Vol. Ifi, To. ;V2. EDOfMI-TRACKIIiG The ork of d mliti' tmnking 1lii Solution IJiihviv firm ' Yi H-I'irwtol. Ill A'l '' "'n or : ing upon the Ui ' t iyi s m roj, i nti'uction. Wn nriilt ot 'iil llnt there are in all a'Kiit ".'".jihIch h 1 track to lav and it ! in- small ; sections in tl-e vicinlil''" of Toe- lOH, Ga, Guffniw, 8 C,- anil May worth, N. C. wkh a little more work it Kini; Mo'intnin C. W. Lane Co. hate about 41istted the work of grading on ithm'-oeotion and arc well aJvanc cdroh''th"e Blacksburg section. Wereretold that if the work con ftinues'ttt 'its present rate the '"hojte job will bo completed b. A(tnl or May ot nrxt year and nhw train opwating -v-eiwwbe double-tracked road all the way Hro'na Washington to Atlanta. The construction and grading Jforcet will be bad y missed a irowl Kings Moun'ain after Mty leave. They hnvo been here Xtoor enough to become nc jual n rodVith the, jeohlo and maUe majy f rionds. .Besides thev have spent thousands of doHnta" with our boblnrHi .men The Herald wishes to exhnd totheSoi'Miern "Iliailmay and C. VV. L ine A Co. iits thanks for then libuial p;i ituonajM'Wf jt job m inting of fico IB BffifUOTHISG liiok out for the Ked Gross ft ruck Th u rsd a v., tod ay , wb icli Awittibd around to collect,- cloth ling for4he destitute lielgiuns. TThwusand of men, women and ichlTaren in that war stilcken (countnv 'ia.re facing winter with-lOUt-snQioipnt clothing to save ' Hi fe-sli' nothing about slfrn - already noted in th" lllemld ' hist .weuk, Kings Moiwi rain' is asked to cont.ibntj 6G5 tpouods of clothing for these piti jful people, 'Clothe need not be mew nor tine-but they should be lof good.substanlial material and jin condition that they can be amended Wad made -useful for -.winter-wear. Remember that we ;are allied with these people in a .ivoromon -cause. - Their . troubles .are our troubles. Remember too, that they have sacrificed : their -all that we.iftht :b . spar ; ed a like-disaater.' Belgium is a common martyr Ipr, France, England ancVtUe-Uni tod - States and wi can afford, to do no " less tiam help herdetltute .'peopler TJicfoHowimJ tSub .and rppr- otlnna havn nlAfftd hnfnre the read- .claims of the government in behalf' .of the Fourth Liberty Loan: rnetux wnii Bonnie 'Mills." Pauline ' Mills JCings fountain Mfg. ' Co-Jeoples Loan & Trust Co ' Kings "Mountain Rntw ftniar Patterson Grocery .. Hartf Tails, Jno. M, Best Furni ture Co.' and WV A', Mauncjy. fcBro. Readthese advertisements and see what the driye means. -'Next week we wpsct to publiatt i letter frottl President Wilson wrlttei in hi own hand. . .. . 'Wisril)( tor Tin Hf Ut j,-r VTE3 EJULD, LM fVt raaj Kings Mountain, North C.iroliii.i, SPECIAL NOTICE There will be a few folks, who! j will not (jet n copy of the Kings I M untnin H!rn)d next week" uii-l less they get a move on and py 1 up before mailing day. We h iv.: sent out letters and rmrko.l iln: datos on the lnlel and yet some, nre stayin I nwa'. The govern ment says ttvat we must cease sending such pcop'o the paper. It is largely our fault that we have allowed subscriptions to drag u long overdue but it looks - like people would see that we have accommodated them and that since the government is about to get in between us that they would come up now and set themsel ves right Neglect- will not pay the debt. If the paper is stopped and you "owe us the account will stand against you on the books and if you never pay ft you will go up to judgement with it against you. We have put our hard earned money and time apd effort Into making" a paper and