oh. acv ! pountbf the growth' oj Chebodyf the fhn)ed tond)tlons"f life and the .imperative need; of the - iiictt-ased cfhciencv 5i the Coo. ' vntiors ffl. bare deeiiied to au Jionnuce'. tl.it . Gt. committee, fej.-reaegtinst' the Baptieifeliurch ' ifiSf Of jti'iarlitw,-, has agreed to udp't tut ; "Harvard Plan" in .'j vjHi(?f3iun,j)pon oar p.rt l.estlaocy and after a careful dig . iMiKMinn of , ilb aituatiou. "We j r. r.t lb . have very reluctantly taktn this ''-step lest. Wo r0v crilfeijiud for " lack of hospiUlity and our mot ivesi-e 'uiisunderstooil jtfT f.he brethrfcO- - - : "BelJovinK! however, that $e sentiuienl of tue tuoutfQuu'i progressive leadership of oai - people a voiced in tbpress aua from othur sources of lufoination reachniK us, is lor this cbange, . we.tiave desided to acceed to tnis sehtiment Which appears to lie forXh'iJ best ioteresis-of our y denomination and the promotion f tl tlie Lord's cause as roprs uted by ooi- Convention. V "Ttte" " 'Har vard i'lau '.' -which provides lodging and breaKlast ' lor our guests ana leaves tuew - tosecnitS Ui.eir own noohuiy auu Venini meais tis then cboose , will from all the intoncaim ie. - - reived by ws inoet Uie . approval jind larue)y mcrease the uselul iiese of our Oouventfon, Tula will add only a small tost- to atf tendance ot the. delegates ,-, as meals fan be served convunient- ly at restaurants and 'hotels at popular prices." , - ' AU names of delegatesslioald be sent oromptly to Capt. T. S,. t'rauklin, Chd'rmau of Couimic- i '(teeou!3.uteitaiument, and homes' wiU bo assigned and cards ot uotiriuatiofl keni to . all mesaen ger tnainie their names' " . i. -cJ iVV lo iiave tlie Jargoijt attendance la the history of " Nortlr iiaroliaa Iiaptisbt and an- qre those. attending of a moat .cordjaf 'welcome to our city and V ' . " t ' tomes, , , t Among those who nttsnded Anton Brotliei's sale (luring- the p:i;t t vn wks wo wflro elftO; to REV- GULP HAG GOOD IMPRESSION Pastor brace Ketboiist. Church cosyed day of music to (He full. B'ng a pieat lover ot Muhic nnd having a nninunr of r fnoii'ls in I.JcssMiier Citv. I ctcided to Kail in ".no 11 o ciocK sorvico- ' iur ehdrc-h the fi.tli Sunday in Octoue" nnd utloiiil tho hiiiKins coDvention, u veiv (U-jovabtooc cashidD it was. As we nearcd tlie Baptiht churuh wluro the convention was held wa no ticed a larne ero-vd hnd gather ed and the music had' alreauy beguu, As wo presstd our wav thro'iiK'li tlie thiuiig about the door and dowa tho nsilo it Koon appear(;d what thu attraction wan. Mmio tailing from the lips of th tin l ned Dingers lifted Ufloboveail kiooui and clouds and we though of the wo'-ds of St. Mark U:l-2 And it was nc;sed that He- was in t,l,e houh?, and straigntway mar.y were gatl-or- ed to guthr insoicucii that there was no room to receive tiiem Not so much as about the doorAfter enjoidg the ocoasiou sp noch. And roaeiving. the hartyifivitation from the pastor Bi-o. Ilehns, to aijalli uiet with D w) certamli will bo glad attfi)d another convention at Besfceiflcj: Qv.f.'wV' we - vvtll nolagre. ti take ou'-, luncn and bunilii' Myv bod cior, .ine lonventioir and a.'l jvf(0 tak part with fiilccens. . , kings-Momitnn)(.N- v.1 . Nov.