j jone 23 TO 28 IS WAR SAVINGS WEEK. - MOST GO OYER TOP v WS.S. wmnroigi iHinirm VMITU) STATE JMWUNMBIfr M V Mt W I II X II II iPWfl ? T KUUVDWtSnMFt iiiinntu UNITED STATM .OOVULKMENT Vol. 16, No. 12. Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, June 20, 1918. $1.50 A Year in Advance ARE TRANSFERRFD Nearly 240,000 transfers of : men from one unit to another have been made in Army camps as a result of occupational quail' fi cation determined by investiga tion by the War Department com' m it tee on classification oL nerao nil. Recently about 0,000 trans- ter have taken place each week. Through the coimnittee " orga- oizations have been, built up in all the Amy camps, by which enlisted men and commissioned officers are classified according to occupational .qualifications. In pome camoji, where as many as 2,500 men are lecoived daily, forces ot 3J0 in tor viewers are employed to ascertain full infor mation regatding . each, man's occupation) education, experien ce, and Bpcia! qoaWfications. lOISCBULTIR IK FRANCE 'Washington, June 10... Seven hundred and seventy casaaltie reported among the ' American expeditionary forces during the week ending today brought the total since American troops first landed In France, nearly a year ago to 8,085. .r..;: ; ? , The second weekly summary of casualties issued today by the war department shows thai thr total number of deaths from all Is 8,102, while 4,547 men have been wounded In action and,; 846 are missing ia action, , inclodinp airmen held prisoners in Germa- The summary which Includes today's list, folfows: .Killed in action (including 291 at sea,) 1,172. - Died of wounds, 364. Died of disease, 1,234. Died of of accident and other causes, 422. Wounded in aation; 4,547. ' - Missing, in action (including prisoners), 846. Total casualties reported to date, 8,085. With more than 800,000 soldi- ra sent overseas, officials point ed to the small number. 2(1, lost through operatlous of German submarines as showing the ff- ectiveness of the convoy system. The men lost wore on. the Brit ish steamers Tugcania and Mol davia. The former wai taking tmnne'in TCnorlaeri and tha latter from England to France. The eompati'liyily small num er ot men dying from wounds is minted to as indicating the em iency ot the ambulance and bos ital systems, while the fact ihatwnly 1,234 men have died of iseases is accepted as 'proof f the excellent physical condit- n of America's, fighting men, Another satisfying consldera on is that of the wounded men, very high percenlagTretorn to ty at the front in les than xweeks. ; . STEVENSON IN THE PEN, WANTED HERE Chas. R. Stevenson wanted hore for forgery and fraud writes a Kings Mountain lady that he is safe in the penitentiary, and on light- work. Stevenson was recently tried in Rockingham, it is understood, for pheck flashing etc and it was expected that ho would be brought to .Kings Mountain to render acrount for fraudulent chocks ho passed while passing off as an insur ance man here, iast winter, at soon as the Rockingham folks got through with him. Guess wo will have to wait our turn at the bat. N.C. IB SATOS PROM 6E6INS JUNE 23; ENDS JUNE 29. SUGAR RATIONS CUT BDWH . Raleigh, June Effective June 13th, State Food Administrator Page announced a reduction of 50 per cent and more in the maximum quantities'of sugar that might be sold by dealers to Individual con sumers and required -all dealers, wholesale and retail, to keep ah ab solutely accurate record of all sales of sugar to their customers, the re cord to include name - of purchaser! date of sale, quantity and price. Ef fective the same date, quantities of sugar that might be sold to individ uals who desire the' same for can ning and preserving purposes,, was reduced from fifty fb twenty five pounds. Individuals who need' a greater quantity -of sugar; at one time can purchase it on approval of their County .Food Administrator. All commercial users of sugar for less essential products have already been "flit 80 per cent their last year's consumption and in all prob ability there will be further cut after July first The curtailment in the use of sugar for such products and the more stringent -restrictions' government sales of sugar have been devised in order to assure an ample supply of sugar for domestic con sumption and for canning and pre serving. ' The Food Administration has an nounced repeatedly that it desires to encourage in