ofj rap Ton Made WeU byLrdl. 1 MMODL I i 1" ' . r ' . ' . , Y 7" r"il Sunder Bohoofftou. at tk MoeSg Co'rmlpe. iwii I riadalmastglve. ' sibi institute, cMose.) . .-- tjp. I Ud Iwoa St tar six years wrlh'-K''a. itmiw ttmuNM in a pais la say right id and eoold Dot eat anything- with oat hsrtiog nT stomach. ' I 'could not drink cold water at ail not cat any nor fraeh meat nor 1 iMrVn. Pmm ITS " USSON FOR OCTOBER 8 '. PAUL BtFOlOJ PILIX. LESSON TEXT-Acts M. " : GOLDEN TEXT Herein I SleO ay It to have a eonsclence void ef.or tense toward Ood and ami alwav Aata U-.t. Thla la court scene, and It might SooSri wt to - w itn rtflIn lntr- lit end would get to weak at time that face the lemon by describing euch a J fell over. I beiran to take Lydia E. rathering. The lesson oecnrred Ave Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and ' lays after the last lesson, and twelve : tan dayt later I could eat and it did not Joys after Paul reached Jerusalem, hurt my stomach. I have taken the bearing the collection for the poor. medicine ever since and I feel Hke a The place, Caeaarev was the Soman Mwwoman. I now weigh 1ZT aonds 6f Ju(W . o you can see what It haa done for me j.r .,, already. My husband aayi he knows J; T n!? feat medicine has saved my Bf. ' " ' "; Mrs. J. 8. Baeww, 1624 Sooth 4th 81, tUred f " rS Cohnnboa, Ohio. - regalis. on a platform nearby. - Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Com- go prow w " ' pCTind contains just the virtues of roots highly colored and Jeweled robes, the i and herbs Deeded to restore health sad Tertullus, In his Bomaa toga. strength to the weakened organs of the Da eiders or ins Bsnneann wno body. That is why airs. Barlow, a had come down from Jerusalem to be witnesses against raw ui lerauiua It was saM that, by his persuasive tongne, be could make watte seem black, and could therefore more eaaUy make It appear that Pant was "a dan .. . - ' ger to the Roman power, and sot mere- '-Incidental embellishment i ly a turbulent and renegade Jew." Ths "Remember," ' said the man who Judge, Fells, waa an exceptionally bad takes life seriously, "that riches have . governor, who two years later was re- i chronic invalid, recovered soeeenpVsteiy. . It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to Insist upon having Lydia K. Oakham's Vegetable Cess- y Mntt" "Well," replied Mr. Doatln Btax, "the called by Nero, to Rome. The Infer ence of veraa two is that Paul was SO tact that a fried chicken, has .wings Inciter of rebellion and robberies, but , doesn't prevent me from enjoying It" To Drhre Out Malsrls : : n "V A r And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard C ROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC Von know hat yoa are taking, as the formal is Tinted oa every Ubel - showing II Is Quinine sod boaio a Ustelssaform,' The Quicioe drivea out malaria, the Iroa keiidf) ap the srttem. . jo Diaiee tm mure uiua o uuivm wiuh it was In 1880. . .: . Wrisara Iaum Tnrlablo mim IM wed tteMttoftlm. Trm them 70nn.lt mom. sad Sir SMtple to tit Poari otraoi. If. TAdv. . " There are 88 wire factories In the "United States. ' . ; Thousands Tell It Why dally along with backache sad kidney or Madder trouble! I Thouienda tell yon how to find relief. Here's s cue to guide yon. And it's only one of thouiandi. Forty thousand Ameri can people are publicly praising Dmb's Kidney Pills. Surely it is worth the while of any one who has a bad back, who feels tired, nervous and saa-dowa, who endures distmsine urinary eiioi oars, to give Oesa's Kidney Pills a trial. A North CUn C9" r.Hrs. wfA. Mortar, nshdsv Aahevllla, N. C, save: "I waa In had shape with kldur Iraubla. I kad dtssy haadacliea alone vlth nervous spaUs sad . air kldner didn't act ss tner should. I alM suf fered severely from backache and could hardly atralshten af ter stoopine;. When J saw Doan's Kidney PlllH . edvertleed. I gdt some and tner rid m of 'OMD'eetAvSeare. SSeeaW : DOAN'S V.YiV KSTa-uemauJitN co;buffau.n.t. all the DonV Persecute Your; Bowels ? . -CM OUt Crthetftic eaTld pUlltlTO, Hg4Tg eM ikulbi, Mran,iinniys-aajsai-w. ixj' CARTER'S LITTLE UVER FILLS rWitTtret-U' Act , fr.nuY