X, ""ft1'- i M ' ' -1 I V r ' i 1 .1 : m mm. . i, u VI 10 .; y . : fmSr Vol. 13 No. 16 I.-l L.L LI . ; , - ' , .V.'. - V : Kinffs Mountain. N. C; Thursday, June 15. 19 Hi. EDITORS DION'TEATHERE THE EKQUiRER -ACCOUNT TAX COLLECTIONS CLOSE EDITOR MoKlSSICK MADE FIND ; . SPEECH AT BATTLEGROUND-1 , tiih win Enn W rowan jm"; Sandlappertgavt ite'tagi MpoaUfo 4s)tattoa lhe coif toot anj " per menduurtnino Ultli at V like tje'.hud expected. Whuo (he ioviution was formall v a . tended, ovjr phone ta Editor ; Watoa Bell at York he stated th.f. WI AllM hin tk nnnlt the l4ies' oo'amittee. A , reply came later to the effect that the V invitation was declined on tli .' read been planted for Llffwoos knd that the idea had gained too a much pold to be given up at that lata boor. ' . : , Kotwitbitandinfr onr' disip poiutment, a (iw of Da went over t the baHlegrouod, erjoyed the p oRram with them and accomp anied them to our borders where the turned at rltfht angles and went on to Un wood without even oomlntr throuKh town. . At tbeattloground Editor J. Riaa McKlasick of . Greenville delivered a most able speech od the battle of Kings Mountain. In tho main his data was iratlibr- d from the writings uf Dranei and Roosevelt a ad was so arraLtr- -ed and odudeased as to be -woet Interesting and instructive. - In t!)0 party from York were apout fifty automobiles occujHed by sombthing like two hundred women and men with a few of tbo young folks. : ' Ti)e tins Mountain delega tion was Sorry that the Crowd didn't come through town. Out the roads were mightily ngatnst ua. Kiagt Creek " fought the whole project and practically do- fratad it. Tho machines had to lap toward York to the intersec tion of the road with the King "ouotaitvYo'k rnad and then me tiirough. This landnd the jty in the ytrj . Eastern ex .tremity of town; and i ito the lAnrooi road. Of course they i. eould nave come up town with '' tjve minutes additional time and e would have felt so much better about it ' i OF THE - TRIP OF THiJ 8,' C, EDITORS OVER HRE. Ml ftCTOK TAKEN IN USIOIill V ! HE PROPERTY BURNS - (Orowded out last week) ' - J IK Smith of Route 2, who Js General Superintendent of the Ke.vsvllle Copper Mine. Keys .villei.Va., Informs os that tbe entire plant of tbe- mine, which includes bolsters,. . boileri air compressor, As was destroyed bv fire Bubday morning at 1 oVlock. Vq one' was killed. : 1 be damage r uns Into thousands ' of dollars, with nojisuranoev v . v J . Before the building had fallen in Mr.mith was given orders iy the owner to start Monday to reconstruct every thing. Monday morning he was able to ,m near ly t whole force to work. Be fore 12 hours bad row ; by be frni intIIed boilers from other " c-i and had the water pnmpa Fg water out of tbe mine it from flooding. , ' . -" nithVi sou, Eddie, is As- v ttpt- and they expect to ) e irything ready to go t to, f in within 10 dayiw ..3k.i wiWking a large force 1 1 anda.JTbey .have . 5 loot! vpi'i o ' j whEbTuiHu.iQ per i vwere shi pping three c- ' !' ' of ore a wMk. v-' j r . as if some ne set the Says tbci tame within two milts of lintt Hoont&la Ktjrretted could not Iriyt throagb. Following is a brief summary of the Btorvorrled by the York ville Enauirer of Friday of the visit of toe Spoth Carolina edit ors to the Battleground and. Lin wood Thursday. Tho party . arrived- at tho Kings Mountain battleground shortly before H a'clock. Some time was ppent liv inspecting the oli monumeat an4 the newv The spot where Col-. Patrick FerRU ob fell as well as that whero he was bailed wera object of ea peoial lnterost. : The grave of Fergiuoo Which Is owked by a granite shaft and a pile of atones, reoeived particular attention at the hands of all who ha1 kodaks and cameras, Practicality every newspaper man - and everyone cooneo'd with the profession, gathered a stone and reverently bdded it to those which cover the British leader. After the impeotion of the historic spot to their satisfaction, alt repaired to tbe stand, near t! e giant monument, and there Col. J. Rion McKhstck, assooi ate editor ' of the Greenville Dally News, delivered an inspir in? educational addroos dealing