lfefeN Liberty, Truth, Justice, Equality. & Vol. 16, No. 10. Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, June (5, 1918. 81.50 A Year in Ah;uice BIG W. S. S. DRIVE WEBB LEADS WITH I l 23 TO 30 FULTON SECOND i On or bi-fiirt- -Juno 2th. Tht county board of election every tax imyt-r and househo'dur j 1iaa declared the fo'lowing men In North C.irolim will have intuit; tin; oflicial b,mocratic Candida liin cubseiiption to lhn War Sav- j ten in (' lev. I. mil, there being no ing G.impaigi. or iriven Lis ipiv ; opposition to Uihiii. The) names hoi! for not doing so. Pn'siflpiitl ..fie not, ilieiefurr, submitted Wilson has 'proclaimed Fritlay j to the ,.1'opl... at the primary Sat June 23th, as National S ivntg j mday hut will he voted on at Day and has requested every I the general t-lectijn in the fall, man, woman a id child to pledge The only- cfti ;e for which there himself on or before the 2Hih, tt is a contest is for clerk of the save tin d buy WarS wing Stumps ccit.it for wh-ch a ,)-itLary was to the ulu'ost of his ability, (j v- held Satuadiiy. ernor Bickett has designated the In the primary ''eo P. Webb week of June 23rd to 2Hth as 'e l with H. T. Pulton a rlot War Savins Week and l,rle!NPCund-.W1'" i Hond pri " inary will be held or Pulton every tax payer to pledge I"1"-1 yield to W -bb ha not been ai -t,elf to buy all the War Savings nounced. Stamps that In his honest opin-J por Senator. 82nd senatorial ion li will be able to pay for du- j district D. Z. Newton, rlnii the remainder of the -year The purpose o: the Presi lent' Pioc.aujalion, likewise that of the Governor' is tnat the War bavin Campaign shall be made to go over the top throiiirh the efforts of an iutonsive Campaign to be cond noted from State Head, quartern beginning the week of June 23 and culmination June 28 Instead of taking a yen and a "'month to subscribe this loan to the" Government, Nitional ar.d State Directors of the War Sav incr Campaign decided that it shall be put over within a week, and that with the same biff suc cess that mat the recent drive of t ie Liberty Loan and Red Cross. .The plan by which Nebraska scowled in oversubscribing ber quota by four million dolr and and raUlng over fifty per cent of , ber sale by April 1, is the plan that will be adopted not only iu North Caiolina bat by every state In the Union. What Ne braska has done it is believed at State Headquarters and. all War Savings workers that North Carolira can do. Consequently the plans fir an intensive State wide drive have been sarefully worked out and are now being executed by State, county and Tawnshio Chairmen. Tbe chief principle of the plan adopted is a house to house can vass and the taking of subsciipt ions from every tax-payer in the township, or his excuse lor not subscribing. A ree-ord of every mane's pledge and supportof this cause will be kept. . - Qp Fidftyi June 28, every tax payer mVl be summoned to ap pear si the sohool bouse in his school district for the purpose of Por house of representatives 0 Mi Mull. Sheriff W. D. Lacky. lien I tor of deeds J. J. Lat titnore. Treasurer liush Stroup. Recorder and Auditor B. T, Palls. ."."' Coroner J. Sidney Hood. Surveyor A. M. Lovelace. Commissioners (only two to be elected) G. W. Peeler, Nos 9,10 11. D. S. Lovelace Nos. I, 2, 3. ' Board of education A. P. Spike. R. L. Weather, W. L. Plonk. ' For Road Commisoionetf, No. 2 township W. N. Blanton, A L Jolly, P.. B. Hamrick. Por highway ommlsftionert, No. 3 township J. C. Bridges, (Ooljr one to be elected,) For highway commissioners, No. 4 township 8. A. Mauney. (Only one to be elected). No. 6 Highway coininMsion ers, L. A. -Blanton. Joe E. Blaa ton, L. A. Gettys. No. 7. Highway commissioners William Baam, J. B. Martin, Irv in Pliilbeck. No. 8 Highway commissioners, J, T. S. Mioiiey, Tom Willis. Jno. Lsdford, Justices of Peace, No. 1 town ship, H. 8. Wood, R. B. McBee Plato Allison. Constable, L. A. Humphries. Justice of tbe Peace, No. 2 township, W. C. Hamrlck. D. D. Dodd, J. M. Irvin. Constable, M. A- Jolly. Justices of the Peace, No. 8 township, Hugh Borders, D. G, Webber, J' M, Roberts. Con stable, Jerry Run jam. . ' Justices of the Peace, No. 4 . iL! ri tr trA t x I UjWUKUiP, V ADUUUUB, wit. aithnr nolnhratlns the occasion of .Collins, G. T. King, I. H. Pat- his township's raising its quota , tersoii, J. G. Uerndon. Consta or ft that be not the case, to, ble, G. P. Falls, flnish'raiaing the township quota, j Justices of the Peace, No.5 The township will be the unit of towuship. C. Plonk, S. S. L. Del organization in the