Vol 12 Kiiiii Mountain, N Cn . Thursday, December 2 1 9 15. '.'. G. G PAGE. Editor and Owner PRINCIPLE FIRST 81. A' VK.IK In ADVA NCK ', I : SEWERAGE G00DH0USE WEIR-BARBER SHORT NEWS ITEMS LOCAL AND OTHERVVIS Condensed for the Convenience of Busy Readers WORK BEGINS FRIDAY SIGHT i Wrk Bejao Hoaiat Pdncfpil Strttti To Be Work'd First Tlie Sewerago work hna be gun. The Buckeyj ditcher-' was so', in motion Monday morning for a sure enough beginning. The first bole was duit in Rail ro-id avenue opposite the Klotho mill. There began the first ditch. In all there will be STOOO .feet of ditching iu which will be laid near'y ttn miles of 8 inch terra cotta pipe, Mr. W. L. Moore, the foreman, tells the Herald that the town -vill be most splendidly sawered when the system is fin'sbed and that the lines are being laid with ref erenoe to future extensions thou Id they ever be deired. There will be three septic .tanks located as follows; One on J. C Bnmgardner's property oCT Simm avenue; One on W. P. Fulton's property near the Dill ing mill branch, and the other some whore on the Waco road. T!vsf Guilts arc ef toe most im i 0 (1 ' rl'i- ..,: .,1 ".; I :i ".' ; is;v.'. . i' i Ct'iiT''tl "Mu i i 1 i l diaphragm ,m.fii n"i 1' i-: a h:- , It . lll;)luj 111. t .-, .V1 ;-T --I'ffVl.r IO A .! tiltl Ai liin.a '.)! lit to Iji ; Mil- II .ISC ll. 'hi give 1 00 men nil I lie i.av to i;d Jja hi per day. - T'-i." di will cut KVO tuet fii't (Inch pi-i' n !'..'l f "'I''';.' ': r 'I u i I f)i- .i dollar lung machine Vj uifl.is bv b i wo mules Tin ti'UiiK -tlio r.lic- .will V tie re (,". . i. -will comprise (i a .J ; l.ti-s d'.tudiM'-t can Tim' Bvitem neui ly 10 mil'-s of pipe with 11 automatic flush tauks and. 125 man holes -and tlii'ea .septic tank.. - The J. B. McOary Co. of At lanta who have the contrast for tho work are tuniisumg the fol lowing expert help: W. L. Moore,, foreman; J. J. Allred, ditching engineer; and Mr. CardweU, surveyor. The town wus surveyed several months imo wit1' reference to sewerage but the outfalls were not loca ted. The company had their own engineer prove the old sur vey and locate the outfalls. Ma Moore tells the Herald that "The survey fonnelyinado by Mr. P. Kainsciur was found to - be most accurate. The time required to finish the wo.-k depends upon the weather. Will) average conditions, it will lequiru about four months.- All the main streets will be worked first in order-to .not have them torn up durin'K the heavy weath er of winter. .. Boiling. Springs Pastor Here Rev. Mr. Holltnd, pastor jof Boiling Bprini'.i Baptist (Jtiurjh and professor of Bible in Boiling .Springs High Schol, peached " in the tiriit Baptist church here Sqnday morning and .'at.' Oak Gi-ove iu the afternoon. Pastor J, R. Miller ol the church 'iere .. supplied for Mr. 'loll and at Boil ' Jng Srirgs. Mr. Holland is ex - ichangi; pulpA with the vari "ous, DastO'V of-4Cij Mountain ind Sandy Run. Associations h UehJ rtpresotaUve of.Uie school ' -which -IwUings V the two , asso. ' oiattone. Joe Ls young and ener getic aud jliMjosa iK.-ljipnsss-. -Th: Hastitlnt Opera Co. presedts "Tfce Gypy Singfj" to a full house. Th best house yetsreeted the Husoltine Opera Compay at the school Auditorium Friday night. The attrsctiun wps the third on the course'jeing put om lieiu by the - Redpath L.vcoum . Bu-eiiu and was of excellent charactur. It wasn't the silly funny kind o( performance hut was an exemp'i fication-of Spanish Gypsy lif. The first two attraction were on . the funny stylo and some were slightly disapointed at tho char acfer of "Tim Gy.wv Smsjci's.'' But it wouldn't do to have everything funny Life has toj many phases that must be dealt with. Miss Edna Haeltine, the eta performer nlayed tin- very finest of stage taleti, with evidence of high cul'.uro. The -other ch:tr- ctrs wero well within keeping cf their parts. Tim