Kyoua No. i : . ft. CVPArtP-.-gditor and Owner .,: . ; , , - ' PRINCIPLE FIRST . . . . l. A YEAR in ADVANCE if 'if- i; 'f ;f)l- 1 X Plonk Sthool and :, Its Progress . Pine Board Of Committeemen V Building Enlarged-Preparing: ': A Play-Good Debating Society Church Facilities-Preparing : ' For County Commencement. - ' i. "V M. --ISM' t . CorrMpoadenM of Tb Herald. V v In the beginning; We wish to ; thank the Herald for giving this opportunity to tell through its columns ef the proKteM ire Are making along all lines, - The -Plonk School sboslu fee! 'proud, shove all things, that it hat anch - noble, inteltge ana - high minded men for it trus- tees as L A. McGIll D. W. Sell er! and a 8. Plonit. Thjse men are deep) j concerned abont the welfare of every boy tad girl In ; the community and cc that all attend school and have tho necessary books. The school , bsuse hM been made larger and ' another ' teacher employed. We ' sow hare total -enrollment of , fifty pupils, twerty four ot which are In the primary department and the remaining twenty-air: in ' 'the Grammar school division. , Of this iiumber five expect o e clve diplomas and be keady for high school work next term. ' We have aome good speller ,'md challenge ' any country school In the county to apell -against us. ' "'--". ' At present we are doing oui ' best work on a play entitled .-"The Sweet Girl Graduates" which we are hop'ng to give t an early date. . "'.;! : v j In December, 1915 we organised for our moral and mental uplift - the "Columbian Literary Sooi--;ty.M Ohai iea . Lackey was "'Vented President and Ruth Mc- Gill Secretary. Wo have had . ' several debates and. each time L the speakers proved eaual to the ; subject and occasion acq sttusl "' with suob determination and eloquence . that a, high school . . might well be - proud, si. them. "r 1 he fl'st-subject we htd , was Resolved that country life Is r X -more pleasure ..than city Ufa.-" 8otb sides did exceediagly well . but the affirmative won eut AsJ pother subject which, proved; .; to . 'bo eitraordiuarily, interesting was VResolfed thatFflfet jprinlr . ing Press has done 'more towsrd Zjhb development of . Ue ; world ',;;. h an. the steam Ebgiae." Agalnj (,he affirmative side w over 5wbe.,mingly victorious;-Soon we i tiotM to b a . for our feubjeet "'Resolved tjaf Abraham. Lin $. jeola was - "greater, v. att f thatn George Washington; At these debates we enjoy having visitors 7f and generally select aa fudges paoilc of the community; our is4S, ana wsaies. iomidain about bad wuatber and iljf always at their postj-Vheo. it it darkraaj(iei peare&t out -MSC.'O. Lui-Itberan VtJnoBthvBtethel church is also near ce and there ! ' ' ---we have the' privilege of hearing ;:'-'..v..V.Rev. G, I Kerr,' J Kings Woun- - -r; 4aln. Beulah and Mary's Gvei .; ' '. hurches rs not far away o it : "ii iMwiy'aJiard matter t decide , -- ywhich service to atcoEsj,' - " " . :"' C'T f r tsns splendid 'it ctual and aesthetic tatures of the children. Coocty commencement that "day of days" to the school shil dreo of Cleveland is being look ed forward to by all the children of Plonk school and several of them intend to enter some of the numerous contest that have been arranged for. Fined For Over Speeding. ' A. H. Johnson of Bessemer City was Sued five dollars and cost hue Thursday before Es quire Keadrtek on the charge of over-speeding, Johnson is a oce amed man and is said to have been in