fl N Liberty, Truth, Justice, Equality. htkhh Vol. 16, No. 11. Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, June 13, 1918. L.50 A Year in Advance I v li Ml 23 TO 28 IS WAR SAVINGS WEEK. - MUST GO OYER TOP is TO REPORT OF DINS ! NORTH CAROLINA "OVER THE TOP" IN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS JUNfc ZS Because of seditious statemi n,t m ido by S. P. Houser a ft,w days ho, a number of the citizens of towu called npoD hlin Wedncs dav and compelled him to wlk out to the court square neai I he1 bin flag and also to make apoic ljr for his unbecoming talk h bout the American Government And the winning of the war. When he saluted the flag, le wis compelled to denounce Gee mau sympathy In all of its forms. Resolutions were drawn and requestnl publication as follows: It having been prought to the attention of the undersigned Cit izens In Mass Meeting assembled ibis the Fourth of June 1918, that one Silas i Houser, an al leged Cilisjn of L'ncoln County has on various occasions rxproc ed himself In a manner which proves to ns that he is disloyal to the Government of the Unit ed States, and in sympathy wlih tho Imperial German Govern ment in its War upon Civilization and innocent Humanity. Whereas. We brieve it to be our duty as loyal Ctiswus of the Uulted States to tal some act ion to exterminate Pro-German-ism from our midst, and t up hold the hands of our Govern inont In Its unselfish fight for Huinsnity throughout the World and to bring those guilty of dis 1 loyalty before the Bar of Public opinion that they may realize their responsibility and obliga tion to the Government whose privileges and protection they have enjoyed from infancy, there fnrn hp it. pa.nluod. (first) That the said Si!a.j P. Houf er be required to publicly apologia j to the Ut iz jns of L nolo, Ciunt for the statements he has made and the impressions he has left, and be iurther required to salute and express his a'leirtaiiCJ to the fla of our Great Natioaon the Court 5n,mrBof till) town of Li IColn'O I on WedaeiUy, Jae 5sh, 1918 at " 11 o'clock . m. Hnonnfl) Tiiat a copy these Report of Womens Missionary Union of Kin Mountain Associa tion for quarter ending May 31st 1918. WomenV Missionary Society Bailing Springs Preildent Wilson Proclaims June 28 National War Savingi Day. Governor Blckett Designates June 23-28 War Sav ings Week-Ivery Person Will Be Asked to Pledge. $22.00 Cherrvville 53.43 Double Springs 6.50 Elizabeth 11-00 Fallston 2.55 Grover 6.50 Kings Mountain 31.27 Mt. Zion .90 New Hope 8.00 Oak Grove 4.00 Patterson's Grove 5.50 Pleasant Ridge .25 Poplar Springs 25.00 Ross' Grove 3.75 Shelby. First Church 37.41 Shelby, Second Church 30.00 Waco 10.00 Total $22803 Young Woman's Auxilliary Kinds Mountain 1 $378 Grover ' 3.00 Cherryville G. A. .95 Total ' $8.06 Royal Ambassadors Cherryville $ .70 Graver 1.25 Kings' Mountain 3.61 Total $3.56 Sunbeams Boiling Springs 43.25 Cherryville 1.12 Flint Hill .25 Kinds Mountain 10.22 Lattimore 2.53 New HoDe 1.50 Pleasant Ridde . . 5 Waco 5.00 Total . $38.84 Grand Total $266.90 1ST INSTALL SEWER- AGE IH FIRE LIMIT At the regular monthly meet ing of the town council held on Mav 0 it was ordered that all surface closets within Ih" speci fied fire limit be removed with in ninety days from that date and that all closets constructed f mm that date forward be of reg ulation standard and empty into the sewerage. This will elimi nate a very unsavory condition that has prevailed from time im memor'Uin various back lots and win also render the residents within the limit more tenable. The act already has produced effect as much sewerage is being installed. THERE WILL BE NO Mrs. W. R. Beach, Associatioual Supt WAR EXPENSES IMCREASE a . M .1.1- war expenses tor may unj year will be only a billion dollar more than they were for May last year. B it Uncle Stc is not worrilng. lie kno's that the I going to stand back of him and I I I I ! . I . Ik.. Ua enu uim biiHir muutjr . iuau uw resolutions I e furmshoi the may them from a German invas Press of our p.iuut,. ion and tili the atrocities that "T. here beflore this comoany the Hun is accustomed to com- of citizens resign as German mit. We will do this by boyini Kultur professor, and publicly War Saving Stamps, not a few, denounce