I ? - , ,-, .i ,.: L.J--X I y Vol 13 f" ' ill I ill I (SiO PACE. Editor wuwner King Mount-ain, N.C.7 Thursday, March 2, 1916. 4 ! III i A WAR invtNi E '"" 1 . ... . . ... . PRINCIPLE FIRST ' t - a a vAum .na uwner . - a ir - v ..a'i v 7 r- - - r GOOD ROADS 40000 IN NO 2 iflp&u' ptORKutre township, eaten ' .- . j fooefeife colons. Aurora Highlander. Bv majority of 48, No. -township placed itaelf io the Rood t-otda column, voting 910,000, la bond. This makes the tilth township to vote good roads la thto county, the others toting in this order 6, '4. 7, 8, Saodt. ..';. . . ' Two Republicans and one - Democrat compose the commiss ion in No. 2 E. B. Hamkick oi fiollimr Snrings, A. I. Jolley f Young's, and W. A. Lattimore of 8haron. Young's voted gainst the issue. FLORAL FAIR AGAIN THIS YEAR DEACONS MET Let tinn Hoaotato Co Forward. . "' .(ConVd from last week.) can do it. ' 1 am snre that rot one of uk 1 satisfied with what . we have or is willing to see Hick ry. Oaatonla, Marion or many of the towns on tnemain line ex codina-us In nrogresii, . I would suggest that in order i, start this movement every citizen in the town come togeth er to one body, and by -doing so devnloD some city spirit and en 'tbttiaam. AmUiom this roas WeeUn organise a "boosting." lub for the purpose of interest ing the people In our own town and other Demote at a distance in the. economic and industrial - advantages we offer. The town utoiinrv haa a Chamber of Commerce -ooinposed of 150 act "live member of the city who are Annr wonders for the town. Tbey are instrumental io briag tner thn rim all iadsstries to iA their city ad In developing a 'city ipirit and an enthusiasm "S among the ctiaens of the town, ' The latest industry they were in strumental in bringing to their city waa a cigar factory. There . are many small Industries such ': a Cigar factory, hosiery mill, overall factory, a furniture fact orr. irlove factory, etc., we ,:, ought to be able, thro a live chamber of oominurce to per- '. auade outside capital list who a m Innklnir for location. K ' ootne to Kings MounUin and ' Unnnh. It would only be nec- , iumasrv to explain the advant 'mm that w6 offorcoinpared with l; other town. Outside capitalists are not coming to us uuless we ahbw tdvthem.that wo are anxious ' for tbesi anJ that we can, offer ' iiini m&iv indncemente.' I was ' Uiktng 1itb an exmemberof the ' . miamber of Commerce ot V-nai d '' "1 lattn th other night,' and- be V i n, said that It the Nortborn capital Clrid League notifies patrons to make ptttantioas for anoval event. The Civic League has decided to hive another Florial Fair this year, and hopes to make this, the most successful one Kings Mtn. has ever had. Let eve-y one interested in the League go to work, for now is the tin o plan to raise flowers, and help eithnr bv err.wina flowers or making fancy work, RULSS FOR ENTERTAIN IG Any one in the community who desires to enter flowers to compete for the prices must rive at least fifteen biOoms to the fair. Em-h creneral eollection must contaia eight varieties with three bloom . of each variety. Each Yellow collection must 'contain four varieties with three blooms of each variety. Any one entering fancy work must state fcr which prize it has been entered. iea ht thk way of 4teod and : reaomrtKlabor, lo tax.: rawe airaiUoiUi advantagea, lBw vraaldllaTi no trouble in. brine- Stlg inany ot them to our town. Jt ia a t acthai theortbara 'r' anltallste in coming South; and riiia no to na'to ahw rtem rtbaW ' Kings Mountaiute'Wie.bestphwe Therefore Wpra and glt Z and women, letna' aft . begin to k ;.