sending it to you and we shall not forget that you owe us for it. Some folks seem to think that if they quit the paper in deU to it that the debt automati cally cancels, itself. ' There are doubtless people in "hell today, who thought that if they, quit their meanness they ruld be saved whether they got forgive ness for what was already against them or not. Suppose you tell your time merchant that you h ve decided to pay cash here a'ter and refuse to pay up what you owe him what will he think of youT Come on, now, be game. - Pay up what you are behind and renew for another year 8hd show your faith in your government by supporting and reading a newspaper that stands four square for the country you live in. lLMlS RULES The attention of - tho Ueral I has been brought again .to un' warranted violations of- the food rules. .Our infocmant tells us that merchant are still selling flour to those who have meal at home without' cereal substitute when they present the miller's certificate and that it is an un intentional error as some do not yet understand that th's rule has been abblfsTied. ' Under (toe present ruling every person -who buya flour moat buy one lo'ufth aa much corn mea', corn fjonr or barley flour vegardleas of, how much corn ho ljasfa.t home Where the new mixed if lour is on the ,mat ket itcajn- i.;be . bojgb 1 1 wthout any substftute'at-air! s lt 'has ih-eadbeVB . ihJxed j in propct Ropor(Joa. jSowe-are c .tfajtfng the augir.arttoWntaco,' o -dVr W-endiuy d rtferen t pnin beraf the family-to- bv Sep rate allowances. 'Tbts'-Va ,roBg and will cause somebody to ha to to do without and besides tho' ... . 1 . i m ' -.. I Violator wtu oe eaugnsn nucoix-: The casulty Hat Monday morn ing carried; the Dames of , Mr. Postcn and Joshua -Houser ot Cleveland county. being sc- veiely wounded ia the war tone, Mr. Pdatott i well known iai ri-Wi,. iwA.ntiln u ha ifirvfed taJ MlloemaalieN lor omettm . .. . t .;'.-? 'fc ,.f -.-; s 'v-v1: :.( 1 c.":5':''.' V?: !S ALL TOGETHER Ueginn ngSiiturdiiy, Sjpteui-Ksr 2S. tha Unitud St iles Covcrn mout will offer another issue of government Umdtiij.'je known - as. , the Fourth Lilierty Bonds. The campaign foe selliug these bqnds will continue through three weeks closing October J9th. Th placing of these bonds will claim the attention of the-people of the nation for the next three weeks with probably more absorbing interest than anything else except the uctivities in the war vine. Th j money re alized from this sale of bonds will be used as that obtained from other issues, feeding, clothing and arming our soldiers who have gone to- fight Jhe battles for humanity, civilization and Chflsllanity. Every section of the United States is expected to rise to this call for a loan io the government by the great sovereign people and to cast into her coffers the gold that will secure for humanity a decent world to. Jive in. .The various committees have been appointed for the respective. . communities and districts and plans are fast taking shape for the liig drive that is to begin Saturday. Let Cleveland county and Kings. Mountain be up early Saturday morning w five the war whooni and start the baU to rolling t4 feerlin. Let the people who have ( he money to "buy "betas toste their subscriptions early and let our good county a twn be the first over the top with drawn sword and fixed bayonet. Let those who can buy bonds nd let those wlu jeannot tmyjtit out end hooray and lend-their influence. Some of us have money to lend, others have influence. We can afford to with hold neither. Sometimes