, ,.. ,-. ... .... ........ , Saye Money r Subscribe NOW! The Herald is $1.50 a Year after May 13tli. VOX. 13 gPiifpillllll " A (Clean .Sural Nnanpnprr 3Fyr All iThr 3-un:!hi NO. 7 KINGS MOUNTAIN; N. C. TllUliSDAY, Al'ML 13, 1910.- 81 A YEAH IN ADVANCE OAK GROVE SCHOOL OUT V,),. C000 TERM OF SCHOOL CLOSED FRIDAY Editor Page delivered address In forenoon and exercises by chit dren in afternoon. IT v J- (By W. D. Putnam) Our school ot Oik Grovo hai its closing exercises f'Yiday Although the weather was t'srenteninfc in the curly morning and grew with tlir day 'into rain t lese'ioul buildi iy was well filled with students .patrons and friends ot the community, Tna forenoon exerclsoa began at 10:30 and consisted solely of an ad.lres from Piditor G. G, Page of Kings Mountain followed by a few ap propriate remarks by Mr, Heud derson Champion. V- Dinner was served in the build .log. the weather being too se trc for an outdoor spread. ' At one o'c'oek tliti' exercises by the children began and con tinued till three. - Muen prepar ution had been msda for this oc casioa by both teachers and pupils aid the exercises reflect ed credit upon alt" alike. Our teachers this year were 1 C Miss Gail Williamson of Gaffuoy J Prin-ipal, snd Miss Bassio Beat- I ty assistant. Miss Lois Willinin - son of Gaffney was employed 3 - late In the seaso.1 to take care of an overflow of students. 1 . . f 1 Mr. Pago had an hour ara u l"" lf at hia disposal but ' mike - only en hour and a quarter. His speech' wyt enter 8 ' taining ami thoroughly' practical & and was such as to hoid the best I ' . ol nttertion throughout. 'J In announcing his subject he j 's'nted t'-tnt it was a rather funny I CJiiibi lation and 'on its first up 'i poaranje Uiunt socio 10 nave any coiiie;uvu. 1 nan- 'iiwiuu J seak to you on l'li (mildness, ? Keeping Step an jrOlii a niit Y't ' ' . t. , , ;' . . . . , .i ; tie saio 111 pari; . I .'' The subject of prerorudnws is i . nnllitinrr fliA minds of tllO llOOllle "r. "r-v ' ' A of the world Uday 08 never' be I fore. Our own nation is spand- ini millions of dollars in prop. a ration to maintain the .honor ddignityof bur country and if heed be spill th blood of any who would undertake" to intrude upon us But Hint is nM . 1't,e kind of "preparcdnes-" 1 rish M. , to tpealf of. - . . r.r 1 Wt.,n T iinv "Ifpp.ninir RionV j. doubllesf you thinP of the ball room or the army drill Dat not st S ,v"',;.: '..-.'','' ' '"'. When I say "g'iR a mile n minuto" I do not man lhat ffe -iDUQt all get ofcr the land at ' this rate of spped but I do mean that tho world Is moving ed'n a tioniilly and Industrially at a j.ils r minute. . '.. :. The mf-sjspe J would brinu to - vou Kopie of Q. Grofe is ni. m-ftent appeal fur a trcpa'stion of theso chlVircn th-it v. ill e . pijlh tl em tb kwp Jtep talnst ... rWh eUivcutiontilly ami spwt 1 ually with "the r.nward lush oi protfii-s in the days of their ad u-iijiRtTatlt-n whom rte wotU will b moving a tnilp a minute .',.-. Th soeakr dew marry mm 4 liorisous and used a number ill u'.raUbi6 hiiowlng that the cc ri.ind( of todaj' nr.? rnnch ttreatef 4 v J- tiian laase upon cur ratnei-s ana hat lhtomotrow will bem'tch r '. i.tater than deviM vey upon us. Up4row tt few & pletares of i'-bei.iR ' left" the ievlta(Ui plv5hti thoso who ae notprv paved let keep Ktfp. .. . s "viL'V2'- -rJ-5555-. ,,.;.!' Jlmmfc Pttisly has triftved ! tiif llev. J. K. Millor -bans-en Sfo&ntah sfieet' Th resl . '.io was receutly bought irom '-.Ir;. Milter ty. :Mrn. i'nrsldy 6 ' litl.tr, MNli iii it.OiIl. Tjara i.'f- 57 7 in-M TO UIIE FOR CRPPLEO ChlLDBEH OF STATE FEV, RAYMOND BRDWNiNS V The moptintr undpr I ho hlir lant nn tlu ujnllM luilu-onn tl.o Nalinnal Giraira and tho Li.iDtUt Clvirr.h Ivninni Sundnv t plpvpn o'clock. Ckmsidering