trr, iig Mountain Herald mm l.V Vol 1? Kin;? Mountain, N. C; Thursday January 13. 1916. a. 5 - G.v G fAOB, Editor and Owner PRINCIPLE FIRST $1. A YEAR in ADVANCE iJTN.B.&L : State "Tax Commission Report On Cleveland County CO. BUSINESS CO. LINE KOA0 he I I ANNUAL MEEtlNG SlureWOm Of oulld'inn 4 loan As . . Mdallon Meet In Operi'. House Tliursilay Wight. ? . '"4 - . Th" regular1 Annual nHK.-l'rg-if the K'ngs Mountain Building' & Loan Association will be held tonight (Thursday) at '7:80 in tlio Opera House, Thin will be the meeting of 'the shareholders and It 1a mrnotl.v desired by the of fice's that- everyone holding took in the association be pres ent to hear the if port of the yearn psiness and to hell to make the l.jrrent seris tbn greatest yet Those not holuinK sanes are also Invited to be present and to join. The shareholders of the asso ciation don't RCt together but oncy a year and it is highly ix porta nt that they avail them el -es of the annual meeting ,ie report will -show much ogress and will be encouiof lug. Remember' the date, Thursday January 13th. 7;30 P. M. t the Opera House. fight The Gripp right gripp :apa pneu hioniit nov'.' say e the State board rf health ir a warning recently Issujd in ' anticipation of the gr?a. grin and piwu-non is epidemic that is headed this -ay and thf t has already (tallied a footh-ld in the Eastirrn ,arto the State, if al the leports are true. The Board offdr several points of advice as a nlertni of warding off his contngeous and reriens tiiit-nw, wih h is prob ably worst opi'lera'c of its kind 'the country Iris ever known "Keep up physical resistance as the best safeguard says the Board,'1 by breathing fresh air day and night, exercising dnliy c'theopgn air, and by avoiding overeatinir and undue exposure to the weather. Avoid overheat ed and ill ventilated rooms, off! cos and halls and positiytl.v te " fuse to bt sneexed at or coughed on by any one. By all ueans avoid constipi 'Men. Kerp up the daily morning sponge bath, bathing at leant the'' th rout, chest, arms and sliolders DrlnK plenty of Water but avoid alcholics, Don' cloely with peo , -iple having coughs and colds, y -.. Ob account 'f the serious lat iality fiat is following the trail of this great epidemic of grip and pneumonia, the Board espec iallcmpfii.siises the importance of rdlvidual "prepatedress" aR the best mod'! of. fortifying-agiii-st it and staying off the ep'dem io. 'J'he high d;n'll rate that hits . followed it In other parts of the. uni'ntrv Is alanninte anil of st-ri ' ous censpquence. ' " FayeUwlll leads V (State Bjj rd of Health) ' i ' flanatorimir Bee. '81. Fay- the 1 rat town to re ' port the sale of Red CiwS Christ -mas sr-uls fur this season. During ' -Christmas we' k, the- lied dross ' Seal Committee of that, town,. of i hich Mis fsteGhter Ifrchair . who sold 20,000 sealeSi the entire tj (. mnmbr cn; hand. Mtnt'on .Jjiis ' jlIpo yet 'eeii 'maile i to just ' i hat OM-iiii ihe tiyht against tq ' fJ jii.oloshi 'tho -local- coincr.itteo will tnaltt the prpceels -raised. ; Mr. and Mr. T. CBaomgard lilan. to retirftto their. 'home at Kiotfsport, Te), tdity affc r a v'er.V'i!iiiVt ylstt :tb- home folks hera, Mr,: Baurupardnerre ' rwed his order -qr4h - Herald TOWNSIUPS WHITE! CITII6N8 e js o A X No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nr.. No. No. 1. ,247 Sill ;i 4 r.. o., 7 8.. 0 10 21H 828 J9 175 17635 21.350 No. 11. 1H1 Deliqbnt list 187 Totals. 3,81 al A3, NE6R0 CITIZENS Na 1 - Nc. 2 No. '8 No. 4... No. : .ri . Nr.. f) No. 7 :-- No. '8 No. S) No. 10 No. 11 .... Deliqnnt list.. . .. a 19!) (ISA 111 40 ' 151 Totals. ml Grand Totals... 