- rSave Money - Subscribe NOW! - The Herald is $1.50 a Year after -May 13tti. - wall' m.mm A (titan Coral Nrotfiyajirr JFor All Ti Jfamtlij 111 ICS Mun VOL. 13 NO. 8 KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C; THUKSDAY.APML 20. 1910. $1 A YE All IN ADVANCE TENT MEETING IS IN FOLL SWING Service twice a day - art growing' in interest and attendance - People from the country tak ing part. Big tent seats over a thousand and is already becoming crowded -Rev. Mr. Browning doing fine work, DURHAM TO SPEAK AT COMMENCEMENT The closing exereises of th Kings Mountain Graded school will be held in the school audi torium on. the evening of May 5lh. Mr. Stonewall. J. Durham will deliver the annual address. Mr. Durnam Is a very attractive speaker as it is ' welMf no-vvn by our people and we are sure he wili have an appreciative hear ing. The members of the grad uating class are;.. Miss M-tttie Ware Miss Mary King. Miss Mary Fulton, Miss Kathle: n Wil liams, Miss Kathleen Hord, Miss Nina Hunter, Miss Julia Kerr, and Mr. Veater Dai idsoa and Oliver Rarnsauer. The bi tent mcetine is in full swing. The meetings grow in Interest and attendance.. Start ing off with a mere handf all the couaergations are begin nlnr to tax the capacity of the tent which seats wore than thousand. With the increase in attendance the iutersel in creases. People are growing , mo; e attentive and more wor- shipful as the meeting progress es. People are coming mora to realize that Mr. Browning is here on business the business ef the Kingdom and that he is versed and traired and equal to his task. The, tent is u.uch larger than . any church edifiie in town. ' It will seat over a thousand pers- , oiis and has an elevated choir platfom which sel.ts about ftt.y. People from all r&i"ts of the towji and from country side are attending They come front miles around, especially to the; night services. While the con Ifirgatioiis are not so large it thB ten o clock service, some neonle from the country are usually present.; ' Lots of people attend the tent services that seldom or nwergro tochuich. This makes the mat ter of discipline a problem not often encountered In church. From the begiuning Mr. Brown Ing has boen very diligent iu '.maintaining . orderly attention i arid seems to have that situation entirely in his own hands. Mr. Charles - Kidder- is Mr. Browning's salaried musioan, He doesnt sing plays th piano. He is master of his instrumr nt and hy good playtgg greatly aids the people in learning Uie music must of which is new. Mr. Browning leads the music and Is a splendid singer, ' Last Sundayjnorning about a . thousand souls were present and a stroDh sermon on the, (Stiastity of Joseph was preached. Sunday afternoon more seats were put in and at nfgbt twelve' hundred- or more were present and . heard probably the- s trongeat sermon that had. been preached up, to t Uo display at the Herald-office that time , on. the unpardoiu bl.. i, J, (he second Grand Prixe in the sin. . - i; r Herald contest and wiU be awarded With thfrpxeeptioa of Saturday 13, . - - - altd Monday meetings are, had at THDMAS-SUBRCO. FREE DRINKS The Herald two weeks ago. cavrieil an acouol'of tbe mark ed improvement in tne storo of Thomas Suber Company; Satur day they will formally open the fountain season with a big East er free-drink occasion.' Mrs. R. T. Catisler has been employed to cor-duet the ladies parlor. Ev crythiug is neat and attractive and the very best of material will be used. For a solid half hour Satur day drinks will be served free. Tbe time of day when this per iod wil come has not been an nounced.' ' - This is oar "Style D" SUrek, piane ten in the morning Sorvii.es ev ery nlghi at 7:15. A apeoial sec--' non to men only will be pi each ei next .Sunday at 3 p. m. No in vitations were given unUI Satur : day niglit. Much interest wos shown tod it Increases, f iNWOSDCOSSEKCEMEITiU 13HS Linwood College will have its Coflvmenoemenji ", May" 13 18. xVjfvjcalaureate sermon "will JtKfeached by Rev. A. 8. "' Mrs, D. Bv''f Rock Fill on theHth-. Tbat.evening Rev. W, W. Orr of CharMte wilt preach to th Y. M. J. A. and V. W. C. A- Hon, J. D, McOall of Char lotte wi.U deli vf tho annivessary ' address Tuesday tin? jOth. ::' v . MR. MOBEJUI MOORE LOSES HIS HOUSE BT FIRE Mr. Morgan Moore who , lives nea-;' Ware's; Bridge lost his house andjpractlcally all contents by .fire Wednesday of last week. The origin of , the fire is un known. - It was discovered about three o'clock in' the aftenwon dropping through iuto the din ing roon). . Mr. . Moore :- was absent bn,d his family succeeded in saving only a little beddinp. Some cotton seed on', the back porch and Some oes and other, farm ..implements i under-; the iiouse wer also, destroyed. The losai"- about' 41400 ;with $500 BIG IMPROVEMENT IN BUSINESS SECTION Sidewalk on north side Mountain street will be lowered and build ings remodled. Much improvmciit is to be dpnu on the Norh side f Moun tain street between Cherokee street and Railroad 'Avenue. The sidowatk is t'i ha lowe red aud narrowed, and some if not all the buildings adjacent will bo lowered and improved accord ingly. Begiaing at the ('herokee crossiug the sidewalk will he lower d two feet tapering the grade out n-ear Kailroud avenue Long Brothers of Gastonia own the corner builc'ng at Cherokee occupied by McGir.nis Brothers an) the one next it occupied by tho Pastime. These two build ings will be overhauled end brought 011 a gravity with the ad justed sidawalk. A local com- udtte has coudemed tliu Pastime building but a Gastonia buiid ng insnector thinks there in no immediate danger. The fronts of the two buildings will be re moved and nice pressed brick fronts put in and will be net with iiiodom plate glass, Messrs J. C IRiingardner and J. O. Plonlr who ovni the next two buildings respectively will likely make eom-mensueate iinpro" ments but have not yet signified thier plans. ' The sidewalk will lie narrower ah the way from l'it dmoi t avu- nuo thus mahing the street slightly broaded. This work will nd.l freallv to the tp.uearance of jur principal thoroughfare fttid business sec tiou. These old buildings that have stood for twenty to twenty five years made modern and the sidewalk brought, to a corras pondling grade with that of the opposite side wili be no small improvement. EDITORS TO MEET Tho North Carolina Press As sociation meet this summer at Durham,, Considerable effort was made to bring it Gastonia but the executive committee oe- cided in favor of tha ,,rtul. Pity This is the annual outing for the quill drivers and is looked for ward tc by editors Irom every quarter as their one e-hanee to get together in.- a fraternal way and study together their prob lerns and opportunities.. MOTOR AT WARE'S MILL BURNT OUT FRIDAY' - What might have been a very destructive fire was outed in its very beginning Friday afternoon whtn a motor at Ware's mill took fire; The wind . was blowing furiously and the building was very 'ry but the fire 'was dis covered and outed before it reached anything but the motor. This s the sesond Sre Mr. Ware has had lately. A few weeks ago his ; other motor burnt out and several hundred dollars worth of damt ge was dope. Singers will nuet at Bethlehem to spend day in Worship and sing ing. The Union Sunday School Singing Convention will meet with Bethlehem church on the fifth Sunday in this month. It is hoped that the choirs that have been taking part in this convention have rendered a faithful service to their restrict ive churches and Sunday Schools since our lust meeting anil that they, vith others, will be able to their Masters praise moro perfectly at the coming session. ANTON BROTHERS SPREADING OUT Anton Brothers will enlarge their business. Mr. D. M. Baker who owns the building is arranging to add thirty-rive feet to its rear. Anton. Brothers are doing a business, a big busi ness, and it is constantly groT- it'g. iliey bavj tlic already large store arme;l from center to circumference with gootls and yet demand mora floor r.pace. Let the old town drop her scales awl g row! COLORGO GRADED SCHOOL CLOSES MA114TH.-17 Vim Colored Graded School will have its annual commence ment Ma; 11 to 17. Thev will have six months school this yeai. The rchocl has made very satisfactory progress show ing at) average attendance of a hundred per" cent above last year. ; MRS. MARY CJULLENDER DIES AT SEVIER MILLS . Mrs. Mary C. Hullunder died at hei' home, near the Sevier mill here April 11 att'ie ue ol Oil years. The remains were taken to Bethlehem cemeteiy for burial. ..-''-' -. "And raUttteThild shall lead them" Little Sir Galahad By Phoebe Gray A Subscription This Week Counts Most Votes Of Entire- Contest- LOOK OVER STANDTNG U WOUKERS ' Nobody can "Dump I rr Lot of mo ney "On Tne Last"-A, arrangement Of Vote Schedule Preventes This, After May 13th The Herald will bo si. r li t ear. NOW you can get it for $1 . This is a saving of f0 eonu ;,n ech y'earou rnnou frtf A ln. friemlK. u o wanl to HiM'V vnnr nttonf inn'V lt'lho standing. There are but Eleven candidates left iu the auto con test. This contest will end May l:lth, at:! I'. M. , J PIANO ON DISPLAY. Trie $:i.")0 Piano The Herald will givo away as the second g'and prize has been delivered to us, and - now stands on display at The Herald office. You are invited to call and see it to pfav it. it is a beautiful piano and whoever nets it will be more than repiid for what efforts they havs pat forth in the contest. 