:V':.'-'v:- w A .yu ; , ! 1 IN :ALITHINCSt'6lVSz: :T '.AWi 4. s it tiii : ii II" ii ai u -mm. t ii ii ii .'..,- (T ".'..,' - ... A CO PACE. Editor QOIIOR ROLL GRADED SCHOOL 4 .. tof toe news' moats " ' ' ', . ..- . : f- " .- Y." i .;.'',.: -' FIRST GRADE Ann Kunts, Madge Patterson, Myrtle '-Hull-Inder, Evelyn i6hf,-ti Tate, Eva Gamble, LncllleXane Ur, Nell Hord, ErAel Reynolds, Jam.- Mltchemj Hubert1ifc,Gtn nla, ' Roy M&ord, ' Albert wWMte, Forrest Hsrdln, Willie Mitchell, Eugene Laurhlln, Charles Ram M7, Parka Fisher, Llllie May Miller Willie Morris, - Sadie "WhitS: Nnnte Plonk, Pearl , Hwrd, Elisabeth Peterson, Sadie, ; walker, sana raype, osteite Hord. . SECOND GRADE Pro Nell HonseivKstberiae McAllister, l'' Koth'tfonl. Margaret McOlnttl. MargareUrnwell, Doyal Moaa, Lorene iXjrowell, Bertie Lee Hambrltfht, Norm Fall. Oranjr 1 BarretwjBrOwa'Wae, BriRht BichardUa, Uf06taert Etbel ' Styere, Ethel Lackey, Lot For tune. Ida talker. Clyde Holl.n- ;4er;;; Jack Ramaaort Bee k Wright. . 'THIRD GRADB"Wilm -fler. '' er, Margaret Oettm't, ' FIFTH GR IDB-'Willle Parker. SIXTH GRADE Ixtr Ware, ' Roberta i Kastz, J. .D. Hord, Elenor Gamble Miriam Gatorth. Gertrude King. fll Canaler, Gaaiepofltetler, Wluiile Vera Manoey, RqtU JHoBk. js? SEVENTH GRADE-I8ir Alll jwn, Rvth Hanter, JaaniU Maaaey Sara Foltoni Edith Davidson, Eliubeth Hord, Ellen .Petenoa, Fay Wltaoiv Pilling, Lawrence Ufar e 1 1, Charle Hord, HughuBfmaod. EIGHTH GRADE Lois Rudl- ,UI, Lena RudlallU ylvie a e "Gardner. . :V ' ' NINTH GRADE H t b r t Plonk, Jeaale PeMmrt, ; m -, TENTH ORADR-MaryiFfiTton, Nina Hanter, Kathleen William, Venter Dandeon, MaUle Ware; AUR0RA-P1ED , MONT. , ' Editor B. H. DePrlert bu .'.i.hamrnd the name t hi new T?ntthiirn DaDer from "The Aurpra-HlnhlandeTM to Anrora-Piedmont." The Hwt copy appeared Satnrday. Tnere " wa bat little ol the peraenaUty ol thediUli' ATldenoe. , ' Mrs. A. N. Harmon r "d - daKhtr, Mi Racbel, returned Maet wetik from Gutonta nre ' they vialted Mr. L. C. Pavla.- - A DAYS WAOfeS - , iJ . Am -a- - Uncomton, w ""Wtations of'the public This u.1-.,,..v.v. - Wt has blessed P with peace -1-" plenty, and . "In i , ignition of this, the presi- t of the United fitatea nd A!. a Governor of North Carolina ihaveset apart Thuwd!v, ?Tov ma.ber iZlh, 1015, '" : Than! -giving Ear; I, v ' -.k UV. rreslJo-t cf ' ."ortb fCatl!.)a C. r-... a' .' ' '.an, TuCr".,'J t 'n i -1 n of ITort"! C - " ' 'c cf color, l i, ' ' f '! and Owner LYCEOH AGAIN FRIDAY Fiat atttactlM tut WcdrcsdaT nlgbt aoi tI f finer tblj Friiiy nliht "The Masical Entertainers," held the big audionte completely capttytted thronghont a two hour program at the school au ditorlam last Wedneeday night. It waa an occasion enjoyed by everyone. The numbers were 1 rich, rare and new. One number woultf be a side plitter and the next full of patboa, one in the most refined English, another in Ger:caa and other in necro dialect Toe program was full oi variation and held the . auJi ence alway in deep rapture and evpectancy. ' Trie company is composed of three talented and cultured young ladle as follows; "iiiiss Edith Hockcrwn of Lincoln, Ne braska: Miss Ethel Gai tan, nn Mia Mi Fay Ingram of Kan- a dir. They travel under the anpice of the Rudpathjyceum ooreun anu seem m rcunuH hit every where, This was the second attraction of the five which the - Rftdpath Lvceum Bureau is eiving hare daring this fall And winter. " On October lirst ."Tk , .Carroll niee" opened the coarse with a attraction that gave ' ' M1" whole movement impetus ,ai d popaiarity. A a result of tiie first attraction and the diligent advertising, given the second a much larger audieooe was pre ent Wednesday night - than at the fint number. 