- j); fyiG. ----- r.T77Tr-Ji"ajar - - . GASTON I A L0 ; CAL MATTERS Oastonia Gazette Friday Mr, J- M- Sloan, of lwlmont was a Gastoiia visitor yester ty Ir. p: 3. Eli vno of Dallas rout o;ie. Wi ' Gastonla visit-; or vestej-dav. . Mr. AijC, of Kinfs Moimi t'n, was a hush-ess visitoi in Gustoijla yesterday. , Mr. y. A. IJarppjr of Clover route two, was a business ?rsit or in OastoDW yesterday. Dr. ,W. II.' IJoffuiaa sj.ent Wednesday at Dallas as gvesl of hjs "icce, Mrs. A. Wilkins. . Mr. Dpo S. Rhyno who re- eotly sojd Jha ' Mayria Cafo as noted in tJie Hjawtte. has ai-cept- ed a position .wlj M- , YttI1: Sleen, the Jowe!ejf. Mrs. Hugh Paliftr of -VYasht ington, p. C was the guest of Mrs. A. R.. Anders at Ins" liomp on Chester street Sunday nnd Monday 4 . Mrs., purl Paspeii'ier of Worth lett yesterday for an. extended vijiit fOjfnends . at . Greed vllle, Anderson and- partanbilig, . -i ""'" Mr. and Mr.' Walter Klutts returned to- Gostoma , Wediies day nujtijt frqm their honeymoon trip and will go to housekeeping immediately in the War-en . cot tsge pi Third avenue; j , ' Mr, Charles W.Adams has ac epted a position in the '.ottjoies of toe! Piedmont , Telejihone & Ti'l.-rmnlj (;a. ud Is in the n-. tind trotno denarl- (Uoif'td from last week) Mr. Single'on have disupppar after I. is daughter run off with Ins coachman and his boy hang eil hlinsir. Mr. fainglttou own till s'ii! uf the count r.v's host best horses, having a nnble worth lji4r).(X)0.(IO. Tho Palm Once lias sixty palm trt'esoa ei iher side of tuo drive which is seventy thie feet wide, tlie liees low buliig abiut frinty live year old. Allluugh we did not return from our morning our until after twuiva o'oloclr, we were ready for another at two, swh!eu took u out to several places o. tnler est adjJimng the c:l . I should liive mentioiicil thii luorinng the lart that a picture' ol our tour bnuch alH(Ut lil,rtv la the car was taken juct in front of the fleza Park, and tlie hni&lu-d piulure delivered to us before we reached the Hotel on our return at noon. Passing out of the uity we : enter Heverelv Park, the most bcatttiiui di ivo in southeni Cajifdrmu, a nice aspliult surjoll as irl ass, with I'alrs. garf.niums, as well an olhor llowers on bold idusi which all Uie year except in freU'uary, the ruiuy uiuiitli, L,os Ar.i,les having over three hundred sun sluny days every year. Wo also viewed on either hami growing oranges, lemoiis, clato, am) in fact ail Ironical friiils, pissing enrouto through yonsr:!,-. Hoi.levarJ,. Hollywood, tho i lional Old Schliers Home. a reserviition of, 700 acres forjdoWn through a very fertile val the -coiu fort and conveniences of tlie ild. noliiers; ioanta Monica L-ace CoU'fL, on v;hich Oidho.d bvng lip tliQ worldn recoiil for speed of one hundred and twelve miles,j.ier hour, or eight nine m live minutes and forty six sec onds. A veniee, the Corey Is land of tlie Pacihc, we stop for one hour to view tho largest bathing bearh m the West; the place where the nymph" of the sea meet, those- ol the land; where can be viewed more thai. fle thousand bathing suits beau ties at one time ves, we said ties, for what gn l is there that would get in a bathing suit if she were not a beauty. Its on the sand? of tms beach, we are .told. - I..'. - T .'. that to kiss a young lady is to bring' to mera'jry a boy-hcod prank of putting the (Wg m the relngeratorit dog gone mcti (dog on ice.) ' VVn also passed on this tour tho homo of Miss uJary Pickford, tus rjotedMoving Picture Actor, who caries more money han the President Qf.the'U. S., or at least draws a larger pay pheck 000,00 per .Vear ' while our mutual fzieml and noble leader. Hon. Woodrow-Wilson has to bucoDtent witbS;75,000.00, fori services rendered m the . eame timo. . "Ml,ss l'ick ford's residence.! is indeed a n"Wejtep'tOnV tllongh not !arte is tin?.' father ,0a we pass, around . tlie