The Kings MmMm Herald No. 47 Kin loinitiu; N; C., Thursday,-,. January 0. Vol 12 ,il rl PiUNClPLK FJ RST Jl. A YEAR in ADVANCE G.' G PAGE, .Editor and Owner MARRIAGES PAST DUE ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ... . . ' rTPuliert W.yoff Jr.; " -;isiled at J3. K. Petorsoulsjast k. JMiss Kuby Glenn 01 "ck ill spent the holiday at M. L. .Varo'a near Elbethel, Miss Margaret Moriis of Uns toiiia left Thursday after a visit to Mrs. P. D. Herndan. Miss Margsret Hord left M- dav lor Due Wrist WoinaV Col .lege, ' Miss Vmnie Harmon Visited in Greenville, S, C. durimg tne hoi itfavs. . - Miss Mary Kerr and father of Columbia S.C.. visited at Ed Hord's last wck. Ao60nvilfjj C. W. Redfern of visited his sister, Mrs. R. L. Mauney, during the holidays. TWion Jenkins of Charlotte '"visited at Mrs. Dora Bell Wille- fords last week. : Mr. and Mrs. Wiley H. McGin nis and children spent Christ mas in Cherry ville. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. L, ; Grice December 24ih. a daugh ter, " Mrs. M. L. Plonk and Mis? Crawford S'edge spent Friday in Rutherfordton, Mr. W. C. Culp and Children 1 of Belmont visited at J. W. 'Urert p last week. '( Mm, Taylor pf Wi'mington " visited her daughter, Mrs. J. S. VHod du ing the holiday's. Mis Ma-ale Fuller ot Bessem. .er City visited - at Mrs, P. T, IiocKtnan't, last wek. k MisaLoniae O'Farrell retuo J V rd to the Woman's College at . Greenville Mondny,- ''. Miss Lilalluey and Miss Glad ys Dearmon, of Charlotte visit- ed Miss 'Nina Hunter last waelr. ' Miss Louis-O'Fairell in Gastonia Friday aud yisited Situr day. , ' ' '. , i ' . I. I Arthur Kendrick of Shelbv coine home last week to sptind a lew days. , " Mis, R, R. Howser and Ealph, MmhOf Daisy ad Edith iV tvent to Stanley last w.ek. f L. E. Barnes of Wilson, N C. upoht the holidays here with his brother, E: W. B.irpes. ' J. V. Cdbh of Pine Tops, C, visited ;his cousin, E. W. Ba-rnes, hera last week, Mrs. R.-3T- Cansler aw' Miss May Pattersor visited in Char i lotte last weflk. ;' . !' "'' Mrs. C. P. Gardner and daagh Her Vivian, anjl son Dewey spent : lut week with rlatdves in upper '.Cleveland. ' , ' Mr D. M Campbell rdturned - last week froui "Gastonia where be Bpent several .iajs with his sister, Mi's, D.'-H. MoMiUan. ,' Miss Daisy How'ser, a etvictX r iii, Draaahon's Bosiness C6Uei$ft .GTcenvllle, S. sen Christ ' oiaat home,. - ' f ' ' ' " ,v forotiiHit op of XJjti'onl, Iwro lat-l Mis Virginia Mauney rotai fed at the first of the wee It to Elisabeth Uolleg, Rvalioke, Vii giuia Dr. J. O. Hord and family (pent Tuesday of lust we: It us guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Siiencer of Gastonia.' Mrs. E. L. Ware and cnildren j returned Friday from a visit to her Jathor, Mr, Aron aiaui ey Near Shelby. Mr. snd Mrs. Earl Carp -nler returned to their nonie ot Worth vionaay aiier spenumn 6u t,rai days with relativnr here. Miss May Patterson went the latter pat t of last week to Green ville. S. O. where she visited rel- latfves. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Ferguson of Gastonia spent Monday, Dec ember 27 with Mr- and Mrs. K. T. Cansler. R. C. Oiniand aud family of Bessemer City spent last' Wed-j ncsuay niijlit iu the homo of tl. L. liamseur. ' Mr. Ab McGill and family and Miss S-'srah Long of Colum- bia, S. C. spent tjie .holidays herewith Mrs. P. U. Long and other relatives. Ml', and Mr. G. L. Mauney of Memphis. Tenn. ep"ivt the holidays With brother, Floyd Mauney here, and other relativ es in the vicinity, ; iTrsv Elmer Spencer of Gas tonra and Mrs, Lona McGill of Bethany. rpoct Tuursday here with thair sister, Mrs. J. . G Hord. Editor and Mrs. Pace return ed Wednesday night of last week from FayetU-ville and Steaaman where they spent a week wiih relatives., Mrs. Julia Hall and Miss Jes sie Rudisill of Cherr.vviUe ' and Miss Annie Rudisill of Lincoln ton, visited Mr. a?d Mrs. S. Ar thur Crouse last week. William Kersey and family of Missouri spent the holidavs here aud at Fayetteville with relativ es. Thev Visited at B. L. Ware's and I. 11, Goforth's here. