KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, ZINGS MOUNTAIN, N. 0. I LEADS GREATEST PART OF FORCES BEYOND CASES GRANDE8. REACHES VILLA TERRITORY Details of Pursuit Are Withheld But All Report! Indicate Thit Bandit la Not Very Far Ahead. Sun Antonio, Texas.--tlencral Persh ing led lie greatest part of bin (one beyond Canes Uramlea and personally began the direction of operations that It is hoped at headquarters would ter minate in the rapture of Francisco Villa, according to army headquarters hue. All the evidence secured indi ealed lhat Villa was not many miles av-ay hut whether he Intended to con tinue his flight or Mop and fight still r-'mained unknown to the Americans, nigral Kunston withheld all Infor mation as to the details for the active pursuit of Villa. ''wo troops of the Twelfth Cavalry arrived at Columbus and have been suit forward to patrol this line along which detachments of infantry also have been stationed. From Columbus to Cues lirandes supplies will be moved by automobile trucks and wag ons, and. If permission ! secured, that means of transportation will be supplemented by shipments over the Mexican Northwestern Railway from El Paso. The negotiations looking to the uses of the railroad as far south as f'asas Orandes had not been trerai nated, according to General Funston who pointed out what great assistance the permission to make shipments by rail would be. General Pershing's wireless equip ment was operated to better advant age. Trouble In communicating by that means had been experienced but messages are now arriving at general headquarters with less delay and great er frequency. None of General Funston's Infor mation indicated the exact where abouts of Villa but tn'ere was a dis position at his headquarters to regard as perhaps true the reports coming from official Mexican sources that he had reached Bablcora In the district of Guerrero, near his boyhood home. CONGRES8 MAY END EARLY. of Administration Leaders Hopeful Speed Aotlon on Meaturea. Washington. Evidence of co-operation between President Wilson and adjournment at the capltol is seen by administration officials In the action of the senate and house in advancing pre paredness legislation ahead of others bills and practically removing the Eu ropean and Mexican questions from the field of debate through votes sup porting the president. Although some congressional lead ers, notably Speaker Clark, say Con gress will be in session until Fall, ad ministration officials predict confident ly that adjournment would come late In June or early In July. A great legislative program still awaits action. It Includes the array and navy bills, a tariff commission bill, the Philippine bill, rural credit legislation, several appropriation and revenue bills, shipping legislation, rev enue measures and the Immigration bill. Comparatively little loss of time Is looked for, however, over any of these measures except the shipping and revenue bills. One Killed In Southern Wreck. : GreenBboro. Southern passenger train No. 43 was wrecked at James town, 1 miles south of this city, a few minutes before 8 o'clock. One woman waa dead at midnight and other pas sengers of the train were reported in serious condition. A list of 13 persons who were of the worst hurt was avail able early. Others less injured were numerous. The passenger was crush ed by derailed freight cars .of regular freight train 74 which was speeding northward on a parallel track, The passenger was pulling away from the station, hardly having gained motion. : The dead: Mrs. M. 8. Hiatt of High Point, wife of a rural mail carrier. The list of Injured follows: Miss Mary Green, Thomasville; Frank Norris, Spencer; Louis Payne and small daughter, of High Point; Carolina Biggers, Thomasville; J. A. Elliott, Thomasville; Miss Ethel John son, of Jamestown; Mrs. W. O. Robin son, of Spencer; Louis Norris, of Spen cer; T. H, Cornell, Oak Hill,. Va.; Charlie Mae Crlddlebaugh, of High Point; Garland Chapel, High Point; A. If . Ketter, of Charlotte. Ruaslana Start Offensive. London. With the slackening of the : fighting around Verdun, the Russians - have started a Lig offensive movement against the Germans on the Eastern frnnt A ro t A hv flat-man ....... i .. - - j BDaymum, on the east coast of England and by French airmen on Meti and other Ger man towns, the sinking of a French torpedo-boat by a submarine In the Adriatic, and the reported torpedoing of and Austrian hospital ship by an .Entente underwater boat are recorded in official and unofficial communlca- BRIG. GEN. JO.tN J. PERSHINQ j Brldagled General Pershing who Is now In Msxico leading In the hunt for Villa and Bandits. CROSS BORDER FOR VILLA GENERAL PERSHING BEGINS PUR SUIT OF VILLA ON MEXICAN SOIL. General Bertaini's Men Eager to En gage With U. S. Troops Exact Whereabouts of Villa Unknown. Many Watch Soldiers Cross Border Line to Begin Hunt. MILITARY BiLL MEYER LONDON, SOCIALIST FROM NEW YORK ONLY OPPONENT TO THE BILL. POLICY MET NO OBJECTION Ran Antonio, Texan. Brigadier Gen eral Pershing with more then 4.000 troops began