the habit ot coming here to demonstrate fie sieed of his machine. He submitted in court and said that he was mak ing 55 miles per hour on Moun tain street. Johnson has recent ty been implicated in the whis key business at Bessemer. cursing $4.15 for on the street. ' Jim Philips was up before Esquire iCerdrick lat Thursday on a cftaTja oi.DMng profane lanKUage on the street, Be plead guilty and paid $413 wiilcb represented a fine of one dollar and th coat' We make mention of this case ca.ling attention to the lact that tlilips is not the only person who i guilty of using orofane language on the street of Kings Mountain, We want to see every one who violates this phase at, the law made pay for K .. Vi i ' i .' -i 1 i 'i Regriiers avefine entertainment. Th faurth' attraction, of the lyeeum course wsli staged . last Thursday night." This ,ws oue of the verv finest numbers -we have- had. The Begulensr comtMwd Prof, Roy J. Resrowfl and Bis wife-" Mrs. Meryl , UesT nta)-, gave the performance The Drogram. was variea.- some, tniutr to suiiill. The rot ponse from, the audience indicated that practically ail suited., all, , The old 'lotaiion' "From tile sub lime to tnt iWiculous,'.' Vas al most applicable, while Ihe ridic ulous was worse lacking. The Program consisted of readings, ujuio, dialogue and impersona tions -Many :ave remarked since that Prof. Ikgnier-waa the best lmpersouato they ever UiSainrfings and readings wen excellent .Mrs. Regnier played her part weil. She ' furuishod the piano music with, several vocal selections in. addition to hfl dUloffne roll ';: v "Owing to the ondue amount of nul lucidtnt to the recent rainy weather the audience was bat so large as had been in attendance upon . some?, fofJBPr . numbers. Most of thooe Vha attended bad season tickets making the door Vjceipts very meagre, being only eight dollars. -.-.fVj . There remains one . auraction, It will be had March 6Uu. Tbere is :yo(; ( about $15 to ,rie U hqua ate toe expeutes -ot ttte enwrprise.'. .The committee ft-ela ' that with good weaUior PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT Grut cduadooal iif for Gere lud to be lecord breaker 10:30 Parade. All classes will form in line between Baptist church and S. A. L. Ry. Child ren will march four abreast. H."80 Commencement exer cises at Courthouse. Diplomas and medals vrl.l be given at Courthouse. ' 11:30 Spelling match at audi torium. All schools expecting lo enter must notify County Supt, not later than March first 11:20 High school Declma tion and ' Recitation Contest at Baptist church. 11:80 Seventh Grade Declam a tion Contest at Methodist c'lurch. 1:00 P. M. -Dinner. 2.00 P, M Athletics -around Court-square. . Vot boys under 14 years of age: 1-mile race, J-raile race, 100 yard race and Relay rice". For boys over 14 yeary of age: 1-mile rsoe, -mile race, 100 yard laco ard RelPT race. -4 P. M. Ball game between Shelby and some otler school of the comty. . ' h School exhibits will all be at cou rt house and can be seen any time during the day.' Maps wi t) be given for the following exhi For be&t exhibit by one-teacher school.. For best exhibit by two-teacher . school. - -j " For best exhibit by three-teacher school. For best exhibit by a four or more teacher school. For the beat ten ears of corn exhibited by a scboo) boy. ' For the bert made cook apron. For the best lUvhiUt of canned goods. For '.he dest seed con exhipit ed py a Cievelani county farm sr. ' ' "' ''' : '."; .