influence is a most valuable asset where the cash is not available. If you cant buy bo'ndi dont be ' ashamed to whoop up the campaign. Now is tne tima for every man to coma to the aid of the country. Let us dt as well over here as our beys are doing over there. Already they are listening across the briny deep which separates them fro a home and loved ones with ear to a ? . -a j ''. li the ground if perchance they way hear their brethern in the flesh pledging bmw their loyalty to the cause so .dear, toe very liberty lov anghomm being. Let our boys over there read in the Herald that Kings Mountain and Cleveland county have icsp ndsd with their anraey as freely as they have don with their bodit-s which they 'Birve "cast "as a living sacrifice upj:i the dta of their country. . Mr. Forrest Eskridge of Shelby uchairman of the Libefty ! committee of the county as he has been heretofore. Serving lAhira .are Hon. C. R Hoey, vice-chairman, Wm. Line'ierger, B. I New toff and Miss Selma Webb. The Kings Mountain Committee is as follows: ; ( . pn. W. A; Mauney, chairman; E, A. Smithy' wtechairman;''H.C. ' DWtite," serretarytM. RHerBdoV-P L,Uvutf"F. J. -Mauney. John ... Plonk, D. M. Baker, H. T. Fulton, C. Baker, Arthur Grouse, John C.'Mason, CajtF. Billing, Dr. Falls, D. F. Hord. Let every, citizen whether he'be on a ccommlttee or not put his ishouldet to the wheel and help put this loan over. Anything less will be unpatriotic. A,$15000rUMlT- FAMILY Trbbably fe'w'folks irt Kinu? Mountain knew that our to-vii had the larite'at'War SavinK Iji- niit Earailv Ju the state. Mr, l E Neislar with his wife nd eifrHt children e-11 hotdlwr n thousand dollars each in War Savings Stamps form a ten thou sand limit' family. This family has stood at the head of the list in the slate for sometime and would' have continued to have stood there had Mr- Neish r 0 cough children to o around. But now the honor Ls taken fiom Kloga Mounwn ana mr. nuii.- erand bestowed upoii Mr. J. A. ' , 'l.. , ' i. - --J. f'J .T Tn' . ;.:". i-.. ; Tlmi (In., :, , pt anlwr FOR THE . ' . I E. If eider, Ed Barnes, Dr. Luther 1 Jon os of (.fur lot to -who conic r 1 ' . .1 ? tort 11 with riiti-en members xs his f .m ly: liotdini?' a itlronani oac-li. This is rmTy cu t the 'alcnts. Mr. J on us only Used all he had nud Mr, Neisler did th' same. Had Mr. 'Welster had 27 children or more un would have hown Mr, Jones the way ahead. Ho lias -tlm monev nil riht. JBSTINNIE IMMONHWI ' Mr. Walu-r AldineTlioinason. of this city, and Miss Vinnie Let Hrmoii, of Kines Mountain, were quietly married Monday fternDon nt Thrift, Rov, Mr. Jtowan of fitrtatiit-t, - ; Tlw bridfj veil known -and ptipularjcv.thi t)ityrwhr ih .. ' , . - " r - t S 1.50 SHGRT NEWS HEMS Mr. Ktlpu Mr. lUipii ll-iusfr iciient. Sua - McGill of Ooiicoro, N. t; spuni, Stiiid'i.v in 'w 1. ! Mr. Wiiircn McOiII.'.n visiting uiis imtciiLs 111 t lie city. ! Mr. nnJ Mrs. Find Wpxlit of 1 Oharloltu Jmvo b jcii in towa 1 1 few ua.ys. Mi., ' i,,.. IV......... ...1 ! J i 1 .. r . , i.i . -i, ill Spunks. f Mis Odessa Goforllri left, .... ..Im,. n. ...... ....A..l n, C..i:. lury, N. C. Tiiu Mothers Club met tavii Monday at the- home of U V. Itaker. Miss Kate Garrett kas return ed from a visit to ijojsisU-'r, Mrs. II M. Barrow, alGi'i(3nvill , S 0. ss Ninsi " Jonjr left Tues day to enter' Dm; West 'Colleen at Hue We8,,-7C ' .M-H. Itec-.VVlafpM of Green vll 1, B.X-. 'vis iinii ;rs.lora kVillefcV ' . Wr. Yl, )npr 1,, h ol Spar aianWT!; jphm a Tew daya in imvx Irt week. Jam of L'hwool GolVim vent tlie- woek-end in tu-i w-rth Mis. Jnidy Wai.ter.orv. ' Mis -Joft Sloak " ppnt th ) , 'fcMi'fnd't "Snencer Mounta;ii !itMi.VL.