1 I I Liberty, Truth, . : Vol. 17, No. 2. LIBERTY BOND SALES Although Kings Mountain went'away over tho top at the Liberty Loau meeting last week she has been gradually going .higher. We are not able to yet a full itemized list of all the sub scribeia yet but the- total will aggregate about $105,000 with considerably more thought to be in light Our allotment is $79, 100, so we are nearly fifty per : cent above already and stil go ing We nnderntan 1 tbit there 1? a deficit in the county's apDor tionment of about $150,000 whi'-h we will have to hull) raise, The deficit comes from the' fact that the allottment for the several banks in the county do Dot make a total of $600,000 which the county as a whole is expected to raise. But at this rate Kings Mountain is over tho top wc believe for we have subscribed over one sixth of the total allottment for tho wholo county. If Shelby and the other parts of the county come up to our stand ard the job will be dono up to a nicety. Let them come. The Ladies committee, Miss Bonnie Mauney chairman, have - made the following sales which total $4,750. V The following ladies have bought fifty dollar bonds; Mis ses Jettie Plonk, Bessio Ram saur, Bessie Simonton, Marie Moss, Daisy Carpenter, Mesda tncs Arthur Hay, J. O. Plonk, O. G, Falls, Mary E. Kendrick, W. K.' Mauney, G. L. Kerr, Ar tie Suber, Delia Cornwell, W. A. Ridenhour, John Dilling, M, M. Carpenter, J. B. Thomason, Maude Crouse, M. E. Ileradon, K, L. Mauney, Missionary : So- . ctety Baptist church. The follow ing have taken $100 bonds; Mes dames Claude Rbyne John C. Mason, J. Sidney Hood, A. E. Cline, J. R. Burrage, G. W. Ken drink, H. C. Dwelle, J. G. Hord, A. E, Roper, L. P. Baker, Mis ses Lizzie Blalock, Elinor Speer Neal;The following took $200 bonds;, Mesdames W, A. Maun ey, B. R. Martin, D, C. Mauney, MUs Virginia Mauney. Other subscriptions are; Mrs. R. S Plonk$300, Miss Bonnie Maun ey $400, Mrs. J. S. Mauney $250 Mrs. D..l. Bakei $250, Mrs. E. 0, Cooper $500. This makes a total of $4,750 for tbe ladies com mittee and is a creditable show- Ing. . . TURK THE SLOCI IACI .r . The 27th. of this month is the time to turn backward tho clock an hour according to, the day light saving law r&ased last spring. When you start tD bed tbiit night, which will be the fourth Sunday night, if it is nine o'clock just tarn tbe clock back to eight, or stop it one hour and tart it.up again. The two banks of the town announce that be ginning with the sew schedule they will be open from 9 to 8 in stead of from 9 to 4 as at present. Day Liberty Bonds 'Kings -Mountain, 'North' Carolina, Thursday, October (News The executive committee ol the local Red Cross Chapter met last Thursday afternoon a which time new committees for another year were appointed and other business of import ance was transacted. The finan ce committee is . composed of Mr. wuey Meuinois enmn., Mr. C. E. Neisler ani Mr, P. D Herndon. The Civilian Relief committee of the past year wa. re elected: Mrs. C. E. Neisler, Chmn., Miss May Plonk, Sec , Rev. G...L, Kerr, Dr. J. E. An thony and Atty. E. L.Campbell. Also the committee on Enroll meutof Nurses, just recently appointed, will serve another year. This committee is Mrs W. S. Dilling, Chmn. Mrs. G. E. Lovell ani Miss Kate McLaugh- en. For Supervisor of the work room, Mrs. A. H. Patterson was re-elected and serving with her as Directors are the following: Mis. S. A. Mauney, Mrs. Jerome Harmon, Mrs. E. W. Neal, Mrs J. S. Hood, M:, M. E. Hcrndop and Miss May Plonk. It was decidod by tho con mittec to increase tho directors from four to six, Two of these directors .shall be appointed for duty each afternoon the work room is open, the others per forming duties of regular work ers. SAVE FRUIT STONES AND METALS The local Red Cross decided to put on the campaign for the conservation or fruit .stones arid nut shells, with' which ouv gov ernment can produce an almo.H sure protection for our soldiers overseas from the awful poison gas used by the Germans. Tbe Red Cross Chapter begs you never to cast away a single one of these needed products for they mean Life, Protection and a safe return to us of our soldiers overseas. This campaign will be conducted by the schoM child ren through the seventh grade. A window in a store down town will be assigned tj each grade and here they can bring all their collections. The Red Cross also urges conservation of two ' met als, tin and platinum. We ask that jou keep for us every bit of tin foil, every empty tube of salve or tooth paste, every old pewter toy or vessel of t ny sort. The children will collect this along with the fruit stones etc Boys and girls let's doonr best and see which grade can fill the biggest box. LIBERAL DONATION? The following contributions have been received in the last week: Miss Rebecca Caldwell 50 cents, Mrs. S. Rhvne. 