ALL ABOARD fOR KINGS MOUNTAIN OCTOBER 7TH A (Elcatr fCnral Kruinpaprr ifnt All elir iFuiitUij Vol. V No. 21 Kings Moimtnin. N. ('.. Xlimslnv, July CO.. M)l(i. 81150' A Year in'AdSimob si 1 f? it n 211 bp classes in n c , lhhod coNVENiii Floods and Destruction THE FILBERT fl.AKSKA AKK DlSTIHHl.'TKI) IX , KKV. A. W. I'.I.ACKW.XII). Ih I). MANY ('.'niKfllES. OK rol.UMHlA ON I'liOGKAM 50L000 TO 75,000 MEMBERS in Wake of Storm OR J. WW CHAPMAN ENDORSES HIM Some fads and figuits regarding the Will cor duct the morning course in Jj.iraca Phtlathea work in cur j Bible study each morcing Great J State,- Bible student. Very fw people realise the dioriiiiiy of 'lie I $u afi ntr.l Mr Ifltlit'U work among 1.1 n: Sunday SJiooi- of North Caroli m. There ure ill the Shite Ol'O of these, piece's dish ihuti'u tlir.-ilonl ! 4?lr!y u ihi.en denominations. Of t hese therts are kiii' Si-i i'ir A V. llUrlaujoit. I). :. ;'' ( 'o.'iml.iii. S. ' nast-ir lite First Presbyterian church, wiil rondiiK tlie i-D'iric f Bible study each imii irrii' th 'oul'Ii th" week. For 'wo years In1 con lucteil the llihli! hour ut Mw.t'v.i', N. C ami this summer is nt Blue Baraeas, H'lo'Senior Philntheiis, j liidge conference giving a rcnirse and 410 Jiinici Barm as and Phi jof studies oil Paul's Iv.iislle lo Inlheas. Those classes rcpie the Philipians. Dr Lh,'lr vr'ho sent between ."0,OO0' and 7e,li!iV wns ch.lii iii'in of the rogr.iin members, i committee, at Montreal wnA" Tho classes arj distributed' as tint t. Dr. Blackwood was ir.w of follows: ' j the most populir ami helpful 4111 Baptist' Bhi aca classes I liiblc teac'iers tint they hid K17 Biplist 1'lii iftthcn clns.ies cvev had' it their conferences. i-.i AI. IV o. is.irnca class s I We ut under him one sninni'i i-lli M. U. S. Philatha classes ; for a week ami rarely l-ave we 11) Prcfi. Baraea rl.isaou &! I'fi.s. Pliiki ihea classes 11 M. 1 liarnca clnsses 41 M. I', l'hil ithea cla.-ses 'M Cll. 'siia'i Kiiaca chi.-s.'s leier heanl a spi alter who could I hold the. vnd'Vid.'d i literal of Mils hearers Willi sue") i'iO.viih' I enthusiasm lhmui:i Ihi; lonj; iseiies. Dr. .1. Wilhiir L'hapiiian 42 Chi intiau 1'iiilatheii. classed wis in th.; an JKnc! ona day a'id JO Moravian ISaraea liter from '.he. st platfonn ih; I-' Moravian Phii-.thea classes 'claioii that Dr.lllnclfwood'sexpo- 17 Uiiin f(ii as:i classes 1- Union Ilnlatlva classes D Kiiends Hit-tea classes J I Fi ie.ids PhiJathea class.; ti li"loniied I'.iraca classes Uifion of .I.'raini ill was the clear jest anr most h'.-Ipful that ho had ever heat d-on ihe pvophct a''d Ids At Iinvooil Dr. i I'liu liwo id will stva It on tin; I litfornied Philatliea clii'ses, NiwU'i:tcil I'lophets of the Old IJ Lutheran Daraca classes Tohtn ineut. We have heard tin 2 Lutheran I'fiilathea classes wlio'o scries and nroiiiiso Of the Jnnbr classes, Jt!j are Baptist are Mellutlist ti . to Union rjl are NJuthodist 1'rjtest.tnt S uro CSirist.isn 7 are I'resbytoiian are Moravia i ' ni"? Refarinod 1 l'i tends 1"J of tlteie classes were or i;n!iizeI hst itr. '1 In? class lepo' ts show over 1 .SIX I convoi'sioiis from classes hul .vf-ar, Binl near'y f:!0,(X)0 contntii'tions to O r p h a n c, 1 (.Jh-i'ivli and Sunday Schools. ' spiritual treat to iiM who coin? ; to Liuwood to att'-nd Ids Itihle stiidi!s. Dj not miss this pail of the prouuD. i : t 4 . (Kjr Iho Editor) The Herald man made his Hist visit to Hoi'.ini? Sprintrs and i einity on Sunday, July IHh. It vas tho occasion of the tiieet'.iiH of the Cleveland county Hanua I'liililht'ti Union with the Bap tist church of that siiuir little town. We were aaree.