on in iivwt, ttitminMs) txie, ana rhethadcikme. iowsL I, tire bowel, K.fjt CMfwtlwa, f tick UiV m y aK- vfMrv i kiwi VSS TTLg I ' s l fti turn I ' I H uT, I lastle-nes. ss sillUeas aaew. , ; SiALL PILL, SMA1L DOSK, SMALL PUCK, Genuine; must bear Signattire the exact charges wen three-fold: (Sea w. B-6) (a) that Paul waa a mover of Insurrection ; (b) that he was a ringleader of a sect of Nasarenea who were causing trouble in the prov ince : and (c) that he had profaned ths Jewish temple at Jerusalem. The charge of Insurrection would be espe cially obnoxious to Fellx-erho had lust been praiaed for keeping peace in his dominion. That of being s leader of heresy was not serious, for the Romans had no desire to Interfere between one Jewish sect snd another, but It led to the last one, vis, profaning the tem ple. Ths Romans bad legalized ths Jewish ritual, and for Paul to profane the holy place would be a serious out rage. The weakness of Tertullua ease was that hs produced no evidence to support his charges. The accusers were there, but they had no witnesses. 11. The Prisoner's Defense (vr. 10-21). Paul cheerfully made his defense, for hs knew the Jews and their customs, and that Felix had married a Jewess, (v. 24). we might consider this de fense ft ret negatively and then positive ly. On the negative side, Paul answers each charge seriatim. In the first place there had not been time for him to cause as insurrection (y. II), Going back over these days ; (1) his arrival -In Jerusalem (21 tlS) (2) Ms appear snce before James (21 :18) ; (8, 4. 5 and 6), the days of his vow (Ch. 21 :26, 27) ; (7) his arrest; (8) tus appearance-be-! fore the Sanhedrin ;. (0) the conspiracy and his deliverance; (10, It 12 snd 18) In- Caesarea (See Ch. 24:1). Paul's statement showed that the whole story of his experience was fresh In the memories of both friends and foes. It was tha Jews who did the stirring up. " Paul answers the second charge by acknowledging (w. 14-16) that he be longed to the Christian way -of salva tion, but denied that this was heresy. . Paul was ' a true Jew and a good Pharisee, for (1) he worshiped the ! some God (v. 14) ; (2) he believed. In j the Jewish law and prophets.; from ; them he- knew he could prove that Jesus Was the Messiah. (S) Be agreed with the Pharisees (v. IS) In hope to ward Ood, a resurrection from -tne dead and immortal life. Paul's life was "void of offense" toward Ood In heart and worship, and toward men as shown In good deeds. It war for this that hs exercised himself. Llterally,Je worked upon ths raw material, disciplining snd training It Paul answers the third charge by a simple denial that It had actually taken place, and calls for wit nesses. Positively, Paul explains that he had followed the God of his fathers, that hs believed In fulfilled prophecy- literally the resurrection of Jesus from the dead that ha cams to Jerusalem ; i with alms for the poor, end, as before the council, he stsnds upon his In- ... THE , r If kaow-roa and rsej knew se- If aoUi a wo eauld etoajrlr a"..- " And 'with aa laner siaht dim, The moaning of your heart and mine, I'm sure thai wo would differ toes And eleep sue iMada In rrienduaeesV :-' Our thoug nu would nkmiuiUr scree, ,( It I smew yoa and you knew ne. . Nlzoa Water man. ( HURSJIID BATINCL , Hasty eating Is not by sny means an accomplishment that Is acquired alone by ths busy business .man,,, for It la nearly as com mon among women. This violation of nature's laws, soon er or Ister will tiring the -penalty of Indigestion and disordered liver. Food hurried along In the body Is either wasted, fulfilling no pert of Its natural functions In nutrition or It Is retained In the Intestine In this Un digested state, causing fermentation and kindred Ills thut lead to serious trouble. It is easy to see that Jbe active out door worfcr may, with less danger, bolt his food, for be sits down' for bts quiet noon hour snd his' digestion Is In perfect working order owing to active exercise. - The Indoor worker rushes to ' the lunch counter, often standing while , hs bolts s piece of pie snd washes It oown witn s glass or inna or a cuprui of coffee. . Then