-mvr inr uiu'uiiii "ii no w avw ; v VooaVit'DO-bne vHtf ftw-msiUl I :, .n dpvrioo the same spiru uiai you And Ii wvnrv ;otslm banket bftl). or .base- .blK vtHtr nd 'wittin' fevir ehort montli we shall see Kings Mountain r-6w -1 ; 1 e has never grown te .. " . . -1. V . :! V THB PRIZES Prises will be given for flow era as listed below. The list of prizes themselves will be published later First beat collection. Second best collection. Third best collection. Best vellow collection. Threa best white blooms of one variety. Three best cream blooms of one variety. Three beit D. Apple ton blooms.' - Three best yellow' blooms of one variety other than u. Apple ton. - ' Three best red bloomtt of one variety.; ' Three best bronze blooms of one variety. Three best pink blooms of one varietv. Three best variegated blooms ol one variety. Best single bloom of any variety.'- Best vase ofeight varieties one of each variety. . Best maiden hair fern. Beet Baby-breath tern. Best potted plant of any -va riety..';- Best vase ot cut flowers other than Chrysanthemums. - PRI2BS FOR rAKCY WORK. Raat. flmbrolde'V. White or colored. .' - Jtett crochet. Best tatting. .Best piece of baby appatel Bestwiscellaneoun artcle. Best handken,hief. Best towel. "- 1 Mie.'C p. Neleler. 'A lira. H. T. Folton.' A'Mj R. C. Baker.'- , AT BELMONT This 3"cllt Tocv. Good ?esth - P. ? BorpoT new ftts -W.T. Wairen,5ecT. ireas. rtuimnnt. Feb. 16. The eigh th wwl annual convention of the deacon of the Kings Mountain Presbytery adjourned tnis aiier noon 'after a session that bt-gan at 7.80 lat night. Wall O. Gee. of 8hrtty, was nroairlont and CP. Goforth, of f Mountain, secretary. The fion was held last night in tlie Presbyterian church and was featured by Kav. T. m. hm ovanucliat of this p'esby- tery . Prior t this was tbc add rees of welcome by SudI. f . t ' and the response by J, W. Tim beilake, of Gastonia. Mr. Wat- anhlect waa The reiauon of the deacons to the Home Mia sion Work of the Presbytery." Rev. W. 8. WiUon, pastor oi the Llncointon iresDyierian church, addressed tho couvea hi mnr.iinir on The serin turial view ot the Office of Dea cou." His talk was especially in teresting. This afternoou's session con- .... .a .,nA table talks and M XLUU Ul antral diBcuBsions for tho good of tho organization. T."Ui eiecuu.. of officers ras also hew. reu,. ing as follows; President. P. P. Mnmhi. Lowelli vice pr?. L. Stowe, Belmont: Benrewr, ,,1 t.rurev. V, Y. Warren, r.cb-.niu. T! ese itMtlsmen form a committee which will decide on the urogram and place oi nexi ,.t; hheld the seconu UlCwuai woe'tin August. A STRONG SCRIPTURAL PROTEST AGAINST THE USE OP-PKU- FANITY An Open Letter. (Crowded outlast week.) Mr PacfP.. I wonld liki to aay a few. word n tha Ellwthel Chnrch people .b T lited their chnrch Sunday. I .n so glad to know the great then are doing and the Interest they are taking in their grave yard. a. ii.a have a crave yard as ..u.i..'i r think evevone wno OlAjH""' has a loved one bunea mere -u-..ij ui i'u association at once. Toirnrlad to know they are doing some of the best singing I ur heard. It seemea to m-; Sunday when they were sing inir 'Jesui Lover of My Soul," ht .Ifsns must be in. uen hrruj. I truly hope God may bless them. -Yours inost respectfully, A Subscriber. Kings Mountain, N.'C. V;?' By Rev. G L Kerr I. Profanity is an Atheistical contempt of God. Infidelity is its very essence. II. The sin of profanity is a most God defying sin. It is a Heav en daring sin. III. Profanity is the permeating end soul destroying sin. it de stroys moral fibre. It deadens the spiritual nature. IV. Profanity is a sin that may be forgiven. The regular monthly union service which exists among the Methodist, Prosb.ytenan auo Associate Reform Presbyterian churches here was held at tbc Pn-sbyterian church sunaav night, February 20th., Rov. G. L. Kerr, pastor ot the Associate Reform