campaign, lengar, M. P. Harrelson. Consta- Knd"F,vnrv' townshin over the.ble, 0. L. Barrett. top by June 28, in War Savings pledget will be the motto". ' Miss Ethel Parker accompani ed, her brotheri Willie, to Atlan ta fast week where Willie , had pfs eyes examined attain. ..The specialist who has. been treating hfseyes-forthe put several years hinks that he will sventuallv overcome his trouble. No oper - atiou was deemed necessary and .noo, e was made this trip.' Justices of the -Peace, No. 6 township, T. K. Barnett, W. K. Newton, M. 0. McTutyre, C. 8. Cavony, T. P. Hamrlck. Consta ble, J. L. Lackey. Justioesof tbe Peace, No. T township, M. M. Green, Gllead Green. A. B. Jones. ' Constable, T. B. Harris. oJnstloesof the P.ace, No. 8 township, J. F. Eaker, George M. Gold Andrew J. Elliot. Con ''tin -mir "' " stsSsii THE WOaUIS FOREMOST 6IT1ZEH, ITS GRUTET THINKER MB STRONGEST LEADER. Do you know him? Of course, you have kuown his face for a number of years but of late we are coming to know HIM. And the world is coming to know HIM. Since the outbrake of the great war when his full thinking capacity was called into ac tion the world has had increased opportunity to learn of him. Tbe more the world learns of him the greater the admiration he commands. He has rapidly come into his own and now stands at the head of things. He is doubtless the world's greatest think er, finest statesman, bravest leader, first citizen and moat prom inent figure. The world sits up to hear what he has to say. The world watches day and night to see what he will da The world eagerly devours what be writes. He dispels the'doubts of Con gress, He heartens the whole allied combine. He is the greatest terror the Kaiser knows. He js strictly a human being with a heart full of sympathy for the whole human family. He is the exponent of a righteous' cause and the greatest man aliva He is Woodrow Wilsoa, the president of the United States, the nation that is to break the bonds of autocratic slavery and set the world free. . -- - r stable F. D. Wilson. Justices of the Peace, No, 9 township, J, . W, Griggi .3. J. Blanton, A. J. R. Hoyle. Con stable, E. W. Dixon. Justices of the Peace, No, 10 township, M. M. Gantt, J.. A. Buff, W. M. Warlick; Constable N, A. Smith. The only .case of much. , inter est' to come before .Recorder FalTs here Friday was the- Oelfc King-Hambrlgt Case coming up from the . Dixoq . .commAnityJ, A prospectus ot the case was gi ven in the Herald last week whlch the reader is' already familiar'.' Jt wai a case where H. Y. lielk.Sup- erintendent of the Sunday school at Dixon school, ' was assaulted m the grounds last Sunday after Sunday school had adjourned by W. Daley King and afterward run against by' a buggy in which King and Quay Hambright were riding. It. was brought oat In the. evldeace that Ring had taken issue with statemenu made by Belk in announcing prayer ser;- ylce for Thursday in accordance with the proclamation . f the president and that after thd'COn gregatioa ad repaired from the building King accosted Belle , on ha grounds and dwnaVted that he 'take bagk'some things he bad ai I.; 0po Balk's reiusai to re tract King knocked . him dowd and choked htm and after being pulled off administered ,a - kick, The evidence was -very much in favor of the prosecution- and so Well pleased were the onlookers that Belk was not allowed to pay Hon. C. K. IIoey for represent' tag tiWbut was; vouched for 6y; a citizen who proposed to raise it by public subacriptioa, King vyiis fined fifty dollars and cost. Hambright was fined ten dollars fjind cost for bis 'part in running the buggy against Belk in the roadi'- ' ' " , The case of Hamlet - Turner shooting Marshall Camp last Sundav was continued until June 27 awaiting developments in the condition of Camo and with the hope that he would be able to attend trial by that time' ;i;.PT Simon , The Pro-German propagand ists are at work again. Reports have been spread In some sec tions of the Country, that Food Administration1 jiffiioials have stated ; that there ;'is ':'no ' Jonger becesaity for the conservation of wheat! State Food Administrator Henry A Page has received telegram from Mr.