thi coldness i:f t he day a good congregation was piescnr. The services were Iveid 111 the Methodic C liuich Sun day night. The meeting will goon indefinitely so Icng an iutt-rcst warrants. ' Tho County Commencement was pulled off in g.iod shape Sit- urday. NolwiK'standina .the i'i- elfmen. cy of the weatbpr tlio f nil progrin was. carried out. King Mountain ncoiod one hit right, aft-ii" another in the day's activities. Those from here win- niug prizes arc as follows: Miss V-rgie Harmon mednl in H'gli School KecitHtioirContest; Cieat us Lohr won tho mile race; . Jan-- es Ilambright won tlio Jtpilfc race; Vester Davidson tied cn hundre-i yard dash but lost on the deciding round; Blu'i ribODS were Won on tho following ex hibits, MirtslfcCraws room, sptl fng ant) nornhef worlf; Vos.fjr Davidson Compo3itioa and Draw The Kings " Mountain p'i.)ih won etry conte.'-.t thi-y eatui ed except the rcritatlnn contest for gl-lo undur l'l years aid the !uia dred yarJ dash. , ".""":. ':. Tlio special traiii ttas not run from KlnKs .fotiiitaln as hod been. announced. It was olled -off on account of b.id weather. B P. UNION HAD BEST raGSiO!i-; :m r m items . , tOraWded' cot last Waek) ; Oaiot a lavjri crowd froin Ewt KtUnt ' Moanttlii attended the County Co.amensement at G.ia totiU Saturday. ' 'All .-' report a .aico tiine. " ' . . . . - ' :,' ,-: .' Mr, OuarUe .tunn('idy .who-has bebn in st-Uoiil at Washington,-N re t u t-ned nora e las t wee ii ' M r. "O.-.- CV Riddle of Coycord . . 0.' snent Sundav afternoon with his fuUei Mr. J H.- Kid. Kir. a.rA Mm.- Rroadus Short apeul Saturday and Sunday in Uiwtonja- , with Jim. teliorts ,C. Ijitllo Ml Oatherine McAll Lster celebrtefl her ninth anni versary at tlio home of her grandmother, Mrs. Tom Stewart on Oily street Friday. : Quiet- a number" ' f hi r trends were preset a,'lof whom rnjoyerl the o.ta'ion,-'-", ' 1 i: 1 he third quarterly ii.eeting of tlio Cleveland County Harnca Philathea Union was held at Sulphur Springs Methodist cliareh Sunday -Although tlio voather was cold and the wind biting cla:ses niul friend-? from over the county aiot in splendi:! numbers an'1 ii was considered by far the most successful sess ion yet had. . The uieeti'i;r wa.5 featured by good speeches ail dnlm.t with various phases cf Sui-day School uo I c!a.-r. v.o.'lt "Tiio foier.ooii spccliors were as follows;- "Mr, J. M. Roberts, welcome 011 belralf of the church; Prof. Ji-'kl Bigger and Mrs. D. P. I yen welcome on, behalf of the classes; Prof. Uurius 'of BoUing Pprings, response; Xr. !. H. Vni'.n, Advertising the Class; . Hon C. K Hoey, The ori?ani?ed individual. At the rcon hour ono of the floPst spreads we have seen was put forth on a long table in the yard and tlio hungry population on joyed a most sumptuous feast. -' Aftv 'dinner' tho TTp.ion van op'ened for new classes . Patter o Station Paptist Baraca and Piiilathea 'classes joined. ...Ke ports from classes was a great silurcC of inspiration. 11 seems tiiat all are forging ahead. It i3 already a foregone conclnsiion aiming the classes that the union s a mighty good tlfu.g. While he union is opiiu to all o; gauiz cd classes the Boiling Springs Berean and Fidelia are tho oul.v classes that have entered except Baraca and Philathea. vVe hoie others will follow. After the reports the union was treated to a most refreshing address" bv Kev..'