with the history Of the battle of Kings Mountain and its import' snre In bringing the revolution of the colonies to a successful conclusion. "The party left th9 battle ground at about ! o'clock .and proceeded to Lin wood college, a jauctofSO miles," which was easily clipped off ' in an hour. Tbe route taken was by Bethary , past toe residence -oc A .u. mc- Carter and along the Kiogs Mountain-GastoniA road. The route led within two miles of the town of Kings "Mountain and everybody resretted that they could not visit the . progressive little city, but a pre arranged schedule would not "permit Eo- route from the battleground to tilnwood tbe party passed ft road gang engaged lu cutting a road through the. oiountaiaoso section ol Cleveland county, to the Yyrk county line, and they were im pressed with the way the North Canlinians were doing the job. After striking the North Caro lina line the roads were all that could be desired and what time the chauffeurs had lost in climb fag the bills that bad gone be fore, was made up. While the newspaper folks thought ' tbe South Carolina road . were sin fair condition, they were unan imous 4a tho agreement that those in Norti Carolina were almost perfect. V.J;iy'. ..."' . "Upon arrival at . Llnwood college at 2 o'lock, tbe party were taken in hand by Rev. .A. T, tiindsa.y.,; president of the In stltutlon, and nhown around the beautiful little Associate Keform' ed Preabirterian college at tbe toot of Orowder'si mountalii. Numbers of YorkviUe ladies and gentlemen hd already arrived witb dlener and so4 this : was aunounoed. -There is ' no use In desoribinK "it. -A feast' Js al) that is nacessary and there was jplenty of it - S'oliowinit ;aa. in vocation by Rev. E, E. GillepsJ the party, wJileb' at this point SHERIFF LACKEY HAKES FINAL SETTLEMENT. - ttUBTH 912S.12I.2S LEAV1H6 $302.77 Commbsioncts compliment sheriff ou bis very cIok colltclio.i Usually more than 1 000 short. 6herlff W. D. Lackey made final tax settlement - with the county commissioners Wednes day and thin showing was a most gratifying one. He was charg ed with $129,429.00 and of this amount collected $129,120.92, leaving uncollected only $302! 77 Usually there Is from a tnousaid to twelve hundred dollars the sheriff u unable to get, but tbe Qollectloc this year was very cjqse, and the cnrnxistionerR Icompiimentcd Sheriff Lackey, -Star. ; . joint Meetio UtD. C. (Crowded out last week) 0 the afternoon of Jure te third the Kings Mountain, Chap ter U. D. C. and tlm Bessie 6im- onton Children s Uhapter bold a joint meeting in the cliool audi toi iuui. Tlie following splendid program in honor . of - Jefferson Davis was 'fndvjred: ' , lavocatiai Rev. Kerr. .' Song, ""ramp, Tramp" ' ; : . Cliildreit's Chapter. Poeo Jeffursoa Davis' Birth day" Mrs. U F Noixl. Addiv.s-r-Uev. G,,L,' Kftrr.' Piano Solo-rMlsa Mary Fulton. Reading Miss Miriam Goforth. Song, "Sun.iy South" - Children's Chapter. Lord's Prayer in unisbii. D'imbsred 800 or more people, fell to it. "At Lin wood college the press oarty was met by President T. L. Craig, of the Gaston ia Cham ber of 1 Commerce; Secretaiy Alfred O. Loyd of that organisa tion and Mr. J. W. Atkins, editor of tbe Gastonia Gazette,' These gentlemen had come, to act as pilots to Gastonia, the most pro gressive city in North Carolina. " While we appeciate the nice things tha Enquirer has to say about our roads and Llnwood we remember how they g4ve us the go-by good and -proper. In the third jtsragrapb. it . says "The route led Jrithin two miles of the town of. Kings' Mountain and everybody regretted that they could not visit the progressive little city; but a pre-arranged 'Two miles of the little city of Kings Mountain." .Two miles of the town of 'Kings Mountain. They ' camo .right into -town where the York road intersects King stteet - It looks' like they regretted Very much pot' be ig able to see our ''progressive little city" when It would not bare belated tbem five minutes to - nave come right through tflfwn. Again prominent men' tion was made of tbe Gastonia delegation meeting the. party - to pilot them to . their town. ' . But nothing la eail dt J. M. Patter son, Loslle ; McGinhis, tW., J Wright, and .