.-- - ; fol l3?Jfe. ... .No. 2' -' G 5 PAi,'E4ltf andbwner .' '". '.-', - .. PRINCIPLE FIRST . - ; . : . , 1. A YEAR In . ADVANCE- . . C.I.-..L ,J , r,i ,' ,,L . : - . ,' , - .. .-,r . :: . -y.T....s CO. BUSINESS . first mondaV NEW1EMBER MR. DAVIS MARCH SIXTH Sliort J& Item Coinei of th County Commissioners as recorded III IheOeTeMJ ,.y SUt Friday. ' Alt commissioner wore pres- ' tnt .t the reulif monthly meet Inir last Monday. Tho minutes u kept by Clerk, J. J. . Latti more M a fbHowi A. H. Cornwall, bridge work $26.07. . Fee bill filed. - State Hopital, Goldaboro. ex penses patien n, $28.95. W. D. lackey, sheriff exepen- es $38.28. . li. II. Laclidy, Jail expenses ' ties.-:. i-,hA. L. Eskndf. ias and oil $8.24. H,S. B. Thompson, burial ex peases B. W.' Thompson, account pension roll M. , J. li. HeafhelS 41s bnrial ex' non.'iAM J amen Fiord, account pension roll $20. . .T. I. Iiacnei'iD. S, expense $5 40. , M. M- MoortS, eipeuses Mo' orantou $i4. 8'ielby Concrete Co., pining $ib. :'-:'.---- coWntv link bbXp J. H. Thompson, friirht"$2.30 Sam Jackson damage to piop 5.80. r' -'T ' I, 0. Plonk, damage to crop $4.80. f D.M.Baker and Co, hard ware $8.51. : ' Bonnie Cotton MU1, coal, $1.08. ,v K. Mtn. Garage, gas. $2.50, Mrs. Jane Falls, top soil $13. ' MISCELt.ANE.OUS ' R. A. Vandyke, feeding pris loners, $4.00. Patterson Grocery Co., couaty Jine road $37.45. , , 1 . P. A. Wright,, bridge, work J35. ' -'-i-'V':'';;-: F. C. Ramsey, No 2 Uoad work $167.81. . J. R. Matheny was- appointed registrar No. 2 road election. " a. F, Grayson, granted release '-on $1.25 real estate ' ;: . J. J. Pruett, officer to grand jory, $6.' i " '. ' ' W. W. Covington, haaliag Ko. 9 toad tSL':0)f:-h'-.'i.7K:-,' Pink Humphries.;, gran tod -re--lease oa poll tax. , J : v. v t p. . L. Peeler, .calling court eoo. ' ' J. E. Costne. . bridge wor, 78 00. . . ,v V ,'.;'t-':. ;:.J:' K. Q. Wblstnant, graated re ' loase Nc. 8 .township opt 100.00 real estate and 25.00. , . v. : . ' F. R. El'is. frrunted permlsar-' un to peddle without license on , iccount ot bejntf old toldte.'.s Mi. M.' J WareJ granted "ro. ' 1im on 412.00 real estate. K . ' , Laurel Hoy le: bridge .,' work 6.00. v;!"';:v:'i!.v P. A. Rediwnd, NO. r grant, eii hjl'sas on 846.00 ttti eslawv Double Shois Cottoa Mifl&, nlnlnlr. 01. BO: : .'S- G..L. Cotnweii, brldg work V , ,MryLefordvCMf, gifanH Smaptba Bridges, asked in , creaso In allowaucB-of l-OO; fNat '' flowed. . , - Wade Jenkins, Nv 4V .tcraii ted JtlessVpf 750.00 real astate.' "! . . v W. A.liattimor; resigned as reipstrar Sharon box rNo, 2Arol SCHOOL BOARD M. E ttthiM W succeed W. T. Parker as number sdbool board. M. E. lierndon was elected member of the school board here laat week to succeed W. T. Par ker, resigned. Much pressure wus brought to bear to influence Mr. Parker to withdraw his res ignation but he contended that he (!ot!'cJ not conscienciously do so. M-. Herndon is cashier of the Peoples Loan & Trust Com pany and is a young mai) ol abil. ityTha election was affected by the City Council at itn meeting Tuesday night of last week. Dr.'B. H. Ballmer, examining lunatic, 2.00. B. F. Lindsay, D. 8. sarvlce M. A. Jolly, exponsert prisoner 2.00. J. G. Pudley, plumbing 50c. ' H. h. Gillieapie, office supplies 55c. C. h. Lewis, auto service 2.00. W. J. Aey anrt 8ons, auto service, 5.00. , Southern Cotton Oil Co., meal and hulli for county home 22.70. Star Pub. Co., 'priuting and j advertising 22 50. Aurora-Highlander, adv. 4.50. C. L. Barrett. D. S. service J.00. V :- .- SprW CityMfg. Co., No. 6 granted release on 200.00. , v 'Carrie, Arrowood, No. 4 (fruit ed release oil 280,00 rea! estate. E. B. England, granted release on 157.00 in No. 4. John A. Powell, granted ro- leaue on HOO.OOjreal estate No. Love MCombs,' granted re lease on 116.00 in No, 7. 1. C. Beami , granted release do im)1) tax. error.' Geo, W. Roberts, granted re lease on 220.00 real estate No. 5; C. Mullt salary anO help couuty home 68.20. ' " . KKLEASES S. X.; Clary No. 3 release on poll error,.'' P. M. Mauney,. Na' 6 release on 200.00 error. Elis abeth. Normon, No. 0 release oo 2.297.00, errror. ; S. H. Dover, No. 5 release on 228.00 tvrico. Andrew Latfl. moret No. 2 release on poil, er ro?. Nancy Hastin. Mo.' 8 re lease on , 1,820.00 twice.