r i :. ; 7 presUents Message' WwoReiiii liS H2B V0I12 Kiiiirrs Mountain, N, CV Thursday, December 0. . 191 G G PAGE."lE'lltor and Owner PRINCHLE FIRST T Mouiitav X i , ... .. Forhs m THE PHOLE WORKER PRESENT he A historical sketch of one of Cleve land's choicest sections written : especially for the Herald by a resident. ',' Sometime o tiro Herald an nounced thattt had a treat in xtore for its readers In tho form of a lilftoric.il sketch of one ol Cleveland's very progressive covitnunties. We't-fVi pleasure iTi presentinir it. The writer's " ' name is witheld at his own re ' uust but suffice it to say that ho is one oi the most cultured and enterprising you in men of . the county and we accept his ,story as beinjr thoroughly idia - t)le. The story follows. Perhaps you would like to know why I call this place by this name -since it in often called by another name now. - My utoiy begins before Mt leceiyed J(s present name. There are tor . -mall streams 01 creek Hoa-Iu , tliioujili fill" settlement, which Jinallv becoreone stream, eni:e -the name Fork Settlement The people I want to terf - you (n'wot lived on both bank of there four utreame. Tuck sdito! liotise vt 1-Mited between the two arist ,slren,m8 whpre they are about no mile ai)iut "thd Iwq wiles " from thcii junction.' This settlement was rich in natural resources such as witer. t'raber and st'h Tho fanneis -were ronlii nit some money,' but unfortunately this money was ' not always uped to the best ad vantage. ' .' ' ' The peop'e were- intelligent, liardy, industrious and soci vble. . Jfot without their faults, neither ? without their (food traits As then was no church in the com -inanity, they did not attend "e 'llirious services every Sunday, but most ot the folks attended '."church soraevhere occasionally. Unfortunately there, were still- 'and many of tho men went in ho habit if drinkint? more or leas. Tbis drinking hebtf took.up most of the extra time, and mon ey, too, so there was little left for making improvements on the farms or in the homes. The fault Ijowever, was not so much with - .he peopie as with,: condition? exist. i. at that time, because some or ine pnopie wuu wui ? ' at tho whiskey business then it . terward becatnn splendid church worKcrs. f ,- iAthn time roads wero. bad; mail came only twice 4 wetlc flo li two miles to the vi'i-'Ht ofllono School house and xtwelllnirs wero oorly rraned i'an.d unpaiotd; a'so they were not furnished with many of the "modon cenfen e.ices This state of affairs thouuh was not to go :'on orever. This was a splendid t fleM ifoi a betterinent worlfer, but" thtre wa9 ono important I step takeu Ndore ; lie - -arrived." - That. w a iw prohibiting t4t manufacture and ata f 'intojft c iting liquors an tbu cp 'jntyJ .Of coarye It was soma years bo- r ': 'i ' :t ",i:as - tl&i'li-!id Settlement, A BETTERMENT EDUCATION--" CONDITIONS froiti this law: as people bought whifkej in adjoininn counties until they passed the same law, but -fiially it proved a great blessing. . II-A BETTEIIMENT WOIiKER. Now 1 must mention a person who played' a "vry iropo-tant part in the sffalrs of the neitfh borhood durinh the next fif'een years As he was a i.uinan bcinif like the rest of u, he was not perfect, but most certainly his strong traits outnumbered liis weak 0'ies. lit lookirg back over his life we find that the fault that he could cot live within his income wis no fault at all; ' s we had not t ealized that the. favors he was continually doin for ollurs cost hi in In lime and mon ef . He came iito tlie nci'ibor liood one Salu-Ja7 evening and preached in the school house that ni)h- and tt'O next tiny; for be whs a yountf i) iptist preach er. Henlfolclt an Snoin'.rriiHt to preach nitnui a inonHi Uler and hold a lew dny:s inceliny. Just uefoi-e -the fine tor t'jo meetinii the neiirlibfrs1 -vont to theschoolhousennd built a bimsh arbor and mnde seats of logs a..d slabs. When the preaoher return d, he held a meeting for about ten days.' There- were several uecJp'b converted at this meetir-R whj joined churclios cl'.ewhers and kept their membership there until .bo Forks "hurch ; was or-j Kani2 d. - 