base of ,tlie Mountains, pn, oat) of which : wealtny 4New Ycrker conceived tho idea of buildug him a man sion; at)er his mansion was. built he tired ol making the neotsswy tour to reach . the .leyeL of his home with a carv conceived- the idea of bnf.d:n an elevator from his housd to . the levsi of ' the plains below, which he did at a" cost of 85,000.00, inalin a tun-, nel o rer gh directly, uiyler, the ho usx, (Tiio uan s name slip pnv ni'inory ai present! but he cer takly has a novel scheme to combine the pleasure of living "On a nill" vet without the trouble of climbing it. . Tnere are many olh.-r things of interest in and around Los Angeles, many that we did not visit i and we have nottoid you about we saw. but wo must pat a on. Many are the days that ct n be sgeni with profit tight seeing in and around Lot Angeles sightseeing of the nature to niease the most .exacting and with a broad enough range to suit ail. If you like you' may board t street cars und travel to tlie to us 'of tho mountains, the famous M Lowe, f r above the clouds were snow can be seen any day in the ye ir, c.' you may lake a car thiough the . Orangu iii.Qpire whera not only the or angos grow but most all tropical frui'.s. If you lik the water von have a large numoer of Beaches to select from, each with its own peculiarities, or'you.may lake a boat to a Dumber of other points of Interest, visit tin Cata Una Islands and view, from the glass l.ottom boats the subma rine gardens, Those and many ui-iny more are all well worth a tri: to see, . Sunday, June 27th. Feeling that Wo have, spent enough time i m Los Angeles we board the iSantaFc train 0:10 a. in. and I Dead for San Diego, 120 almost I due south, at which point w I visit the Panama-California Ex position. . Our trip is tnide ley, well tilled, and largely used for vegetables tomatoes and beans being growu on a, large g!:ale. Also, most all kinds of ft.ujt Kr0wn here In this section are also found rome of the skins that iniku .such good slippers. vet are worthless i;. the mnu facturc of shoes rathec , odd. but who .ever, saw a pair cf shoes made put of Banana Skins, while it is their middle name to make slippers when you step on tliem. You oon't only find the skins here, hut they grow here. not only iu large quanities but some. Farther on the hills begin to close in on our beautiful val ley witu its productive sou, as on either side we view the bar- mii hills. 'Farther on we get the help of a "push engine" ; and soon reach our destination, at 12:10 P..M. iVe secure accom modations at the New Southern Hotel, ajid take lunch at ,009 of the Many Uaf' tena, at which most all dishes come to odd cent three, four six, seven and,i,o,pu- Ol course, this ' Was a "wait 01 yourself" Cafe aa the name implies but;-the. charge are less. . : ' ' ' IJavirig secured our lunch' we are ready for seeing the sights, so-board, an automobile and leave at two O'qiocn lor a toup ; inat takes u3 Into Old Mexico, about .seyeateea'.miles from San Diego In our rjt'je party'was rather mijKO as .io nome stares.