r'.Vt sings mowmn utnuan. rimos mouhtain, n. o. Hot Weather Isheret WE AHE HEADY FOR IT WITH Refrigerators, Ice Cream freez ers, Water coolers and oii stoves. Porch Swings, Hammocks, Scr eens, Everything reasonable and unseasonable in Hardware. Come to See Us. K?r,gs Mountain Hcrdvvsre Co., Inc. W. r. Masten, Pros A. L. Jlcrndon, Vice-Pros. J. A, Ellis, Secy-Troas Kinss Mountain. - N. C. Announcements FOB THE HOUSE Havifan been solicited by many friends thronrliout tlx County, 1 have decided to U-coiuh a caiuli date for the Houki? of Kuiihiu tativcu froln Cleve'ui.i! County, subject 10 tho notion ol the Dcm ocrntiti PiiiiAi v. H nominated it shall be my purpose to re'ire Biut all llie ieople of tlm i.ounty land to advance tlioirevery inter est. W. A. MAUNISY. v MARBLanbORANITE Y E We are still selling Tombstones any size any designany price. Logan Page Kings Mountain, ft. C. FOR THE HOUSE To tho Domooralic Voters of Cleveland County : As your representative in the Legis lature of lilKI, 1 Hi-cured the pasoatfe o two bills in th Hoje, one requiring State Treasurer and the other requiring all Cleveland eountv otliclals havingcus- tixly of public funds to secure interest on deposit m uanics. ine mate auo County treasurers are now obtaining interests on d.-rosiia inb&nks. The nffi ee of Cleveland County 'i'fitwurcr hav ing beer abolished, against public ser timent, I stund for it being restored by the next LegUlatura. I now have unmis takable hnd fonvincing evidence that a I few atanJ-patter who ruvore"! ine inw I abolishing the office are planning and striving; i t the law to remain in t'orce. 1 am convincod if the office is restored by the n-xt Legislature, a strong and I vigorous tight must be mad-i before pri ! iiuiry. 1 iitand not only fur restoration ' of the ofties of county treasurer, but for Legislative authority to obtain much theater jnteresu on all various public (,ii ids and at the least equitable expen se to the county for ellicient service. In obedience to the voice of a larKe elect orate of my party, 1 offer niy3elf a candidate tor the democratic nominat ion before the primary, June 3rd for membvrsbipof the next General Assem bly. L. I am too busy with m$ farm to see you all. My past record is before you. If you believe I will) represent the best interests of nry party, county and State i I would appreciate your suppo; t. R. B. MILLER, V Avoid Spring Cold , Sudden changes; high triads, shifting seasons reuse colds and grippe, and Jiese spring colds are annoying and dan gerous and are likely to turn into a chronic smnrcer cough. In such cases lake treatment of Dr. Kings New Dis covery, a pleasant Laxative Tar Syrup It soothes the cough, checks the cold and belt s break up an attack of grippe Its already prepared, nnmljngor fuss In?. Just ssk your druggist 'for a bottle cf Dr. Kirgs New Discovery. Tested und tried for over JO years. Rheumatic Pain Stopped The drawing of trwdes; the soreness stiffness nd agonizing pk',n of Rheu matism quickly yeikltoVSJoefts ; Line mint It stimumeS circulation to th painful part. .'-'Just apply as. directed to the sote spot. In a short time the pain gives way to tingling sepsation of comfort and warmth. Here's proof "I havo had wonderful relief since I use your Liniment on my knee. To think ene application gave me relief. Sorry I have n't space totellyouthe history. Thank ing ycu for what your remedy has Hone for me,"-James S Ferguson, Philada, Pa. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. 25c, at Druggists. Notice by Publication Notice of service of Summons by pub lication In The Superior Court, Before The Clerk. North Carolina ) Cleveland County ( O. E. Rudisill. and S. E Rudisill. admihistrators A. R. Rudisill. deceased. VS . I 35 : , i sY M rt J ! .( 'Wi fl ' IS a J IV. S5 a The Wear ond Teag Of clothes is a great consider- ation in having your laundry work done. We do the very best worK possioie wmi -a ihhihmi of WEAR AND TEAR. GIVE US YOUK WORK ( I r SNOWFLAKE STEAM LAUNDRY GASTON I A. N. C. xl & )3 Read ALL the ADS in the Herald ?1W) Rev.-anl, $1C0 Thf rvi!i' f tn: puiii-r wit' t el' s"! to liarn tlint there Is at Isss'- or.. .n-a!-d illwsee that scLnce hns been sb!( to cure In nil Us staves, and that Is Ceturrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive .'Un no" known to tha tnedlcul fn:t" rnitv. Csiavrh Ixlna a constitution.: li.wuse. rtqiilri-a -ontltuuooal treat-.n,-m. Hnll s C.itfirrh Cure Is taken ln-.'-nnlly, uctin.r .juctly upon the blooa r.d nitir'oi! stirfTf. of tho syBteni. therc tiv ilstrovln ttie foundation of the d! c . snfl givlnir 'he patient .Irenzth by oi'ftliiu ut the tonMtltutlon and asflstlna ie".ri. In iloinif Its work. The proorletors o.vo so much fnltli In Ms curative pott. ir, lhat they otter One Hurolrert Dollar; tor imy cnn that It falls to cure. Sena f.r Hl of tstliAonlals. IMrff. V. J i-iiuneT a CO., Toledo, O nil Irurci..t, ivo. r-ilrr tu mtiv pin. for on.tlvstl'ie. Minnie I. Page et nl heirn at law of A. R. Rudisill I deceased. J The defendants, Minnie I. Page, J, A.' Page, Mary B. McGee, H. G, Mc Gee. Jeanette Godwin, R, L. Godwin, Julia Grace Rudisill. W. 6. Ruuisill, A. R, Rudisill, L. F. B. Rudifill and Horace Rudisill will take notice that an arti in entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court Of Cleve land county to soli a part of thereat es tate of the late A. R. RudisPI in order to pay ofThis indebtness: and that the defendants will further take notice that the' are required to appear at theofmv of the clerk of Superior court of said county in Shelby, N. C, on the 12th dy "fjune, 1916, 12 at o'clock noon and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This tho 12th day of Mav, 1916 F. L. Hoyle Clerk Superior Court 1 L riH f I & si.oo m vri K3 Will buy a good nice screen door of any standard size Will buy the door and hinges and a nice t$ handle and screws complete ready to hang. Jiser uumber ompantj M PATRONIZE Herald ADVERTISERS 5500 Readers Ovei 1100 Subscribers x THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD has a bona fide weekly circulation of over 1 100 copies which means that at least 5500 persons read it Ads and All. The circulation is mainly in Cleveland and Gaston Counties, N. C. and furnishes merchants and business men a splendid and economical advertising medium. "It covers its territory like A NOONDAY SUN" DON'T FORGET OUR Job-Printing departineht - ' : ammammmummmmBsmmmmBBmammmmmammBmmmmmmmt . ' , . Our work bears strongest competition and brings repeat orders from under the noses of some of the best shops in the country. Nuff cedl i i i: S. 9. tyage, Prop. . . inys Mounfain, Jn. Q. .i.-.-.y.'M.. .-, 6 ' 'I M Xi m 41 t 1 i 1