I jKingrfltcittttaitt Ifcfalh '.' -'"' ' Published every f hursday ". ' . J J.a. paoii, ESTABLISHED 1889 Editor and Owner: '- Entered at the Post-office as second-elassmai) matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Paynble it. advance.) '" l year - . $l.s month I.7J 4 months - - ' f so - month - $.25 ' II 'I I I II I ! More than iioo bonaMide subscriber on May lg, Ii6, Circulation mainly. In Cleveland and Oastop counties, N.C. : t i fa. r r '.Si V." Si m I Will the celebration help ine? fhat seem to be th question uppermost ia the mluds of soma who realty ought to have a broadr r view ot the matter. But ans wer my question. Thv Hera'd takes li'ifi position that it w Jl help vou. Wbalerel helps the ivn wlllbelp everybody in the i, town- Bat it help tho wn just in proportion as tljo people .i ot the town contribute to lt sue less. Two povernors are to be . presnnt' II they are ipade to Jtrtl the Importance ot the occas ion and that we aie everyone vitally interested in the success of the celebration and ia the wel . far of the towc, they will go away K walking and talking i booster q( (. I a g s Mountain, ; Dpjseaa of newspapers men vr "e teie from various parts of the country. Tyetthem feel like they ' have visited a real live (own and . go"bacU tq their dinks and tell the wide world about it. Will '.. that halp tho town? Then nj?am . t fosters a fraternal fueling among the eOW of the towp ' that would be hard to reau.t any pthnr way. We all feel like it if pur celebration and our town. Yen, the ' celebratiqit will help pie because it helps tho town. and it will lielp the Iowa l-ecause l helps me. ' THE PEOPLElif THE LAW ENFORCED Pursuant a call issued by The - Ministerial Association a mas . meeting was held at tho graded - school auditi-riuM Wednesday night of last week. lie v. G. L. Ccrr was ujectcd chairman and presided over tl.e deliberation pf the evcniuK. -Hey. J. 6. Calt slated the objnct of tb met tins 8 boot as follows: Pint, to col lider the matter of Sahbatti day pbscryonce recognizing that the ordinances egulating the sale ol goods in (own on the '-Sauliath are not being properly ciifored, aDd to come lo some . porn inch understanding about the milter ,' Second, to consider the njattei "f pf the whiskey business. T peems that the business is in ' preosing and uegds our aiten (ion. Mr. Cole suggastel that the patter of Sabbuth abaeryance be onsidprpd Hist. This brought fort!) niuch 4i8C4itu wl.Jjh , yound pp with the edoption of Ihe follpwipg rpsqlutio'n: j. t 'Whereas, it has appeared and ' does now a'u.near that tj-ja laws - ( egulating the f a? of 'vods aiid ? : sabbath day obscryahpe in 'tlw Jown of Kjngs Mountaja are not : boinijf propr-rly qbseryed," and - Whereas, we recognUo the 'tact fihat tbewe laws sobald be enrorc- ... pd Jf tho b 8. I irestfj of rl t'ie '. people are- to be conserved, be it. Rf-Wlyedj hat we s citizens of $ho town qf (Kings Mou'itaii) In - f 'jna.s meeting assetn bled ' q ex- urtss o,ur8olv(s as ftjvorimr the ,'jpiiforcgfpjei.t cf these Jaws' and liereby4.pgfl oar saiiportio 'm authorities. in this matter." . ": By tlMrtinpe ttio rusoultiqn hat been sdted ppon ibe houro' teii p'cloclt hjad, arriye-and anvjtioo to adjourn wat lnde b? Mr- t! . H. MsLatiiihen; bu,t Mr: Mc- pughen indulged Key Mr, CjI Ion) eitMJIfH Mr blW 'o ""I H who favored (ilje enfprtwment ol !ie prohibition, (aws her on tho vonth qt pot jber tix voe ''I." . ins "mofcon -receirtd a Jn?rty jt. r ' ' , . r When llp" JiBCurityi ii I'mtli oUsejcvaico was opened J. Ji. Berry hill I'ead ci'ip rofi;renne bcai'jng on"' the subject, , He read as follows, Exodus 20:8, Exodus 23, Exodus 34:21, Exodus 85:2-8, Numbers 15:82, Neheu.lah 10:81, Nehomiah 13:15-22, Isaiah 63:13. Ho state that he might go on and cite other Scripture but that he con sldered tha foregoing suffloient Ho stated that God was talking for people of the twentieth ce" tury as well as aiy other when he sKke these words. Rev. G. L. Kerr called Rev, Mr. Berryhiil to the chair and dweit upon the taVittlut our Isws were based flpor God's law and was anxious to know whethet there was sentiment enough to enforce them. ' Tiero wei e man.v short Speech es frura various persons, some ono way and some auother. Some seemed to think that the pveach- rf .