the German Kaiser but as many as we wui oe aue and his horue of Huns, and fur- to pay for during the remainder ther declare the Damnable Ger- of the year. . man Government to be nothing " more than and outlaw power. y PERSOKS REFISTER HERE mod amenacu to Civilizitioi., uu , f ' " " worthy to bo trusted or respect- Forty-four persons registered d by Civilizod mankiiid and military duty here Wednesday that any cue who sympathize 0f laxt week. All these had be with Germany against Ainorica co,no 21 since June 5, 1917. It is js unworthy nf the respect of 8utd tlit fullv a million men any American. reuistM-od in the United States 'I now declare my allogianee on that day.' tl, tlnltad States Govtrri to the UhitHd States uovtrn- - nMm, As went and to the U.ifd bUU vil1n(V of mv -Wry I flag. tut eiiioiem ui ui.ri ..j l..Ltl.u- fiwilmr thut I trill no er 'n utter a ' word or do a single thin tftal ewnible d '; Joints rAtiffl W"ch gWes I fUg. khIuio the United States L ing may It wave". , "S. P.xHouser." THIS HERALD. H.M per rr W. 8. 8. TAKE THI BOYt "OVEB THE TOP" Ths next big campigTi'th mutt b t rr.r with th sain. wxtot pSin. This mart b. 4on.. Present Wiln mm. on jeM Mdw, J M. He bn procUlmed th.t day National War Bering Day and be called en erlrr man woman and child to .utacrlb. all that la bla hone opinion be "li Z m. to purln, the rema.nde, of the yr to the War Barta, Cam. -"when Mr Vanderllp and hla ablate, decided oyer a month ago that wnen mr. " r . too" now. Instead SJ? Tnrstate ot N.braeka furnl.hed the plan, for thle .tale had aheady b.d aeveral million, dollar. OT.r It. ,oU and had r...d OT.r W p '""Mr Vand'eriip at once ..t about to know how Nebra.k. did It. He called ,,o conTerenc. Mr. Ward M. Barge... Stat. Wrector i WarJ toriw tor Nebraska and Mr. Klddow, Mr. Barge..', right-hand man. Together tbey S lb. plan in the light of a national plan. two men who had worked It to a .nccewful l..ue. they Zrh teainre. aa to make it wren more thorough and practloeable tot other &lSir only North Carolina bat other .tate. ot the Unto. Sir. been Sd to adopt tfal. pton and put orer the W Sarin., Campaign '""when Ool F. H. rriee. War Baring. Director ot North Carolina, wa. ll.d to New York .ereral week. ago. with other .tate director., to hare S Plan putWor. them, h. ae a.ked if North C.rfolln. conld do it-Sur..-,M Colonel Trie., "what Nebraska can do. North Carolina can do. Wllput It orer It tt take, all the bunting aad the flag, and the drum. In the whole BOUWtth'thl'.t'conrlctlon and determination. Colonel Frle. came back and sot " . . . .i. .niohia in North Carolina about to perfecting me pians ya iu condltlonr These plan, hare been preeented through conference, held at Place, in the .tat. to the county chairmen and other War Baring. wu a v-i ... in hi. hand, ft ilnt ailed CODV of the Man. and be ha. been adri.ed to follow the instruction, .top by .tep a. glron htm to arold confusion and to do the work with the greatest possible eaaa OnVonTlmportant change la the naUonal plan did Colonel Pries think best to make for North taroima. i' ' - - oen m m" . . . ,K. uv K.nit,. inu is oontlnulnc week Insteaa oi a nay. io, - - Through June 28 has been designated as North Carotin War Baring. Week. The Oorernor of Nona uaronna nae -- - . - cltlien of the .tate to ob.erre this week as War Baring. Week ubMrl. ing at thl. time all that he will be able to buy during the remainder of the '""The week begins on Bunday. June S3, with a state-wide appeal for War Barings In the churche. and Bunday School.. On Monday, Tue.day. Wednes day and Thursday, a house-to-house canrass will be made in erery township In the State to secure War Barings pledges. Erery taxpayer or householder will make his pledge or glre hi. excu.e for not doing so. A record of ereie per 7. ...jl. v. ..v.