-"' Township Committees -The following township com mittees will have charge ot all preliminary contests acd will act as marahalls or, willappoint oth ers in their places for County Commencement Day: ? No. 1. Township Carl Bridg es, Ayant'McUraw, : n . ts. McBee.' '' '; ; ". : ' No. 2. To-vaship Z. W.' Green, Miss Tatten Moten and Miss Olive Crabtree ' ' - 4No. fl.-Township M.'R. Big gers, 0 L. Moore, Lloyd Dixon. No'.. 4. Townsbip Miss ; Liv-' ingston, Miss StClsir, and R. A. 'No. 5. Tnship,ii!Hen J.' WSuji.t&fd ?Mi JA4ma N6ifl:'.'jbwuehip--U. t, How- erton, S U. La tt I more, ana Miss Zenn'.e tiodbette'. ' 1 ' I Nw 7. Township Ivey Willis J. B.. Sm'th, . and Miss .Veitie Oovlngtou.' ' : ' . s No. 8. Township -M, I" White, D. D LiiUmore; srrt'- E. ' W. White, i ; - , ;.. ;. : No." J fl. :, Township M. - A. Honey.utt, Gettys Hov'e,' and W.A. Rolllfs. -1 ' 'V No. 10. TbwsshioUjy F, Wj)l ir! A. Pk-BuTDgadher,yaqd Miss Aaiie.Smith; . -. v . . .N"- U- Township Ji ; C Downs, :y M." ; Wbistuaut, nd, Miss Laura Falltr, HONOR BOLL GARDED SCHOOL The next number promises to be extra fine; Miss (Smma Dee IJfth"ile,'a r e a d e r enterta'ner, rMl be here, fhe is tbs bigefit, -fi 't tint:seeiiuf?!r? List of those who hare cOme op to the staadard. . s "" FIRST GRADE; Hubert Mc- Giunis, Myrtle Hullo.ide-, Wil bur Wrlghh, DeWitte Short Parks Fisher, Elisabeth Peter- sou, Pearl Hord SECOND GRADE, Earnest Aderboll, Charlie Carpenter, Marggarel Cornwell, DeWitte Cornwell, Charlie Fulton, Will lam Jackson, Ethel Lncksy Satherlne McAllister, Francis Mauney, Margaret McGinnis, Bright Richardson, Robert Sty era, Ida Walk', Jack Ramseur, Ethel Sty era, Jamie Gamble. THIRD (GRADE. Margaret Barnes, Margaret Osment, Roy Navy. FOURTH GRADE, Margret Lackey, Julia Catherine Mauney FIFTH,GRADF. B3ssie Ram seur, Willie Parker, SIXTH GRADE, Roberta Kuntz, Elenor Gambell, Lexter Ware, Miriam Gufortb, Winnie Vera Mauney, Gassie Huffstet ler G3rtrude King. . SEVENTH GKADE, Charles King. Ruth Hunter, Kathryn Lockin&D, Ju&sita MauDey, Laurenco Falls, Sara Allison. NINTH GRADE, . Lillian Ram seu'. TENTH GRADE, Oliver Ram seur, Nina Hunter. Will Sell Precinct r Mules Tbe Kings Mountain Precinct Highway Commissioners- have virtually ceased operation in road building: and have' adver tised t eive of the" fourteen mules for mie Saturday. Ail thp roads bare been built that tfiey intend to bnikl ami thoy eay that it will not nay to maiirtaln the present exnnee in order to keep up fie roads' after they - are built. The upkeep of the roads will be contracted out. Tbe County line road, which the county is building in consid- oration of tbe election last Ari being t&voraoie to Cleyland isno contemplated. The grading has bein done on the York end of it but the top soiling will not be en dertaken until better weather. The west end of tbe road is being surveyed and the work of build log will be cotracted. The road building outfit, teams, machin try etc. of tho precinct had been borrowed by the county to build this road. If the commission had kept the miles to finish up the work it would have . been- April or probably May before - they could have been put on the mar- kpTUe'commieBioners, there QSl&deemed it adyislMe to put tbe mules up for naie while the market is strong ' and pontraut tD&rejn&inder of the work. -There is some trouble in No. 5 townihip id seonring right of way far the road