every way the use of sugar for canning and preserving although it desires that cere and economy be exercised even in this use. - - i State Food Administrator Page has invited manufacturers of bev erage syrup and owners of bottling works and soda fountains to join an honor roll of non users of sugar un til the present situation is relieved; A large number of these establish ments which have been found to have exceeded their allottmeht have been closed up temperarily. ' The. Food Administration is pre paring to put a number of. inspect ors in the field in North Carolina and will be able to quickly detect j any violations of roles and regula tions governing the sale of sugar or any other food product and the temper of the Food Administration indicates that willful violators and food "hods" may expect no mercy at I Paul Urea has been home onithehaudsofthe Food Administra rlongb for few days. - I tion when they are caught Ool T. tt. Frtes Outlines Plan of War Barings Week and , How DriTP Can B Made-y Sooocm . -.. wuii rTw - i mm jsm? &x WAR SAVinUS STAMPS CAN STOP THIS. I I EATING PLACES ARE REGULATED -." ' PROGRAM; : Sunday, June 13: War Saving! Messages will be dellrered la Sunday School and Churches. , Monday, June 24 House-to-house canvass begin. . ..''" Tuesday, Jnao M: Hooe4o-boee eaovae continue. Meeting at worker al night at towushlp ectrsoflMaee to make resort. Wednesday, Jane Iti Honae-to-hone canvee continue. Thursday, Jon ITi Hon-to4ians canveae finished. IteettBf and report of veikera. . Frldair, Joae-Uf Nstloaal War ( Dr- Erery tuparer mm moned to meet at school heuee to score ail addltlaoal ptedge required to make townabtp't qaota. Saturday, June 19: late result of drive- Meeting- ot towuahlp and ward chairmen to taba- Raleigh, June 18 The hotels, restaurants and boarding houses of North Carolina were today practically put on beef ration by State . Food Administrator Henry A. Pajre who addressed a letter to them requesting and requiring that they restrict their consumption of beef in accordan ce with this program: boiled beef at not more than two meals weekly; beefsteak at not more than one meal weekly; and roast beef at not more than one meal weekly. Households are requested un der no circumstances to use more than one and one fonrth pounds of clear beef weekly or one and one half pounds includ ing the bone for each person In the household. In his letter to the hotels, res taurants and boarding houses, Mr. Page states: "Your industry and the public at large will real ize that the changing situation in shipping and therefore of the markets avail ible to the Allies. ana the increasing demands for our growing Army, with the fluctuating supply of local beef in France, all combine to make it impossible to determine poli cies for long periods in advan ce." The co-operation of the Amer ican public in the conservation program of the Food Adminis tration officials are convinced that the more effective result can he secured through frequent changes of conservation policy to meet the needs of differe.it seasons or different conditions instead of enforcing hard and fast rules without flexibility. HUNS WANS TO STOP OUR PORTS London, June 13. The German admiralty intends to declare the eastern coast of the United Sta tes from Mexico to Canadian waters a danger one and will warn neutral shipping, says a dispatch to the Exchange Tele graph from Amsterdam, quoting reports received from Berlin. Pursuant to the Proclamation ot the President of the Welted states and f the Gorerner of North Carolina, I. F. H. Fries, North Carolina Director of War Sayings, acting under the authority of the United State Treasnrj tMpartment, hare asked the minister ot the Gospel and the superintendents ot Sunder Schools to have a War Barings message presented la everr church in North Carolina on Sunday, June It, hare called upon erery township or ward War Barings chairman to conduct a haas-tp-haee cenrse for War flaying pledges during the week following, and hare Buromone cltlten at North Carolina to meet2 at their reinsert scqoolhouses oa Friday, June is, 1918. the hour of the' meeting to "be fixed by the local chairman. Local ettiiens win be named to. ooodoot th schoolhoos meeting, who! will keep a record of tha proceedings aod report the names of all persons present and pledging, and tb names of aU person present and refusing or neglecting to .pledge, with their reason