-W. K. -Aber- r ethy along the 11a: of organiz ation and unity - Miss Livingstone led ft discus sion on how to teach the class, . Boiling S'ringM had a written invitation in fot tne next meet ing ana Prof. Uu-gins was present and pressed their claim most 'vigorously. , Oonseu.uently tl-e union will meet on the'seco'nd Sunday in July with the Borean and B'idelis c'asses o Boiling Srini, At various intervals during viie day's session President If, B. Wire g.ve timely iDtorinaJoa a'jont" the c ases and - the f urfiosCs of the ,J nonT R. B. Bai-biugton of Gastor.ii heads movement for orthopaedic hospital. Special to the Herrld. Gastonia, NT. C; Ap-ial 0 Tho incnihe' s of the board of trustees of the North Carolina Orthopae dic Hospital havestarted in denl earnest to raise funds to bui'd a nospitil for tho care tf the crin pled orphans of this Stat A charter was granted to the insti tution two years ago bnt on ac count of the depressed financial' conditions tlio work was ponpon ed. However, since there is a general revival of good business everywhere an effort wi.l be made to rait e the func's as soon as possible 'o ereet the fir buil.'ing. Two sites have been offered by public-spirited citizens for this institution. A young woman has been em- plo.ved and has started to work losolictthe funds for building this iiiM'.itutio'i which will re quire about .iU.uiX). The purpose of the ins-tv't'on is to build a home for the crppled or defy-med orphans o: North Carolina, there being no provis ions in the State for the cure or treatment of this class of or phans. In fact, there are only a few places in thecountry where such children can b treated, "tnd out one south of Baltimore; Tlirso children will 1 e treated and cured if possible and given onie suitable trade whereby they can obtain a livelihood. There will be a piy ward where the cripples of Wnaltliy parents can be treated also. Tlio idea of the hospital origi nated in the mind of Mr, U. B. Biibingtop. of Gistpnin. N. C, who will appicciate any dona tions sent direct to him or j.iven to the field agent. MR. BERRYHiLL'S Mr. Samuel K. Berryhill of McKenzie, Tenn , a brother of KpV. J. E. Berryhili of Kings Mountain, died March 23rd. He was about 50 years old and was engaged in the insurance busi ness. His little eaughter, Mary, aged 11 years, has come here and nia3o her home with Rev. and Irs,- Berryhili. Rev. and Mrs. Bwryhill expect to move into the niarse and set up house keeping as soon as a littl 5 work can be done on it. NEW POLICEMAN GITY FATHERS ( Crowded outlast week ) The city council held its .reg ular -monthly meeting Monday niuht. Not much business other ,han payment of bills was trans acted. Mr. Vc. Poston of Shelby ttunrd on cboingang, was elected as assistant policeman to succeed Mr. Pat Palls who was hired temporally after the. resig nation of Mr. B. F. Lindsay. Mr. Falls made a very satisfact ory officer but did nit ai:p!y for election. . He has a farm b look after. '-. ' ' '".'.. ' ' '-,--.' Mr. Wray Williams appeared before the council and asked for a street which had already been proposed crossing his plantation to be-surveyed so he could lo cate the site for a residonco he expects to build ttua surnnnr.-i The board decided to make tbe Kirvey as soon as jaoesiblo. FORO IS 100.000 CARS BEHIND HIS ORDERS The Reason ii "more value for IeaM money" and American Buying Public want th FORD they can afford. GET A FORD MAY 13 How?- Send in your name and do a wee bit of Hustling in the Herald Contest No Losers Another $ 5 Goes Next Saturday. Next Saturday, Aoril 15, at 2 p. m. TIip Heiald will give $3 in geld to the cand'date that turns in THE GREAT EST NUMBER OF NEW SUBSCRIBERS this week. Re member, this $5 goes t ) the candidate turning in the great est NUMBER of NEW subscriptions, and NOT to the omo nocessarily turning in tho greatect AMOUNT of cash sub scription business, as was the caso in previous sp"cials. :e tbef ' ' 4 List Narrowing Down. The list of candidates has narrowed down to about a third of the list starting, and some of the balance will eo this week un less tney wake up to the fa-t t'-at this is a RE L contest and not 11 game of parlor ping