'v i ';, '' '.' A. church was soou organized a"6d the hiaii who conducted thr meeliiHf became its.first paRtor, As there was no church buildinu ii the Settlemeptj steps were taken at fince 'to erect one. A public spirited clthen who was a bullWinfi; fcontractoif offered . to Rive tbe land , for the church site", if he received the contrrct for, bgildinit the church. .This was aporeciatd very much, be cause the ' land lte, proposed ,1o give lay near", the placo whure the 'hurch was organized. But the oldest member of the chu. cl owned a beautiful grove of state ly oaks near the -brush arbor, which he'wi'shed to donate as, a church sjte. Tne latter place was accepted and tho buiMi'-g was erected by, the .contractor. . The contractor received the contract without giving, the ohurchjiita, jjirt ho was, deter miffed to do something for ths neighborhdbd, so, lie. Vgvo. f dti r acres to the pn'rson. The parson bought Borne .nore. land and bui't a house, a ic a fe' months was living in ;tlte;sfittlementJ Jle HeNws itelcome-,to the nefith Ijorhood;'' as he was sociable, projtuessive ant energetib.; u Ho was popular with young tnd old, which fittpd h:l-n for a loader: in raoTenjeVi ojvth-K betterment of the telghborhoO'i.., His wife joss sed auiong otber i!itlcs cont'd on -fourth I page T . SHORT NEWS '' - .'J Condensed for F. , Allison went to GuHtonia last week. W, B. Phifer went to Gastonia on business Fiiday. - liar ii to Mr. mid Mrs. A Anton a chid last Wednesday. Mi w Musette Jenkins went to G.trtlonia Saturday o'i business. Horn to Mr. and Mrs, V. T f arkr, Jr. a daughter, Kuby Editli, November ?-ltli. II. F. Ellis of Elbethul section bought land near M.iiden and may movj to it. lie iu'tinds moving somewhere soon. ' Vr. and Mis. Walter Ormaud spent the week end in Lincoln- ton visitivig her parents, Mr. aud Mrs., James Hai tman. Mrs. J. H, Holliday and chil- cren ot Litiitt-ooa L-outge ion Saturday for her ol- home in Greenville county b. C. where they will visit for sever-d weeks. Mr. and Mrs. 13. 1J. Wil'eford of Greenyilic. S. C. -spent Ihe week end here with his mother, Mi-y, Doia Uell Willeford. Tlio Sewerage and Sidewalk work is going rbht along. Kings Mountain iu getting up ta date the iastest you ever saw.': MUs-Petri Hicks, principal of tlio' Mountain View school, at SerUr Mills ,ulliud,d the tea-li era. mortfg in Slielbj S,uui-day. Mauney was a business visitor at Gatonia St tui Jay. He went out to his farm at Whet stone Mountain wli-ve lie is building a nice house- Mnssrs J. B. Duke W. S Leo aLd E. Thompson, of tho Pied mont and Northern Hail way Co. of Charlotte were here last week. We failed to get an interview and dou't know whether- the pros pect are any brighter for - an in terurban line or not. , T'ie B. Ehyne Mercantile Comoany, Incorporated, went in to tho hinds of a receive Satur day, J, P. Weaver was appoint ed receiver.. This was done at the instigation of J. Binran Khyne, a creditor. This cotup any was incorporated over a year ago with J. B. Rhyne and 0. Q. Rhyne ind Mrs. J. B. Rhyne as incorporators and has done a good busiuess at the Sevier mill. Rev. J. R. Miller has i;esigned as pastor of the Fi-st Baptist church of Kmgs Mountain to take, effect At the iileasu-e of the Church. " The Church has -defer -ej .action on thq, lesirnaticn until neV Oonterubc whl jh conies ,' Wednesday ,' after ,.the fourth Sundav in thi-i month. Mr. Miller has been, a most faitblut pastor -ard has served ihe church, 'op three ind, a half years. 'Pu- ing his pastorate he ha8 Lseen the cn.-rcn nuiia most spldrdid home of : worship.1 has seen another church, East Kings 'Mo.oatair, organized largely from to membui-3hip' and yet a, net in crease id his own flock, -. , j The Soutberi Ventu-e Com pany of-Kicgs Mountain with tiead bfficev fct Char'otte is in jirticess of ' xlisSoliHKjrj -,";"ThO Cpm u,i,hy': "wab-organized Several in oaths ago,Jar. tlwj ; pu r jjosc pf ' - ITEMS LOCAL AND OTH - ' i the Convenience of woiking tiin old Cutawba Ookl M'uo near Kings Mountain. The; promoters were unable to soil si ttlcient stock to make tlm effort, a success. The s'.ock paid in. has, Miurefore, been returi'od to the subscribe). h and the corporation is being disolvcd in order to set. lie up the business and make other dis'io.