- Ant Webber,1 No,"5 release 219.00 er ror. W. K Black, No. 2 release 6n poll and 85.00 twice... -J, "M. Hayjs, No. 8 release' on lOlOD error,, : t oward Graysop. Ja . 8 release on 100.00 error. .' f ' i . : cousriv . uoMfc ':-.; . ' Paul Wobb, 'drugs, 4 85v '. -CD; Wacasfer, work 2d.2ti, ; W. B. Palmers SonsV grote'- tea, '4.80. . - 'v -v ''-..:.. ': v A. B; Blantoq, shoek2 90, ' S. EItendall, rugs,: 8.55 v I. Lk Hen, groceries. A4a., . - Sloop pwt Co. AVfthlftiJ,;' J. Wi Grlgg, lumber, 3.69. i V J. L. Suttle, Co., dry, goods") hd igiroceries, 88.50, ; J ; Reports of grand f.jiry ftud recorder filed." ' v' A..-' Devenny. release " tf 100 OOirrNo. llrrori ! Moset Downs, asks Wfjwport, WO allowed mlfw.ioi! tA pivliUe wjiluiut li&tiBC LIKES TOWN Few ftemVer of Local bar fntfrestiogly of his Impressions, writes (B7 J. li. Davjs) Upon coming to a new town, one draws conclusions based up on the ircnircKsio.is uie piopie and the town make upon the mind of the nowcomer. Of coursn I was deeply struck by '.he friend ly spirit, the coug.niality of the people itnd the hearty welcome you ex teed to a stranger. The good citizens ot Kinir Mouutain know how to wake a new man feel at home. I could expect nothing more, thptrh, from the broad minded and democratic DBODle Of Cleveland. Such a loyal and big hearted citizenry is not Vi be found lu every town and in every county iu the state. Na'urally, then. tTie conclusion that I drew '-oia the spirit of your town and neoule was that you were a good people to so journ with. ' I was next forcibly impressed, and glad'y so, by vour churches. The town of Kingt. Mountain shonld be, and I beleiye is, proud of her chui dies tn Ray nothing of the profound and inspired pastor she has to rill each pul pit. The Presbyterians, the Baptist, the Lutherans, the A.-l K. P. 'sand the Methodists all have handsome buildings in which to worship, modemly e quipned in every resoect, And Grace M. E. Church U ananff in to build. I haye known many towns larger' than yours that were rot half so well bless- ed as youis with places in which to worship. One usually judtfe'? a tewn ana its pop'e by its churches and schools. Judy;inif, then, from your churches and schools, one is forced to the conclusion that Kin its Mountain is uncqual- lu for its size. Tho commodi ous school building which you havit would da credit to any city or town in the State or North Carolina. It Is' a handsome brick structure, modem and up to date in Sfery respect. So let's learn to - appreciate . this beautiful structure which is an ornamnl to oar little city and it will ever be a memorial for the future gen eration of the . worthy deeds their forefathers accomplished, and let nj learn to appreciate, loo, more and more . the great work your able force of teachers to accomplishing in this spacious building. 'y As I see it, tho town of Kings Mountain offers - many induce ments to the business man or professional ina'n who is seeking a good .place to sei tie and to live. We are not only .'blessed with ffhurche?, with schools an peo ple, but we are biassed with an Excellent climr.te. Those who are looking for pure air, pure water, excellent climate, -frill find 1 belice, this place nnequellel, To add to tbe health and lux ury of our city, I wr'l say otrrs be cause I feel that it is part mine. ;-we have water works and a new sewerage system, in tnts mod era day and time the. above arc a great inducement tj anyone who in seeking :, a : new home. There-: ro many other 1 thing yBicfivimpre.w A stranger and many goldeu -opportunities and advantak.es t-po-offe'r to the man ufiictorer who is eekmg an U tleal location for a.honieiy mill, at love fac'joryi ovprall factory; utc., of which J will speak id a sobseqiseiit is-ssw ot th?f rT iiT-lfl. ' ji'Lh'l'., I IIC MISS RANDLE COMING Last lyctum attraction will de had March 6th.