I J 1 1 J II 1 J-'' A (Clean Sural NrmBpapr r Stor All Sljc Jamtlg Vol. 13, No. 28. Kings Mountain. North Carolina, Thursday, September 7. 11)10. 81.50 A Year in Advance Plans Are T T Oct 7th. Governor Stuart of Virginia Will Mahe the Address. The music will be furnished by the Kannapolis band Various com-! mittees appointed Going: after , - "'.( V reduced, rates on railroad. Since tlu receipt last wtek of a mes,age frnrn Governor CrulR flU . U U U L LUL' flUUUI UIIUIIUII LLMLIIU of Nortli Ciii-olina to the effect that Gvernor Stuart of Virginia lind accepted the invitation 10 deliver till principal address at tlie October Seventh celebration here there has bee .much ac tively among the executive com mittee whose members couu'Jtute the chairmen of the various com mittees on dotail. Oil last Thursday night the executive committee met in tle office of Gardner & Davis aul much detail was wo'Wed out. Pre&ideut Ilide'-.hour of the association who hud . been Ap pointed to seouro irnsie for the. day reported that lie had closed a deal with the tuii-nanolis band. He stated that tlie band had been enlarged since, last pear and was! prepared to mider even belter . nervioe than before. .The Ka.i : iiaoolls Band staved the Celebra tion last, year tihtlrely sal.isfac-i tori I y and tj say that it will doi bstter this year is Indeed grati JJyim: and the asaccistion ogrv tulates Itself oh having as good a -band as the state affords for the ocasion. ! The chairmen of the various committees filled out the com mittees as follows;' Kroun.ls and Concession J. R. Davis, Chairman,. G. W BTendrick and D..C. Mauney. ' Program and- Arrangements L.i A. Kisor, Ghairir.on,-- H. T.. Fulton and O; G. Palls. '"' Advertising F. E Finger Chairman,. Ear nest Neal' and J, Drajar Woodi , " Finance M'. IZ. Herudon, Chairman;' W. Si, Dilling, J- M. Patterson,. Gv G. Pace and W. P.' Fulton. . :' M. E- Herndon and L. A'. Kis er reported, rhat they were a work ou the matter of reduced rtes,ovN2: the SoiirJitrn for, the occasion bnt had' nothing defi nite to report.-- . , ; . It was ordered'tHat two Unit ed.Stof s flags be bought by the WrcoiKtion foruae- at' the cele bration: - ' . .- ' The committee metts again tonight (.Thursday.)' The Kings Mountain Bap tist Association meets with the church at Waco on Sep tember 20Ul. At that time all the churches in the asso ciation are supposed to re port by lettpr as usnal. Last year I took occasion to canvass the letters from the various churches to ascertain if possible the average num ber of church member en rolled in Sunday Schools. Soins.revelationsy wrre made to me. I found as !ow as 13 percent in One church and as high as 60 per cent H an other' But there were at' least seven churches that didn't report on this item, to t'ie totcl average percentage enrollment had to be approx imated and showed Do-pox , cent, winch is about the states ;. avei'agp. There is a blank provided ic the letter fjr this purpose and I want to insist .that each ch urch an swer this question. LBt iW be able to show' in figures how we are comiig along in the Lord's workv- . Sincerely, G. U. Page. AROUND THE WORLD Just how long u takes to trans act business with (he bottom of Hie worlih might be of interest to Herald readeis. Here's nn in staimo. Ourirf Si-ptPinber the editor of the Hcra'd placed an order with a missionary in Ildia for some curios. During Decern er 01 tno next year, or a year and lli I-. -e months from the time the order was placed, the cr Unc tion arrived. The. buying cost was three dol hi rs bol, the duty was four dollars, making the lotal ccst seven dola,s. On May 12th a vheck was sent to pay tne bill. On August 17th the check was paid by 'he local back upon which it was drawn. Tht check had passed through tho following banks; Internation al Blinking Corporation, Calcutta India; Allutee Hi.l ot Simila, Ld; The Girard National Bank of Philadelphia and back to Kings Mountain. If the badly marked and btamped strip of paper could only talk we might hold an -interesting coaversatlori with it about peoiiles and lards Visited while unking the trip around the world. Cleveland' Star Ns S!' Pottinger,. assistant to Major GI A. Youngsberg who is stationed at Charleston, S. C. byy trie war'-..' department' which has oharge of the distribution of the distribution of of the $540, 0C0 flood relief