4,400 271.342 -;'-'Th ftbove tabdiittioa is UKrt froraa th i "lioport of Tiie Statu Tas Cjinmission" for 1915 which has !uKt bedrt (sxudt in Sol!let, form ad is-giv'en hsra f - Every schoolroom in Cleveland SHORT NEWS CondensecTfor Mcs, I', T. liOckman 8int the week end in BtssO'Der City. 0. 0. Guitort has moved to Bisseiner Gity whore be is to work the farm of J. J. Geore. Who will lie the Hi-st to Uke advantage of the teweral(d sys tern bj ir-stalli.g plumbing1? Rev'.'.W. B. Tillutn has mov ed to Kainaoolis where ho . be comes pastor , of the Wesleyan lethodist church. Uev, 8. VT, Bennett of Lin- colnton N. C- will preach at the Baptist church here next Bun-: day at eleven o'clock. ' vtfia onti anrl -fait ilS tC'ngs Mojntain but tmlr.s from both direotio-'s wero - covert d with snow and ice hs late an noon WillUm VI, Johnson and graudsoii, Auspln Rsney, rf Catawta county visibd Mr. and Mm. J. A. Sunns, Mr. Simios is Mr. Johnson's onule. ' ' On n ceo lint of getli.g nior" orders than hey can -till o d iy runs the Ktotho Mill is tivrang ing to start up pa;t of tlu-ir ma chinery at night. They Xitect to egin the night rmi tht week. Ben I). Corn well left Saturtf ty for Chariolto where he visited his sister. Mrs. James D, G forth. 5 Hesstatd.lot.he Herald, man that he .migbt go ; on to Hopewell,' Va. - - Xtyiss Fsie. Rpbinodn 'W -iHiCk. ory teat the week-end here as guest of Miss Margantf! Stewart, apd other frlendft ; Hsa; BeAtii . 4 if, Uh, a SJ3 fig Is 10 0.'H 23.210 230.114 287,484 000,8001 23 atwi 10W 462 22,800 84,773, 34,17'i 23 ?,m 25.0311; 21)0,1 83i H.-H 27.021) 23.730 30 4fl 26,530 9S4.02ffl 937 76,83fl l2.545 350.313 102 1)91,0301 431.206 124,395. 140,338 C9 " 80,105 "iii iii0i 103) 5,55! a 11,525 964 8,927.347 aiJH 1,3-10, 6 034 1,400 1,319 14,32: 4 S7 .. 24rt 7.2(X) 15,830 23.07: 12.77: 1 150 7321 18,217 107 37: 1,9801 8i 3.875 7.236 555 Oft. 21S 123", l.irt 1921 7.812 4,015,2HO 8.5051 1.338,257 c"unty Bbould hawe it posted conspicuously ITEMS LOCAL AND OTHERWISE the Convenience of Busy Readers ere hs one of the music teacher in the graded school last year. '; Cha.Us W. Coppalaof Shelby was hereon business Hatnriay. Mr. Cappala is a plumber and s. nitnr.v engineer and is offering his services here iit installing the plumbing for -the patrons o sewerage. Read his ad in Hie Herald. ' Teaching an old dug new tricks People, iiecd tc look wish and declare with 'Strong confidence tint no one could leach nil old dog a Jiew trick. This was the ground of their belief that when a art was grown he became too of) to loarn books. In 'act. l i the lden days, they even wmiU so ar as to say of a man who ' had graduated from college that be had fin'shed his education, But now we know - by -experience that a uian never gets too old to leuru books and that he never flnishei his education until death or a least he should never fii- uii bis education so long as he lives. That grown peopie can be tsiiKht is a fact that has been a bundantly proven in t.ecent years and erpcfally-here in. North Carolina during last November wlien huodirris of illiterates (ga thered juto our school houses as l u pi's in the Mooriig-ht fnhools an i 5ii one .shot t month lifted themselves out of the weakness and Humiliation of illiteracy into tho powr an pridb of reading and writing their mothe- tunge The Mro.ilight School has taug ht u , that old ODle. men ar d women up around their three score years and tuft) are not too old to team to ' road an.1 writ the Moonlhht SohooU has t lugh't us hOmethitig besidos. , In 3 s a ? If 3(2 2. 