the pursuit In Mexico of Francisco Villa, whose raid across the border last week caused President Wil son and his cabinet to decide to use the United States army to run him down. General Pershing's report that he and his command had crossed the In ternational boundary line Just south of Columbus, N. M., have reached MaJ. Gen. Frederick Funston, In charge here of general operations. Reports of the progress In the country where search has been begun will be made by Gen. Pershing to Gen. Funston, but it is not anticipated that these will be frequent or deal with any but the more impor tant developments. How far into Mexico the column had reached was not known here, nor did General Funston appear greatly con cerned. General Pershing's course for the next two days is known at head quarters and not until after several days are sharp developments expected. Col. George J. Dodd, heading a smaller column that entered Mexico some distance west of Columbus, also is moving1 in a southerly direction and these two forces should be within touch of each other soon. By that time It Is expected an Infantry sup port will hold the linos of communica tion along which motortrucks tor the transportation of ammunition and sup plies will be operated. The censorship Imposed by General Funston waa relaxed but efforts still were made to keep secret the details of the plan of campaign, the exact number of men engaged and their ac tual locations. General Pershing's report of his en trance into Mexico served to dispel to a great extent fears ; In some quarters that resistance would be of fered by troops of the de facto govern ment. Colonel Bertainl, the command er of the Carranza garrison at Palo mas, on the south side of the dividing line, promptly Joined General Pershing. His force was only some 400 men, but they were reported to have displayed willingness and even eagerness to Join In the chase. As a body the Mexican troops will remain under their own commander, but a number of them are being employed as scouts by General Pershing. - General Pershing has - gone : into Mexico 'with orders to overtake and wipe out Villa and his organization. Unless orders to the contrary are- re ceived from those higher In authorl ty than General Funston, the cam paign that was begun will continue until Villa Is captured or killed. No limits have been placed on the field of operations. After the campaign la Tell under way. It was pointed out, circumstances may cause restrictions, but Just now the troops are prepared to go anywhere to carry out the prest dent's orders. There are now available in this de partment for operations In Mexico more than 20,000 troops and plans for recruiting the companies to full strength are expected to increase the number quickly. Cavalry posts have been relieved by Infantry In most cases In order to furnish a more . mo bile force for the pursuit of Villa, al though in the expedition that went In today there is a considerable force of artillery which can be reinforced at any time by several more batteries now held on the American side within easy distance of the border. Bands affiliated with Villa In the norrti have hot indicated their inten tions, but brisk activity on their part will not surprise American army of ficers. It is anticipated that In chas ing Villa these bands will have to be met from time to time and engaged. Nothing in the day's reports indi cated that the defection of the small Carranza garrison at Ojlnaga had been followed by other Mexican government troops and action of Col. Bertaini's troops IB Joining the American expedi tion supported, belief that most of Car ranzaa forces would support him In hia promise of co-operation. ; . -it, Some Think Bill Does Not Go Far Enough, But Generally There la No Opposition. Washington. National defjnse leg islation overshadowed every other leg islative issue In both houses of Con gress. The fact standing out niont sharply from a whole day of debute and discussion was that only one voice had been raised against military pre paredness. as a national policy; that of Meyer London of New York, the only Socialist member of congress. The house completed more than half of its set schedule of 10 hours general debate on the army Increase bill .More than two score members ex pressed their views. The great ma Jorily favored the committee bill, which la the most sweeping military measure ever considered In the coun try in peace times. Many amend ments to be offered were announced however, which will delay voting on the bill. In the senate. Chairman Chamber lain announced that he would seek to have the military committee's perfect ed army bill taken up at Once. The water-power bill must be displaced to permit this. President Wilson's ap peal for haste on preparedness meas ures, it was thought would induce the power bill advocates to yield their place without a struggle. The failure of any organized oppo sition to the purposes of the army bill to show Itself on the house floor led Representative Hay, chairman of the house committee, to abandon the night session provided for