goes back to an office where he sits In s stooping position, .which retards digestion. It woald be far wiser for the Indoor worker to fast at noon or take but a glassful of buttermilk or milk than to hurry Into the stomach s mixture of illy blended foods. The normal secretions of the mouth sre alkaline and aa starch Is digested In such a medium It Is necessary that all starchy foods be properly Insalivated. If a piece of bread and butter is well divided In the mouth and a spoonful of add fruit Is added to It the, acid retards the action of the alkaline. These foods should be eaten alone: fruit, then starches. Patty foods sre ; valuable, but mix them with starch in the form of pie and trouble begins If you have any digestive weakness. The fat surrounds the starch grains, pre venting the action of the mouth add In testinal Juices snd more trouble en sues. ' The foods best suited to the Indoor worker are the easily digested foods, and even milk should be sipped, not swallowed as one does water. Milk snd eggs, and dishes inade from them are best suited to the Indoor worker. livery Woman Wants J'- '- "Vilt.J tui( rs.iuUNAl.hri.uuui -DiHohraa fat water tor dowdies stops p- fio. eotxrrh, ulceration and Laflsust -... .a.- tnwwnwieailod by Lydia B. r Mod. Co, hr hs ran, A i. -ug wonder foe- Basal eeiarrh, owns throat aad sow ayee. Ernnnmicei. ilieeir (Modea end in ii Hit . an 1 rnifHoinyxjrjy. Ptyjt, rVlaaaV irf III. mlX. M )n Mineral tVnUir- anetlno - dollar 'Xaateaflnej positively d by money back, on return n limned carboys, shonld yoa ri t.h. f sution jom tx- - - . i.l.C. tegrtty. III. Ths Judge's Delay (w. 22-2T). Felix had a "more perfect knowledge of that way." - We believe tie had se cured this knowledge from Pfflllp, the evangelist, snd from Cornelius, ths Ro man centurion, both of whom lived ,ln Caesarea. By deferring his decision, Felix avoided an outrageous Inistice to Paul, ami at the same time gave serious offense- to ths troublesome Jews who knew of Ms evil conduct From verse twenty-three we see that Paul' whs! given liberty, .literally tuch Indulgence in freedom aa would be-con-rJ stent with bis safety. -Luke, the phy sician, and Philip, the vsngellsti vis ited Mm here, bringing food, books snd letters. After a time Tli and big wife. fJrusllla; sent for Paul to talk with him: "concerning the faith In Christ." Dresilla was s daughter of Herod Agrippa t (vr. 12-23), and a sis ter of Herod II (Bee Ch. 28). 8be was t beantlful worn a. ameh younger than rellx who -was possibly about sixty years of ags.tihe snd her only child perished in t'ifa eruption of Vesuvina. , No stream from Its source Flows seaward, how lonely soever Ita course, -But what Borne land Is gladdened. No star ever rose . And set without Influence somewhere. Who knows What earth needs from lowest crea , " turn. .-. .-! No Ufe can be purs In Its purpose and strong In Ita strife And all life not be purer and stronger , tbareby. - -Owsa Meredith. - -.CUEE8S DI8H6S. There are so many kinds of cheeses and so msny ways of preparing this ;'.'' dellc'ons food that there Is no excuse for lack of variety. Italian Cheese With Rice. Put a half cupful of well washed rice to cook in a pint of boiling water, -cook Ave minutes from this time it bolls, tn-aln and rinse the rice J In cold water; add a cup rui or canned tomatoes, three-quarters of a cupful of water, one chopped onion, half s chopped green pepper, half a tenspoonful of parsley, .three whole cloves and salt to taste. Cook together until she rice Is soft, then add a half cupful of grat ed cheese. Serve steaming hot as a main dish ; It will be found to be most appetizing. Dream Cakes Cut thin slices of rye bread and trim off all the crusts. But ter lightly, spread with grated cheese, red pepper, s few drops of Worcester shire sauce and salt ; cover with s sec ond slice and then saute both sides In a little butter. These should be eaten at once. Serve with the salad. . 