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Han-Ill r turned to their home at ITamlot Saturday after spendlnu tho Hol idays with relatives here and in other parts of Cleveland. ; Rftv. U. ''i. tll attended meetSba f the Home 'Mtesion Board Uditerf Syiiod of the Sooth at Charlotte Monday anu Tuesdayt . r;; ;.r ,f , ; ti '.:;--::- Mn. F.. M. Penny .ad - child ren,' Misse Marie and Allineand Master Marion of Pacolet, S. C visited her ister, Mrs. D. M, Baker here last week. Mrs.. II. M. Ilendrix and little davghtor ot Beaufort, N- 3. vis d, her parents, Mr, ao. Mrs. ij. M. Williams, bem last M-. J. IJ. Corner, t!io Public l,dger suenl a few lay week. THE NEW YEAR Hie new year is here, s a matter of history i j the year 1916 prove. The dawntd upon us with hticrhter orosoects th the last one. Our barns are fuller and our finances are in better condition, The Mex ican problem has about cor rected itself and bloody Eu ropean heads are looking to ward peace. The Herald begins the new year with a heart full of thanks for the measure of success attained and bright with its prospects for the fu ture. No new year ever held out bette r promise of prosper ity.' As we reflect upon the de parted yar we call to mind those who have stood by us and whisper a silent ''Thank you." May the year 1916 see peace come upon theearth and the inhabitants jay aside the sword and spear and take again the tools of industry and begin to rebuild what has been torn down. May all men every where come to the conclusion that "What soever concerns humanity concerns me." and act accordingly. Attoiroy J, R. Dayis'ot UhelJ by was here Friday lookinp, v er the field wthe prospect of lo catinn here. Our doors .ra wide oueii, re. A. H. Fat erjon an i it -small children accompanied Mr Ab McGilLto his home at Uolum bia S. (!. Friday 'where she will spend twa weeks. Mrs. P. D. Herndon ectertain ed t a sewing prty Wednesday afteinooa in honor of her hoiise twists. Misses Margaret Morris of Gastonia and Julia . Herndou of Gaffney. " u; , , Th unr last lssde ' e ev an ai count ot the deatli of ' Sarah" Gladd3hu The namo should have been ' Julia Ann" Gladden as Miss Sarah Gladdea died nearly two years ago. . . C, P. Gofortlj's residence ha. rioii by fire On ChrUtmas day . The roof caught from tbe."sto flue- and : the ' Weitf work ; oj nelgbbw seorcBiy saved V - 1915 and is ours to new year much an did In the regular monthly con ferencc of the Baptist church Wednesday nichf of last week the following Suuday school of ficers wre elected for the en- sjriilk year, J. C. BLmRar-'ncr, fSilpt., Geo. H. L6(?an. assistant Supt., .W. T. Parker, bocy Troas. . ' J (bmas-Subtr Company an ounce that the- contest water mcllon contained 52 seed as coun ted by Messrs Geo. Barber, Hugh Ware anj L. L. Parish aud that the followiiiR persons each cuessed -: 501- - Mrs. ; Ijona McGill, Fairy , Hicks and I. A. Hart. The threo persons votintt the same number the same being the closest, the correct number will award .'the prizes among themselves, Thomas Suber Co. Misses fanie Lee Grier . of Matthews, X. C -Annie .Sue Camp of RutberfbwJta an4 Mol jlle Sapoch of olacksburg, I. :were among the guests at .Esfl. IQ. , W. Kendrick's during the Uolidajs.. . -; ( Brryhai-Mi!W Rev. J. E. Borryhill and Miss Alire Mat'oy of Parkton were muniud i'i the First Presbyter ian church of Fayetteville Thursday Rev, Watson M. Fair ley oflicialing. Immediately after the ceremo nv the budo aad groom left frr King? Mountain where Mr Borryhill took chargo of the Prcsbyteriau church Sunday as pastor. - They aie boarding with Mrs. B, R. Hunter va Piedmont street. Th. Hcra:d joins the citizens in extending the glad hand to the newcomers. May their sojouru within our gates be a benediction to all. Ware-Eman. A vorv nleasant event o' the holidays was tho mariiago of Miv Mnuner P. Wire to Miss Ida Emerson, both of Elbethel sec tion. The wedding was a quiet affair and too't place at the home of the brio.'s viarents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Emerson, Desember J 1th. After the ceremony which "as performed by Rev. P. O, Cole a bountiful six o'clock din ner was served. The bride and groom then went to the how of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ware, whole they are leaking their homo. The young couple aro of the vei v choicest or UWvelana 6 peo pie. Thev are both popular and well known. The Herald extends nonijt'atu'atioiis. Ho.i-2:icica; Mr. Cleo