pong. If YOU cin't get SUB SCRIPTIONS, or, .vhnt is the case of some, WON'T TRY To GET RENEWALS AND NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE HERALD-if you don't cure to put voik ENEIiOY and whole soul into the effort of GETTING SUBSCRIPTIONS and vols, and o:c not, willing to give some, little time and attention to the work, well, you imt tive place to those that CAN. They Found l Easy. V'e offered $L to any candidate hat would turn in Slu in sub. cription bussicss last week, while $1 was given thoso that turned in but S3 in business. We were surmised at the rer.ult 01 this offer, and subscriptions piled 111 all week. THE CAN DIDATES -THAT HAD BEEN HANGING FIRE FOUND IT SO EASY TO SKCUHB SUBSCRIPTIONS AND' RENEWALS THAT MANY OF THEM ARE RIGHT IN THE RACE "WITH BOTH FEET" and will put up a hard light lor these priz.-s. which are Prizes Of Merit. When a factory gets 100,000 cars behind its orders, t'tere is merit and want-ability to its product. When one out of every three cars you meet on the road is an out put of one particular factory, THERE IS VALUE FOR THE DOLLARS AND SENSE SPENT IN THE SPENDING FOR IT. The Ford is a car ANY MAN can operate without purchasing a bond for some garage keeper every three weeks; a Ford will take you there and bring you back; a Ford will do ALL THESE THINGS and then some more. Mr. W. K. Mauney, of THE KINGS MOUNTAIN GARAGE sells the Fords BECAUSE HE BELIEVES IN THEM. He. has sold cars for years. He !'as more orders anO requests for cars NOW than dealers of other makes get IN A WHOLE SEASON, The mammoth S.ilo of Fords shows that other folks bosidos the, Ford facU.y and the Ford agencies believe in thorn. Besides selling Fords Mr. Mauney maintains a repair depart ment Where all classes of cars are expenditiously repaired. Ho is the most reasonable garage man in prices of any the Contest Manager met between Canton, Ohio and Tallahassee, Fla, and that is raking in some territory. His sale of "gas" is more of a benefit to his trade than to himself, for the writer has found his price per gallon the'etrual of. and in most every instance a cent or ao LOWER than any garage here a bouts. Music In The Air There is a difference between NOISE and MUSIC. A kid with a tin cau and a stick can make NOISE, and some pianos show a similarity of musical taste, but The $330 fctarck Piano The Herald in giving away IS ALL PIANO. We are notiiied by tho Starck Piano Co.-thH the piano had been shipped from the factory." It will BE ON DISPL A y BEFORE THE WEEK IS OUT, WE HOPE. The 46ti.90 Ford 3 Passenger Auto is ON DISPLAY AT THE KINGS MOUNXA1N GARAGE. An Educational Feature. " is tho. $50 Dranghon Business Collefrt! Scholarship given away,' as the third prize. This scholarship includes shorthand and typewriting, or a bookeeping, or a telegraphy- course. Here's an opportunity ot a life time for some worth boy or girl to win a -year's free educati jn. AU Get Something - In addition to tho three grand prizes, every candidate stick, ing to the end, failing to win a grand prize, or a special cash pr'ze, and turning in as little as $23 in cash subscription bus iness, gets a casa commission on e very dollar ha (or she) turns in.- ALL are GUARANTEED SOMETHING in Tlie Herald Contest. FLY TO IT, DO IT NOW. : ; ... - - '''" ;-v :' ' , Late Workers Do Wanders. . ; r ; We have said it is never to late to ; EKTEltr-profidHiir yon' WORK and II. B.Jones is and example of what ' late! startlnir and WORK will do. Mr. Jones is busy on the railroad and can only giw a little rparo time, but HE 18 IN A'NT ARGUMENT A TIVK MOOD, and is DOING THINGS. Most .oP. the workers, . Jihe. Mr. S R Gofurttu Mr. lilacfcvell, Miss.Wsre, Miss Wlittey. ,lCdituoubaPRK0Kr ' s

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