money appropri ated by Congreeson August 3rd was in Shelby last week in con ferencfi with W. R. Newton and' C. R. Hoey relative to the loss in the Buffalo Drainage District-No, 1 Alter going over tho situa tion be allowed $500' to be paid; out to the people in the- district who suffered the loss of ' their crops, tor work in improving the roads and repaiitug drainage in. Noa. 4, 5 and 7' townships-.. Mr. Newtotiwas designated tj make v5"'?trrangements for; the expeudi Let us l.lrr mjw'thAt-MdiilPrt : ' He will canvass, the peo- day is the; day Wt'iHie ttracfed 80I109I to open. , anif -let eyety patron make l ' speoial effort tc have'elcJl''Qrlid present the" first; day and oh'tlme.i- There ia' no thiiiR that ntaes mof e for the success of asolioolitlrin .. tlie coj ' operation of eyepy patrou from thd very, beginning.--.; v; .-i' Bfeftet'ity Journal ; - - Thufeday.VAuKUst 24th Ola, '''ftughtw of Mr. "and Mrs Jaws fvf Pennington, was married to VV .Walter Floweis. ;. Both the cpn ; tnacting parties reside here.i . "av. R. R. Caldwell Officiating. i and find out who. witl-' worit for il,00 a day. in repariog fcfto roads, -eto. As-the situation i 'itf ratlnr peouliari" t'ie distrlet in that' the people are. destitute, al though theyrJost their - entire crops,-M r,: ' ' Putinger-; has a n idea that If. the ; entire $540,000 is" not fcpeot iiu: the specified tiuio for:' the' relief-" vorb, ' the war department might be indm -ed to make an order covering the Bafftlo situatiot., - THE HBRALIX $1.59 per yeitr-. AN APPRECIflTIOfi Charlotte. N. C, Sept. 1, 1910. Mr. G. G. Page, The Herald. Kings Mountain, N. C. Dear Mr. Page: Upon, looking over the news papers which come to our ex change dflsk, I have vjaad . the pleasure of inspecting 'several issues of your newspaper The Kings Mountain Herald and ta ke this occasion to let you know that The Herald is fully up .o the standard o.f the best weekly newspapers that come to our at tention. Believe that yon are giving yonr constituents a newspaper which. .will deserve the patron age which they give you iu ycur work.- .. , ' "- ; - '' ; With best wishes, I am, Yours very truly, A. H. Turney, Resident Manager, Western Newspaper Un'on. tV;,...5-;;vf.-, :' r F ' V :,7-y'. '-. - : r:., i 1 ' ' ' '-'.nr-Ag The Old Monument on the Kings Mountain Battleground, will the new road be Heady for the seventh? ' If we never made any mistakes we would never have the oppor tunity to let people know that wo were willing to correct thtm. V WANTED you to know that if you' are interested in the history Ot Uhribt.lan . Mauney . and his generations and of Ti you county you can't afford to bo witho-jt a copy of the ' scory : . We have t'leuvon a 12X18 sheet at 10c each( $1.00 "per dozep,f by msil 12o each, $1.10 oer dosen. Will the uew road conrecting the Battleground road with the battlefield be tiiiishedby Oclo'ier 7th? An affirmative answer to this question Mill mean much to the success of the celebration, and it looks possible now that it may be done. The material has, been placed on the site for the new bridge and people seem anxious to have the work done as soon as possible. The lum ber company of Pursley & Falls operating not far from i he bridge site sawed the timbers for. the bridpe, giving part uf it and York county paying for part. That part of the road from the state Hue to the creek is to be built by the people of Kings Mountain and those in the neigh borhood of the road. It is about a quarter of a mile in length and goes main'y through the open tieli of Mrs. Ujbnrt Hambright. It touches slightly tho lands of Beat Hambright and Charley! Hambright. . There is a short! distance on tho hill of the creek approaching the' bridge that will require considerable work, other wise the road will bo easily built. Between the bridge' and the intersection or the new road with the Shelly road, a distance of about u quarter of a mile, the people of Kings Mountain town ship will build. And from whore their work ends oa to the battle field, a distance of about a mile, Yo-k county is to build. With so mrny to do the work it is hoped tl-at they" will get it at. completed so that visitors may be taKen to the battleground over it on the Seventh. The thing most necessary now i leadership. 