Hord and Miss Sall'-o Blaulon, botli of Kings Mount ain, wore uill'oa in unirriiiKif Sunday, Dewmber 19th, Rev. J. T, Hord officiating. Jcnkin-Steward. Mr. Isaac , Jenkins and Miss Willi,: Steward were united in marriage Wednesday evening o' last week. Rev, B. A. Culp per formed the ceremony. . Mrs. Dixie Mc Daniel is dead. Mrs. Lnla Goforth McDm'iel, wife of Mr. Dixie McDaniel of near Kings Mountain, died De cember 24 and was buried Christ mas day at Elbethel cemoterv, Tho funeral was conducted by Rev. E. O. Cole. Mrs. McDaniel was quite a yoJUit mother. She leaves her husband and two little c'lildren, oue being only a few day old. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Longstreet Go forth and was vcy popular. The Herald extends sympathy. The Right Sort of Gratitude. Galesburg, N. D , 12-21-15 Mr. G. G. Page. Kings Mountain, "N. 0 Dear Si.-: ' . Please find enclosed money ore'er for one dolltr and twent five certs ($1.25) for which please continue my subscription to the Herald rntil Jan, 1, Mr Page, show mi to thank 'you for sending; tlo lixaper after my ' snbsci iption had expired. The Herald is a tfelcdme visitor on the plains of Dakota. Wishtui: you a Merry Xmas aud a Hftpny New Year. ' Vonr's truly ; R.-D, Goforth. " OILING SPRINGS S cheel ib is past due and must be paid. (This article was intended for last week's Issue but as we had no paper last week wu use it iu' this issue hoping that It il! serve its purpose at least In part. Editor.) Dear Brethren:- There yet remains a balance of more than $600.00 unpaid on- the old indebtedness of the Boil ing Springs High School. This must be paid without further delay and stop th accuuilaliou' of interest. The party to whom the money is due needs it. He has been exceedingly kind and patient with us. Tfae trustees have In hand in' the form of notes and subscript ions ample lunds to more than' cover this indebtedness if paid. Some of these pledges -vera made several years ago, while Mie larger nuuber were made during the gieat canvass in tho fall and winter of 1912 111 and finally, at tho sessions of tho two A-seociations in 1914 at Pop lar Springs and Greeu's Urek,, respectively. More than u third of the pledges made by church es individuals at the Associa tions in 1914 have not been paid, although, tho' minutes' of boJi Association give the names and' p'.cdg.B. Brother.' ijf your note or yo-ir pledge, or that of your church, is still upaid. please see that same is forwarded immedately to Mr. E. B, Hamrick, Treasur er, Shelby. N. C, R, No. 3. On January 1st. 1916. collector will be placed in the field to collect all unpaid notes and subscript ions. , Thi will be expensive to the Bmrd and every dollar sent in by January 1st will save that mueh expense. Wo believe the brethren made these'piedges lu good faith that . it has only been by oversiget that same hava not been paid, ' But the time has come now when1, Uiese must be paid or tho Trus tees will bo called upon to . meet' the deficit, although the present' and former Trustees, jointly, have already contributed a largo part of the mbner raised for Qur, beloved school. I know our brethren too well to believe that' they will suffer the Trustees t,! pay this balance when hn" pledges, if p;-iu, are ample for this purpose. . The Board ha. long since Tin , cided that it will nevei again call on the Associations for further pledges to this old ia- . libtedness, but if o'ny brother has no pledge against him , fuels' called upon to send a coritrbu tion to our Treasurer ' for this' pa pose, it will be gladly and thankfully received, ;-, .' ; ." '.-': The Lord has richly ; blessed oiii-country this year andjschool . is uoing well. This is auspic ious time (or closing up this old score. This is positively bnr last public notice; but, if they do uot respond by Janiiar fat, uoltectors will call upon thenj We shall eioect our brefhreu id do their Christian duty: J. H. Quinn, : : ,:. . Cliairman Board Trustees ' Boiling Spring High School t; . ''.., v u-j.! m ' '. ' '. if- , Hclatyie-Coshur. $- ...V i-. N, W. Mclotyre and Mis Ltlhe.Costnsr were married. Fw,-.. -day night, December iitb. ,Dr O, G, Falls, Esq. otSciated- 3 C--V-

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