bnc tin tension seems U be v slackening. ;The County bas-Awftil . December to complete the'JWuH-y iuis road and threia.o'Tushfor time, ; '-.JSSJSSSCTBBSIBBBS . Not ;gti)lty..df''em" bezzlement. . - Lovd Blanton. Dronrletor 1 of the Liberty Pressing Club, wasi up before Esquireeniitick last week -on the obarge of misap propriating fund. It appeared hattw'o'or more persons, bsd paid bim a casn deposit on sui's ot clothe B.anton was to Order hut that Blantoa hadn't ordered the olotbes.. Attorney J. H- Da vis of thafinn otiardojr & Dv' vis- defended. : Blanton - and be ts tif "'' i dUbe. ch&rge.'.''-,', . :-...'." ! 1 1..-. . :, T?V Annual Report Ol The Condition Of , KINGS MOUNTAIN BUILDING AND' LOAN ASSOCIATION OF KIN0S MOUNTAIN, N. C, Made To The Insurance Commiss ioner At Raleigh, N C, A Required By Law, For The Year EttdiHg De cember 31, 1915. This Report Must Be Filed Before February 1st Incorporated Fjb. 1907 Commenced Business Fob. 2, 1907. President A. E. Cline, Address Kings sA to, N. Q; Salary none Secretary W.H. McGinnis Address " " " ; Salary $240 Treasurer " Address " " " j Salary none Attorney N. F. McMillan Address " " " ; Salary none RECEIPTS. Cash on hand Decembor 31, per last report, f ' 8W.41 TnntnllmMiia received during the year, H.OTSW Interest received dur ing tbe yearr Fines Entrance fees received during the year, Release fees received daring tbe year, Loans on shares paid, Loans on mortgages paid, Advanced insurance- and taxes paid, W. Hord, person al acct. . Total, I,6P8.9(i 1.25 7100 8.25 521.40 1.175.00 , 7.00 27.78 l7;858.-90 r,930.'90 ; 08.40 " 5 60- DISBURSEMENS. Withdrawls: ( ProfiU, V 119.12' (Dues, )M2e.56 Loans on mortgages, 11,380:00 Loans or shares, Interest; Taxea and 'insurance ' advanced I EXPENSES. Salaries, $240.00 Rent, 10.00 Advertising and printing Books, Taxes o n Association's property, Other expen ses, 29.92 106.25 29.81 Total expense. Total disbursements, Balance cash on hand, Total,'- 415.48 y " 17,186.50 y . 218.40 17,358.90 ASSETSV Loans on mortgages, I 36,080 05 Loans on shares, . 1,7380 Instalments due and unpaid) 4,577.73 Interest due and unpaid 876.20 Cash in banks, 218.40 Furniture and flV , ' turesv 199.06 Personal Accts, 8.00 Total, 319f.90 LI'ABILITIES: Profl's. 1, $ f8,150.65' Installment, )' 30,782. 2- Balanoe to be paid on- ; '' . ' ' loans nude,- 1,765.0QK Bbrrowed money, ' J.WO.OOr Toftal, .197.0 Profit And Loss Account a : . ', Interest paid on with drawls, 1 119.12 Interest pal.1 on bor- rowed money, 98.40 Salaries, - 2W.UU Rent, WW Advertising nd4rlt- . v - jog, IW.Sq Taxes, - v : - Idsurftnop ttepartnient feet, Other expenses, - Vet pmfjtssppottiOW TJndiVldnd promts, 6.00 , - 83.92 8,n-89 ;;:34 26 Total, 3,788.65 CR. Balance, profiU last , . rrport, Interest, Fines, Withdrawal fees, Admission fees, ' Otbtr profiU: Over- , ftgfl, Suspense. N Inst, qoDAjd $ 876. J Lest Am, cash. .-: na ':V?M.2! l,608.8l l 1.25. t - in , - ,7300 v5.4 v . 113 51 Total & i7.f 'r J-iTi '' ' 'J (CONTINTJEDOH-POBflTH 040.)- About $350 dacsage war oss to the- Klug Mounteis EoUe mill hero Batordiyjosk befowd noon When Are bro're out torn 4 switch in the power bouse, hsfss Jr r flre wsj quickly discovered and extihguisbeel befp" it, t ?-. '1 awrHbtfl buJlJingTbei iJam fee wo to r r'or, switab - ar4 belts.;. To fclicd of the bull.'-;) ? wW. si: 'j. rfimrr 3. If f it j into hnil " the .

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