-dtion of the option. The company was incorporated ...ui. n u l..,li:.,:n r L : l . I Vlnimtafn li ti f l.ili it I -I i " 1 " Furman of Atlanta, consulting engineer and vice pregidejt, and T. P. Z'minerman of Charlotti oecrelary i reasurer. Messrs M M. Carpenter aud Leslie Mc- Cinnis of Kings Mountiiu liaa oltained an option on the prop erty from tho Catawba Gold Min ing Co. which .vas siiroed over to The Southern Vcntuie Comp aay. The promoters sold some stock loally and expected to sell lots morera outside capital but not unougU was placed to create a sufficient working fund and of course the effort hai to be abandoned. - Some work has been done aud is gointr on at present. Some gol t has been obtained end they say thai the pnupecta ave Una ii'l suiKcieiit capital coald be had to develop the mine. President O; li. Rudisill hav ing ousines in the west last spring resigned Ins office in the Conipi'.iiy and was succeeded ijr )no, 11. Furman who Jlill holds tha orlico. It seuii that nobudy has made much and that nobody has lost piovided t'ie option ii worth what it cost. Bessemer City (The Beserae.' Journal. ) Mr. and Mrs, Dji-is Littlejohn spent iiund-iy in Gastonia. Mrs. A. 0. Kasier spe nt last Saturday in Gastonia. Mr. H. D. George ws in Cherryville Monday on businesi' Miss Lelia Black of Chprryviile visited in the city last SaluixUy. Mr. Fred Adams from near Grover visited friends in (he c'.tv Sunday. Miss Loretia Jones of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Hell Saturday. Miss Martha Harris of Char lotte spent the week end With Mrs. Sue Williams. v ; Mrs.i R. Pi Rollins and diiug.i ter, JuaniU, visi-d id Kiugs Mountai n last Friday,' V . Mr. and Mrs. ' Sheteley spent Thanksgiving with their daug; ter Mrs, R. C. Ormand. . . Miss Margaret Kenuedy of '!,v visited "'. Miss Lula aid Stida Kennedy last Friday. . ' Mr. H. A. Johnson returned Monday from Blowing Rock where he spent Thanksgiving, ( " ' Mist Lola Guffey who is teach ing school at Patterson Grov spent th wei-lt at home, Mr. Jack Young has returned to the citv after undergoing an operation nt the City Hospital in Gastonia: . : , Mr. Andrew Weeks ot Ruthei fordton vsittd ';is friend,. Miss Lena Guffoy last Tuesdey ar.d Wednesday. . .- Mr. M. A. Bogps made a very pleasant iallt at the Piesbyter Ua Church Sundar : inomiug on Misionaris. ; f ' - Busy ReVr . Mr. and Mrs. W worth and' family of spent Sunday wlih Mrs. I, P. Guj'e.i. dir, ana ats. m. a. uarf of Lietolnton, Rt 5 visits family of A. B, Kasier last urday and Sundiy. Mr. V M. Harvey who move his family from this place to Gastonia last week was in the city yesterday on business. Mrs. J. W, Coley and children of Newton spent Friday and Saturday in tli- city the Fuestof Mr. a"d Mrs. H. D George. Mrs. J. C, Vava is visiting in York. Mrs. H. D. George was a Gas tonia visitor Friday. Mrs. tv. A. Allen vitilcil in G;stonia Monday. Mrs. liowaru t'ayie was a Gastonia visitor Friday, Mrs. D. 0. Best was in Cher ryville Wednesday on business Miss Janif Belle Stumpy spirit Thanksgiving in Hickory Miss At na Beck Boyetto ha? bee" light sick for severtl days Miss Vagtfie Johnson spen Thanksgiving with her children at Gastonia. Miss Teitiu . Slarnes of G." tonia spent Thanksgiving in the city. . Miss Mao Williams of Charlotte spen. Thanksgiving wit'; 'ionic folic. Miss TIi.sa Todd of Gastonia spent Tlianksgiri.-ig ivith M is Ethel Servis. Miss Phcbe Mouse and Miss Robinson of Mooresviilo spent Thanksgiving here visiting friends. Mrs. John J.-George of Chei lyville and Mrs. William Oates of tbis city sppnt FridR.v in Gas tonia with Mrs, Henderson Long. Oak Grove Bell Wright ' Mr. Sam Bell "anU Miss Virgin ia Wrii.ht both of Oak Grove section were married Sunday N jvember ioth. at tha home of the briue's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thompson Wright Rov Mr, Blaaton officiating. This is one of Oak Grove'j very popular couples aud their many friends will be glad to know that for the present they w'll remaiu in the communitv making theii home at Mi'. Monroe rov(larv's. Avthur, tbe fi?e - yiar old son of Mr.