under the special rule which gives the bill right of way. The amendments cannot be taken up until the 10-hour general debate Is end ed. After that the five-minute speech rule will apply, so It was regarded as useless to hold night sessions. MEXICO GENERALLY QUIET. Some Disorder Along Border at Tarn- pico and Torreon. Washington. The main American expeditonary force in Mexico had en countered none of Villa's outlaws, ac cording to reports received by the War Department in Held wirelss mes sages relayed by telegraph from . i point along the International border. Officials took this to mean that Villa and his bandits were fleeing be fore the American advance and doubt ed that they would attempt to make a stand, Army officers thought the campaign would develop quickly Into a guerrilla warfare, If any opposition at. all was encountered. The War De partment had no confirmation of bor der reports that snipers had fired on the American troops. In the senate a concurrent resolu tion by Senator LaFollette declaring that congress approved the use of the army to pursue Villa and giving fur ther assurances that the sovereignty of Mexico was not to be encroached upon by the punitive expedition was unanimously adopted without debate, Reports to the State and War De partments Indicated that conditions generally In the Interior of Mexico were fairly quiet. General Funston reported In one dispatch that there was some excitement at various points along the frontier. Americana Reach Caaes Grandes. El Paso, Tex. One of the American columns in Mexico waa definitely lo cated on the outskirts of the Casses Grandes region between the towns of Janos and Ascenclon in a statement issued by General Gavlra, Carranba commander at Juaret. Simultaneously came the first Indication of activity on the part of Villafsta forces and of their intention to resist the American expeditions, in news received that Villa's followers had burned a railway bridge on the Northwestern Railroad of Mexico between Summit and San Pedro, Chihuahua. Soldier Made Good Shot. Columbus,, N. M. It waa learned that the shot which killed Colonel Lopez. Villa's first chief, during the raid, was fired by an American trooper at 1,200 yards. Lopes fell at the first shot. Much of the other shooting was at distances of 600 and 800 yards.. Investigate Sinking of Turbantla. Washington. American consuls In Holland have been instructed to In vestigate the sinking of the Dutch liner Tubantia with Americans aboard, said to have heen torpedoed. Storm Interferes With Diaz- Plans. Brownsville, Tex. The schooner La Provldencia, port Of origin unknown and with a Mexican crew, is aground and is being lashed by the high seas off the Mexican coast , south of the mouth of he Rio Grande River, ac cording to a report to' the local United States customs house here. It was re ported that the vessel carried 800 rifles and. a quantity of ammunition and that four members of the crew had been arrested by Mexican soldiers and were being brought to Matamoros, op posite here. , ' " . MRS. HUGH L. SCOTT Mrs. Hugh L. Scott Is the wife of the Chief of Staff of the United States Army. . A WALL OF SECRECY II even Washington does not know whereabouts of pershing's men. TROOPS MOVE SOUTHWARD ADD 20,000 MEN TO ARMY CONGRESS AUTHORIZES RECRUIT ING MOBILE ARMY TO ITS FULL 8TRENGTH. Official Dispatches Indicate That Car ranza Is Determined to Capture Villa and Bandits. Washington. While there were In dications In official dispatches from Mexico that the de facto government was making a supreme effort to cap ture Villa and his bandits with its own forces, there was no sign that General Funston's orders to proceed on the same errand Bad been modified in any way. Word that American troops had crossed the border was still lacking the war department itself not having been advised as to when the movement would begin. Congress took active notice of the border situation for the first time. The house passed a Joint resolution authorizing the recruiting of the mo bile regular army to full strength. This means the addition of approxi mately 20,000 fighting men to the in fantry, cavalry and field artillery. The step was suggested by . the army general staff. Ever since the patrol of the border began the army has been greatly handicapped by the skeleton organization of regiments, companies; troops and batteries. The force that occupied Vera Cms had similar difficulties, some of the com panies there being less than 40 men strong. , , Secretary Baker conferred with Sen ator Chamberlain and Representative Hay, chairman of the congressional military committees. The resolutions was introduced by Representative Hay Immediately upon his return to the capitol. Its consideration was expe dited by unanimous consent and Its passage followed with only Representa tive London, Socialist, voting against It. The state department has forwarded by cable, telegraph, radio and mall full statements of all that has trans pired since the raid upon Columbus and of the attitude of the United States government and Its reciprocal agreement with the Carranza govern ment to consuls and state department agents throughout the Southern Re public. It is expected these officials will correct immediately and author itatively any misstatements or mis apprehensions In their districts. Excitement at Torreon Subsides. Torreon, Mexico. Excitement of Mexicans over entry of American troops into Mexico had subsided con siderably. Forty Americans left here for the United States and their train was reported safely past Hipollto, which put It beyond the district where bandit attacks had been feared. Crossing Witnessed by Hundreds. 