-ibly sur- SI.elhy is to have a third pap- prised wall the entire outfit or--I 'i e. KltljljIiY iNtiVV. It tonn, scnooi and surraunuiiiK hn iued from the Murry Often we had heard of the-splon-i'i uitiu phmt in which Mr. O. (did cit'zenry and exceptionally i. Uardin lam houaht hall inter-J tine fanrin lands, and we knew Cit. J out. who the editor will bejllie quality i' tl'w school. Hut ( do not know. A to its noli- on a whole we found everything cs we aro also iKoorant. Some (wtts above out fondest expecta p.iy a free Uuce, and others Knyitiom. IJeiH'bliuim. (Jut whatever the After passing Shelby we fmind po'itien we fot l sure it will ho a'oiifsflf in th-j land of the Hiin i'ica nev.v.y slieet t.d if so The riclts. There art other resi HcrU wuhiomes it to iU " ex-'dents bu'. the Ha'aricks must i-banus ani its publi.hcrs into n, bo , maj01.ity. tho rieM. The Clei,oland Star,, ... , pivPB the following aacount: , Broad level fields that remind "Mossra. .1, B, Murvy and of li'eson lay out before us. Hacrie Hurdin who recently en- And the crops were exceptional tdretl partners hip ta run a job ly good uonsidi'iiij t ta seasois printing plant will rhortly stait anj unfavorable conditions gen n nuwspaper to be called The The best cotton wc have blitlby News. Tno job plant . forwerly oned exclusively by seen thls vear is in this section. J. B. Mnrry has been mnved lo'Leavina; the AshevHlo Hitrhway tha BaHey Eskrido . bitldinit just be.vond the seventh mile iext door to W. B. Pahner'a l)0St we turned at riht ansles Sow wre themaehineryUget- SdU,bward Soon we a.-rived at Vntt in, 'illness. A press w T , . , belwOtTtd and a linotype Mr. J. C. Hamnck s store and ymwngaqged as soon as a re;.-' loiidence. Seldom have we seen lesentaCTeealls. Just who will such a Urge brick btore and nice be the editor bl this publication residence in the country, is not renounced. The prefcutj p.lssIu on we were sootl in n plans ai or it to appear semi. I i i weckl.v, v Messrs Haidin and wmroun-ty of fine houses and Marry arw both printers of lonp; splendid crops. The houses tr.i w:Je experience and friends ' were close together town like n-kh for them abundant 8u,3ef.s. ertsiniy we were right in the Ovei1 $50,000 worth of bridges ;one in Cleveland countyseveral in Gaston. Wire communications cut off in every direction-Mail service badly liampererJ. Crops are damaged beyond esti mateAImost total loss to river bottom crops Many ratlnmd trestles gone and traffic tied up generallyCan't jjet to Charlotte Capt. Fortune of Kings Mountain went down with others on Ca tawba trestle Sunday afternoon. Damage to Southern Power Com pany property cuts off current Stops machinery and leaves towns in darkness. Mt-CJ! iXTKHKST JIKIMJ TAKiJN IN AXNI'Al, KVKNT 10 BE BIO POLITICAL DAY 1'f'AKlM. Itlvf.l) J.AbT. THURSDAY ON PKOI'OSKDSITE. Snulh Carolina's candidates for govern or to be there, also warehouse commissioner. WEIGHT OF EVtOENCE FAhtRS OS Ai hearing held before York County Commissioners many testify that they want new road' The ijivat r last storm which s .vept over llii.i section l'Yidaj evi'iiint; to Monday played the Kiwi'.est i f havoc of iiii.' in the uieinor.v of .mi' onk.-it riuzens. The water fa'l tins hreu the iji'eatest on l ecor I A 'I tin' crops have been very si rimir ly dum.'.jred it ml those i:i the low lands an; next to a toll I loss Chainmir H. T Pulton of the i'lcvidand County (' )ini:iission ers st ies th.M lliei' lias 1,-een over .(,t00 .hiiiiatji; i.t. this cou'ity. Oaston county hassuf- fi;n;d a heavy bridirr loss. Thej trcsil.; aci'os? the Catawba river betwee.i here and Charlotte j washed away SuikI-a altcnioolii I with scveial men some of whom! were saved. Da nai.'t; to the : .Southern I'ower property cutoff 1 the current so that mills could ! not start lip pumping "tntiot's "Veie stjppcd and lights iSjierial to the Ih'n.hl.) Xi l U. .1 lu.v I':'- ..Inst i,ou eei v body in this section of York county is lookint; forward with much interest to the Filbert pic nic w'lich has been announced for Thursday.' Annus '' and farmers in everv coiuimirity are workiuj; with renewed energy to' clear tl.eir crops of trrass by thai date. W. h. 1'ur-ley chair man on ai 'aiiuenents announces Unit former Governor