0 "" KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, KlMOd JHOTTtCTAIN, H. J! .V: THE JClnga fljomtttrftt fyratii Published very Tburnday ESTABLISHED 1889 a a page. Editor and Owner. Entered at the to. t-office as Mond-eleM mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in Htivance.) 4 year - $!. months J.7 4 aaonlhs - $.o JWBaUM $ More than lioo bou-fide subscriber on May 15, 1016. Circulat km mainly In Cleveland and (iaaton counties, N.C. O yes, we beard the Presi dent. The Celebration honored Char lotte mare than Charlotte did the Celebration, Charlotte wan In all her glory 8atrlay. Thero were just more folks there t"ian she esuld feed or haul. That's the reason so many (oiks had to walk in from the Sham battle and go norue hungry. The next time Charlotte has the president we Highest thai she double bar c-troet car service ' and trchl about a hundred eating .'planes. They did the; best thv coil 1 with 'what the;- nrl to 1I0 with. One good thii, there 'vn plenty of water. It. us Ktrift'.y a Wilson occasion wIkmi it comas to tiif water wa'on pro Ktsition, Some of yon saw 4 he piwioVn' A fowof you heard ii'in. Hut the majority of Herald readers neith er saw nor iMjard him. For your benefit, therefore we are publish- . lr.g is fall his Charlotte speech. ' Be sure to read it It' a gem. .2 Some think the president's '. speech was the prelude to a Ifreat peace speech he will make later. Whatever It was, it was a m good one. . ) t. 1 j 1. 1. ... . . ' Hare yon read that article on ft .' A 1ba if noiM itiMiiL 1 liNVaVw.l . comannnity? Weft', read it. Yon ' may leara something about the history of that sectioa that you ' will never know otherwise. It1 ; took lots' of of work to get up V the data and prepare that article nd w hone all Herald readers Will ftppreniatw tt. , A study of the relative per ( f v capita investment lnscaooi prop- i'i1' Art D.nA antsimnViilo. in varitina counties of tht. State show inter- . esttng facts and some treths that euouiu cause leaders 10 sit op ' itad take notici. The table is as . follows; .. -, v while population per capita 1t vestment in school property, . , i . ' North Carolina $3.10 5 CAst aland County ; $4,?3i . Gaston Countj $3,14 . Dnrbam Co. ithe highest) $13.79? Tyrrell (the lowest) v .-V v ':' 1 Automobiles 'North Carolina Clereiand Consty Gaston Coimty Dm'ham County Tyrell "A The other counties run. amerativ ;- 4.44 $3.12 $2,56 $2 91 $3.90 12.33 iu the -' J- Jto- 8croens(re better than ; ' illfitiinpt, screens or scrbens with. rol in them," ays the CUtte' Board of Health, Tho lat 1 5 act'ss fly traps and nio.vquito A fiy will find its way -pQffh the most tnisupectintr . j'.a When the ainetl of fooi is 1 him on and a mosquito vnllbjueeze thronh moat any ' a crerice when the .taste of A 1 beyond htm. Therefore, tlfiAvd adies mendinn last i-'a Bereens before -v .patting n np. and if they have been II winter, it sngnests look Litem over carefully . to see 1 thejr eoutain no holes and jr It tiabt r Tt FBUCV MERE SOUIUIT . , E, Beach and Mrs. re expected to arrive to V BeacK taking charge lag Mountain and Gro 3tohirch.ee. Mr. Beacb i -bis work here 8un eachinfl; at eleven t piftht. We hope the -town will tarn out s to welcome Rev. eh'Bunday(i;,'J'beir . corns Said President Wilson, etc. fCjntinui'd from front page) much of its Httnotion, to the luateriitt foundations of Its life; to subduing this continent to the uses of the nation and to build ing up a great body of wealth and material por-er. I find some mrn who when they think of .America do not tliink of any thing elue but that But, my friends, there have been other nations just as rich and just as powerful in comp-rioii with the other nations of llio world as the United States is, and it is a great deal more important that we should determine what we are voing to do with our ,owrr than that we should oossfess it. "You must remember, there fore, the elements with which we are dealing Sometimes those f u who were born in this part of tht, country persuade our selves that this is the character istic part of America, Here more than anywhere else has been preserved a great nart of the original stock which settled this country, particularly that por tion of the stock which came from the British Isles. (I am not meaning to exclude Ireland!) And then I find a great many of my frif nda who live in New Eng land imagining that the history ot this country is merely of the expansion of Xew England, and that P'yraonth Rock