church, preaching tne . . . -I . sermon. The discourse lDrouK- out was a Scriptural attacn on the use ot profanity. The text lound in John B-Uw i nis Fellow." ... .. Mr. Kerr said in part: "The Pharisees were the strictest of literalis'e. ' ' claimed to have great reverence for Gad. tor bis name, for nm houso, for hi day aud r me jfu.ih whon ho would come. They even accused Jesus of pro- fnhv in legard to the oaooaw. Rut with all their boasted rev erence we find that they them Dod. Our savior has t'H;h.iiH r pray "Hallow bo thy nm." "By percept and by, praj er the' way of man Is hedged in ai.d yt t one ot tha moot prejilert in' and one of the vilest of ninA U' that of profanity, the abusing of things whereby God maketh' himsalf known. 1. "Profanity is an atheistic al contempt of God. Infidelity in it very essence. The Phari sees did not believe that Jesus is God and they called bira 'This fellow." The false witnesses . did not believe that he is God' and they called him '"k bis fel low." And so has it evr been with those who profane God' name. Paraoh siatf Who is tue Lord that I should obey hi voice to let Israel go?" I kuow not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go." By their conduct men may say that God does not have all power and dominion, that be is not the omnipotent ruler, fit.t he is not the God' of all grace, that is not the savior ot men; for tbey use his n.mo' most vilMy, treating It with greater eontempt than they would treat any o.her name. Men resent reflections that are made against them their own fathers or mothers and they re genet most strongly anything that calls into qaeation their own name or reputation .but' God 'a name can be used as if h' were a person ot no 'conse quence. Men wouiii nesitato to cill upon their fellowmen to' witaew to a lie but mnny do noV seem to be afraii-to'aak tiod to lxwn.no witness te a lie. lihfe destroy the tempi ot God and to build it In throe days. "This fellow-thls fellow." 0 bow utterly filled with contempt they were! They might bave known who he was. He bad I given lull proof of bis divinity. He had performed miracles, he! had healed and blessed. He had taught with authority.; In the nrden he had caused profsnttv j8 a base denial of mob to go backward ard fall te : . TWa.. V.. A noirotOa. heard him mak such a state All irreverence is proian.v. iiw oiit. TWiGo requires tue no.y ana iw- u.j t i wi n uim M..Urnd Bso of air tea THtrae, surrection; and yet they pio- titles, ordnances. i . . . i . rrt, i ffnriL loauude an v wov ianca ni noiy uaw. iu - , . ..! .. ; i .'..J thlnm wlerby God maketb .....,.' 1 n( maolf known is orofanity. Uf ineir sm-ornea men wan pro-1 . - mi I course we nudtrstanrt that it is temnedthe Holy name. What the person represented by th else could be expected of the "e who is tieated with con ... - tamnt. find has revealed- him- "The Pharisees said that they U" ord. God Jehrtvab.; Al- were Moses a'scipiea, nav selve. are guilt, and that the 7 other also led others ,to the samesiney were not Joingjt. I,,,,,, His ordmaucc. . . Notice Of Sale : In the Supei ior Court. Gaston County. North Carolina. . Jake Raney, " . -. -- ' : .''' VS -' :- ' ., Tbe Southern VeutureOil'i TTndr and bv virnirerc-of van order (IVeperior Court. I will on the 7th day of Mirch, : mo, at tie Dllllrifc- Cntton Mill, in the town of King Monnta'n. N. C; at two 2 o'clock, P. M :. aoll to the highest bidder for cwh - all the oroperty both r:al and-per annal, belMrfh g o the Southern Venture Company, swd.propert f.nn!Rtim of a.'lane or option on about 560 acres of land and ..rn.in miiiintr tools and.,. macb- inerv i hiinj from his birth had been made to ee. and because it nao beonuoneon the Sabbath day the Pbarisees were Indignant