likasc, v'ontfi'i'ssinai) D K Finley, Hon. W. I V StiMihenson. l anihdale for congress from tin- fifth district and Warehouse Commissioner John h. McLanrin have accept cd invitation to speal at Filbert on August ;! and that Governor Manniiif; and Hon. IJ. A. Cooper have been invited and wi'.l be present if they can arrange. The good TVoneri of York county have already begun en ticini; the fryinsj-skte chickens H to the baik doors and look -' ill).' them over in order to so which will be best t j fry for Fil bert picnic day: it is evident lint there is no shortage in the thicken ctop of the eoniioy am' that there will be plenty lor all vho come to Filbert on T hdis day, August :i. off. 'ontinned on'-second paec) 10 Willi BONDS AUTO STRIKES CHILDREN Xt lias been ordered by the! C3tinty commissioners of Cicve-j land county that Mr. . I. J. Lit-; iimore be appointed a:i a inem-l bar ot tho commission created by Section (i Chapter -0:i, Public; haws of l'.ll.' to apportion the indebtedness of the district in i anJ around Kins Mountain which was added t Cleveland i county territory by a popular I vote some time ao. Mr. Lat- timore wilt act wit h a similar I coiii'.nissionor appointed by the county commissioners of Gaston cotint. They will ascertain definitely the amount of such oonded indebtedness or which j the said terricbty and th" county I of Cleveland are liable to the! Gas'toa and the manner in ivhich such liability shall be liquidated, In the event, the two persons thus appointed shall fail to agree they s h a 1 1 select a third person not a resident of either county, who shall assist them in detertuinintr as above provided, and in case such third person cannot be lenarded upon by . tho said commission, then such third person rr umpire shall be appointed by the Governor of North Carolina, who shall iut be a resident of the county of Cleveland or of the county of Gaston. -Star. EAST KINGS MOUNTAIN ITEMS Mrs. Lorena Catherine Smith died at Inr tiome on Churt h Street Monday morning, ' Jnly 10th, 1016. after a prolonged ill ness l a complication of diseas es. She' waaa daughter:ot Rev: John D. "and Phoeby Red wine, was born Aoa;. 7th lft55f Cabar- What came very near beiniT a very serious and fat il accident occurred on Mountain .street neat the city limit Friday after noor when an automobile struck two ctiildren at play. Master At.vood McDaniel, need it, son of Mr. and Mrs. G.'.I. McDaniel, had his coMar bone broken and a shoulder dislocated. Master G. Ii. Wrii;h, age !t, son of Mr. and Mr. John Wright, was badly bruised and shocked. The two little boys were playing with a little w.vgcn. the McDaniel boy in the vagon irid the Wt'ght bov oushiiig it. The McDaniel hov saw tlie machine in time to to evert tie; accident and called to the Wright boy who on ac count of the wind didn't hear him. Tho Wright boy was blind in one eye and the blind side was next to the approaching machine so he didn t see it. The machine struck the wagon do molisbing it and throwing the McDc'iiol b:y several feet. The Wright boy was kno;-aed down. The driver of Ihe machine, whose name ooboiy seems to know, succeeded in stooping it in time to keep it from passing over the children, which probably might liavt meant more serious conse quences. Mr. McDaniel lolls us that machines are driven over Moun tain stree. at such a rate of speed to mako it it exceedingly pjiii ous for children to ci reflate on it at all. ; Miss Myrtlo Barrinaerof Con cord left Sunday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs,. Coy Smith of East THE BOOK CLUB The Hook Club held n most enjoyable inecti".g Thursday afterrooii with Mrs. li. L. Maun ey :is the delightful hostess, Fresh cut roses and ferns odd ed to the attractiveness of the dainty rooms and cool porches. Fo'lowing a shoit business session the lesson study was con tinued in by Mrs. I. li. Goferth ?nd Mrs Fred Finger. Several musical numbers were