door receipts besides seas on ticket admission i'egreghteJ hi !i was the best yet. If ;ie re.nniidng nltriciions ire os sKccHssful us -'those a' ivi.di had t ic couise will be paid for w th a poss b'e reiiiiiunt of profit lefi to the Civic Lrague. The next attraction wi. I come eitlei: the 9rst or' socon 1 week in" February ' 15383 Bales of cot ton ginned up to November !4t$i. r bhelljyi N. C. -. " Nov. 23, lillj. Kings Mountain Heral'i Kings Moii'iiain, N. C, ': There- were 15383 bale.i of cotton ginned in Cle'vehivi Co. prior to Nov.' 14,- l!)lu, as cn- pared with 10588 bales prior to Nov, 14. 1914. Smith. Special Agent. Religious Paper Condemns Card Playing in the V I Home Bib:caf Recorder. - A con verted gambler of Chi- cagosaid with emphasis and from wide expnouce:"The card play ing home is the kindegarten for the gambling saloon. "-Says Mr. John Bigelow': 'Nine peop e out ?! ten, when thay for thq . first accept an invitation to joi.. in a game of whist ct poker have no more suspicion ahuut the pas sions they may te apt to , nurse tlia-H the maid nf 16 when she engages in her first .' flirtation," The Christian Index sbbserves: We have never known a reput able, spiritually minded, soul winning preacher to be ft sard playtr; nor Irtvo we ever known church memoors.i. distinguished for their, .piety : and spiritually and- for their .regular attendiincfc upon the mid-week prayer meet-, ipgs who are cai;d tolnyees. Card playing is not protitab's tor t'le development of Christiau char acter "and for enlarging the u&ti fulness f Christians in the 1iq motion of spjrit'iuhty and eonse cratio.i in the lives' of others. The tefidenoie of Card playinK, like those of daocinir, are in tuo wrong direc ion. ,' Just as " the donee furnishes victims of" vice,' ! just, o social card playing lui-n-lisheS for the jjambliog room'. MARRIAGE Para'uir C'eveland County Coup'c Married Wednsday Right. At the home of the brides parents on Route 5 a beautiful Mjiiih wedding was polemnizel Wednesday ' night 'when Mr Frank Weir of Pilterson Grove section claimed Miss Ava flui ')', l:iuxhtr of Mr. and .vlrs. B. aty Barber for his br'ut1. Ui'V. .1. U. Miller of Kings Mountain o'Hciated. Immediately after the ceremony the bride cud groom went, straightwav to the home of his pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. A',' P. Weir, wliere they wli.1 abide for the i)iesnnt. A large number of relatives and friends .vitness nd the ceremony. CLEVELAND COUNTY TEACH ERS TO MEET SATURDAY Promptly at 10 a, iti. the first veu.;liei s" meet ' vill be cal'ed to i.riier. This year the Naid has employed Piof. I. C, Gritiin to ho.it four meetings bi'gliiuintt i- ul Siiturday of Deer m be, it is tue pin pase. o' t:io Bdard U let these meetings take the place ot uiiu peek of tlie Institute. We will keep the names of a'l the leiichers pri s.;iit, ami , roll will he jailed .both in the morning a'jd aftei'tiooii sessions. Ail teathe'.s wlio attend It ese mceUugs wi'.l be uxc'iseu from one week otthe uisiirute. and all who fail to at tend will be require I U afend institutes in some other count ies. The Board also asks NOT to renew the certificate of any tea cher who does not attend thee meetings. The above may sound like ' we are taking ton much authority but Rince the Board has one' to the expense of providing a teach ers training course it do;S seem that you should take advantage of it. '-' : The meetings in the past have 41! been well attended. Pi act c ally all the teachers of the coun ty are members and tyke an ac tiv part, These meetings have enabled the teachers t" meet and know each other, they have iv. en them higher ideals, greater inspiration and more love for the' work'. Why not all the teach era of the county attend ; ihis year? We have the best man fo tlie training course that the state affords; anl good -things arein store for you if you will take advantage of them. - .