lies at the foundation of our institutions. As a matter of tact, my fellow citizens, However mortifying it may reem to them oi to us, A raerica did not come out of the south, and it did not come out of New Fngland, 'The character- istio part of America originated la the middle states of New York and Pennsylvania and New Jer sey, because there fr-oi the firoi Was that mixture of populations. fiat mixture of racial stock that , mixture o f antecedents which is the most singular and distinguishing mark of the Unit ed States. The most important single fact about this great na ttou which we represent is that it is one made up of all the ha: tlons of the world... I t'are say thai the men who came to Amer ica then and th men who have come to America since came with a single purpose; ."harinff some part of the passion for human liberty which characterised the men .who founded tin republic, but they came with all sorts of blood iu their veins, all sorts of antecedents behind them, all sorts of traditions in fheir family and national lite, aud America has had to solve as a melting pot for all these diversified and contrasted elements. What kind of fire and pure passion are you going to keep burning under the pot in order that the mixture thftt-eomes out may be purged of its dross and may be thu fine gold of untainted Amcricauijm? That is the problem. ' I want to call your attrition to anothcJ picture. America has always txen making and to f e made, and while we were in the midst of this process, apparently at the acme an i crisis of the process, while this travail of soul and fermentaion of elements was at its height came this great catechlysm ot European war, and almost every other nation of the world became involved la a tremtadoua struggle, which: was what, my fellow-citizens? , What are the elements in the struggle? Don t you see that in this Euro pean war is involved the TtrV America? It la a competition of national standards, of national traditions, of national politics oulitical systems, Europe has grappled in war as we have grap pled in peace to see what Is go ing to be done with these things when llioy come into hot contact with one another. For do you not remember that while these processes were going on in A merica some very interesting things were happening? It was a very big world into which this httlu nation came when it was born, bt it is a viry little world now. It used to take as many days to no from Wanhidgton to Charlotte In those days as it does hours now. I heard an Irishman say if the power of steam con tinued to increase in the next fifty years as it hud in tho last we would get to Charlotte two hours before we left Washing ton, And as these processes of intercommunication have been developer1 and quickened, men of ti.e same nation, not only have grown closer neighbors, but men of different nations have grown closer neighbois with each other; j and now that we have these in visible tongues that speak by the wirele.m through thu track less air to the ends of the world. every man can make every other man in the world his neighbui and spcaK to liun upon the ino ment. While these processes of fermentation and travail were going on, men were learning oouo eaen oilier nations were becoming moro and more ac qua'n'ed with each other, na lions were more and more be' comirg iuten elated and inter eommurication was being quick ened in every possible way that now the melting pot is big eer than Amorjra. It is as big as the world. And what you see tuking place on the other side of the water is the tremendous! had about s&id final process by which a oitest of elements mf in God's process be turned Into a co-ordination and co-oocration of elements. r vr it is an interesting cir cu instance that the processes the war stand still. These hot things that are is contact with each other do not make very much progress against each oth er. When you cannot overcome, you mut ta'e counsel. See, then, ladies mid gentlemen, what a new age we have come into I should think that it would quicken the imagination of every in in and quicken tbo patriotism ot every man who cared for A merica. Here la America we have tried to set the example of bringing all the world together upon terms of liberty and co-oo eration and peace, aid in that great experience that we have been going through America has been a sort of prophetic sample of mnckind. Now the world outside of America has felt the forces of Aafe: felt the forces of freedom, the forces of com mon aspiration, the forces that bring eyory man andevery na tion face to face with this ques tion, What are you going to do with your power? Are on go ing to translate it into force, or art you going to translate it into peajo and the salvation ot so cety? Does it not interest you that America has run before the rest ot tho world iV making trial of this great human experiment, and is it not the sign and dawn of a new age that one tiding upon which the world is now about to tall is the moral judgement of mankind. There is no finer sen tence in the history of great na tions than the. sentence which occurs in the Declaration of In dependence (I am now referring to the minor declaration at Pbil adolphia, not to the Mecklenburg Declaration )id which Mr. "Jeffer son said, 'A decent respect for the opinion o( mankind makes it necessary I am not quoting the words exactlythat we should state i tjSe grounds upon which wej have taken 'the important step of tsertingj our lipdcpfndence.' A decent respect for the opinion L i : ..' V , if GREAT GREAT GREAT HOUSE ' IN A ' SECTION SELLING TO PEOPLE m WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY All leading lines carried in stock. Send us your mail order THE KOESTER-LOWE COMPANY Wholesale fash grocers Gharlottte, r N. C. , Long Distance Bell Phone "Number 60 knew tli at this was the way which mankind itself was struggle to realize its aspirations and that, standing in the pres ence of mankind, this little gi'oup of three million people should ssy, 'Friends and follow-eitizens ot the great moral world, our reason tor doing this thing we now intend to sUte to you in candid and complete : terms, so that you will never think that we were merely throwinf off a yoke of impatience, but know that We were throwing off this thing In order that a great world of liber ty should be open to man through our instrumentality.' "I would like, therefore, to think that the spirit of this oc casion could be expressed if wo imagined ourselves lifting some sacred emblem of counsel aud of peace, - of accommodation And righteous judgement, betoip the nations of the world and reanni ng them of that passage of Scripture, 'After the wind, after the earthquake, after tha fire, the still, small, voice of humani ty: " . "-V...V- IRE YOU GETTING fODR PAPER? " Are ,you gett'flg your pap er? If you are not of course you will nob see this notice. But any pel son getting the papar who knows of a per son having subscribed and.is not receiving it will confer a great favor on both the los-' ing subscriber and tho Her ald by calling attention to the fact.' we want everybody who has paid for the Herald to1 get it bnt la handling more than a thousand names one could easily be overlook- -ed or lost. So please notily us of any failure to receive the paper, In notifying us. be sure to say to whom you subscribed, when, how much pu paid, and give the, add ress exactly like it is on your -receipt- t : Uhe Rings Mountain Steati 3lnd Snsurance Company Will Sell You A Farm or Help You To Sell Yours. We Have Several Choice Farms; Houses and Lots For Sale At A Bargain. Come To See Us if You Want To Buy or Sell. We, Also, Write Fire And Life Insurance. ' Call On Us At The First Nat ional Bank Building. ' Telephone 188 H. T. Fulton, President. J. R. Davis, Sec. A Tresis. . later,,; :X i tMng that hi beon ifojfcg -yc? 'in' of UMUjkitril ii is as If Jeffersoft', -1 imtTT OVERWORKED MOTHER Tinds Health la Our Tlnol . lltr...lll. Til ' Itl ...J. 1 M - m . i ouiieim .rein m nervous break-down kni terrible heeit achea, and was tired all over, totally avorn out and discouraged but as I had large family I had to work despite my suffering. I iew Vlnol advertised and eetided to try it, and within two weeks noticed a decided improvement, and row 1 am a well woman." Mrs. Asia IJEOXBB.'. t . , . " .. We guarantee vlnol, ourdellcioui cod Hvv and iron torde, to (trenirthen and nild up weak, run-down, overworked . . FINGER DRUG CO If yen Intend to have sale , Met our prices Sale Bilia PRINTED TjT Weare fixed far halting I I II OUt Work of ihia tin3 4-jlin ctoubJcduidt tune. ' PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. Interurban Schedule Between Gastonia and Charlotte Trains Leave A. M. 7 l. Gaatoftia 9 .--ll-' TfaltlsrLeave Charioffe' .''A.'M. 8 10 12 ) P. M. ,zs 4- 6 - 8 11 v,lt requires oneJrour-fbra train torbn fro Gastonia to.' Char- - it rfeq,rtires 5? uVmutes tor aralu'W rur. from Charlotte to' Gas i, -a;