'Aside front the season ticket adidissioM, the door reoeiots -montet to 11.40 - V . HASCLTINK OWIU COMPANY. TThe Hasettlne Otiera Comp- lay," will stage third attraction I of the lycnum -course, at the school aoditorhim ths Friday nlgbt This will be the last ud- J til Februrary and promises to be I among the very best in the enti re covrstv; Tbem are five' char- lacters in sbls sttraction all of whom are, noted entertainers. The two former attractions, as I . t , at 1 . a, iU. !H weu kqow, si 911 run J MJO VA ions' embraces more chaiiMJter eUher rf those and costs the committee twenty fl v dol lara more. It mnst, therefore, e extiS' good. ' Tbe admission as paual SScts for children aud BOcts lor adult. ' Seaaor- tick eta arson sule at the tejfa'd of- Z -9 t-ve he three aemaimng at lona at the following rates, Ires !0eent. AdalU' tB. . :ji eRson ticket and av 25 cnt i. The committe still has a " - '.afYsoiint toraiseanfl a - - e .:'tfy i the Kins Mountain, N. PRINCIPLE FIRST Turkey "gMM, Eagle To d It'1""'"'.- ..iiMiw. - .s-A.-JiW (T For Thanksgiving is the J The eagle may appeal to when it is qnestioa of ihe i'lii)pl ; . 1'Itinc Oi)tTh ComiMny," and what ye are to see Friday night., ; THE HASELTINE- OPERA COMPANY, witb , mlsa Edna ;';; BONA HA8ELTINC. . , Hweltlne, protege; of. Madam Emma Gaive, in xthe . leading role, presents a vivid portrayal of thrilUng Spauinh GvDsy life, entitled "The Gypsy Singers," written '.'especially for Miss Has eltine by Musical.Calp Berry. ; Th (inorv used is, an exact roproduction of the hisWks via i t" duct of Sargos8a,s Spain, built n the dark ages by the Arabs who conquered Spain,' and where the Maid of Saragbsstt saved the Spanish army. . The ; mountains, valley s, rivers and village are all sbowa.- vv'-vV ' ' ; j The Gpsy songs which are woven Into this i sketch are taken " om '"Crt"',", the ."Boheml- i r " 1 r" -r, opera. UEle : " l'I-5 r. ,.-d. ' ' IWI) Thursday, NoTember 25,1915. Soars: Above the day sad die turkey Is the viand that are peculiarly American, our hearts, but who would swap the Thaoksgivuig turkey rest of his body? . thnt Miss Edna Heseltin was-to rHdthis company the coning season, tne announcement or same, including ttoe fact ttmt sbe waa to apper unoer the man agement of th Red path Moaical Bureau, was made by such met ropolitan; newspaper as the Chicago Post, the St. Louis Globe Democrat, the St Louis Republic, the Kansas City Star and other journals the Coicago Post and Globe Democrat also using Miss Haseltitfe's photo graph.;.. . When Madam Calve made her tour of the TJnited States in 1912,' she gave audience to many young women throuout the countr, who came to ber recom mended as possessing favorable voices. la all., it is said there were 200 young women beard by the famous prima donna on this tour. ' Out of thhl number she selected two who .s b o u 1 d come to ber borne in Nice, to receive special instruction ircm her' during the following year. Mss Haseltlne was one of the two selected. Madam . Calve seated that: Miss Haseltins's voice was especially adapted to the part of Carmen. v',;.. Miss Haseltine subsequeuatly wen to the home of Madam Calve in France and lived ,witn ber thruout the school year : at her castle, Chateau d'Cabrieves, receiving, two . lessons a day. She bad many .interesting ex periences In Europe and met many of the leading musicans a broad, 4 including Mme.. Sem brich. Madam Calve spoke of Miss Haseltine as foUows: "Edna has a beautiful voice; she is a bravo, intelligent young lady, with much energy and a heart of gold' -. : ' . . . Before returning to the United States. Miss Haseltine also stud ied in Pari -with D'auoigne; Xhe notod teacher of voice. - $1. A ay s - r Springfield, Miarouii. and grad uated from Drury College, and also the vocal department of Drury. She spent a year in the New England Conservatoty of Wuaio at Boston, taught music in the school at .Toplin, then enter ed the Grand Opera Company of Kansas Oity, Mo., and there she met Madam Calve atu sang for her, Miss Haseltine is a daugh ter of 6. A, Haseltine, a well knewn attorney and is a grand-; daughter of the hue. Ira S- Hasel-; tine, who was a member of -Congress from theSoringfield, Mo., district. .:'.