'Cheese and . Apple Frltters-SHce tail apples in thin slices, put thin slices of cheese between, sandwich fashion and sauto In s little butter until the apple Is soft . :, Welsh Rarebit Scald two cupfuls of ch milk, add a tnblespoonful of but ter' and half a teaspoooful of soda. When tMs Is bubbling stir In two cup fuls. of mild cheese, cut tn bits, s tea spoonful of mustard, moistened with milk; add cayenne and salt and one well beaten egg. When the cheese melts, turn It over slices of buttered toast or toasted buttered crackers which have been softened by dipping Into s little hot milk.; One need hot feer bad dreams If the cheese Is simply melted. .. j ... . " . '.- ; Curried Carrots. Cut up In strips as many carrots as are required for ths family. Put them wet Into a. sauce pan with a tablespoonfhl of butter, a toaspoonful of curry powder .'and salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Cover ths pan elossly to keep tn all the steam and cook until, tender In their, own steam and Juice, More water may be added if necessary, .but tha flavor if Oroca better cooked lit so water. . ,. .' BIHiK Calomel Salivates! It Makes You Sick and You Lose a Day's Work Dodsorfc Liver Tone Acts Better Than Calomel and Is Harmless for Men, Women, Children Read Guarantee! Every druggist here, yes! your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of calomel They all give the same reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is taking its place. "Calomel is dangerous arrti people know it while Dodson's Liver Tone is safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent local druggist Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist. A large family-sized bottle costs only 50 cents and if you find it doesn't take the place of dangerous, salivating calomel you have only to ask for your money, back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant-tasting, pure ly vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeling fine, no sick headache, biliousness, 'gue, sour stomach or clogged bowels. Dodson's Live Tone doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all next: day like calomel. Take a dose of calomel tonight and tomorTwnr you will feel sick, weak and nauseated. Don't kraet a day's work I Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morning because you wiff. wake up with your head. clear,, your liver actnrtv bnwels clean, breath sweet and stomach regulated- ou will feel cheerful and full of vigor and readyr for a hard day's work. You can eat anything afterwards without risk: o' salivating yourself or your children. Get a ott!e of Dodson's Liver Tone and try t o.n my guarantee. You'll never again put a doate of nasty , dangerous calomel into your stomach. Adv. An Eye to Business. ""This play Is the worst ever. I am going to demand my money buck." "Wait until after the next act old man.' Ten years elapse between acts 1 and 8, and you can demand Interest on your money for that length of time." "St Louis Lady Cured of Eczema. MSS Vernon St.. St. tauts. Mo. i have had ficsema for four years and lave tried every thine poeelble to cure It. without success, until I tried Tetterlne. Tour medicine has cured me after sis months' trial. Miss X. B. King. Tetterlne cures Eeiema. Itching Piles, Ttlne; Worm, Dandruff and every form of Scelp end Skin Dleease. Tetterlne I0o: Tetterlne Soap 28c. At druasists or by mall direct .from The 8huptrtns 'Co., Sa vannah. Oa With every mail order tor Tetterlne we give a box of Shupuine's Mc Liver Pills free. Adv. - . There are 1,308 flsb preparing fac tories in Spain. ' Harbinger bf Autumn. "You ore ns merry as a cricket this mornliifi," "Yes," replied the cheerful subur banite. "When I Issued forth from my dwelling I row something on a vacunt lot thul convinced me this terrible summer Is nbout ended." "Whst did you seer "A billboard carrying nn advertise ment of full overcoiita." Dr. Perry's "DEAD SHOT" la sa effective medlolse far Warns or Tapeworm Is adults or children. Ons does la auSolest and so supplemental purge seeeasarj. Adv. ' Constant Reader. "Bllgglns la a pessimist, Isn't he?" "Yes. He's so food of bsd news that he goes dnwh.celltir every morning to read the gaa and electric meters." "Why uipnt?" "Well, one of No Fun in That. did you bmik the em my Huncee got to lmltaUagc these movie queens. thought 11 was cute to