-and Mrs. Jonas -Bell of 0'k Grove section, is wery HI witli pueumojiia. ' Bethlehem ' D'xion-Blackbarn. , v Ira Dixion and Miss Mat' Mr. tie Blackburn of Bethlehem sivf tion came oyer 'Ao town Sunday Noyembur 28th. un.l wei-e mar ried,, Esqui re G. , W. Kenrick performing Hie. coremoiiy, The young cbuple are ' Jootli well k'iown and popular and were door neighbor.? before -tnari UfeO, , Birthday Dinner. - " ' Mrs. Mary Maiinda GIuddn celebrated her 70lh,-anniveisarv on Thanksgiviug D.iy ot the homo of her son, P. U. Gla Iden. A goodly company of rolativec aud fi'ends oe.lebated. t.with her and wishe4 her many Siappv telnrus. - : r '," oil bos.-" and A punuti except army uin one aim l pouls arid , pbuia will Bolintl'! ef.'o be a dcveloptn? wci k, In niikh i euccoca in Ja TIcutBln or IMUo ernund.- It i thene aoldlcia 01 Cil tho ll"ceasity ot the ni-ilon.i f liould eutbn. . In, I he conijiiest of Where Christian Klninc A nilRionury vijllfnir & Clnna fo.ird a rery ikH f.i be wDman and h'-r iiurlirr, t w cignrni but Hie mlsEion."; y l... 10 make lliorn undoioU jd tlAt wnntcd to help tbrra. H pernua i hem to go wlib blm to a Cnr doctor. Tbere wors no I-.c.inital conimcK'.atluua In tho town, si i town, tajiULiL l:omo. to tU-cf 1 st:nio land; aud foa.nh unltt' lor cpfned Jila own two stranger In a str: cared fur the sick woman was restored to health. The kl.tdatsa 1 of (ho r.i'splo.iuy and of (he doctceX made a d?op Impres-.lon en Ibe raltd V of the foreigM-a Tho airettonary H had given taem a Dlble in their own ton.tuev and they tesaa to read ft. ITuiiday vrnt a day ot lerelry and il.ii.c ir.p, but the l:iUt bad made ui b nn. Iliipn-sMoa upon these two that when Ihe time came te have Sunday party in- their home they felt that th Bible should be read to the company. ' After this they went from house t. house throughcrt the town aakins per-! 17 mission to read the Bible in the hotacey I 1 nee, j- J Aa a direct result of their efforts four lent families were converted. Japan's Emperor. Emporor Yosbllilto of Japes attractive nersonalltr. thfrLv fire var- . ofssc, an eccomplUhed jhedern prlncw . greatly beloved by the fcatloA. l!e nu vlrlted ill pnrta of tbe" rnHtn and Is veil versed lit alt affair ef tbe stn'ti. His ebafrtctcr Is Bald to be Malted an etntnlffss. - ' . Wltb his reign known' acthe era ot-" "great rlrtteouRnwa" bgaa. monci-"S amy. Wltb the old emperor enowt plural marriage hi tbe Imperial hnuso ' hold. Tbe pranent cmprens, eadeha, la said to be a- lovejy. vmuian. The- crown prince Li twelve years old. , , , In new Japan wtlh Her eomlitdtlon. . t and eodes at laws, plural trarrln-je.or " poly(tamy):toft Ja.tbe eold anrban : nclrgnl etandlog. 'The newoie 1 !, ' bee BJVi'rtt rput'h nnm-"''y i t af- i 'the Christian -eourta: .. . .tUi-rtt I'-lhoush fot ae u vi,i ri,!iiai.r ijl-, Ilncllvely Jnpancae. , i, '':':. Conference In Latin America : The movement for thd hcldlns of congresa on Chrtatlnn "H4Jn t.r-tin America began ''at thof-le) can ferescei in 1310 The! 1tA; ItMl lid. Hlons making tnvejUgatloiirNi-jr tho rename congress now havat 213 mer.i. liers. nioet of whuoi fearer '1'ir.g been. Ktudertta at latin America. Tj due, ovisr; MK) paper. hnv hern-stiit lnt the..cpminfcBtona' iji ,nore Jhen 609 . wrrespondntii.-' ! j c j Practically all lb'iinide falend te aeiid lUdrsfulV-quo; W deloiim to . Panama, and applications' frr vh'Uo; prl lhRoi ero .being received froiu nany .Rfrsone promlneni la c'aurcb : aS jniUh lift. - ' - --: .,, Immediately, followius'ihe Panaira rongresa groups of strong leaders will visit direct from rananui, Ue aicllou nl rtnferenc-es four In South Ami-r.. ca, two In. ihe Weet Indies. . one In Central America, and one In MnxU". ' Jn tucknow, the flMi largest t ily "I - India, there are K?.2Zi Kljiiot, :UT MohammedJinx, 6,673 ChrleUnac, . while tue rema n'cr are ef leri lev porUnt fall Us. proximate.) I the populnlton th,e a of f f mres are 1 that 62.419 ei s mci betwiiei, 1 f.rtJT. jt

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