1 Paso, Texas. American troops were on Mexican soil 60 miles west of here, the vanguard of an expedition gathered in less than a week, but one of the most powerful forces assembled by this country since the Spanish American War. They were out on the identical hills where one week ago Pancho Villa led 1,200 of his bandits stealthily up to the American border, to make an early morning rush .upon the sleeping American city of Colum bus, N. M and murdered 17 Ameri cans,' eight of them soldiers, and one a. woman,, ':,'';.;, ,, The elements of the armament of this force, its -numbers and the direc tion or dlrestions in which Its various columns beaded after they passed the International line was a secret held by the military censorship. The more Important fact that, the Americans had gone Into Mexico again, was an event witnessed by hun dreds of spectators who crowded Into Columbus. They saw the troops move off toward the boundary line, until when the men crossed they were tiny, hut. distinct brown lines In the dis tance In the clear western iar. As the troops passed farther Into the lew gravel hills, clouds of white dust hid the men and their further movements as effectually as the censorship. ', Be- i hind the troops who moved . forward, new regiments rapidly filled the va cated camps In Columbus. Villa Is Far In South and It Will Re quire 8everal Days For U. S. Sol diers to Reach Territory. Washington. An impenetrable wall of secrecy surrounded the movements of Ameriran troops beyond the Mexi can border. So far as official Wash ington was advised the columns vir tually might have vanished Into thin air when they crossed the Interna tional boundary in pursuit of Mlla. Even the commander-in-chief, Presi dent Wilson, did not know where Gen eral Pershing's men were. Secretary Baker received virtually no reports from General Funston deal ing with events beyond the border. He said he did not know whether the troops had proceeded southward from their first bivouac on Mexican soil. Not a single dispatch from the border was made public during the day except one reporting the death of Lieutenant Zell. Eleventh Cavalry, at the Colum bus hospital where he took his own life In a At of despondency. Army officials were convinced that no important developments were to be expected for several days yet. It seemed plain from the days accu mulation of rumors that Villa was far to the south of his American pur suers. The War Department would not divulge any details of the num ber of troops across the border or of the regiments sent. Press advices, however, showed that Infantry accom panied the cavalry and artillery out of Columbus In the main column. That means slow progress across the desert. It will take days, it is said, to cover the distance to Galena, the last town where Villa was reported unofficially to have been seen. American consuls In Mexico so far have been able to gfVe little aid to the troops, although all are on the watch for Information that might In dicate the bandit's movements. Con sular advices continued to report gen erally quiet conditions. Officials dis played some concern over the situa tion in the Tampico district, however, where there are signs of unrest. The battleship Kentucky was ordered back to Vera Cruz from New Orleans, Sec retary' Daniels explaining that navy vessels now on the Mexican coast did not have radio equipment powerful enough to Insure uninterrupted com munication with Washington. GERMANS BEATEN BACK. French Repulse Infantry Attack at , Le Mort Homme. London. Repulse at the hands of the French again has been the net re sult of a German Infantry attack launc sult of a German infantry attack launched with huge effectiveness after a heavy bombardment against French position at Le Mort Homme, north west of Verdun. The Germans, who attacked In serried masses, were driv en eastward toward the Bols des Cor beaux, where the French guns Inflicted heavy casualties On them. The attack at Le Mort Homme con- sttuted the only infantry maneuver along the entire French front, but from Belgium to the Vosges, the artillery on both sides has been active at num erous points. , Around Douamount and the village of Vaux the big guns are operating with redoubled violence, while south ward in the Woevere the artillery duel ward in the Woevre, ' the artillery duels in the Meuse hills continue. - Left Mexico In Box Cars. Laredo, Tex. Traveling the entire distance In box cars, C. A. Williams, United States consul, and 45 other