at this fancied abuse of God 8 day and began to make an investiga tion of this wonderful miracie. In their wrath they said to the man who had been healed "Thou art his disciple, we are Moses disciple. We know that uod spoke unto, Moses; as for this vuiiiiw. ve know not whence ne Is" "This fellow." They should have known of whom they were speaking. The man upon whom this miracle' had been oerlorm said that the very fact that he had dont this thing showed. that he was of God. Yet in thir thev said "This fellow r ; ' Tbey got mad and profamed the name of the Son o' .MPd- . '.''Iiirtjnnnt.h after this these ISrirKjeVjc-lned'-wlth other to eVaoify the son1 ol tod. iney hTred one of his own disciples to. hPtrA' him. In the dead of the nlsht tbey took him and carried him hfifora the hinh p.iest for trial. ''Thev 'dare not to put' him to deat without the semblance of a trial. Witnesses we" sought. Who would ''testily sgainathim on j . .u. i ireveal mm ana are im ire u.u . .. . j- .iiortwitn reverence. u two taoies oi stone ana on one ui - - . .u .ki- -n.A word and woiks to bo regaided ..mu... -u.u There Is such profanity, to-day ... . of the knd tnat Jesus condemn oi inn ixirn vny voa il. vmi 4k i . . ' ... I -J i- v.o Tan Tkns vnulil not Ih. mill nnt. hold him IfUilt- '" - . - ... " . I V.. IVnno.k hnt wni.ld less that UKetn nis name in 7 " V , : nHu., vain" I awear oy mw wjuik'. ."God told his people to swear would not swear - o,, a--' L v.- rri.-, timoa I kins DUttoev wouta ww j . : An.ua uArnjuiem. at iuu wnen tney were , u- .u. .m rVwl I IT;. . A mo Ira mth I inklU KJ UUBU lino - I, luieaaoa. ncio w - - i . . . . M,v ,A hoi will use the name oi crte,iui j. Inhom Ood has made" Not o friven oetween man auu . " , rn When rightly made they wore an neinous a " uo "-ra . , r .v- I nvruif less a sin. xm ..v act oi worsnip. om wo ,jm4,. . j : ....uiimi i nai ine name vi wur ... . . . , ...i - bnlustaa sacred? These oen Wltn iaisenoou aim in -- u-... . , . rjiiiod onr redeemer This ,lel- tion in a profane way anu " -- ,,w gave a commandment to guard w. -" ; K . . . , ' him iicfhti v i.d use tlie title thtt eanrrdiiajia or nis DauiU as, r- . -. . ... i 4 j that rt-fer to his loving kind .well as commamimea, , "-" ..M.tiV his nnitVi bia sDlrituality, ard " . " ? --v . ii vuir'n nn i.h.1 -K uauei l:,. lint anp.h ia the! nromeness of the human heart that men desired to wear and at some capital ctage,.:but their tesjtlmony did not arce. t many, tbey found iwo men wt'o greed n tMtifv that he said "'1:0 could destroy the. temple and build H Untie Te Creditors. liiifiv hjuou r uy order OI III. DUpcilwr wmi, v . K t the same time not be Vullty of an Gton County, all trsditora of th Infraction oi God'f law." Ao- Southern Venture Company, an hart cordmgly we - find . that they by noUfirf to mak. proof of thta r. wouldswearby thetemplC,bv j.. -yjj fc y. ruaalem. by their head, or by in c. on or bf or th 4th. day of Ap4) , dUlduals. Jesus telU them that j tbtirfaitar mn wiU tan. v the temple is Hod a House, je- anereditots ror participating w r jsalem Is his city, no siin ran distribution of th. at of aafat eorr , change a bair of, bis head.nd Pbiwy. God is tho maker-of all. gom- v f-aMBiijfc- itseshnireC .'.- - ' jTb SooUwra VcBtara twopany. .! . :.-5fiom pr.v. v ' .-V-. i 'ihree daya. , A thoy, gave Leslie McGiunls, Receiver, or v he.rtm()Dy they 8aidl The Soutrern vtt uma- frflow w,d j 1)le t0 inunicatlons must be yea, yea, liar.' uay as l to give us fcrth ornminirof tUe awfalnesa 61 the iu .of profanity and a moki nr our oom.ua lato a DTbu' r onceBt!on of the holiness of V Mr R. L Rtlrd of Lams pent the week end wlttt Mr , C, F. Hunter rv. , w

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