-k vi.- -nw n.,i.... -. . . ; 1 - UL. ... 1 o. uvu. 1 'tun JlftV- ' ' '' : "' l! Hr nt. G.ilonol It II. Hunt.' 1 f anr. iS'vioi- sn'i'H 1 1st Sim 1-iy i rj town with hi family. MissKI'zvbelli Uvrd of Un Wio College "pert dm vwk fend in town with linr i-istc-r I Mm. Harry Falls. . Mrs. Vester' Davidson ' of '-rerjnsbom is viwitiit lier'pum, Mrs. D. M. lUkei- Mr. n.n-1 Mrs. H. R .Ion" v.v tunied last wpek from a tonfi "ii Charleston and Plocf-entte-.--. Miss JUa BeWdOn of For rest City -MWnt Sunday in- uw,v with .tcr brother, Mr E mrr H-w1on. h 1. . .. ...!..,. . -'.' ' r . . ! iihp ij'ii in li minnK at urn i-rt,'. j by'erlnn l ospital school for nurJ sep, for tho past three . vears. : She is a bright and attractive, youn woman with winning per sonality. Mr. Thomason is the second son of Mr, and Mrs. IS - Thoma son and is a young man of busi ness ability and pleading address. Bo is connected with the U. , S. railway administration In Nor folk. Mr, and Mrs. Thomason left for a motor trip- through the mountains of western North Circlini bfter w'uich they ' will be at home in - Norfnlk.--Char-lott Observer.fe'epV.. 1 0 , A Year in Advance Word cones that Clan !i ick ha urnvod ovcrKcns . m ... i,.." r . -.". da.v .lu Clnii loitc. - .latino UiDiimn Nir!ilcn Mien' Sm.ii.iv in (-rii".ni(l, -S. ' Willi Iits riiW(U. Mti s iftva ci.,,Hn iiTi'.' of i -tog iNsarl Iv-ik ilim vv. iriu 1' iovrt ims rt'tll I III! I TrHiiiinir t ' (Vfic.Ts Amp it l'lallHiiirg -where. li 1 1 Mr. .Ii.n Ff Pin (Ton of Cm in 11. Ifs" li si-pt, "tli j Hel-on(l 111 town. Mr. Ulini-r lli.-rndon- Xelnryn Moss. Miss Aili--.ii (): ;uniul und K-'te McLh jylit-u vei.e In (iiistoniit IukI weok '.'is. Thommoriy mo Viiuno Uarmon of Crmi lotto, spent a few da.r Hi Tow n with her pur CLts. Slw left l'Vidxy for her fu 'Jilrf. hooi 111 Norfolk, Va. .Tliew'i-montliicir-oSd chilA or Mr." iw el Mr-. MnvVi'n WViirTiV; lird Suodiy uTirt ifis 'Klii'i-cA ."ilotiday nt 1,itlWi'sft , Rov. -J. ft, ftli'rtJfff1'jVHiK'tud lhi ',iira'l. flrft ioc!ial Club whs doliglit--rnMyttntortHined TliurKday af- v. uuiuib'. Mr. Wni.n McGill of Little liiKk, Ark , and Mr. J, D. Mc Gill of Kami ipolia, arrived lust week to visit their pirt-nts, Mr. and Mrs. T: T. McGill. The liOKinnintr of the coldest s i1 a 1 of tlm autumn wss einphi M."d frox-- Siurdav -tnorn in sr.. U has frOFhcl si.ice and ''krj'Hii"ii is bi'iitnr inw to ultw us clfect i W want the peofcta tit feint's MoetiuiT to u rider sr&'rfd tha't tlwiy liave ntcens to tVe hi West s'rcift'h of Txfi-'-iurre'hiitween'Clhar-1 rtt AsheviYfe. 'f.r(iiiiaVily vo vi n'fet ai'iyt'TiinK voii want i i wtt.r ..KJnjr Mountain store )))tit Vi Ifsl.'ould fail you we have an n'nt 'moliiiu by which you will by iilfoiild frre tinnsportalion to Slipiby ' whtM-e wo carry" a 2j,000:(X ifack of the best and inost-uflf to 'Hate furniture tha mivikft 'allure's' ? 'd fn A.'uruetin. ' ex'iau.iblvri(ity: So;' if ft' Is fiii'iiiiore ySu'want'we can sup ply yi'111. T 'ls apnlics to all the i't'3ilt ad"we esiVeciallvaak the iiown p-.'opie 10 come in oiten a i.l mviwMKHte Wiis proposition. i.dv. .INO M. liEST KUUNI TUKK CO i AVGOGK SOGIBTYI The Aycook Society met Fr day Popt 20, 1918' rto begin a' ntw year. We a-ere all' glad tu meutitgbin'aud took. forward to -a year which we are going to make even ' better : than those which have past. Our meeting! aro held every Friday at two o'clock. Visitors are always cordlaily invited. ' . PubllihM avcry Tburaday THETHEfULD. U0 per year