Americans arrived here from Torreon, Mexico. Their departure, they said, was not caused by any overt acta on the part of Mexicans or failures on the part of de facto government of flcials to offer protection. Vote to Retain Sugar Tariff. Washington. With ; 13 Democrats and the one Socialist member oppos- ng, the house by a vote of 346 to 14 pansed the administration bill to retain the present tariff of one cent a pound on sugar Instead of permitting the free clause of the Underwood-Simmons ta riff act to go into effect May 1, . The measure now goes to the senate. . De bate 'on the measure aroused little en thusiasm until late In the day when Majority Leader Kltchln tocTlie floor to close the argument. -'.' Dutch Steamer Lost In North Sea. London. The t'olland Lloyd pas senger steamer Tubantia sank off the Noordhlnder Lightship as the result of striking a mine or an attack by a submarine. All the passengers, among whom are ' said to have been several Americans, and the members of the crew, are believed to have been res. coed. The , steamer carried between 80 and 90 passengers and a crew of 300. She was a vessel of 16,000 tons. The first 'flashes from the liner said she. had been torpedoed and was slak ing. .',-,'-' ' GUARD YOUR FAMILY Pesuna protects the family ' against coughs, ' colds, catarrh, . bronchitis, catarrh of the stomachy' liver and kidnevs. II II lUSUIo sure to relieve a case of catnry js- the bowels as it is a case ol d .. of the head. ' ' Anyone suffering from d severe or mild, acute or chrofcj any organ or part of the hi body, snouia at once get a Don Teruna. ' a m . As soon as the value or r erunvw is fully appreciated in every hGuse-r. hold, both as a preventive and a relief from catarrhal affections, tens of thousands of lives will be saved and hundreds of thousands of chronic lingering cases will be prevented. Peruna, indeed, is a household safeguard. : A course of Peruna never falls to bring relief in such cases, since there is no remedy like it, as thousands of people have testified. Pernna Tablela are now avalUkla In e onvanleDl llua. Kaay So take. 1 ' I . -'..I 4 Two Deluded Souls. Blx 1 wonder If Doctor Cook really thought he discovered the North pole? Dlx Possibly t We all make mis takes. Why, when I married my wife I thought I had discovered paradise. MOTHER! LOOKAT CHJLffSJONGUE If cross, feverish, constipated,. give "California Syrup . of Figs." A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not ' take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach our. Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, or your child is listless, cross, fev erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has lore throat or any other children') ailment, gives teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because It Is perfectly harmless, and in a tew hours all this constipation poison, sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thor ough "inside cleansing" la ofttimes all that Is necessary. It should be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask at the store for a BO-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle. Adv. Probably. Wife I don't know what makes Miss Cranklelgh so positive about everything. Hub Probably her sex, my dear. Girts! Beautify Vour Halrl Make It . Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant Try the Moist Cloth. Try as you will, after an application of Danderlne, you cannot find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not Itch, but what will please you most, will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but real ly new hair growing all over the calp. ' A little Danderlne Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No differ ence how dull, -faded, brittle and scraggy, Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and , carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is Im mediate and amailng your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an Incom parable luster, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. " Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any store and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any-7-that It has been neglected er Injured by careless treatment that's all. Adv. . - ' Cruel Comment "Mr. Smlthers says he would die for me." "He can't He's too bald." HOW WONDERFULLY RESIN0L t SOOTHES ITCHING SKINS! If you have eczema, ringworm or other Itching, burning, sleep-destroying skin-eruption, try Reslnol Oint ment and Reslnol Soap, and see how . quickly the Itching stops and the trou ble disappears. Reslnol Ointment la also an excellent household remedy for dandruff, sores,, burns, wounds. cnannga ana tor a score ol oth.se8-' waere s Booming, Dealing appu la needed., ; : ,,,v---.a Reslnol contains nothing of -jk or injurious nature ana can he freely even on the most irritate' face. Every druggist sells F Ointment and Reslnol Soap. The death- rat in the Unit. tor 1914 was 13 a 1,000, Urn 1 west rat aver recorded la this oouuuy. T -, I -I ;s-:

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