- Hoover, call- THE REPUBLICAN (THOS. P. CR01ER ! COUNTY TIGKETi WRITES FROFfl FRANCE The Keptiblictn eounly ticlct : Ijt'gisliturc A I'. Itumuartl ner Clerk of Couit I). .1. Ihuiu ii lt Register of Deeds 1). A. Kul Ion. Treasurer O. N'. Haiini.k Sheriff T. I!. Rich..rtN. Corjner A. V. Costner Suiveyor A P. I'Vls. Cou.lty Couimissioneis -,J. A. Smith, J. 1$ Cn ponle-, ( P. Silver, .1. IS. Horn and ('. A liriltain. County Board of Education Francis Boy leg, D. E, P-yers and 9, G. Jones. Superintendent of Education Paul Hamnck. Recorder-J. II. Quin. Magistrates No. 10 Township M. C. Bumgardner, J. H. Buff, R. C. White. Co stable W. A. Cook. Magistrates No. 9 Township Robert Bracket, Burt Bingham, Charlie Fortenbery. Constable Will W. Richards Magistrates No. 7 Township R. L. Harrill, E. M. Hamrick, Hoyle Turner. Constable J. B. Francis. Magistrates No. 3 Township- John H. Rippy, C. L. Brers, John Hamrick. Constable Seth Runyans. Other township nominations to follow. ing his attention to these reports denying that any statement of this character had ever been is sued, and explaining the actual situation. Tho situation is just like this: Our actual supplies of wheat and flour until harvest will allow for home consumption a little . less than one-third of our normal consumption, if we are to main tain the absolutely necessary supplies for our Allies. At the l-eginning of May there was in the hands of farmers and else where storage approximately 75 million bushelsof wheat to carry us for three months. Our nor mal consumption for these three months would be 120 million bushels, nob allowing anything to our Allies.; Based on the total supply in the United States for home con Sumption, and considering the, decreased consumption by our people, there is within the bor ders of North Carolina our share and more of flour, states Food Administrator Hunry A. Page. "This being truo I am calling upon the" wholesale' and retail merchants of North Carolina to refrain from sending further or ders for fiour to wilts outside of N;orth Carolina. ; ' ." The larger mills which have been acenstomed to ship tremen dous quantities of flour into North Carolina ate most of them close to export points and all of them are in position to pack fiour for export Therefore even where merchants la some parts of Nor th Carolina could secure from such mills their flour cheaper than they can from North Caro Un'a'mllH which have flour avail able, I am going to ask them to Mr. Marsh.ill f'row.l.-r I,,. j;i 1 received a letler from his liroltn r. Piivnte Thus. li. Cruwdrr in Frnniv that will be of interest to llt-r.dd reuilers. The letter in part fnilm.s. We iiave depleted the personal mat ters that do not interest the puhlie. A. E. F. Trance, May .p, KillS. My Dear Brother:. ..'... The 1- reiich are fine soldiers and ijood comrades. I have found out more ahrtut the Germans since I have been nv.r here. They are no good. Tell all 11. y friends 1 would I ke to see them. Tell them we are sure to whip the Cer mans. Every time they take a little of our ground we kill them like dag;:. I think they will get tired of it before long and turn against their rotten kaiser who kills women and chil l ren. I guess you have seen by the papers that U. S. boys are giving a good account of themselves. The Y. M. C. A. is a good tiling for us over here. I was down there the other day and they had a sign up which read "When have you written moth er last". I looked at it and thought of my dear mother that is dead. I am getting along fine. We are hav ing some fine weather here now. Give my regards to all. Your brother, Private Thos, B, Crowder, o. B. 117 Eng. A, E. F. Paris. THE OUTLET OPENS The Outlet is the name of the new store being opened up in the Plonk building on Mountain street recently occupied by The Battery with J. D. Hobbs pro prietor. The business will be run' in connection with The Uobbs Department Store of Bes semer Citv which is operated by J. L. Hobbs, father ot J. D. Hobbs. The Uobbses aro gieat believers in advertising and that means that they aro hurtling business men. We bespeak -for them a thriving business in our town. They will hanhle dry goods, notions, clothing, shoes, etc. Look for their advertise ment in this issue of the Herald? UNIVERSITY COMMENCEMENT The following Invitation has been received by the editor of the Herald: The Faculy and Graduating Class Of The University of North Carolina request the honour of your Presence at the Commencement Exercises June second to fifth nineteen hundred and eighteen Chapel Hill, North Carolina take the home flour even at a higher price. I do not pretend to Say that there is sufficient flour in Nor th Carolina to-supply anything like the normal demand. What I do mean to say is that if we are to supply our Allies with the quantity they must have we have as much flour in North Carolina as we are entitled to and as much In proportion as the people of any other State or section and we have no right to more",