-;' . -'.' There will be five in the Has eltine Opera Company in all. Miss Una Haaeltin, a , sister of Miss Edna Ha eltine, also takes a' leading part She te a high soprano. She studied voice in Kansas City with Ottley Cranston, "widei known teacher. She has also appeared with the Kansas City Opera Company. . . x YORKVILLK MATTERS : Yoikville Enquirer Friday) The Ladies Aid society of the AssOoiatu Reformed church mill serve oysters and other diOles In the Old Sose hotel . building this evening. . The Graded school bas gotten uo a dette on the proposition "Reaotyed that the Uuited Stat es should have laid an embargo on munitions Of war at tbo out break of hostilities in.Eutvpe. At the rate local, pebble. bsve been making applications to liev. J..L. Oatos forahe p.ivilega of entertaining deles tes to the A. R P.'. y nod next 'fall, the oul todk Is- ttaA all Ihs proepce'r vlsitoiS wiillsa? t-"i tor long beforo ' " , t pr'taki' ' - No. 42 TE.5lR in ADVANCE B P. MM SHELBY SUNDAY F'rst reenUr nesting Baraci FoRa- thunxctliiK tUg sects The first reuular meeting ot ! the Cleveland Ounty Barara- Philatbea Union was held Sun IV in (he Second Baotist Chur ch of Shelby. The meeting was attended by good delation from all over tho County. Not all the classes in the County were represented but a - goodl.v number considering the fact that thli was the first meeting eincer organbon. The constitution adoptA was made liberal enough to admit u mcmberehiu Berean; Fidelia and other organized! clashes having a president and a I secretary. In discussing the mem. ' berabipclause.of theconstltutioi. it was pointed out that, there wereV many , other organized classes besides Baraca and Phil atbea that are etriving toward the same end s those'. clasncJ and that wo.- : make , nse fu members of theganiia'.io' would themselves reap beut-flt by all Working in cord, -i ' CONT'D ON 4th. PAGE r ,"1 ', . .". I The executive 'comiiiitte . 1 the Wfstern division of the YorV Connty , Teachers a'sticiatiou. ill meet .beretomorfow io r. range a prrgram- for- ihfr , flrsl meeting of the division- 'Which . ill. beheld scon. The committee consist of Prof. J, '.W," Hheafy i of Clover; Miss Isabel Arrowood ot Sharon, and Miss Mary U-j ingstone of Bullocks preek. Mr. William R. . Burgess Sharon was married in , Gaffney oc Wednesday evening to TJr, Nannie J. Hambrlght.of Gaff ney the ceremony being perform ed by Re. J, W. Shell--at hh- home.in;UietrMece of a s few . close iS&jrthV, Mr.. Burgrss is-.- well knvwq in.Siharon whore Le v is engaged in businessw aad in that section of the county, Iml mediately after the Ceremony he and bis bride pamii(j(o Sharon - where they will reside. ' " i .Prof. M L. Smith, princlpflW of theSbaroo High School, fi,. ' Isbes .the Enquirer ,wib4'..a fol lowing tut of pupils w1k ' com pose the school honor roll for thejpaat month; 10t.br. grdrt Edna Lawrenco; f;h.-. grs'S . raijclsPlxiia, C.Um Plexifeo-' . Grler White; 8;h. grad Anna Good. Ruth Hope, r:ul White- ' a des, HaghcKr i jbisoti", t ,7th. - grade James L aves...' Fulton 1orten: 5th. Km "afary Bf lie Good, Nelle Coc l, oll joibm Allein ban non ; 4 A . grade - Tbelme, Pratt, Vlaiin-la Uope.i Lilian Hope. C a Robinson,: John Falknr f inrey. ; ' 8id- - rade Lee Yo :blood Jos Scott I!orc; Mae-Whes.: nint C'y rado 1 ' erClna" ! Helen V. rj.:a Mattie Alma Whiso,,. nant: , lat.i r.' , prim-. ' .'!iioia - Hope. ' v. r. c. ', pastor of t Church, ? xt Suu. ..!erj pf i Baptist 1 evea- Miss Kancltiue jras born .-ill sm .

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