A X t v. llnz Mountain !Ier' G. 0. PACE. Editor tnJ Ownc SUBSCWTIION PWCEs V heTur.Jl. MxMootbsSOc Hirfc JTontSu 25c. I . CHOU?; CCUHS AHD CCLC3 V : .-. l0C. n . kll MCODd of '"nrrrwn Make) ttM Bevt Remedy tHom-128 Tjpooasful for 50 cents. I veathln tu aold in a liberal and Mr bum aa the Mow named drag gtt are telling Seals' tnann'a New Con ! ceotrated Expectorant, absolutely no , caua for complaint or dissatisfaction could posaioiy anrne irtxn mnjoim. i nm . ;! g k "-.' . 1 t'JJ ' rt o' i . i . th rtepoblln.. .u Gt-f .n To.mty. Editor W . tnoreisr j rei'mcd the Htatecn ; J j -itU tvtjolsama date. ii itor Hiri ol the Herald went person to cee Mr. Westmorel . f uH In now absolutely satl iih a that the report ws on lour t" The Herald hereby apologies to tlia Journal a-id aincorely tru that no damage lias boon ,,dono nur et4oued (outetripw-try tfhor waa lalk of such h;iil but the di'sl irn netvr put over. .Cfcuival Scnkcs. " Rovitttl services will begin il the Wt-slvan Mthodit church Wednraduv iiitebt. April 5th, JUv. wi n Haines of Helton, . C will do the prwncJijr. 1W; Mr. Oatnes t moat rbc-eeful Eva.iiplist fluent speaker and a oifl iaciev The meet ing will eontiouw irWpflir5ly'. Every on ooidm'Iv iirritd. Edw. M. iJfiilinm. I'liiMor. .- '- 11 ' ut Kt Soantain Hews. Quiet a larire m1 attended wrvlnna.nl Graje "Sunday - if ' iibotocfapher, ther and made a group vol the Holiday School. Ml". Brands Short visited in 'tetania tJetorda.r. Mr. and Mrs. Win.'Htiinprhe - and aoo. Beunuit ot tittt'lojr vis ited het raotbur Mrs. Jiv. Davis ,n.day, Utaa So White rctnm' ,'s her ton in Oaatonia klM a, ik of rtOVAral bw irfttar Mm. M.-U v Mr, iiim Moey in v ; f rUjnd W .tlev 1U ver Dan M1M Laota Torner 1 : alck tfUKpnoumflgia. drudtfista tar "But a bottle of thie reia- dy and try k for Broncbidi, Whooping Cough,, Sym Oough, Croup or any Bronchial Afieetion, and wa will return tour money, just tha nam aa we do with ScaiSmann'a U mourn Aathrnador, if it dot not give tali ti action, or if not found the beat reraedr erer naed for any of taeaa complaints." Why not take adV vantage of toil guarantee and try tlua audicine, and get pour money back, rath er than buying another purely on the exaggerated claima of ite manufacturer or on the itrength Of -tatifnonlale from othera and run the chance of gettiog aomething woruleaa and alao watting your money? In WingtJilertmedV. baaideeaenaw Jng anaiadelutagaarantMof iuamcieacy from thraadiytggiata, yow alar-get about eight timearaa imtcb.BieScma aa yea would as bue-mg iaet 'my', tt the old f aahioned; iaaw ande kindsi which aver-; age tntmitt to 3B Mspooaaful.'becaua Sue weetkt make a whole pint (128 tea- apoenafaQ. when mixed at home with aimply one pint of augar and one-half pint ol water. ; Tbn remedy poitivery.(ioa not contain chloroform, opium, morphine oranyoiberaarcotic. ItUalemanttetak and childreKaw fond of it. You will Jbp the tola lodge, and under this poattira ' guaranteeAbaolutelr no ritk i run in buy- ing thietasnedy. - Druggiau every wbeiw ' are aaihbrieo to (ell it under the tame giiarawtriaarhiffmann'a f amou Aath rnador" of pvlimey Backf not perfectly aatiafactory;' R. J.Schiff .Tano, Proprietor. Saint 'Cant.- Miha, . Cuaraaaaed her at FINUEftDliUUCO. aV . T I 'I .1 Efircfs Dejpa"tirot Store AVlivn in Csnfomn uiatoonr Htortf jour hndqnartriw, we uillbe k13 to tle tare of your jack(H' We am jtcclvinir ww rocdn daily froln ourbtt.vrrtho are just I ck from Npw York. You nver pay aiw tean it is v.erl)i at EFIRDS. ' JvVw Coat Kiin 9T'i to $!? Wl Nrv. hpoM CeatK to 4 91 Kt w Drwi Bkirta 2.C8 to $ Kpucial attention (rtrn to -Mail Ordera, (roods ncnt the day yor crder is received, Kive ns a trial, . Get it at 106 Main St. G--thi;N. C. AVIIOLKS ALE amKKTAIL w v5 jiu-'ouui, muicEkt. Th3 Kind You Havel Always' Bought ProrartwDtiMtoJClitrjW- twssaatll'rttXaiUinsnrthr OpiumXarphine eattimi. ypTWAnaonc. : : JtxJmm Am tion.aouxoawwji-rr WotiasAWWoaSjewiw Tafc,CeirriumCoti ,r, ... 