1 1 r Y 4 r' Libi 1 rj.i:l, Vol.; 1 7, Xo. 3. I I , , . The peace and dignhy of the town and cmmirnitj was (lis- turbed to:tn iinusal and Incx- en-ajln' extent, Fridiv niht his- I ( n eleven and on Vl",l by tlifi'C hky mffiitrH who hailed I. cm Gnslonia and i-Hins here Keemiugl.y im'nt the tovvi red. Tlfts didn't exactly get the jebj t'f P 'fntlng 'O' C i Ut IliUdH .of-1 fi';icnt progress that Policeman Rhodes was pretty well besm-ar-cd with his otf:i b ood .and one of the. trio showej y.c.iilc-t as he lay kooeke I out i 1 a :l!t :li vi;cr( I)r Mood 1 tid U'l'u low to .iu vent liim f on) slabliiii;; 1J10 of finer in tlis bacK. Jud'.;tV Fully finisli'.'d 111" thrci! Saturday morning bj' ti i ji nir tl.L.u off to Uk-followinit seateneo,. I. I) 8.ruKK ' 1- -.'uiOntisH,- L (J. S ruys 8 inonths ar,d W. L Ci. m'nons t! mo'itlis Tin-.v ul Hnea. d And bond was f,.xed i.t J!!00 justiiieu eaoli but was not Kivcn. . It sr'eiri'i that the fuf fimis cn-in 1 mill t ie .1 ' x mil', in (UMoij'f lo v sit, a 'tnd ia Kast Kin ;:- Mod )lain Jid raistd considi' hie ( isLiv yini:'! in -l.t- Ki.c!,'ii (Joiiiiii!' l;i town ihey uif ' ll(i.id lit A' ;:l .va.v ar.d imj t, him out of his car wliudi ti.i pm CK'di'U to V.iCdtrt i.'.l', 1.1 ' S .! Rlyle as not t') be i'ci) o!'f. O Ins return '.lie doc.toi-i :m uimi nt t'tn I'rtsb.vtrian cho c! and .o rpoiled to Podcemai Khouo?. The bully of the bii'icb. was arrested near thu Pinsei' Drtin store for bt.invt diMnit boi refused to tro lof l.-uf, , ' Uho-.V catled to his aid ):. Hw'.'.Ti'i'u the ra?e siurted. (J. H. McOar. fid rtiieved 1) I'ood. Wim-.i Hiey had c 'osed the .!Ur'.oau the prisoticr mado fi;l.t .uid h'y brother, h. G. Serous, cairu t, tliH aid of his .'U. other and Rho des sot a licit nc'OKs tlio r.osc that releaised hiin of his prison er. The. t vo ran and Un.iJes fir ed his pistol four limes and the men stopped. The jirocissioQ by tlio t time had become quite a crowd. As the olricer arid his aides we' o"ai;aiii oii the way to the lock-up tho tiii -il man, C'c n. U1039, rau upend was in ihe ai t ...kusl. i . . ,i I-! when DdAlJooi', jvho had !'' ' ei the !rv;l ave hi n a k-'ec'i out thatllMded liie l-ucijie wiUi him. When ha sol oJt oT ditch lie was esorted in lb a lock-ii-very yeaceably. )a the sc.o:f'e on the lumber ya d Rhodes was cut at across the breasUtiid had not his b'adV.e t.1 ' led the bow he woi)ld have b. en en seve e y. It look auo.'t an I o.i rod a d,'.1 to put the men to eel's a u ; jhey weri loekfd w'-dvii the co . do of the lock-up. They we -e a- me; with knifes, G. P. Fal's and W. O. Iiudt'ocb also helped office.' Rhodes in putt'og op the men. The profaoity scattered : abroad on the night air was snliieieit ti wake up people all alooa"nef r 'ie scene of action. - BUY LIBERTY BONDS m H0i01 , S.Ti 'I S w ho hiW! 1 j" i fl thei1 nihscrii ti hh ince ! f rst. H ne of .t'hese o old Ker'.bers 'vlifi luv. n mnvid Sn:n- ur" tie .the lis: 'ivyr (Mir vmi naiise m.p:si appia.' look arou isoe :f ii, slioicd Tom W l:b..'rN, Wiliie llart-oi, U 1 4. . LacI.-tH , J I. II iiu'ji ichi, V.- .S .'.!o-s, I ! MciJ.i.vr, (lliver i: i.rsaa!-, .) V. f vin, V. U. U rrvlt, CH o Hor l. W II li ac'i. Ii. A. 1'. ir--(J. I; I!.!--., Mi ni.; Miin.iM, J.' IS. Tiimii ;'S(c, L !. r.lilc.-'i, v. W PaiVsh, 1! T. i-VUs l-,na Davis fi"t (Jood:.. M. .! ;i:i-. . .v.rfn 1, 11-nn n . I'.i iV i ".. M ': !a,lonii. 11 . C. I. (.' Di.r.ean, K.-i-m jY. I'l'toison. V. (', K ttr , IJol.r-ils, V. fj. Hoylc, Hertdou. H V. i!:lk, Groi-n.'l-1. J, Maunev, V iiion, H. T. f'Vtoii, Go Mill, .lames Mc.Otll F''onk Jr., Lee L1 ''..1:-, A. Air. n. P. U. I!ay, II. fUirli. Marv n.-ni'lon,- M'-. W. 1). W jv -r, .!. .!. Kii.' 1 C. ll.ur.telier, J.N M.t '.1 intr J 1 .! :-.( -, V. .1. .11. Sap,) -li, U.aud Wa.-e. J, ('os'iiir liiz.ie ker, Leslie Mcf!ii 1, J. A. An thony, Mrs. M. K. