.PEy. column 'Pifieent a -word ' r-XS TLANTS- Both ...WHy aQ. late. Doz. 5k pr'cfes given on larger quantities .., rur nam by, H. P. Peterson. twr'JURAPH of your deceased friend burnt in porce 10 ana set in oval reliet in any ombstone bought from us for five dollars extra. '-"Omni & Pago, lvinnsR)U ntain, K. C. W.O. RUDDOCK Llc.ns.d Oponlrll fcyei Examtntd and Glaxti property fitted, ' National Hank Building MINB MOUNT N, - N. C ARTHUR HAY All hinds of Insurance KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. tCoeals Mr. J. E, herndon of- Hamlet hasbeen visiting his brothers, Messrs. Kl'ner and Plato "Hirn don, here, Miss Mai ie Mom Rays our "Lover! Delights" aro real de lights. Everybody try It. firing your wife, daughter, sister or Sweetheart. This is our Satur day special. 15o. siae 10c. Thomas-Uuber Co. (adv) Miss Sarah Allison sp:nt Sat- rday and Sunday in Gastonia as truest of Miss Annie McMill an. Mrs. P. T. Lockman and Mrs. J, 'R, Osment visited at Mr, D. H. McMillan's in Gastonia Sunday and attended the Browhing revival. All kinds of Fountain drinks or ice cream 5c, at Thomas-Suber Co. (adv.) A good heavy slow rain Mon- Commissioner! Sale of Land 'dav niK,lt and Tuesday broke l'n,l,r and by virtue of an order of I lne 10UK arHtit Here It "Was tlie the Superior Court of f :iv iluml ,-rn.ntv mide in the Special Proceeding entitled W. D, McDaniel, administrator ofJ.T. McDwl, deceased, Vs Martha Kundall "ira otnurs, neirs at law of laid J. T. im-vanies me same Doing Wo. on tne tpecial Proceeding Docket of laid i-ouniy, me undersigned commissioner will, on Monday, June the 6th, 1916, t 12 o'clock. Noon, J 'at the court house door in Shelby, N, ' V., offer for sale to the highest bidder 1 for "One hall Cash and the balance in I One.snd Two years," that certain tract I of land lying and being in No, 4 Town- f snip, ueveiana bounty , N. (J., adjoin V in the lanae of Wan. Dixon. Blalock .JKithers, and described by metM and' I ooodoj, as loiiowa; - y Begibning at a stone, Geo. Dixon's corner, and runs with Ms and Tom Blg lock i lines, N: 8 K. 28.00 chains to a stake in(beid, Tom Blalock 's eorm er; thence East 6.30 chains to a stake in the Held: thence W. 4 E. 4.00 chaint to stake in read; thence East 26.76 hain to a stake in a road, McS wain's line; thence with said line S. 41 . W. 19.87 chains to a pott; thence a new line 8, 7 1-4 E. 20.76 ebsSnt to a atone id lagan line; thence with bia tine S. 68 1-4 W-. chains to a stone in old road, Logan's corner; thence Sooth7.86 Chains to a stone and pointers, a new corner; thence N. b-'L W. 28.00 chains to a stone in the bottom, in Mrs. Dri ll Vs line; thence N. 23 W. 86 links to stone on South fide of Long Branch; , thence W. 1.00 chains to a large toek; thence N. 10 W. 16.00hams to a post osk ii Geo. Dixon's line: thence with his line 8. 86 E. 8.08 chains to the be ginning, containing 160 Acres, more or less, naving and vxceptinr thereto om the bower of Mrs. Man K. McDaniel, which has been 1 letted -to her by the Court, This the 3rd day of Way, 1916. C I E. L. Campbell, Commissioner. 1 Sleep your Skin Clear and Healthy - There is only Me way to haste a clear healthy complexion and that hi to keep tie bowels active and regvlaf. Or King's New Life Fills will make yottr complet ion healthy and clear, Move the bowels gently, stimulate the liver, cleanse the system and purify the Mood. A splendid spring medicine. 26c. at year dnigftist. A Good Family Cough Syrup Can be made by mixing n'ta.' Sugar, Hyeaey amUsfiaaBa- Ueflcrmint, IpeouCi Hhawrb, JTT; uiMrske, Capsicum MUrate. Ammonia, h!:J Honey and Glycerine. It Ms J pleasant, beoJfng'rad soothing, nitet)N phlegm wi 'gives almost itwtant'Vlfef. For UonVeraenc bf .those who'fefer not to i Sfuse, It Is supplied readv" made in 25c , .'; boWee wider name of Drf Bell'a Pine ' .Tar-Honev. Can be had at your drugg- I Itsi Insist on getting 0f. Bell'a Pine and see that the ermnla is rt:theackag. ',' .:,' . UniversfiyofNorth tHAPELHILL,K C. i,- - "... ' I ThSll THE SUMMER SCHOOL FOR , tTEJlCHERS - JUNE 13 - JULr 25 (Writt for eompteM annotincBmoit Able faculty jpompeleteCurrlcf illume Moderate Rates. Credit Courses, 9 EnvH Rate Wit-: Delightful Iron men t. Excursion Ticicts. Sjmnier Law Anist25 . ;. -njlar Session. v )pehsepf. 14 ,JLxiettoenter t tiW lii-Ht raiu since about the first of April that put a itood season in the land, Our. Ice Cream is tho-celebra-ted MOXO brand made in Knox ville, Tenn. All Flavors. Thomas-Suber Co. (adv.) There are soma new ads in th Herald this week, The Shelby Laundry, Tho Kings Mountain Realty and Insurtnce Co., Kuest' er-Lowe Co. and the University of North Carolina, Read all. the -ads and trade accoidingly. The Rural Mail Harriers of Cleveland uounty win met in Shelby May 80th. AH "Carriers and Substitutes are nrged to be present. Mi, E. H. Wood returned from Birmingham -Saturday. Mrs. Wood will return on the 14th.' of Jarre. Mr. K..H. Wood who attendod the Confederate Rennion in Bir (nintr ham relates a rather sad in stance. An old aoldier wuo was attending the dance given th( veterans stated that he. wanted to die while Dixie was being played. The band soda, struck the Old sjtraln and tho old fellow to pih"d 'owrdeftd. Mr. Floyd .17' M'auney was in Charlotte on business FrHay. Mr. and Mri. I, F,. Sampson left f'nday for Charlotte aud on to Montoe where they will make their home ':' ' Mrs. R. R: Gild well of Bess emer City spent Friday here in the home of Mra.'Simonton. ' Mrs' J E. Oament went to Gaffney Friday Mr. and Mrs. Avery Harmon and finally were in Charlotte Friday. Mrs. A. M. Long was a Char ! lotto visitor Friday. Kirs. U C. Parsons and Ciild- ren spent Hie week end in Char lotte-. , Mrs.' J. W. Cren, who has been; Visiting ttLoWK. Shoals retained home Iftflt Thursday. Miss Viola Urea her grand dau g hter retu ru ed with ber to visit for an indefi nite time. . '. MrR; Mary D. Falls wlto has been visiting at Holmont and Kef aba w for tlie oast twcorthl-ee months returned home last Fri day; Mies VeTma Oniji returned wi th her and visited ontil SUc day . -'i V,: - vr ; 'The two year old son of Mr. kod Mrs, E. .a. . OiiVa of Erl died Tuesday and . was brought herd for burial Wednesday. Miss Ruby Chip and Mrk Grady Bowen of Bttmoot trisited at J W. Urea s lust Sunday. . i-t.nexpeisito njastailyMP0 Miss Julia 'Herndon ot Lime stone College, Gaffney is visiting here. : WILL FAY 12 cents per nound for SO hens Thursday and Friday. L. a Hord.. , Mr. J. A. Terry of Canton, N. C. will return home Friday.- Af ter a week's visit here. His moth t r will ro with him. I PAY fur phone no, 150, Rir. me for traceries. L. C. Hord. Miss Ruth Baumgardnr is re caberating after two weeks ill ness. Returtiinp; from the Convention at Ashevillo Rev, W. P. Page and Rev. J. M. Page sfoiipd o ver to visit their brother G, G. Page. Rev. J, M. Page went on to his home at Troy, N. C. Mon day afternoon while Rev. W. P. Pare ""i 1 1 leave for his home nt Lynchburg, Va. lo-iay, Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Reaves and children of Glendale, S. C. on their return from Mio Char lotte celebration spit Sunday here as guests of Mis. J. C. Baumgardner. MISSIONARY HERE NEXT WEEK Miss ytolla Wood, returned missionary to India, will deliver a missionary address Thursday nigut, June 1st. The service will be held under the tent, iear the Uld Mill, where the Wesley an Methodist Church will be conducting services every night next week. Miss Wood is work ing finder the missionary bourl of the Genert.l Conference, Wes leyan Methodist Church, and is now enronte to her field of labor. She is a fluent speaker, and has inanycunos, idols, etc.. which she uses in illustrating her ad dress. You will be well paid for attending tins this service. Edw. M. Graham, Pastor. gregation to prayer and asked the Divine Father to forgive ns and help to do his will in the fut ure, and Monday inoi-niip- the gentle showers were lulling which made ns all rejoice. The in ef tin will continue up to next Sunday nijjht. . Tho merchants of Kant Kings Mountain are closing their stores at d o'clock for benefit of the re vival this week. E1ST .1NGS MAIN ITEMS Mr. E. E. Ford is all smiles, it's a boy. Mr. Pink Chapman and child ren of Moresboro visited at Mr. K. A. CliapmafTs Saturday atut, Sunday. ' Mr. Bovce PaS'sau'r mado a business trip o Gastonia Mon day. Mrs. Mnttie Falls of Gastonia visited her sister, Mrs. E, E. Fod Saturday and Sunday. - Mr. J. V. JontA of the Phoenix mitl is improving In health. We hope for him a speedy recov ery. The Y. P. S. of Grace Church has installed a giisolinW lantern in front of tho church, which adds march to tile-convenience of those who attend the chu--cli at night. The Revival meeting is Mill in progress at Grace M. E. Church.' The interest is Sno. Up to this writing there has been more than 30 professions. Last Sunbay night the church Was packed to its Capacity. The' pastor. Rev, B. A. Culp who is his own e an- gelist, read In the 26 chapter of Leviticus when the Lord would send the rain in due seison. If wi would keep his Sabbaths and reverence his sanctuary. He com mented for a lew Vminutes- and showed how we had failed aloutr this line then he called the con The, Coloied Graded School had its finals last week. They hud quite a long program and One ttat rellected credit uuon the school. Rev. C. K. Roll spoke to the school Tuesdiy night and Editor G. G. Page Wednesday night. Tho evercises by the children both nights showed that much preparation had been inn.de. These folks aro much in need ol oetter quarters. Their lot is too small und the building entire ly ineflicient. Professor Laur ence, the princinal, has insntmd the people to activity, liuring the entire scliool year they have been creating a fund and now they havo a contoM on to raise an additional hundred dollars to bo applied on new qyarters. Tho attendance this year has been the best in the histoiy of the school. Monday Right, the 29th inst., a teni meeting win be com menced in Park ;r's Gtove, near the Old v Mill. The ineotings will b e held under the auspices oi the Wes ley an Methodist i:iuirch. Kg v. J. A. Clement, of Central, S. C, one of the most successful holi ness evangelists in tho South, will do the preaching. Services every night at 7:45 o'clock. All pastors and their, congregations most cordia'!y invited, Edw M. Graham, Pastor, FEECLE, H6E.B WOMAN Bays Vinol XaU Her Strom; C.mrA Rlin. Texaa. "I am snisEed woman and for a long time was Weak and feeble but Vino) restored my health and strength so that I feel almost young id an should try Vinol and know its merits as strain am Old people am doing all my housework. who are weax and feeble I do. It is the best medicine to create strength sod for chronic colds I have ever taken." Mrs Jannie E. Robgers. Vinol, our delicious cod liver ana Iron tonic, is sold On our guarantee to benefit or your money will be returned. FINGER DRUG CO. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing bends th Uniment tingling through trie flcah and quickly slops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub witn. The betft tubbing liniment is MUSTANG uimmn Coo3JoriheA(liaail$d , Horses, Mules, Cattle, Ete. . Quad f yam vfAm, ' Pauans, Rlaeunaatisin, SpnsJna, CaOa ztoru, lta. -n Who Pays Joe Joe's Bills? You Might If You Buy On Credit .J5c.Mct AteaOaalm Save MONEY By Paying Cash Save Yoiir COUPONS YOURS FOR - BARGAINS, ., . ..The Herald Contest has closed and a Cev ol4 eoesuau recnain .on the books. We -had hoped to) nleaii nip) " the 'whole Cdsinftis but failed. You folks .. who rs in arrears owa 'as these small amounts v they ar-'hoa'est M i''grocar bill you eter nadev , and deserve just M nitcfi to be paid. We are gofnir ' ' to keep the books ooea for tew weeks' in the ef-'' " . fort tt tret mU these accoa art &ai)L tf 'yod- ace'W '- 'j WfJ.CsMj 'st) pi ease d,o,sn:4C 475a are-init ble p''V f A I i-': VAS' W j - ' - '' - t - ' .'." . pay nowee us abt itot" tve "?W Sec Our Table lo Window We Haoe $tO. Premiums Now. The Battery nines MOUNTAIN. I The Time Is Here ; ' ; ' For you Ladies to Buy: Your Oxfords Spring Dress Goods Laces and Insertions' For You Men to buy: Low Cut Shoes Dress and Sport Shirts A Nice Spring Hat A Seasonable Suit For The whole Family To come right to my store and supply all your needs in nice new. Dry goods, no tions, hats, etc. 1 Call spn'ial attention to my line of mcn'h hats, Straw and Felts. I appreciate your trade and am Anxious to serve you the Best on tlie market at the lowest prices possible. G. H McDaniel Kings Mountain, N. C. "Ask For Coupons' Give Us Your Laundry If it is first-class LAUNDRY WOttK you want done ' Rive it to Mr. J. B. Khyne, our Kings Mountain repre sentative, lie will call fcr your work-- and . deliver it regolarly- and we stand behind him, in guarauteeinjc fcbfeolute satisfaction, In ease of unsatisfactory work or toss of articles, or damage to articles, he is. author iced to &ake due adjustment. Shelby Steam aundry "TAe Saoat Jit Ail 2VW" Read ALL the ADS in the Herald i mm but ak for w- i FOB TCOD'S Ar.-,. iDread do not simply ask for "Bread," TODD'S MILfl-made BreacL Hiat Good Bread utftecuuii. J. M. VO&VSOXSJfS CAPE i t 4 i i .