- Editor . Page, of Kinirs Mountain mating them at the batllegouud to pilot thtm to our town. , Neither is the fact that K'ligs Mountain? invited the association , to lunch a t the Mountain Vie hotel and that the inyilatiotf wa declined com mented upon. ?4PrearrftB(red;" jrness it was; 'Loet Editor J '. TAX LEVY 1RCREASE0 S CENTS ON THE f 100 WOR1H OF PROPERTY HAS BEEN ADDED ' Tl IE USED TO WCREKETEJlCREBS'UUalES frr vfn- r i v.x i ir-- v., -i n 7r wiiivi, THE Fl $32 teachers to be raised to $35-$37 teachers to $40, and so on Kings Mountain gels $2,200. There was a request beforo the county commisioners at their meetiug the first Monday from the connty board of education asking for a three cent additional levy for tho regular school tax in order that the salary of teach ers could be slightly raised. The oeutlon was granted and tho levy made. Cleveland county has been paying her teachers be low the state average and tbe increase of three cents on tbe hundred dollars worth of prop' erty wiil bring us up to a better standard. . The scale of raises will be about as follows asgur ed oat by the Cleveland Star: White teachers who have been getting $3? per month will get $40, thofe who have been getting $32 will g-it $35 and co'ored teachers heretofore drawing $20 will receive $22 wherever teach' era deserve the Increase. There are 168 white and 32 colored school teachers in the county, Slielby and Kiugs Mountain have not been Retting their proportion oLthe school money, so when the taxes are collected from the new levy, Kings Mountain will le increased from $1,000 to $ 200 and Shelby from $2,500 to $2,900. ' - The Levy Prop. State 28?J Schools '....,.....20 Pension 4 Special Schools.. 7 County --19 R. R. Bonds....... VA Roads and Bridges 20 v Total i....05 Sr eciAl Schools Patterson Springs 16?1 SHOT Himself W1T A vcklr : ',v I BRE PISTOL. TWO CANDIDATES Jii ifcLi J' Ml IEEI KJISTEI OF DIEDS !Wllt luui PIHMBf imititfM ik " Bii ieea In hid health for long I Haiority of 1200 Want office restore. Poll 71 60 12 0 57 0 0 $2.00 Earl ......... Grover ....... Dixon ...... .. Beam's ...... Waco . ... . ... Stubbs-....,.. South Shelby Latdmore ... Mobresboro Pillston" Belwood. . .....20 ...20 ....10 ....10 -.50 :...io ....30 .'...25 ....20 Caar .....15 50 60 60 80 30 1.50 .30 30 60 45 75 60 45 Special Roads No. 8 Roads ......38 1.00 No. 6 Roads 20 60 Kings Mtn. Preo't.25 75 Grover., ......,S!5.; .. 75. The county eomuaies'oners bad not conferred with tbe highway commissioner in other town ships . Where' special road tax has been Voted,' hence no levy has been mat's for ether town ships. , ' ' ' . IICI OF 1 HOE 0IS1SLES FOR SGK3EI . Mr. Palmer . Dlxcn, formerly of tho Bethlehem section of this county but now of tbe Betftuiy section across the line, was kick ed by a mule the other; day - and badly wounded. ' He received the blow in tho right side of the b domen , ' producing intern a 1 trouble.' .While it is .said that bis condition is not regarded ser ious at present he is probably incapacitated for work for Ibe rerrmiffder of tbe jjmnjeryyi,'. time ui was skthtly dcmtnled very prominent. Gaston County's register of deeds'; Andrew Jackson Smith, eomittcd! suicide last Thursday afternoon at three Vclock in the county commissioner's room a the Court House in Gastonia. A 32callibre Smitl, Wesson revolver was used, Tbe weapon was placed against the right temple and the bullet sent whirling through the brair resulting in instantaneous death. Mr. Smith had not been able to attend the duties of the office for four months but passed in occasionally to look after the business re-ieral'y. This he had done only a short time be fore the killing. County auditor L. E. Rankin has his office in the couiissioner's room and was in Mm room when Mr. Smith entered but left immediately for the post office. Mr. 8mith had been in the room only a few mi nutes when the report of the gun was heard,' Other court house officials rushed to him and' found him sitting ?npright iu a' chair with the pistol gripped in his hand and the blood gushing from the wound in the temple:- A physician was rushed iu but he was dead. vThosowbohad txien in close relationship with Mr. Smith had known for some time that he was brooding over the fai'ure of health, Some two months apo be went to Philadelphia to con sult specialist with reference to a wound on the head which he Candidate! setting In tine Two a the fob. fc'mco tho people have declar- , ed tlmt tU treasurer's office shall " . be leniored' by a majority of' nearly1 1,200, j: ri. Murray ' sr..' "J nobncea li h candidacy for the po- . sllion.