50, The Y. P. a U. of the A. R. P. choteh, $2,50, ? The Fighting Loan C? Unconditional Surrc'i-dt;r- Germany's only Salvation. The Fourth Liberty Loan is rapidly rising toward the top and us it rises our armies are shortening the distance to Berlin. This ha ; very appropriately been styled the lighting Loan". Ths. central powers want to m ike it the "Peace Lojn." As the Am:ricju pjjp's aro so unselfishly casting their gold into the coffer3 of the governtr jut t'u kaiser is turning pale around the gilta and calling for an armistice. Maxmil'a.i, the German chancellor, announces his willingness to ac cept President Wilson's "Fourteen Peace Conditions", while the kai ser wants to "offer the world peace". The kaiser can offer no peace. He hes no peace. He can ask peace. But he need not ask until he is willing to receive what is dished out to him at a council at which he has no voice. The best settlement the kuiser can get now, or ever, is to make an unconditional surrender, demobolize his army, evac uate all conquered territory, throw up his hands and ask the mercy of the allied council. Just how long this will be coming no man can tell but it must be in sight. But the American people cannot afford to let up nor let down but to throw" wood into the furnace and keep our war machinery at white heat until the last German gun is stacked and the last Hun is back upon his native soil. The Fourth Liberty Loan is truly our fighting loan. It is the loan which will prob ably finance the hottest and most successful fighting yet of the whole war. It is the loan that will in all probability strike the death blow to German militarism and autocratic rule. It may be the loan that will unlock the shackles of millions of humanity who have suf fered long under an autocratic heel and insure for all peoples now and hereafter a decent world to live in. Let the Fourth Liberty Loan go over and go higher above its quota than any previous loan re gardless of the fact that it is a larger loan than any other. This is a crucial moment in the history of the world; a moment upon which the welfare of generations yet unborn depends. The American peo ple can master the situation. They will master it. We arc in recoipt of a splen lift donation of S32 03 from the era'Jed school children to be us ed in purchasing handkerchiefs for hospitals in Pi ance. The Fifth Sunday .Siuging Convention of Bethlehem sent the treasurer this week $30.57 We appreciate these fine contri butions. We wish to inform tho public that in the future all persons authorized to collect ''money, for any kind of Red Cross purposes will bear a card of authorization from the Chapter otlicers. The regular monthly meeting of the executive committee will be held on the first Monday of the month" at 5 p. in. in th3 rear of the Mauney Drug Co. The chairman of a,U committees are. requested to be present and give their reports at this lime. : OVER MCO POUNDS OF CLOTHING In response to tho call of tlie Red Cross for 805 pounds of clothing from the Kings Moun tain chapter to be sent to Bel gium there was about 1420 pound shipped from hern Monday. Of this amount Grover furnished 370 poundsrThexhildren of the East Kings Mountain eraded school collected 200 pounds all of which was good and sound material. Iu.it were a number of woolen blankets and new quilts The collections on a whole were verv good and, as usual, we went "over the top", Bonnie E. Mauney, Sec. BUY LIBERTY BONDS THE WOMAN'S PARADE Quite a bit ot patriotic enthus iasm was tnaiiifestecl down town Friday afternoon when th: school children and the ladies ol the town, under tho direction of the Woman's Liberty Loan Com mittee, marcheJ through the streets carrying flajs and- all kindv Liberty Loan slogans. Riding in fiont of the line were Columbus and Uncle Sam es corted by a sailor, soldier and two farmer boy. and followed by school boyson decorated bicycles a drummer boy a bugler and the fla bearer. Leading the march was Mrs. A, K. Palls, the mother of Robt. Falls, a ICinrfs Mountain hero who fell for Freedom's Cause in France this past summer. The school marched by grades begin niug with the first grade.' Red Cross Worker walked on either side of the children. Tho ladies and diferent organizations of ilie town, representing by costumes banners and slogans thu war work each is doing, ended the line. Before being disbanded the procession halted in front of the first National Bank where short talks were made by Mayor Mc Ginnis, Capt, Dilling, Hon. W. A. Mauney, Rev, J, ; E. Berry- hill and H. T. Fulton and the flag salute was givan. The com mittee wishes to thank all, and especially Chief Khodes and the school teachers whose hearty co operation helped to make tU occasion, as the men said, "' A biiiger thing than the expect ed". -. ,r ; , THB HERALD, $1.60 per year r7' hhhk 10, 1)J8. 