3 Signature O ? 1 A T llcac II lir t it if n.. u tor um thirtyYears 'Exact Copy erf Wrapper. ensn - y TWt ajtWTIUM . wTaygaW. H Midway . BarberShop rf I ALL V(HiKTOTAKTI5ED CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED W. E. Wrre nd M. A. SsK Mtfri. . hPhone U&i Kings Mountain, MX." Y The following ntmej were r Wlved aaflotniBcei.': i r ' contesHoo lato to classify. : FALL9TON.' ; ; i Mtf Elxie Ueato ' . .4 gylve-ttlKoi i .. K. M. Satller 1,X. MisA Kuth Hord 1,00ft . V E. lWliHworth 1,000. Miis Marie llarrelsM 1,W. WACO. K. T. . 1. MiM I(ia Delfintfer 1,000 ' OKK. K. V. I. t- - Mis el Yountiblood 1,000. . YORK, K. f . . 7. Miss Fearl ShinK 1,000. atias-Vna ti-nlon V 1,000. ..'RtwsFftaTkSM rSL Mm Jist Neal of fiastonia spent lli day is Kin Mn Su4py wit'j relative!. Mfs. 'RatUci ttion is very aifh. Mr.Mitress Sisk Tne Midwiry l,rl er man -d Fiaak WiIoms vi the ld Mill denble loaded m aotoerclmw wtut to Shelby Sanday an spfnt a lew hour with relative. , i . Mr Grady Ehea went to Cas-touia-i Satarda.v alterno an -caaie back on 35. .,Ms. JBe4it. Lork ea6 hom wiili her itrand SttuKlher Mrs.. ih Seal of 6aatoBi. 'My. "Lee a.'ufonl and little- Jaiitr, Miiy Elleo, rpenttrrei day-witw h swter Mrs. Kaiaoad; ee,.eac Clie-rville. tier come here Saturdsv that Mr.' KryaBavWiilisH yosntt man abvat w y. was', burned tot . death in tbo ststirfiait army, 'he- . and tavei I nioye waye bi)oeifc m the; camp, bat haven't learn d ytt how it cauKht fire. -. r tUsgfintti praetie will besriw Thersday blnh this week aft Mr CaMwVll's; .1 " .-era;- i. i' 1 . aa. . s. -'. J- .LJ.1L-. IK! tt tajli III Wherets, ttur 'touch. ast.iRav.iJ. a MiHer it, after pfiertaleonslde to offer Us .rerfiKitatlon a' pastor, 'ttd arhereaa tor fonf yoara Mo ;b fail 'thjlten to u4 th4read o Thereore ba W Kesolv. " aa we, tbe mottfiit itain ! Baptist - clttu express otir Sue td leaVe 0B, I i: the ' Cliwfcf ss ita'appM constant ho chnrcM S ess its !, ! his- cotJdlv M work aod 'yrra ait4 io balld pur sp & d! wotshref. wa .part with his family rth MACmNERYSOR SALEi ; V Ohe 15 11.; R- Peerless Trocto Engine.:Orie Uddell Poriv 5aw mill. One - VVhitnerShingle chine complete. One No 4 Oeiser Threshing: machine, in goodsha .' 'All thtf ahrt fif cala s?ea hdi ! " ..' v v w avra i?uiv u :OU -avc( Igain. aee or pnone. CH AS. P. WEIR pHONt 84-3 V " : Rclbhg Eases Pam ' Rnbdrruj tends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly stops pain. Demand a liniment thatyou can tub with. The hffty rubbing; liniment b USTAWS ' Good of the Ailmtnls-of Herae MuJtS, Caidsw Etc'. Pains, RheumarJsDjs.SDrains, CutStBsuaitte. 25e.j0o.tt. .. ;-AaOaeIac Jegirining' Monday Maiirch 27 ! NEAL'S bat tweytr fto-ni , tbs prayers aqd -bless i the- church and tortvi-u rny God watchful car attend Mm wbore ever they jnay o. v. etVTbat opy of tnajsa e- tt'lav Herud ifd Wbitcai w--crdy. with jreqneatt pblib-' By order of the cboreb. , tola Istdsy of Mrch 1818. . 1-.- ft IVBoroV I Church ClarV. It km W,deucate and raeait wore -vie '"M-.r "Mr -tnp! Jasstir. itnouVciiiif' i fea 'ioa! uve ano Boo ntiooal ram-J and maxea rora eajthy Wood. ,.(oyJbJleU , nK5iaj8a!8'!5a;i nakiatxtivit ' -..454.' Of clothes is a eat ; consider- S - '. 9" ' - .. :' ... -.1"v,' "f I'm : .vai . -t 'fae y aiion wv.navmg your jaunury nwk de. We do the very best g O JwrJc possible with a minimum . , yi-in a-rav i.Kira TiJ Arj' !-'. S --fJI -.VY' bOn - ,. lonri ; : .-;-. , i v.; j s 1 SlWMII:SreAMmiNDRY; 1 CASTOIA. :yyfWWTYatwWTWIir-tSH w kt jw KriaV v-V?: V a, tt ar v- SERVICE. ; ' WlEtL BE PtTT ON.ClIEDtjXls: Kin& Houhtdin ahd ShellSr Leaie Mountain View Hotel i 4 ; ' v. ' v 9am 1.30 p m. - r "' Arrive dwttraf IToteU lavc Central Jlotel Jsf4$m 3,30 pm Aniw Mountain Biaiw ITntr "5 I,. J lf.2Samt RATES: ; $L00 On tiy, RowrtdlTri , N ,yOUR vQ-OPERATl ON "AND BUSJlHE3nL?vf7 V ci-. v v . T'-i-.. "..."w .--.i'V- a -w - ;H w ' . v.. v'. . - -'f- . .... D