5 nc 109,730 r.0,H92i$ 160.478 442,863 286,571 156,29 310,344 143,891 454,235 :,34f,570 447 652 5,516,868 717,988 619,455 1,154.946 223.889 265,505 20.240 953,035 88,535 135,133 K76 000 269.100 812,519 1.670,36: 448,8881 391, 030, 228,425 693,635 461. 11 124,895 98 994, 15.44I 113,064! 17,110 3,130 14W 5,237.792 8,156,897 8,891,089 2 110 2,110 13,371 25.956 34,710 30,705 44.827 5,450 8,550 20,789 518 847 1,599 7,5fM 5 778 14,502 11,394, E) 030 11,680 23,822 12,883 80,989 13,33 2 3-M 3.120 3.875 7.H41 4,675 12.948 228 635 418 2H0 212 1,181 115,72 79,207 194,982 5,353,517 3,236,101 8,589,621, information ot Herald readers. , tho illiterates were not only pu j lis. Grown up nien ami wotted in numbers from 25 to 60 would attend ciioli of these scbou'0 and ask for instruction in other sub jects in public school course, es pecially English grammar, arith metic, .geography, and history, the last two. being especially popular with these people- who could read and write but little. Luckily teachers Were plentiful and the instruction so unexpec tedly asked fo" Ws gladly giv en to large Glasses of met. and women who were anxious to learn more about the elementary piin- ciplesof aiithmeMo and the great events of the State .and national historv. Such great interest was shown by these men and women that their Moonlight School is to be followed by weekly neighbor hood meetings to be held io the. school house- At these uve.ines there will be short lessons and t'ilks on popular topics in his tory and current events, e'e mentary nracticel arithmetic, do mcstiq science and every day problems on the farm. In this way the people will .'earn many thing of value and general in formation aboui their country, their home work, and their bus iness problems. The old men and women are not only going to learn the new tricks of today bnt they are' already learning them, Lf t's keep the Moonlight School idea alive and by lecture and well directed suggestions teach the' people as long as they will come out to be taught. (Uuiyereitv News Letter.). I Mr, Dow Putman it collecting subscriptions in the conotrv for Hie Heraid. ue hope eveybody will be corteous to Mr. - Putman and .give him the business be 9 CD 3 3 -a o t. 05 FIRST MONDAY Proceeds of the wark ol the County Cotumissioncrs-Two days Iho county cominissionor.., Messrs. II. T. Fulton, chairman. I j. C. Palmer and K. C, Borders wire all pretent at the regularly monthly meeting. Busincse was so heiivy that ii took two'days to transact tho aftuirs of the conntv. mo ionowing is the list or ma i,. ters taken Up and disposed of: Permanent release was grant ed L. K. Ligon on poll tax $100 diio the tomato club for last year, allownd. rum u. Jenums, coroner holding Lf;"? Hamrick inquest $10, and $1 each to tire following ju rofs-: I. M. Allen, T. H. Low ery. K. J. Neal, C. L'. Lewis, J A. Liggers and C. P. McSwain E. W, Duion. widge work $40 allowed. m. . isowun, granted per maueht release on $500 real es tate. John D. Poston. bridge work, 3,50. Releases R.'E Ciowder, No, 8. granted release on $140. Alfred Brack cue, jo. ii, granted release on $55 and ooll. M. C. Whitworth No. 5 granted release on $140 roal estate. 