-what the Redphath Bureau says of Hiss Kandle. - EMMA DEE RANDLE. Emma Dee Handle wu borii In Tia tnd educated In Botonv tier charm tliB pennual!l; at once wtd ber audi tpit. and aba atandi before ttafm In peruct bealtb, trong, senile, eSectlre mid ntlractlve opoa the platform. , Her clear, aweet, mualc&l vplce, ao Biuguetlo and dramatic In power, re aponds, Tlbratn, tbrobe, atngs. ecboni and re-ecnoL-a every delicate abade of emotion tn ucr beart, whether lu. lnpl ratlon flows from natuTa'a aouce, tbe poet'a tong. from tbe tfolden atom of ripe old ace or from tbe ilmpUdtr of tbe little child, She unite a wbole tume humor with Tlrid dramatic power wblcb biftnntljr awaken the keenrat Intercut and aympatbr. Ber beautiful 4 l" 1 .V ; , ,' EMMA DEE RANDLE. embodiment of ease and grace and tboroucb forgetfulneaa of self cannot but cburm any cultivated audience. Her art is refined, nntshed, smooth and rounded; there Is a freshness, a rhythm of cburm interwoven all through ber work. In bor roe. by her artistic touch, there Is meter, and In every line of poetry tbere u music. She baa an almost unlimited reper toire In fact, over 300 selections from five minutes to two hours In length from tlie liest literature end la pre pared to (,-lvo over sixteen different evenings without repetition. Her work covers practically tbe entire field of lit erature single book recitals, plays, so ciety sketches, Biblical representative pluys. sacred, artistic and popular mis cellaneous programs. . : Her miscellaneous programs usually contain a few humorous sketches ren dered In character costume, while other numbers are produced with musical settings, when a piano is provided, to give vnfii ty and to satisfy tbe imagina tive longing for the combining of arts ao seldom undertaken by one person. The effect is most charming, instruc tive and entertaining. Chapel Hill Letter Chapel Hill. N. C, Feb. 15 The Summer Scnool ot the Uni versity of North Carolina for 1910 is going to be the largest and most helpful in the history of the school, if plans now being made by Director N. W. Walker are carried cut. The curriou will be broadened iu many par ticu lars. lecturers of national importance have already been secured, and all poesibleeffortsj will be put forth to make tbe six) weeks valuable and pleasant. This, the twenty-ninth session of the school, will oped on Jane U and will continue ewtH , July 28. A strong faculty Of special' isls and successful teachers and superliuendanto b as already been secured..' The entire plant and equipment Of tbe university will be at the disposal of all who atteud. The Library ot the Unr iversity,- with 75,000 , volumes, ranks second in the South, and is unexcelled from tho' cOtnt of; usefulness. '"' Laboratory, gym-' nasium and .hospital ''facilities are also excellent, i- ; ; - 'v . ThS Coburn - players : will ,'ap-' oear In several of Shakespeare's' lays', ihls'yearvaqd Gtistftv Hagtdorn will again direef 'JheV Annual Choral Concert. ' IWtli professional and cultural r.q r iii c. pi arinfcd tor pt ijjiur: r rid graroriirj!';-sfr66l,;;'.tt!ai;ro s,. Moves To fission ia ' Attorney N. P. McMillan is moving his law offices from Rings Mountain to Gastonia, 201 Realty Duildinfr" B;ing situated as Kings Moun tain is, on the county line, Mr, McMillan has naturally devel oped a practice in loth Cleve land and Gaston counties. His Guston practice has increased to such proportions as to make it necessary for him to open an of .Ice in Gastonia, Mr., McMillan has lived in Kings Mountain and practiced law here practically ever since ro was licensed 7 years ago. BosUtttrs Bt'iers Tabocei. The local rlruggists', Pinter Drug Co., and Mauney Drug Co., have reached and areemci.t whereby the well known pre. paration, Hestettera Bitters, will not be sold by them any more. They recognize the value of the preparation when it is used as a medicino only but its use hag become so badly abused by those who drink it as a beverage that they have decided to discontinue the sate of it Many expression? of commendation have been heard about this actioc on the part of our esteemed druggists. Mrs. Ann Elvira Rankin of Gastonia Dies. (Gazette Friday) Her host of Meads in Gas tonin and over the country Wil, be shocked and saddeneif to learn that Mrs. Ann Elvira Han- kin died Mi-lderily at If o'clock today at her honre oii Morns street here. Slie was at the dinner table with her daughter, Mifcs Erhnia Rankin, with whom rfhe made her home aud t'je end came without a second's warning.