-re over-stepying their pre rogative in calling s- ineefinv to discuss matte. pertaining to the affairs of the city adminis tration while the vast majority were in sympathy with the move merit as they proved when near ly all voted for the lesolotirn. Things took a sudden a dtcis ive turr. when Mr. d E. Neisler sprang to bis feat aqd asked all who wero in favor of (ibeying the law themselves to stand "up.' Of course most people stood whiles few kept, the'r seat. In orde to bring matters to a tnnyible point Mr. G. G. fage inti oduced the resolution as qirjt id a iove whic'l was quickly secondrid by Rev. J. E. Uerry hi' 1. Tho resolution pracipHated more d'scnssiou. Mr. J. E. M' Laughen offered an amendment that would includo a ie'.ic!on ti the city council for an ordinnnct reguliitinW theo,jriliiigof tturage- n the Sabbath. It vvasexplain ed tint the ordinance now on the ')ooics wer thought sufliclert t cover garageo. The Miner duvji t rece'viiig no second was Iropptd. Just before the' votn -was taaer Mr. E. L. Cimpiwll wanted to amend the resolution by striking out the wora "Pruif Stores' whereupon the rosol'it'on wh read a tliii J lime showing that the I'bjectionnble wwd wero not in the resolution and necdei no. be stricken out, The school auditorium was net crowded but yas fairly well ailed with representative people of the town and rbea the Vote was called it carried by an overwhelm Ing majority. ; Thus the peoi'lis spoke In unmistakable terms and said that the.? want the laws reg uliling the safe. o merchanlise on the Sabbath in the town et- farced and that lltey are lllin to ielp in i way possible, '" . Hoffman-Mauney The following carts were re ceived .'lere this week. Mr, and Mra, abao Hlin HijTman ,. request the honor of your presence ,. at the mardg of thir daughter - Sarah sue .'.....-';. .' to "' Mr. William KeMp Itauney on Thursday evening the nin!tntl)'of . October at right o dock . . The Dallas Baptist Church . , ' Pallas, North CaroinS ; 'f. , The article appearing on the first DaiiQ uf this issue under the heading, Prtttersou. "Gn'jS,11? S'.iou.d have r-ed Oak Grove. 8abwrlbe for The lleittd. .; , THE HERALD", $1.u per year u'Mi:rlh for Tha )Mral4. ' .. THE HERALD, ?1-5POT year VV.O. RUDDOCK . y Examined nd CUutt'i . - property fitted. , ', t r ... . n " , ' ' (. - t national uaii utiding t fciMexe MOUNTS IKi. " -.'.'n1 STATE OF' NORTH; CAROLINA " V", ;. - EALEIG1I rvr-i v'---: A Proclamation bythe Governor The General Assembly of ninteen hundred and fifteen amended the insurance laws of North Carolina, and, ' among pther things, enacted: J , ' ' ' . v "It shall be the duty of the Insurance Commissioner and Superintendent of Public Instruction to provide es far as practicable for the teaching 'of 'Fire Pre rention' in the colleges and schools of the State, and, If the way be open, to arrange for a text-boek adapted to such use.