8500' MR. WM: HORD SELLS OUT TO MR. L HORD The Kings Mountain Grocery has- changed hands. Mr Wm. Hord, who started tbe business in 1908 and .has run it ever since, has 80ld.)jt; to 'Mr. Sestet? C. Hprdi' the transfer taking place Monday.' Mr. Wm. Hord .will go in a few days to a point near Columbia. S. Ct to' rurj -a;:: saw HE long arm of intemper ance reached out and ruined little Charlie Thomas' body ' but it could not touch his soul. His faith is a glorious inspi ration to everyone around him. And his unconscious fight against the evil that had maimed him is the most inspiring feature of the tale. This charming story is for everyone, big and little, in the home. It is to be our next serial. The story with a blessing Auto At Kings Mountain Girage. The Herald has the goods RIGHT'ON THE GROUND. The" auto is on display at The Kings Mountain Garagev If there is any incentive, and any drawing power IN PRIZES Tho Herald surely has thet.i. DON'T UNDERESTIMATE WHAT IT WILL ' TAICE TO WIN-just, get in every subscription you- can, AND THEN TCRN IN A PEW MORE. AND NOW IF YOU REALLY WANT-TO AID YOUR PA V" ORITE CANDIDATE IN THIS RACE AND HELP THAT CAN DIDATE MOKE THAN YOU CAN IN ANY WAY - DURING THE CONTEST. SUBSCRIBE DURING "DOUBLE VOTE' PERIOD'.' WHICH EXTENDS FROtM APRIL 15. at 2 p. m. UNTIL SATURDAY, APRIL 29, AT 2. P. M. FOR" DURING "DOUBLE VOTE PERIOD'' MORE VOTES WILL BE AL LOWED ON EACH PA VMENT OF $1 TO $10 THA.N WILL BK THECSE DURING ANY OF TBE REMAINDER OF THE CONTEST. IN FACT. THIS IS THE BIGGEST VOTE- OFF-' ER OF THE ENTIRE CONTEST. If Posiibie. Subscribe This Week'. The candidate tht turns ia the gruate-t nimber'-o? nw' subscriptions duiing THIS WEEK, sinco April 15 at 2-p. m. n 0 unto Apr. 22n(? at 2 p. m. will be viven l-OC.OOO EX'JPA VOTES. Second greatest number,. 75,000 extra votes. Tiiiid gref,te8t number. 50,000 extra votes. Fourth g -eatest number t new subscriptions. 25,000 extra votes. Combined witii thesi extra votes, this week gives 1 he greatest vote offer of the whole. con- cantest. While 'Double Vote Period" will be in effect NBXT WEEK, the number of EXTRA VOTES allowed will' aotfbe so ' great, if any are given at a'l. So. you that are thinking of ronewing, and any that are 'considering subscribing will boost- their frierds in the race MOST by haading in that- subscription' THIS WEEK, , Look Vole Schedule Over Carefully-. IF PAID APR' 17TO APR. 29- 2 P.M. MAY 1 TO 6 nu payment 01 i.o i.tvv o.' n payment of S 1.50 11.200 M03 -n payment of t 2.00 16.000 12.000 n payment of $ 3.00 24,000 18.00 - ... ' nn payment of J 4.00 32.000.... 24,00f ; On oavment of t B.00 40.000 30,00 On payment of 6.00 : 50.000 37,BO On payment of $ 7.00 f.000 ' -' -ioo. - On paymsnt of $ 8.00 70.000 Da payment of t 9.00 80,000 - wmr H nyment of ?10.0O 100.000 " fj Nisa Long Wins $5 keg; schedule. 3,( ! 0,600 8,000 12.000 16.000 20,000 35.000 ' 40.000 50.011?;. Vot Vote VotM .Votea ' Vote ' Votes VDtM Vote ' Votwt ' . wnra Vote Miss Mabel Long won the $5 last Saturday. This young lady has the handicap of living 50 miles from this citv, in a town whrse" interests in no way are Identical with this placo;'1 Sho formerly lived here. ALL HER WORK HAS BEEN BY CORRESPOND ENCE, SHOWING WHAT ENERGY WILL DO IN SPITE OF SEEMINGLY UNSURMOUNTABLE OBSTACLES. Last week a steady stream of new aubscribera reached the Herald as the re sult of steady mail worlt by Miss Long,. There will be no $5 givaa . away this comin,Saturday. . . 1 (, . . ." Following'are the candidates nominated in The Heralds Anto mobile Contest. .' All were "giver, 1,000 votes to start with. NORTH CAROLINA; ' '. ABERDEEN. Miss Birdie Faires BESSEMER CITY, R, Misb Ethel Davis . G ROVER. ; Miss Vera Turner GASTONIA. Misi Sue Whltd 1 125,575 F. P. 2. 100.200, 103,875. 100 000. HICKORY. Miss Mabel Long 803 14th 1 St.. - 252,000. KINGS MOUNTAIN. Miss Ada Ware . , 251,950 H. B. .Tones 250;775. KINGS MOUNTAIN,' R. F D. 2. - S. P. Goforth' - 251.225. - KINGS MOUNTAIN,!?. F. D. . CBlaeltwell - 117.250. " waco; - ' Miss Marie Harrelsoh 115.47'v YORK. R. F. D. J. Miss Bell Ycungblood 100, 4j3, r -. t . ' ' I ' . .1 - " A. :'J':K.

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