- .. v-n nn ividar. June 8. the drire will cnl. .on . pieugw win w i..." u -- mlnate In a War Barings rally held at erry school house in the state. The State Director has called on erery person In the school district to attend thle meeting either to celebrate- the occasion of the township', subscribing ttt euota or If that be not the rase, to finish raising its quota. In other words, then 1. but one think for any township to do on that day. and that 1. to .ut crlbe its quota to the War Barings Campaign. Likewise, there 1. tat on thing for erery pertsa to do, and th.t t to do hi. duty to the War Barings Campaign, which ts his utmost. The Oorernment expects no less of every pan, woman and child to ta tte on this occasion, . COUNTY TUX LEVY The county commissioners at their meeting the first Monday de nied the request of the school board for an increase of two cents in the school tax rate in order to pay the public school teachers of the county a minimum of $45 per month, tnair man H. T. Fulton was the only com missioner voting for the increase.; The following; levy was made for state and county purposes, being the same as last year: State Schools Pensions Special School County R. R. Bondd Roads and bridges Total The levy for school purposes in special school tax districts was the same as last year, Neither was any change made in the levy for roads in township and districts where .-inl taxes were voted. It was ordered that the special tax unaer B and C be levied the same as last year. Horc's how they voted in tlio primary June 1st. on tlio isaiiu ol clerk ol court for Cleveland county, f'.po. l Webb H03, II. T. Pulton (ilia. J. Kairiss Led fold 29. J. Frank Williams 100, C. H. Shull 21. Webb lacked M votes of a roajoiitv and Fulton 192. There wore UjU votes ens', for tlio other three. Only 181) otcs wero cast in the nt re county. Mr. Fulton has decided not t ask for a second primary and thereby concedes tho nomination to Mr. Webb. The tabulation of the votes of the primary shows that outsidp of Shelby Fulton wen by a nood majority. Shell) may have cause to remember this. Prop. Poll 23 1 3 71 20 60 04 12 10 19 57 01 1-3 20 98 2.00 EESOLIITICIIS OF RESPECT Whereas, God in his infinite Wisdom has seen fit to take from KVimdiv Union Lodge No. 193 I. O. O. F- our Brother K. S. Plonk on Feb. 24, 1918 at his home near Kings Mountain, N.C. Resolved, that it is with the def pest sorrow and reprHt that thUOrdor api.roaclx's its duty of doing honor and respect to its departed brother, to those who n bound to him bv closer lies of kindfd, we wish to offer our heartfelt sympathy In this their sad bereavement. His family mourns the loss of a loving husb and and father, our Lodge a de yoted members. Kv it further, licsolvcu, tnt a copy of tbe&o resolutions be seuttothe beieavea lamiiy, s copy spread on the minutes ol the Udge. copyto the Kliiih Moui'l.'in Herald and also to tht Clevfl 'i'd tar at Shelby, N. C ... nublicatt' P.Goforih A. Scott D L. Wells Committee. A few days ago a Jew here in the city called me into his store, sayinc that he wished me to write an important letter for him In his broken English he told mo what it was all about: "There are four person here in the store who are not l'able to mili tary service. 1 want you to writo to the government, asking that it advise me of a war in which I may do sometning for tho coun try" was in so many word what he said. I interrupted him here: 'The most practical way for you to serve is to buy Liberty bonds or thrift stamos, conserve food, etc. "But I want to do more. I am hnvlnir 4r00 worth of stamps and am tryinu to reduce expenses by watching the little minus, was his loply. I must admit that I was a little opposed to writing the letter. I saw no necessity for it. It seemed to me that he was already doinn no trifling bit to wards wiimiiin tho war. But he insisted and I wrote the letter. This Jew has been in America only eight years. He began work in New York at three dollars a week. His use of tho Kaglish language is still quite uniutellig- able to many of hU customers. liut the soirit of practical patri- otisn he has shown is not to b J overlooked. We may read of Mi i ork of America's adopted son.i in th.s struggle; but the beauty of this incident is that he is riirht here among us. N. G. Gooding, U. N. C. Student. LONE IONS MARRIAGE Miss Ellen Long of Kings Mountain was married several days ago to Robert E. Long ot Hopewell. Va. This item escap ed the Herald until this later hour. The are living at Hope well and visited in Kings Moun tain last week. Pant.. DiUincr and Rev. G. L. Kerr attended the closing exer cises at Srskin College. Due WestS. C. last week.

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