- Also by adding tosaid section as section four thousand seven hundred and twenty-ono (b) the following: 'The ninth day of October of each and very year shall be set aside and designated aa Fire ' Prevention Day, and the Governor shall issue a prtfcln ination urging the people to a proper observance of the said day, and its observance to the attention of the ; officials of the, municipalities of the State, and especially to the firemen, and, where possible, arrange Suitable programs to be followed in its observance.' " . How, thirefore, I, LOCKE CRAIG, Oovernor of North Carolina, m accordance with this statute, do issue thm my PROCLAMATION, and I do set aside and designate ' v Monday, the 9th day of October, 1916, as Fire Prevention Day and do urge all the people to a proper observance of this day i& obedience to the law of North Carolina. I urge the publift schools or the State and the municipal officers thereof to give proper and formal recognition of the day and its meaning, and request the citizens generally to give special attcjptin on that day to the condition of their premises, to the end niat.i$b.e waste and loss of property and life by fire may be reduced in this The loss by fire amounts approraixateiy' tfc three million dollars a year in North Carolina. A large per cent of this loss is nnnecessary and can be prevented. Human life, too, is heedlessly sacrificed. ; We should remedy the conditions that entail this enormous expense and loss suffered, not- only bv those whose uronertv find lives are destroyed, but by all citizens in the high rates of nsuranee caused by unnecessary fires. The prevention of the dless destruction of the fruits of our labor and of human Jffe is a duty dictated by economy and humanity. Done at our City of Raleigh, this tho flixteenth day of September, in the year of our Lorcl one thousand nine hundrod and sixteen, and in 'tho one hundred and. forty. first year of our American Independence. By the Governor. r , Governor. , private Secretary. TIRE PREVENTION DAY LAW : 1 : Well to Read Over and Study the Law Fstablehlng Thla Important Annual Event. , ' . '' ' It la well to read over and con sider the law establish- "Fire Pre TfraOon Day," on October . This day is the jtnalversary ot (ha great Chicago , lira And ia used in many Other states. . The law reads: 4821b. fire prevention day. ' Tha ninth day ot October ot each and Levery year shall be set aside and de signated aa "Fire Prevention Day," and the governor shall issue a proc lamation urging the .people fo a proper observance of the said day, and the Insurance commissioner shall brhif the day Wd Its. observance to tha attention of the OffloUU of the mpniclpalltles of the abue, and esper daily to the Bremen, jts4 Where P stbto image suitable prpgralkg p be followed la 1U observance. - v Let everybody tan into the foil spirit of the day and as urged by the law anil Oovemor Craig la his jpiw laaiaUen. aid .the tnanrance Commis sioner by making Monday, Oct. I, the greatest day in North Carolina's his tory tar Are and accident prevention. Uttie sars from matches, . Uttie pjias at fnA. WIU turn your; pretty cottage nto smok tad ash. ATTENTION TO ALL RUBBISH Care Should Be Taken to Clean Yards arid. Burn All Aeoumulated ' . , Rubbish. V Care should be taken to clean np yards and burn accumulated rubbtsh away from buildings and fences where a flre-ralght be started. Fires should not be made on days of high winds. Gathdr the trash In piles on a bare space and burn when some grown person can watch that -no child plays with the burning brands, and that the Are Is jsompletely quenched be fore leaving lfcv OKon;' coats will re vive after being apparently dead.. It is Impossible to be- too careful In these particulars an.d many times disastrous fires will be - averted by timely precaution. . It . may berths means ot saving lives as well as valu able property. In -this connection more particularly is "an ounce1. -of prevention worth a pound of.'cara.n A little. precantion and cariiithe cleaning np and burning of npdo-'fr-U timy. - The: great majority' ofciflr are-ri'viiidable, arid purely the result ot carelessness, .Remember, it is the people ..and -the, policy holders Who pay the -losses. r-::::----"-.-'-.:".l.