I lift ff I 1 ' iJi 9. 8 Ubiety, Truth, . Vol. 17, No. 1. OUB 4fH LIBERTY LOAN QUOTA IS $79,100 The emount'of the Fourth Liber ty Loan has been announced as six Billion dollars, and is apportioned as follows in this state' North Car olina thirty - nine million nine hundred thousand dollars; Cleve land county six hundred thousand dollar; Kings Mountain see.ity nine thousand one hundred dollars. This U more than double the quota for Kings Mountain in the last loan and just a little more than the sub scription amounted to. Kings Moun tain's Quota in the Third Liberty Loan was thirty nine thousand dollars and our subscription amount ed to above seventy six thousand dollar. We must, therefore, sub scribe more this time to reach our minimum than we subjcribed all . together last time. Kings Mountain allottment is diviled between the two banks as follows: First National Bank forty-six thousand two l ui dred dollars arid the Peoples Loan & TruM Company thirty-two thous and nine hundred dollars. For every dollar subscribed in the Third Liberty Loan in Kings Mountain there must be subscribed about one dollar and eight cents to reach our minimum. But it will be remembered that we have to help cut Shelby and other parts of the county in most financial campaigns. Also tome who subscribed last time may not be able to subscribed again so soon So, let those who are to subscribe more than they did last time do so at ouce in order that the total subscription may foot up above our quota. In the state as a whole there must be subscribed this time one dollar and sixty-two cents for each dollar sub scribed in the last campaign. North Carolina, as a whole, over-s ib scribed its quota in the last cam paign. Ihe town of Kinjs Mountain over doubled its quota. - Suae towns in the state went ever the top the first day. Black Mountain subscribed its quota five times over before the dinner bell rang Saturday. Subscriptions have already begun to come in at the local banks. Let's get "over" quickly as possible and raise a yelL The Union Sunday School Singing Convention met Sunday with Bethlehem Sunday scho 1 with W.jC, Ledford, president, presiding' Patterson Grove, Oak Grot e and Antioch joined with Bethlehem in making music for the day. Each choir Is said to have done real genuine fine spiritual singing. II wh voted that the convention meet next at Patterson Grove the fifth Sun day la March. Notwithstanding the tact that gaaollneless Sun day kept lots of people away there was a very large attend ance. A collection was taken for the Red Cross amounting to $80. This give the Herald an idea; that at all meetings where there is ko other demand that a col lection be taken for the' Rad Cross. Good for Bethlehem. Buy Liberty Bonds WOMEN CO-OPERATE IN LIBERTY L! The women of this Section who are orgaaizod with tin' Woman's Liberty Loan Or.rti.i zition of Cleveland County met Monday afternoon to make plai s for conducting tlie Fourth Lib erty Loan Drive a.nong the women here. Saturday, Oct. 5th. it designate'! by Mis. Win. Me Adoo, National Chairman of the Women's Liberty Loan Organi zation, as ' Woman's Day" of the drive and a canvass of the women of this section will Le made before then. The Slogan of the women is "A Bond in every home". The women- who havo the canvass in charge are divided into teann with their Captain and Lieutenants. Every woman in town is asked to buy one or more bonds and to use their in flueuce on others to buy bond. Miss Bonnie Mauney is Chair man and working with her are following teams: 1st Team Capt. Mis. O. . O. Falls Lieuts. Misses Gertrude Ware, Ailcen Oruiand It'wa Willeford. 2J. Tc-ain-rCaut. Mrs. Harold C. Dwelle. Lieuts, Mesdamus M. " Herndon, A. H. Patterson W. A. Kidenhour. 3d. Team Cant. Mrs; 1 E. and L W. N'eal. Lieuts.-Missos Lovelace ar.d Hamrick. 4th, Team Capt. Miss Bessie Simonton. LIpuU. Misses Jennie Lee Kerr, Bith Andrews and May Cliopard. 