-' -. J. Y. Iryin . Baptist Meet ! Next VVeek ThA Baptist Slat) Coaventiou meets in Charlotte ; next . Tues day evening. This convention-;. is One ot great importance, especi ally- to the missiou w6rk of the statt:- DrV Livingstone Jciuison, fob several yew-s'f secretary of the ' State Mission Beard h as resirucd . his position and his succsso is to be elocfod at this session'. ' This' lsxp3cled to be iaos t large! v u ttendedsession the 'convention' ha ever had Delegates will - be- enertntned on the Harvard Plan, 'That is, room and breakfast furolshed freo. Mrs. V. S. Dilling wait a Char iot le visitor Saturday. Mro. I. Ii. Gofoilh went to G istonia Saturday. Mr.'. C P. Goforth nnd Chil dren were iu Gastonia Friday. AUo-ney X. F, McMnii.m vis ited in Ashevil'e lust wei k. M iss Surah Watson Char'oite Thursday and was w Friday. Mr. D. M. Campbell ent to j Gastonia Saturday to .is:t iis sistir, Mrs. I). McMillian. Miss n.uwfor, 0f pinei ille. N. C. visited Rsv. and Mrs. G, L. K.'it. last week. Mrs. J. A. Harmon Mid Mrs. 'V T. Bradford were G islonia visitors Saturday. Mrs. Finger of (liistonia left F-iday after a visit to her son F. Finger, litre. Our contest is on. Guess how many KO'id in the vat;rme)lon adv. -Thomas Subr, Co. Miss P.'iiri Jones went to Ci arlottn Thursday to mejt her sifter. Bo-n to Mr. and Mrs. .Totui O.ite.j Thuisday, NovemLer 2"th ft d.iugh'er. Mrs. L.'C. Parsons And (! en visited in Charlotte Thuisday. chil. last Mrs, J. T Wilson and dangh terf, M'sses I)is r.nd B'anche visitedi'i Gastonia last week. Mrs. II. P. Rollins and daugb ter, Jaunita of Bessemer City were here "Friday. F. Floyd left Friday forTenn essce wliere he bought stock for the firm of -Plonk a"d Floyd. Miss Julia Herndon of stoue College, Gaffnny, last Thursday here. Limo speot Miss Nanni? Price of Steel Creek, Mecklenburg is visiting Mis. H. L. Ramsacr. Mrs. Lizzie Falls left Friday for Richmond where she went to visit her son, Harry. Miss Lalla Martin 61 Spartan burg visited her sister Mrs. G. L. Kerr, here tu.e first of -the we k. . The outside work on Dr. An thony'& handsome new residence on Piedmont street is nearing completion. ' . Mrs Kile L, Provence, eaeh- in East Kings Mountain graded school -spent the week tud in Spartanburg. Miss Edna Dixon a teacher in the graded school, spent Wed nesday till Sunday with relatives at Fallstou." '" ; ,; Mr. and Mrs, B. H. Mauney ot Long Shoals spnt- Thanksgiv ing here with his parents, HMr. and Mi's W. A. Mauoey.. . . Mrs. A. B. McGill and daugh ef of Columbia visited her moth er Mrsi'P.. Ii... Iong, last Thurs day. '. '--.'. 'C'- ' - Mrs, VV. G. Bird and little ciaughtor visited her parents Esq, and Mrs. G. W. Kcndrick here last week. Mrs. P. H Sellers Hiid little daughter, May, visited ii e r mother, Mrs. M. E. . farrctt, here last week. I The people of Long Greek had their annual picnic at the Chtir ich Thursday but on a smaller ! scale thau last year. Mr. Billie Payuo, studert of Horner's Military School, spent Thanksgiviug with his father, Mr. T. L. I'ayi'.e, of this city. Misses Daisy and Fanny Car penter visited their uncle. Rev. Ben Hoke, iu Blacksburjc la'-t week end. Miss EJUa McMillian of Gus tonia visited her sister, Mrs, G. 