Khoot me swift kiss under the ear." . MOTHER'? JOY SALVE for Colds, Croup, rneumonla Asthma ; GOOSE GltEASB LINIMKItT for Neuralgia, Rheumatism assS Sprains. For sale by sll Druggists. GOOSE GREASE COMPANY, MFRtV Greensboro, N. C Adv. , The Ususl Way. .Browning I understuud you wessr ut the races yesterday? Greening Y-yes, but I huppened bar pick one before he wns ripe. By the eatest coffee merchants in the world There has been a great deal written and said bout making coffee, and wherever you go, each woman thinks her way ia bests, Yet we all know how much coffee varies; good one meal bad the next- often so bad you simply can't drink it' Donl be discouraged if yoa are not getting coffee as fine as you would like to have. Don't be satwfied to drink coffee which is "just me dium." A million other women make coffee) their husbands brag about, and it is so easy for you to do it , Instead of coffee which you only put up with 1 because-you can't get the kind you would like to have, you can get coffee which every mem -ber of your family ' will enjoy, coffee which every visitor will praise, coffee which you your self couldn't do without. Hw to OolWJ CsjffsMt A WOTMPtpiOfjUsnaaatCg4. fsxti B 4ir that th pot U wUmn. Hmmovreoft- ground mtdiitmAn, just tb ui Ar backlsw' Ground ootTm is. AI-' low om bMpiD tabssWoonfal to wadi cup of watarr. with on xtTsVipoonful of twffsM forth pot. PutthaaoaW into thai pot. dd cold water. Lt boil until It Ii jnrt tfatrnMrth yoa lik. 8smlwiUiatihoeoktwatr. - TU Drl M.tfcoJ. ttm pIsMl wayi BsVs) your eoffM . trround yry tnm, silmost to a powaw. uttoDiy hsUiktaMo-spoonfaitoaseTjp,ithanztra thmcoh;ioaTbol1Qgwwtmr throorh it auowly through one only, B lura to hav watar Dot tin r. Tbit dew not naka aa atronv eoffe aa boil km it yoo want it stronvar, don't tsak it thla way iiv craaainfx tba amount of eofla won't mako it aay ttongor. on for tb pot. (Tbia DMtbod Lanlraa onlv half asi much oof- - f a ad for other methods.) Fat tha oaCaaiwapsif nf ttmm aasytiMdi IJgss a medium nna grwa6 soffsa for paroola tors, (jot tha sis Arbucklaa' OroundooflsMM). Allowatabl apoooful to aaeh cup of eoffoa . and on extra; )tjth wstr per ; colata upthrouch thaeoflaeuii til tt ia just the risht atnnfth. MakinaT eoffa this way, you can aa it Just a taik) or atronc a you like, and you eaa raty ft He aaiOdT gaoa asery tjaa, , -. . sWlaaarMleaw To get these results the coffee ' itself must be right and must ; always be the same ': ''Z .'' Tluafa yo hoa)e1 vratdi mmt for : . . Sfcfc aai aw laii .. TWsaffiaiwaafi Aaroan amarada of TarWtias of eoffoa mwi. Tha aoffaa atf most ba put arp by mmt wW Imcm aiCt ArboeaJ' Coffaa la. It la pot op by ArbuekJe Bros tha srraataat aotTaa marchaota M lata war kL Theaaffivayo ,:- thaahia iweoffea which aw ana hi Mai ' Ww ood aoffaa Itself la, if It Jn't wall takaa car of. In makastpoordrlnk. AJbockiee Coffaa la put op ia seeled, doat proof peAkaffea.earefuUy wtap pad to protactitfrom moiatun ' , dirt, stor odors. It ar.lree fa XUU tf your . flavot Always tk aaaaat ArtmckW - Coffaa today Is the UgrM sU lor coffee in tha UnitedStates. V Did yo tiTW .top to think what . V this masnsT ToUinkhowtyaoa sjoffa arart ba to ba Aa Ma aWassktTiathaUnltadStataaT From tho momant It was pot en tha market, H waa a win nam. Today, it ts need la over a mil Baa haws, to thUaJtod8tato. ' SaatlMOifiBi Wharour proflu with yea bytinavyoa aeefai and baautlf ul prtmiimi foraivnatasaa aavad from Ar asjckieekaam We buypr uuma for ever aoaUjoaaeara f Arbeckles' Ooffee. Boyin tosuhavc4tvaatitiaiBaakelt poaeibia for natoariwath yreat. est pcemfoja vaiues arer seen. In eri7pas&a1Tof Arbuekl' Coffsw tbre ii a circular ehow fnc our prafniuma. Be sura to ret it and see how quickly and easily yoa eaa set what you want, all without any coet ' Get Arimektee Coffee from your arooar today, either -tha VtaakU Broa, fKb-t Water Street, Mew York aaaTaVaVetaaseailVsaf OssrtouM. eee ciargsMM a ' yerd fjetdt aad (as ae iarie fwarajre iar4eaa Dm wmmm iiMa,' f asn i and. laay ae salt . wW." arMsaMMaMaaMrea. 1 y ""I t)) v:'"' ifrsj :" Kl tl-e wrf e ue aXrbuctlea'ctart to nee It ywreelfgive your a ch.aiic to bragft,