1.50 FROM FflANGE Mr. Walter Dilling his receiv "d the following letter from one of thu b'ljs who practised on the K'inns Mountain Artillery Range. Franco, Auif. II Three a, m Sunday morninc, and, oh boy! liow diffuu'tit t the nice peace- iu' uiius wc spurn ho joyously in your locality not so very long ai;o. Just this minute tin; noise lias slopped for the first time since 5, p. in. last evening. We have been Rending over "Iron Rations" to Mr Itoc'ho ever sin et that lime and occisiona'l y he has favored us with some' of his liquid refreshments in tiie form of gas shells Wo can smell those things five miles off, so he is on Iv wasting efforfs and we know that steel propaganda is having itsdesir.id effect on the whult Kraut eating populace. Youi Liberty Bonds are being deliv ered in highly effifimt inanuer. : . . . I am working a radio set thh morning, or rath er trying to for there is a regi ment or two of Ge'-in-.n Ilie in this room that have other ideas on the matter. E'lington ,is with me and foi obviom ieaons we both had our hair cJ'i.ii'rd short a while bar!: We're i, i , ing a lovely time picking ,i :i eue-mj from our luscious iIdmi'-s. iv.li-i- ton requests (hat l.V .iviisoiu'-'-'r-j eJ to you oiid ,-ti:l iriiinti i is tiiatUiose'-b'scui'ta-vece. th' best lie has liad: since lii boyhood days in Mississippi. ..... The last heard from '-.Wallace was a couple of hours ago -when' in- went grumbling o!f to a dug out to get some sleep. It takes a clear conscieiie to olev around Shelby requested Esjuire Ken this raciiel but a yuu have drick'to go over the evidence to guessed 1 do very nicely . .... 'see if it was a matter sufficient- Lots of amusements around here j in spite ol the grim business at j Accordingly he was brought hand. For an apartment. I am I before Mr. Kendrick Saturdav sharing with a New York boy No.3 of a twnemmt jf d jg hous Ycu iiiay smile when you road thit but you will lauch whei. you learn that it trulliiully is ilu classiest place aioond. Our ne-ir est neighbor is a doctor who moved into l ho adjoining kennel and w'th a st'n tcher for a bed seems highly elat J with his 1.) cation. The tiument is no' she-11 pioof but will protect u fro:n 8hr.ji;il and if i' goi.s 'o ami we all set sail for lli dug-out which soui . retireip Gerintn dug for us ..... Tie inei zing gas hu::i jioPs ai d Hi, no'son.nu g is w'.iicii invariably follows is non elftetive i.r.y more to speak of. T le value they used to reap from poison ing thu water aad air has been redeced to practically nothing. . . . . , Gen, Foch is now mar shall ot Fiance and he klfows strategy and ths value of men better than the kaiser kno ws 'rightfulness and. the value of brutes. We all have the highest possible csnfidence in both Gen. Foch and Gen. Pershing, We'rt learning fast, and Mr. Boche has already learned, that they didn't tend over apy pacifist with the A. E. F. . . , Tell Mis. D. I woul4 Ion 1 her my gas mask during a sneezing session for just one (blgH'-'-o at a, big- Tf V IV. C A A II II llll Justice, Equality. A Year in Advance Mia QUARANTINE IS OH Iff THE COM Tho couity board of health ne t Monday and passed a quae i'ant!i e measure making it iin I nvlul to keep open ' picture slio.vs or o'iier public places of tintisemeiilN, c lurches' or S in day schools, lodges, society hall or any other public meeting olaees until further notice. Fun orals of persons who di from influenza ar to be either private or held In open air. This mean ure applies to Kings Mortmain, Grover, She' by and South Shel by and is done because of Spun ish infl ucnzi which is becoming eri'iis in these sections of tho.' . miitv. It is unlawful for per ono loiter around railroad Nations unless they are there to dep u-t presently. People are not to visit fro'n houses where in fluenza exists nor to visit at houses where it exists. There is & penalty of fifty dollars for vi olation of any of the above rules. Of course, the schools hers did not open Monday. '-'Jim Caldwell, a big husky white man who haihi from some where in Gaston and who work ed here n while last winter with Harry Falls driving a meat wagon, was hauled over the coals here Saturday for Bed it i- ous remarks about the govern- .mcnt. Commissioner Harnett of l.v grave to claim his attention. evening at-seven and faced by the accusers who were In plenty -iu) copious in tlieir accusings. A r cent ruling of the newspaper ,:ensor board doesn't allow us to ,i-;.,-at the things he had said bout tbe gove-h'.nonl but they veie o'.sncli mture and qiiantt 'y that be was remanded to the loc iup that rignt and was Sun lav to Shelby " here commission r lluii'lt ,enl him to jail in hfiultflOOO bo.d- to -await a hearing ac l'Vdeinl court. Like ill the oti.cT pro--geri'iaiiH we have seen hnulec1 over the coals or iiomd of, Caldwell manifei ted the giraiest of patriotism in eouit and- couldn't understand how in the world so many wit nesse? could have so misundor stood his remarks as to construe them to be unpatriotic. Dr. J. E. Anthony received a call from the Surgeon General of the United States Army Sun day to report to the State Board of Health at Raleigh for govern ment duty. He left Monday af ternoon to lako up his new du ties, ;. cuit And now fov another un- interruoted .round with these fearless flies. Sincerely. Cpl. g. fc. Anderson, A. E. F,