-j - A night la the winter -V - f, - orack In the flue, ? . ,Jl heap of black charcoal , -I When the fire is through.; '.: . I! 4' FIRE ; MONUMENTS J";':' .TRY OUR 1 Palm Beach Laundry t We are fully equipped to' do first-class work on Palm Beach and other hot weatheiV fabrics r , ciAiici iic i . niunnv t r- CASTONlX, - - - ' N. G. V f y $ The Life and Appearance of the Suit $ Depend upon how it is. Laundered f TOMBSTONES '. I AXa -: . ) Jl " i A nice tombstone placed to the grave is the v greatest .physical mark of respect we can pay the memory of our departed friends. . - We represent the Goggins; Marble" Co., of Canton, Oa;, ; and can sell you any kind any design. Cell on or write k. .. .annnk-i JJOffan & age IQngs Mountain, A. C. G.il. Logan G G. Paga " 4 Rubbing Eases Pain 1- . J ' X' " -r - Rubbing send the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly stops pain. . Demand liniment tbatyou can "tub with. The bestjjrubbing hnimeut ia uimm wwm Sloan's Liniment for Neuralgia : . . Ache, . - ; The dull, throb of Neuralgia is quick-' ly relieved by Sloan's Liniment, the uni versal remedy .for pmn. Easy to apply; it quickly penetrates without rubbing and soothes the sore muscles. Cleaner and rnore promptly effective than nuis. sy plasters or ointment; does not stain the (jiin or clog the pores. . Fof ati? , muscles, :chronlc rhromatism, i gout, " lumbago, spraini and strains It gives quick relief, -Sloan's Liniment reduces the pain and inflammation in insecthites, v bruises, bumps and oiher minor injur. ties to children. Get a Sottle to-dav at VourDruprgist, 26c. 1 ' - : - v Good for die Ailment) of ., Horses, Mule, Cattle,' Etc - ; QooJfor your own- Aches,' PaJru, Rhcumatiam, Sprain ' Cuts, Burns, Etc. '25c 50c. $1. "; ; At aS Dealenv I Help Prevent a acene Like This at V W.Horhe and In Your Town. . - ,-.v .... . $100 Reword, $100 VTh readers of this paper wflt bt 8 leased to learn that there Is at least one , readed disease that eelenee has beeq--able to cure in all its stacea, and that uV i;aian-B. jnatra i;aiarrn i;ure is cne only fioaitive cure now known to fl4 medical raternlty. Cata.Th bylng a constitutional diaeoae. requires a -constitutional treat ment. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken. In ternally, acting- ditctlv upon the blood Vind mucous surfaces ot the svatem. then by destroying the foundation of the dls- 1 ease, and Ivlng ' ha patient strenitth by building; up the conitltutlon and anlsting I nature In doln- its work. Ttt proprietors s naiM mt mii.h fal.l. I. I. a . i . - .. . en that 'they, offer One Hmodi-ed. Deliar J tor any case that It faU to cure,; Send J for list of teetlmonlals. . .' r.Ti . Slid by all Dnnrsnta. TtoT Sak ilaU's Euuiy mu for -rmrlts'tesj ( Bad Cold from Little Soetzea ': ' .. X'J .I'CtOVV, i A Many colfJb intTpang on all Winter atart with a, sneeze, a rniffle,.' ' aoiV .throat; a tiffht chest Yotf krio.the 6ynjptotnstf colds and you know, prompt treatment will break' them up. Dr. Kjng's New Discovery,- with it sooth ing, antiseptic batsama. has been break ing up colds and healing, coughs of ywng slid old for 47 yeart Pr.Xmg'l Ne-r Discovery loosens " the phlegm clears the head, soothes h T irritated membrane slid make breathing easier At yonr Druggist, 60c. ,; , '-1'. Head Off That All' Winter Cough. At the first siom of sari throat ttoY.i chest Of stufted-up head take a dose of Dr.- Br U's Pin.Tar-Honey. The healjrrg pins-tar, soo thing honey and glycerine -aulcklv relieve the ccuiffpation. Innartn the phlegm'and break Up.ydur cold: Pry Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has ail the bene -fita of th healing aromafrom a pine forest, Jt is pleasant to take - and enti'-" septic. The formula dft the hottTe tells v?hy it relieves eolda and' coughs.- At JMW Dnqrgist; 6e. ' I " , --, V

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