rendered. Instrumental, solos, Misses Katie Gairelt and Virgin ia Mauney and a vocul duet by Mrs. Hunter Patterson and Mrs. Art!) Jf Grouse. A rose contest afforded interest, and amusement, this being fol lowed by the serving of a dainty menu in two courses. Those who enjoyed theoccasion with the club members were Mesdames Col e , Uerryhill, Woods, D. M. Baker, J. G. Hold, M. 15. Jleindon, Arthur Grouse, Anthony, Misses Katia Garrett, Lee Mode, I'onnte ad Virginia Mauney and Mrs. Linda Cobb of Tarboro, N. C, Editor WiUsin Bell ol the York News and Secretary Hart of the York Board of, w.lo here Friday. They say that we gathered the wrong impression from the York people when tiie Press Association failed to accept our iuvitation to dinner on their way from tha battleground to Linwood. They say tint the anangements had been foily completed for tha picnic at Liuwood before our invitation was received and Ui&t Mr. Lindsay had been engagd to bare the stove hot when thsy arrived. They say further that we were misinformed about th invitation not betatf announced in the meeting ,ot ., trie- eonv?n All the parlies concerned weie eiUier pr-sent or' represen tea Thursday morning at' trie hear ing oii the propose-d connecting link- of tli" battleground ' road. 1 1ii' hearing was' he'ld on the. banks of Knit Creek at' the ptiiii't wh ;re. the proposed new toad will cressh(5 creek before' Kdad supeivisor'Bo.vd cf'Vork county aid comiiiistiionors Lath Bin "nit J Kiikpatrick. A'largp delegation was presonl' from Grover to protest that the new road 'shou lit not' bu built but tli iit t'h e o' i'd Y or it Shelby r o h (I wliich crosses the creek about a .piarfer' of a mile lower down' thd stream '' ilionld be repa'ireil ' and ' put' in tirst class condition.' They1 had ' pledges from Grover' people to the amount of Sl.lf) to hi applied 1 oti the repair of tho old 'road. C'hcrokpK county was1 repre " Rented by Attorney ' Biitler of Ga fluey. Iioad Supervisor, Jn kins, ' and one' coiniiiissibiMir. They didn't want the proposed road' built but tlie old York Shel by road reptui t il and maintained, and offered to piil it in first class condition ard to inSke a till' at the creek crossing sutlicie'it to keep tlx road above the water. York county people, arid es pecially thof-e of Kings Moan tain-township, were represented by At1orne.vJbhii Hart of York ind a great many citizens. At torney Ihirt stated that Yoril people had subscribed $200 on the prupoaed road; that the oeo- plo of Kings Mountain township would build the part of the-new roul on the South side - of tho creek ; that the people of the vi cinity would furnish material for the In idg"; that the people of. North Carolina who would be most directly effected would buiid the road'from Mrs; Kobt. Hainbriglit's to tlie creek; and that the town of Kings Mountain would hep. Mr. Beatty Harribright of Cheroke'e offered two huudred dollars Oii tli9 new bridge pro vided' pen'ianent' abuttments were" piit'iii. Witnesses we're''' produced' to ascertiin whether the people wanted the new road in- prefer ence to tho old ork-Shelby , road. Thu e'vidence w'os over whelmingly in favtor of the new road. Attorney Butler tried U prove that' the York-Shelby road was the road moat nsd by travel between the battiegronad rnd tlio vicinity of Grover, But the evidence showed ' that the. Rock House road, a mile or so below the York -Shelby road, was' the one mostly used. Ii was' a'so snown tliftt there was a good ' steel bridge across th creek at tne lioek Hous while at the crcssinit ut tho York-Shelby road thoie vraa a very poor wood bi idite that woolt) Mtcto have to ' be replaced. The evtdettee was' abowlaut that the ide et th new road eriKmAttfd with York pooplo vfho wnt an euUet la this dlreotion. Mr, HtrttxpUin ed lu his tpeech ttha4jMt)M)e who ware'W m&ittiu It-wkopaiti their ta lor it wanted iV Hf . .v

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