'J. Pago, here Friday aud Sat urda.v and attended the "Gypsy Singers" Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ucrudon of Columbia, S. C. spent Thanks gi 'ing here as guests of his brothers Messrs M. K. and P. D. Herndou. Miss Anna Belle Jones of Johns N. C. visited her sister, Miss Pearl Jones of the graded ychool farjlty, heie last week eml. Mesdames J. B. Thomasson, J, E. Lioford nud Miss Margaret Kendnck all spent Thanksgiving at Mt. Holly js guests of their sister, Mrs, T. L. Ware. Miss Louise O'Fauell of tho Womau's College, Greenville, spent Thanksgiving at home and huu a tier guo st her class male Miss Margaret Sellers. Mrs. White of Gaotonia return ed Friday after a visit to her ''auhter, Mrs, M. L. Summers. Mrs. Summers returned with her. Miss liliza Stowe of tho facul ty of East Kings Moumain Graded School spent Thanks giving with, her brother, Dr, Stowe, at Pacolet, S. C. Mi"8 Mae Plonk left Thurs day for Reidsville where she is visiting reHtivMH She was join ed at Greonsbororbv hrr sister Miss Ethel Plonk and both went to Raidville togeuhor. . -"-'4,:: : Mr. D;M. Baker wa'ks right fiip in the crowd and states ODen- l.y and above board that ho had a nice mess of Green core from his gaiden on Thanksgiving dar - : . ' , ' Rev. J. G. Haro;on and Mrs, Harmon and little son, of Ashe ville, snent Thanksgiving with Ma and Mrs. R. S. Harmjn nenr Elbethel. Kc. Mr. Harmon was reappointed to Bethel chi'rch AsbevtUe at the W. N. C. Couference last week. . Work was begun last Friday on removing : Dr. Hord'e resi dence from its original site cor.- nea Piedmont and Kintr street to a vacant it to tiie rear of the A. 11. P. church. As soon as the the old building is relocated and tho lot cleared work on the doctor's new'psessa J bric'jc h()j s v;ili Legit), '.;"-'''..'' ''i.-l '.'.:;::.-'..'.v''--i"4;i ."'': '-' .''v v'-.i,','...'' ;'.- V' r V " Editor and Mrs. Patro took. day. off Thanksgiving and weil gucsu of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bo veil Patterson on Route five. It wJ one of those good old day who a fellow has such a good . tim that he forgets all his troubles Asi de from enjoying the hospi tality of tho homo visited Mr, Patterson and ye ole editor took a drive over ro . tno nattle . irruund. This was the editors first visit to Ferguson's ataij spot. It was altogether a splen did trip. Mr. Jani'-p Bridges and broth er, A Hurt Bridges and grand daughter, Miss Eugenia Falls,! returned Friday from Richmond! whf.ru they visited C. A. Bidgea. j son of Mr. James Bridges. Theyf were on the Richmond spacia Wednesday night when it w run in'o b Hi at Salisb but none of thorn w re injur! The bodv of Geo. Robt, kins age 19 was brougtht Ii Saturday frcm Abbeville, Si and taken to Elbethel cemeti and buried Rev. E. O. Cole d Auntintr lha filnapnl I'd i ns was a son of Perry Jt-n of Gastonia and t was with hi brother in the ness in Abbeville. H typhoid fever. i 11 i Box Super at Oak Grow I There will be a box 'mp Oak Groye Schoql hovise 'Dec. 3rd. The proceeds i for the benefit of the schOTj Card of Thanks To the- friends and'nei who have shown us nesses in our recent Ibi: we desire to offer ""our thanks. '.-'5 t i; Verv Sincerely. . J. P. Lackey and family Dixon Acade Kings Monotai R.-D. 5 Our 8c1ioot-i.pixi November' 15, and is nicely, "v .' .- We have- a splendid undiy S -hoo! average attendance near fseventy-ttve. r -. V " Mr. David McCarter, one mus ic teacher1, visited oup Suod.tv School Suuday Iho 20tb ,aid'(lod our choir, "j Rev, Mr. Batei VI'V man 3fi opened! progressing iteman is to pri'h J srJlambright u for us Friday Mr, '. Preritls'Sam entered school t Landruifi. C'luld . has. ieea -x doing a., throngh work; In our section. On Wednesday evening Nov. , 24. In the orewmce . of largo , numceif fije'nd ,at the-home f the brides brents Mr. Frank Weir and Mis Ava Barber wore united in marriage ' Re J. R. Miller of Kings MountaVa offlci ating. 1 - The grooin is a highly respeotsi , , young man. The bride is a lovely Christian lady. The '- decorations of the borne were Forhs ttnd white Chrysan tUemnin 'The bride received many nice tirescuts." For fear this goes te the waste basbet I will stop. f (No danger, of the waste bask it for ane.h Afimmnniralti-kn ti tho . Rbve. , Let na heap, from jbu i ever we'eb.-EdiV)r j i . ' A 1 . - .'jft5.V. -'' '':"'';.:'iVK'r ' "::'--"-'::o;

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