'I f t h e a 1 'l parties concerned will put some body in the lead the work will go light along. :J '. fssiiiitiiiiiyuiEjifl. Ml? Sarah Multinax of Gro ver Ad Wednesday August 33.' at tiie borne of her - brother-in-law, Mr. R. Nichols at Gtover. She ws about' sjxty years' of 4 ufsatried.. THE ILL OUTING - We inadvertantly omitted the namj of th- nna mill fiom the lWt last week included in the out ing t.nd barbecue given Septcm-' ber 16th in Parker's j'rove by Messrs W, A. Mauney and J. S Mauney, controlling stockhold ers in the Anna, Bonnie, Klo'ho and Kings Mountain Mfg. Com pany mills, and Mrr C. E.' Ntis ler, owner of thu Pauline mills All the operatives of the above named milts with their families will be entertained by the gen tlemen mentioned at a picnic with speaking' and a barbecue dinner'- This is' expected to be a very pleasant day of ontiog and reweati'in to tnose who so laith iully turli the wheolji of onr pro- MR. FALLS DEAD Dill Falls, a welt known brick masonof Kings Mountain, died at his home near the Pauline mills Sunday about noon after lone suffering from stomach trouble. Ho was 53 ' years old. Tho funeral was conducted from the home at two p. m Monday and interment made in Mountain Rest cemetery- . . ; Ho is survived by th6 vidow, aud mother, Mrs, Mary D.. Falls and the following brothers aud sisters;' M r e. J. W. U'r e n, M rs. , Cu'lp ot Belmont', Mrs. Culp'of Inman, S. C, Mrs. Crow of Kershaw, S. C.f Jeff Falls of Trocmotton, Texas, Mrs Moi" cer of Globe. Arizona, and Cal vin Falls of Kershaw, S. O. CELEBRATION IS OF 1L Commcmorrates the turning point of The American Revolution in favor of the Americans. The celobiation of the liilith anniversary ot the famous battle of Kings Mountain wli'ch was the turning point of tho Ameri can Revolution ;n favor of tli- freedom of the colonies from British ruh, lo be held in the town of Kings Mountain on Oc tober 7th is expecl.'d to claim the attention of pcopie a'l over the nation This annual evont has become a fixture ind iieople far and near have learned to look forward to it. It is an event of no small import when it has brought forth such men as William Jennings Bryan and ex Govcrnor Folk of Missouri as speakers, and this year to have such a prominent character as Governor St'iart of Virginia to deliver the principal address. It's an event in which all Ameri cans are interested because this battlefield is one of the mile post i mi the. bloody road from British tyranny to American free Ion: a id is so near iu point of time ai.d distance to where 0c John Bull laid down Ins arms before the outspread wings of the American Eagle. It is of interest beciusc the tide of the war found its turning on tins ruirged mountain and there brave Colonel Ferguson fell and his ai'iny was either killed orcaptur- -ed It is a privileero to be able to 'attend these celebratiins and to be reminded of the patriotism, loyalty and heroism of those who fought so successfully and many lii'l down their lives that this occasion might bo possible. THE WOMAN'S MEETING (Special to the Herald) The Woman's Missionary Union, auxitary to the Kings Mountain Baptist Association, was hold with New Bethel church lat Thursday and Friday. A good number of delegates representing all the Missionary societies i n the association' attended tho meetings both days with the intervening night. The program as published last week was well rendered. Rood reports' were given o! the past years work and plans male fcr more efficient work for this year. Indeed efficiency" wa the keyword of the whole meeting. Mm C. E. Mason of Cha lotte, State Y, W. A. leader , was there and her address on missions Thursday night was excellent also her talks on Friday were very helpful.- The hospitality of the commu nity was unbounded. THE -HERALD, $1.G0 per year Bfcsncmer Cit Jouhiaf Last Monday afternoon Mr. Miles L." Rhyne and Miss Nell White, two 61 our most popular' ybung people, stole march tn their friends and woe' married' at the home of John Moss in West Gastonia by Key: G. P. Ajernatuy , pastor of Loray Bao tist church.- Mr - Rhy ae is a popular young merchant of this city while the bride is one of our most favorably known young la-' dies. -The bridafcoa pie left for Blowing Rock where they will' spend their honeymoon? They have the very best wishes of a host of friends for all the happ" , ness there is in lifctf

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