- .Mrs. ftan'tin had been in her usual health and appeared today to be as well as she had been at any time within the past three years. ; Three years ago she suffered a stroke o( apoiexv from the effects of which she never entirely recovered, How ever, shwaa able to be nn and about tbe house- every day. Death was due tola second stroke of apoplexy. Two Deaths At York (Enquirer Friday) Mr. W. T. Anderson a well knowr resident of ti e Harmony section of-York codtrty, died' at his home Tutsday afternoon and was buried in the cemetery at Nelly's Creek on Wednesdty afternoon. Mr, Anderson wee about 62: years ol age. He is survive-by nnmber of chil- dr6n. Follo wing brief ilfoeer with pneumotta, A- D. Dillingham died at hi home in the Man chester mill village at Bock Hill on WodfiesdsV erCniflfifand' wee buried in Laurelwood cemetery veste'Tiay VternooiL .Mr. Dnl gnarn wa about 88 year oia.fi ill He was a member Of the - Metta odist Church at the Maccbesterl mill! i He, is survived by" his widow and aidbpted'child! - L York Coooty. BoJMirg her hi trf' bc, r&-'-'.-. roai. - . . :::.,.r. Ui'' W, M. McCarter WholiVea- near Htafffi tCnp'tf told sn' pa iii.tfa:iorc40f Uands.vas r'' Mountain road beifawp Bethany church, and the 99ttr Carolina H ie. The" toad (II be made, .hirty feet wide. . A Cleveland county N. C, aotiltiM are now( engaged In worsrfsejnk a toad to the South 'CMeMttVline, which' will be ebmpteted t the early spring. Shout loimniltuce. howdy mister pefee. how air you r i siei feellc much me self, got tbe tottery IndVest j ion new raixy. wen i tool 1 wood drap you a tew lhrta tn tell you that i had paid np mt eonecrlpt ion for the paper-fsr ft nnther year. 1 hadnt aimed to pay It inr a while yet fer 1 ksowe.l you wuzer.t needin It, bet 1 iiast got tired of be'iu axed to' pa i bet- ca that feler has zed ma lo pay that 15 time ; Well not that n-any, i reckoaeet'djucb ov er 14. . i sry not changing 4he subject, but I heard that sosne of the town fellers some wbarwusgoin round eeMin no a list of every body that had owed anvthinrT if they had paid without been axed, they put them on the good' pav list, if they paid when they wuz axed ther put them orr the' slow pay list, and if they Kadn.t' paid when they wn Jred they put thnm on the no pY "' don't know wtiether thr is ans thing of it or not tef yon know' that 'cuan hear jlst rfrfyth'lng now a,davs. if tha. is anything Of it", i listwlffh they wood show' ms whar there is any jestice , la ftTjy fclch law i'esnectfnlly jon i iillnr muggins. Dixon ItCiiisl ' Mr. Reatiy Barber tfadhw foot badlv hurt oa' the ; He was riding on a wagvi wltH' hie feet hancing through when on' of his feet ca-rght oil ft tompY Mrs, O. A, BarberStil t wo litl W diugiiters of WcsWstSBWWj 8. Qi are visiting at Mr.lftMUo Bar ber's. Mr. BarbeiT iperjfed m a lew oays. .- ;- - The Utchcrs of DUast chool.- Mrs. o'nlis St, Clwttr ftt Mls Ethel Davidson. tJJsl' the1 teachers meeting IsvCbelby- Sat ¬ urday. . ' . . ' Bell IcaM -Jamer Bell and Vikf Mtottl Beam of BethlebstetU)ti wWro . married by E4l KK3ek here , last 1'liureday.- Tftr bride' is the dauuhter Mr Mikft Besinr.' ,- Miss Gertthdi Witt ' ales-" ; la week rritH bertotte Wr.- . arid-Mr. G. ff. WtWC War El- bethel. 8tie) , ;illW6i' .. thj-'- , stort Saturtlay..'-' In lsst-wtffft'a' bat :MavO am! Mr Ctirie were' . '!tVfh,3? .t- Vt!' - mlsiaKe. tarn mmjvr-,.mm " . 6r0,b ii's wfUfM. -tibje, . went' to ber .honJe' ltt1 Fiorida- - Sli. had been herelMi a'f W andf j rie'ye'ftthprfie wWl KeY.'V; ; i . PauV' Ai Vode'T df' lcTrory , s'be'nf trie eek end' hens ;WRh' hie brother; Prof. R-A- Toder. ' MV. H H.Hood o! mttiiews -- -.,psi(j he, weett-erid.jSsV - Aiew, BrV j, "SiiV-; (i f eutwged Hp-, wo -'" -" !