- It ta presumed, from the . published articles of Treasure? Strodpj that he is a candidate alexK Mft Strpup's proposal fas that a brlmary be held at the ' ' genetal e&ctibn itfWoveutlicr, a; which time the peoblb. will select man to Be named-in the bin to' lntrotftjceeFby representative elect W.-M Maoriey wnedxthe Assembly omvens-in Jknuar -Star;- :'.- who Kayo been boarding at Mrs, Bumgardhers od' the Dilling received by falling against s fire- fcMHl Hjll ajrjcV their; marriage rnave set up' Housekeeping Church Street! Success to all the BTerald readers grate when a mere lad. Eight years sgo he underwent sn oper ation for relief from' ill effects from this injury, but in recent mouths Jias suffered inleasely from it, . Deceased would have been 54 years old in October. He was the only son of Andrew Smith, of Belraont. Gaston county, where he was born and reared. He spent twoyeacs; 1881 and 1882, under Captain. Bell at the old Kings Mountain Military A,cademy. He won an appointment to .West Point Military Academy and spent six. months there in 1833. He resinned his place there and returned home. For a' time he taught school and later 'went went into the mercantile business at Belmont,, For tpaay years prior to his election to the po sitlon of register of deeds, 12. years ago. he was a magistrate, Mr. Smith professed religion in a meeting held in Gastonia, about four months ago by Dr. W, W.Orr and joined the Baptist church Be leaves a widow and si children. farl Wdb Back in the SUtes. A letter from Mr. Earl .' states that be is now bc wiUil the states and gives fait, WW address as "&.ata Gompi! Coast Artillery, Fort Terry, N, Y. He left th PMicpine Islands some weeks ago. Ur. Wells is one of the several Kiw Mouutuin boys who huve made tood in the service , of, Ujicle (Too-late' for las issue)' . Miss Morris wne ; has had) charge of tbe'nwsic departmenA at toe Washington' Collegiate- -InsUtotte- of Wiahitktoa N; a: 1 par a very pleasant visitor to Grace M. ' Church Sunday.- Miss Grace Smith1 ir on' the1 sick list this weeki v Mrs; D: A. BenBeld' Wb liaa been right sick has slightly nV proved. , . Mr. 8: O; StopbeY was in1 Gaston'a Saturday. . , I Mr. TP" ffi A'tkihs Has been"' suffering with' kidkey colic for- the past A'eelt'. . Mrs. Mary Hbffttetler'ia on the sick-lisf this weeg Mr. tnd Mrs, John Butigardner - on Blid Attto Atciitent.' While' nobody wis- sri6usly- hurt' a pretty bad, automobile, ac cident occurred just we3tdf town Friday evening about dusk.-. Messrs J4. D.- Wood and J- L. , Thomasson had startedio Shelby In Mr, Wood's big Studebaker, As: the cai; was makihg tire curve v at Mr, Fradlr 0oforth's place W . struck a rat and turned com - pietely over aoij landed upright, Mr. Wood held on. tt the steerioir' . wheel and; was not hurt, except ., atewscrstcheir: Mr. Thomasaop, . elthcr'fell or jumped" and was pretty badly bunged up.- Ha' . wa. brOpght up tbwtf in a dased . stet ani'dlda't' reg? himself - until menicai aiteutiw1 wt giv- .. en. . 'l ae car wasnot p3ittcJu,dam aged. Hia too'was'toru of and the windshield, fletrplhjhefl with a f,ew other miftotlinui-ii. Tbn miracle iytbc escape of th men-. so slighUy Injereen the oarr - turned ojtar ooaltnety. - Mr. Wood Is a menyber ot m BtterjnAdVMr. Thograsaon !T -an empWe of tbe RanltihlrDi . tureCo.'- ' .. ' . v tork'UeiftllaUy:. Watann Belk editor" oJ:,tbji Tirlr News, did iihMelfifldrious . lsTrtei5 in getting out daily aaOag thar swssiorwof the Press ssociatioa. Bell is right up to hsnulf in getting 00 1 the news in - a hurry. , Bin paper 'was ecor - sjJ.; j &:'Z:ii?:y$:-?i-vi n.ahowb jpjf '.yarloos editors.'-' ;