8. C. Brooks, No 7,- granted release on $165 real estate. P. R. Ruff, No. 10, gran ted release on poll, error. Mrs M. J. Rollins. No. 1, grantea ie lease on $300 real estate. I). C, Carpenter, No. tO, grtfutsd ie letse on $8ar ia! estatov . P. Huinphms, No. 4 granteded re lease on $l,a00 real elat,i and poll. Will A. Cogdoll, No. granted release on poll tax, cr ror. C. L. Weathers, No granted release on poll tax. W U Pool, No. 5 granted release on poll tax, error. C. G. Mor rison, No. 1 1 gi anted release on poll, non resident. G. M. Cook No. 10 granted rel 3ase on poll listed twice. Frank Bingham. No. 9 granted release on poll, dead J. A. Buff, No. 10 grant ted rolese on poll, afflicted. J. T. Patterson, No. 6 granted re lease on poll, cripple. W. J, uau vra. o gi-ant:-.a release on poll. No. 2 J. D. Hugglns, No. 2, granted release on poll and $400 real estate. R. S. Plonk. No. 4 granted release on bank buld ing, corporate excess, $1680. W. o. wa ter., no. i grantea re lease on 11)3.00 real estate, er ror. E. H. Lutz, No. 9 granted release on poll, cripple. Lee Dobae, No. 5 granted release on 600.00 error. , F. G. Walker, No. 7 granted release on poll, crip pie. A. G. Glenn, Nc. 5 granted release on poll, sore lear. J. Peter Hoyle. No. 10 granted re lease on po.l, error. L. M. L. gan, No. 4 granted release on 250.00 real estate. Bills Paid W. W. Covington; bridge work, 13.11. -:rrf -'J-. C. C. Martin hauling, 2.00. John S. Hant lumber, 872.62. Gaston Brick Co., rent V;art, county line etc, 57 75. Shelby Watter and Lignt Plantp, 26.77. - Hoyle & Wilkins dry goods 7.50. . J. J. Wilkins bridge work 2.50. W. C Bridges part burial ex pense. Elizabeth Bridges 20.00 Ry bur & Hoey special services 23.00. :. W, B. Nit, blankets tor jail 3.50. T; TO. aSbeltoft office supplies., NEARLY FINISHKr, Tnrk end of highway wiH sva b. ir first-class condition. The work on the Conntv ''r.-, roud frem Kiugs Mountain to the state line is nraring i'.;:rit;i. tion. Tho cut throtirh .i.e mountain Las bc-eu finished ancf tin.- top soil is being p'j. .-.u. Tiiis gives tie town ot K'na Mountain a new snd very aiuch desired outlet and with a few miles to be worked from tow out by Ebenezer church willcou' nect a great highway from Col umbia tj Ashevilln- Report on ttfberculosi'i. Physicians report from tub' culosw. Sanatorium; Dec. 31 Tije. aw requriug the ph.vsicians r.f the State to report all rases of tuberculosis to the Bureau of Tuberculosis at Sanatorium, N. C, meets with favor aud is rap idly beiug complied with. Dr, C'. L. Pridgon of Wilmingtou ami Dr. W. Henry Bruce of Winston Sa.eni are the first physicians to' make reports. Dr. Pridgeii re ports three cases and Dr. Bruce five. J. B. Murry printing 8 75. O. Elam cot and expensas .23; .1. L. Lackey sum, jury 3 60. H. E. iSoadelll paint and oil: 2.75. . Cleveland Star printing and ady. No. 9 roud 3 00. R. IS. Lackey, jail expensa 80.50. Thompaon-Branton Co. glaaa 85c. J. G. Dudley, plumbinir 2 50. J. H. Quinn refund tax sak 8.03. C. W. Richardson livory 6 CO1 W. D. Laikey, stamps 12,91 Paul Webb drugs 9 15. Mary B. Falls No. 4 granted release on $3025 real estate r,ti account county line road; Jan; Aiken allowed 1.00 month for suppoit. ' No. 2 Roads F. O. Ramsey, 8. Y. Hamrick and M. M. Mors asked to be ppointed road so pe-visor of Nj. township. F. 8. Ramsev wa aopointed at 1.50 per day for each day worked. HeappeaiW cave bis bond iiod took the oatii of office. County Home Bills McMurry Hull Company dry goods 16.70. Sloop Drug Co, drugs 4 00. J. L. SutMe Co. groceries 28.00; dry goods 21.77; orders 13 30 City M triret meat 1.15. Farmers Hardware Co., huid- ware Ji 54. Southern Cotton Oil Co, meal and hulls 88 80. J. L. Allen groceWes S.8&. J. C, Mull salary and" expend ses, 68.73 County Line Roid . k. P. Falls furveyiog 44.30. Mauney Drug Co. 1.50 D. M. Baker Co., bardrare 015. " . Plonk Bros, and Co., 30.64. Sale sf Bonds ; The sale ( the Graver school bonds was ordered. A petition was presented ask g that an election b bailed in Sharon district to moolisb th soedal school tax. . ElectioJ was Ordered to be adversed. i 1 iibn ; Is"uteusahflv aknienibei'edj' 3S, Clevlnnd Star:-, , i