for so doing. War Sarin Bumps (which are United States OOTenmeat Bonds, the same as Liberty Bonds) can be paid for during any month In the year of HIS. but It Is utenaed that'rabecrlptlon for them wUl be signed daring the week beginning June IS, and.. it any deficit exists at the end' of tie hoeee-to-hoo canrass, at the echoolboeee meeting on June IS. The price of each War Saving Stamp depend, anon' the month during which It Is bought Daring June each Stamp will coat S4.1T. Daring July each SUmp will coat -f4.il. end so on, one cent mora each month jJerteg lOlR , On January i. IMS. the Ooveroment ol.the United State will redeem all War Sartag Stamp at IsJK) ech.to matter during which month la 1(11 they were boaght They cost lea during the early month f MM thao-daring the later month becaaas the person who buy heritor has loaned hi asaner to the Oorerniaeot for a longer Use then the-oa who bwye latsr. , , By way of lUaatratkm, Mta tba CoBewlag tabUr , ',A , - ,;, V past at War lavlS mmf OwHiif JowoHotn, awl ag.it M 23"28 H W. S. S. Week 50,000 AMERICAN H. R. MEN III FRANCE When the 5 new regiments and 10 batallions of railway en gineers now being organized are put on duty there will be 60,000 Americana engaged in railroad construction and operation in Prance. After the United States enter ed the war one of the lirst re. quests trasmitted to this Govurn ment by the French mission was for assistance in strengthening the Frence railways. Nine rc gimeuts railway engineers wh"M organization was started before Gen. Pershing sailed, were in France by August, 1917. Six ot tbcm have been engaged in con struction Work, building and re building railways, building docks and rearranging terminal facili ties. The other three regiments have peon engaged in operation and some of the railway troops have been on the fighting line. The additional troops will be us eb partly for construction and maintenance and partly for o-peration. A total of $160,000,000 has been spenton railway materials alono. 00 NOT SHOOT PIGEONS The U. S. Department of Ag riculture urges hunters not to shoot pigeons in air, for they may be homing pigeons being trained in many sections by tha Signal Corps of the U. S. Army to carry messages across battle fields. Farmers and other breed ers who altow their birds a few hours of liberty each dav also are Uabletolloss from shooting. Ceet la Cost In Cost In And are worth June July August oa Jan. 1. IMS. I 4.17 I 4.1S 4.1 500 83.40 8J.40 S3 SO 100 00 108.60 S09.00 2OS.60 150.00 417.00 418 00 41S.00 800.00 834.00 836.00 838.00. 1.000.00 . 1 t Stamp ft Sumps ' 10 Stamps 100 SUmp SO Stamp Th law proTldee that no person, can bold In his own name War Saving Stamp esceedlog 11.000.00 maturity ralue. War Barings Stamps, however, near be purchased for other member of the family, Including minor children. - The money Invested In War Seringa Stamp I not a gift or a donation, feat Is a loan to tha Government. It will be paid b k with 4 per cent ton imand Interest If, because of some serious financial reverses or calamity. It should be necessary to get yonr money before January 1, ISIS, you may do o by giving too day' notice to any Money Order postmuter. In which ease TVS ceo get what yoa paid for the Stamps, with Interest to date of payment, fbe Stamp are free from all State and local taxes; when registered at the Boetomc they are Ineured against toss; they are backed by all the proper? ! the United. State; they cannot fal la value belew the price yon pay; they are a convenient and a well paying Investment as has aver been offered by ' ear Goveremeet. . -. "A definite qaota of War Savings Stamp, on the basis of population at SS0.S0 per capita, ha been allotted to each township and to each town of over 1,000 population, which will be published In every newspaper In the State before hand and announced at every schoolhouse meeung on June IS. Tb Government of the TJntted States expect all the cltlsen ot every towe htp and eoanty to rabocrlbe for Its quota and to pledge themserre te save and eoonomlee M help win tba war. ' It ts to be hoped that th pledge taken during War Bsvtngs Weak and ai War Savtnga Day will ahpw yon and your neighbors to be loyal Americana far Government, m thla hoar of need, doe not call In vain. .. ; - . -:.. .. r. n. nun,' I ( : ttart t Corolla Direct at Wat BaMngs, appointed and aetlaat' 4J; - WW no Muanra.fx ure soawrf Vl.lB inuem amemi .. .