5th. Team Capt. Mrs. John Long. Lieuts. --Mesdamcs J. E. Rho des and Joe Cole. UN'S PARADE FRID'Y The Women of Khigs Mouu tain are making plans for a pa rade and patriotic demonstration Friday afterncon, Oct. 4th. at 8:30 p. ra. to advortise the Four th Liberty Loan Drive. The af fair is under the supervision nl Kincra Mountain Seition of the Cleveland County's Woman Lib erty Loan Committee, with Miss Bonnie Mauaey Chairman and various committees uaaer her. Every Woman is asked to meet on tie School grouncs Friday afternoon at 3.00 p. in. where they will form a parade with the school children leading carrying patriotic banners to advertise the Fourth Liberty Ln Bonds and to march thmnch the business streets of tbe town. Every1 woman is asked to march whether she has bought a bond or cot she may iniluerce others to buy bonds. Several special attractlors for the pa rade are being planned but de tails are not given yet. BUY LIBERTY BONDS nm hhhh Justice, Equality, Kins Mountain, Nort 'n (Jirroiina, A; . MESSAGE FfiOE THE PBESii)15M I '. Washington " v- K f ' i . . 1 . 1 1 1 1 a .if. ANOTHER MONTH TO PUT UP J We are pleased to' announce that we have another month, October, in which to collect de linquent subscriptions and re newals. Our first information from the War Industries Board Was to the effect that all news papers cams under the same law and that all who wer j id arrears with their subscription must he dropped October first. We have 1 nis opac ivonmDuiea 10 winning mo war oy wVfa Thursday, October ' ,::.: .-. f . 1 1 1 . r . Tie foiron just learned that this applies to daily papeis and tho law apply ing to weekly papers uch " as thj Herald does not ixo into ef feet until November first. This will cjme as good news to lots of peoplo who just honestly failed to settle up by October lirst and who will be surprised to get this week's issue of the paner. This will hit the farmers right cotton selling time when they have plenty of money. The 10.18. - y. '-ft. Herald is indeed gratified that we have this exjra 'east of time. It will enable us to get our list in fine shape by November first. Wu exoect to publish an honor roll of those who havo settled up during this campaign in an eu ly issue. Come in right away and get your iin mo on this list. You will be Surprised at the large number of i- ople who have set themselves up-to-date and then renewed their tub Thtt lied CriS'Coinu i sions I. r France hare cabled that th. hospitals are in urgent need ul bath towels,-hand towls, nap kins and rheets. . Tim Uorl CrcSi Hcadqua U r at Washington has decided that the bust way to fill these re- -quiryiucnts is to ask acli Ohm... terto share in provi ling iIms! ari'vlcs. The alioltiuent for tie? ; Kings Mountt in Chapter. Is ' loliows; .11 bath towvls (lit x :W incln s); 114 hand IowpIn (h x 110 inohts); 7!l handkerchiefs (lxl() inches); 5 napkins (14 x 14 in ) an'l .'( sheets (1)4 x 104 in.). The slictts to le made of heavey up ble.ihoil.goods with 2 in. hem at top and 1 in. hem at bottom. We have planned to ask each fani-ilv tIio can do so to cootri-, h ii t one of these irticlos or .et of articles froui their household supply. The articles wanted should he new or subtnutUlly n(nv and should be of stron tfxtiiie as they will he subjected to hard and constant usage. On Thursday- afternoon from : :;;(. to ti o'clock the Red Cress work room will be open and a coiiini. there to attend these articles. WV have been asked to got this alloltxent tlii vpeka.d hope to do so without making a house to h)use canv si. Lt every house i-eeiier look over her supply nf household liii'S and .locide what she can do at d . by giving hur attention lnud her corOporHtijn to the commit ee api-niiiiiM to take charge of th's work. The school children have been , given an opportunity : to donate the handkerchiefs au we feel sure that t! e.? will l espond glad ly. W'e 'ujjgoste.l that any ar-. tides -brought-' in later than Tliursday aflernoou be left at . fie I-'inirer Drug Co. with Mr, . G, E. Loveli as tliis will bem.nr er the work room wheie articles will he packed for shipping.'' Mrs. A. Hunter Patterson, - Chairman of Woman's Work. : The Red C:nsn Wor.c Rocm . w'll he closed on I'l-idm H'lpr horn of Ibis wwk un account of the fact tleit tl - Ndieti of lh town have teen iisk. il lo aki! P' rt, in the pai sde which ; llmwi. n c'iai.e of i ho Kobrtli Lil eriy jo n have planni d The War Council of the American litd ..." Oi oks wish to place the the ,lied C-oss buck of tho effort lomake the next Libeity Loan a sucevss so we hope the latiies will re spond lo tho call to take part in this public demonstration bri day Afternoon, : Mis. A. Hunter Pattjrson, Chnu, Woman's Work. scription. You would again be surprised to know just how lit tie grumbling we have heard about it and how many folks have expressed themselves s being glad the ruling had gone into effect. Come on and get In the big crowd.