- our driver Was' a native of Californ i a, the. man with him in front was froth one the central, states, the exact slate has slipped my memory : next came a man and his Wife from the state of Wssh: Ingtoht Vitb next 'a lady from., the state pf Maine along with our littlo girl, and last ' of all .the LiovelVi Lady and . yours ..truly -from laamar by acodeivt' th- party wa so arranffOd,- but' It cofifd o n bick pagej Mr. Jacob Ueavner Aeut Oastonib Friday on business. Fjemlng Ilamp&ur who is sup erintending the constrnetiou of a railroad uear pharleston visited his family here Saturday and Sunday, returning Monday. Mr. R. J. Abbott went to pity Point, va. last week to work. He stopped off at Oxford,' N. C, to visit his daughter. Mrs. J. B. Comer. The old stork took a circle out into the Bethlehem section Fri day and left, a tine boy at J. T. Gladdens. " Arthur D. McGiil left Thurs day for Columbia, S, C. where he resumes his work with the Union News Company, Ho 'cBme homo several months ago from Colombia sick with fever and is jmt now able to return. The moonlight school at the Cora chapel I fl East Kings MountaiiJ conducted by Mr. G. H. Logan is Vary promising. It opened last Wednesday night with 16 pupils: It meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. It is hoped that the pevple will tako a lvaotiife ot this school. The Hera'd prints the lessons pa".h week and will donate copies to us many as atien'i. A smooth phaved sp'endid looking geutlemen of spare build garbei) in confederate uniform walked into towrt Thursday car rying a travelling bag iu on, hand and a rough cane In the other. His voice was exceedingly fine but decidedly Irish. ' He stated to the Herald that he was Ptirnnfft from Wir Orlnnnn - tn BAlthPore in serach of hb people. He gave his age as one hundred years and five months and stated that 'he had outlived all his southern relatives and that bis next of kin Uvd in Baltimore to which pltce ho was now journey ing. Me name is Dennis (Jane. Me coom to- dese coontry in 1837, " he stated usinpt his Irish brogue. The old mau appeared ro be in the best of health and said that he was faring qu'te well at the hands of the publi?. He sud he had been five weeks walking from New Orleans.'- LET EVERT': BODY ENCOV THE S0PT.IJMN VyAS HERE THURSDAYS Siyj prospect for moonlight schools it fine $ already under way. . Supt. J. Y. li'yj'-1 of thv Oiovv land County schools was ln'iu Thnr,lay both to vj'iit t! e :-'.haci nnd to sMr up ti)f ii.tcrrsi in moonlight pchools. Prpf, f r -"j;i was highly pleased jt till? MiMs '; aud iiro?ress of tn? gradrij ' school making opecial mention of the superintendent and faculty- He state I to the Ileraid that the outlook was'cxtru f.nufor a good system of moonlight sahoois all over the county with hu ception of the t"wa ot' TCin, Mountain. Out of the 166 v-nt teachers in tho county iJ- al pledged 'already to il- all th: can through the moonlight pi tern. Nine schools are aheaiij pi ogress with splendid results evidence'. These schools are cu tributed as follows: Shelby. Belwood, FaMston, Lattin Moreshoro, Mt. 'Pleasant -Phiibeck,8..The jpublip scb of tho county opened anA it. ! fvnr!t.pd' ft fr' of the moonlight.scly pen this week and if There are SU above 21 years old j Countv whocan nnitn noitnorreai write besides the women! children. These illiterates! distributed in' evry rlistrtl the county too except WacoJ Deub'e ' Springs, A1J J. school district have thetp them v; '? - i tnatpry 8 )'' greater or lesx quauvuv, Prof. Irvin believes I ticaMy all these people ; reached during tho ternvof i t1 moonlight seboohi. He sa people take on to it eagc Jha l?r0re81! is astonishing. He lea class in Shelby and he I the results aro onbelte' one who doesn't see TT. ,. ..,! .Lt. 1m ' lie oeiievus uiih fx movement nnd he is th interested in laying every ! cw. trict reached. Will Kings Moun. tain conjo op? ..We have , one , night school at the Cora Chape! ' bi't we need two or three more. 7'- feubcrlb for Th Henlt 7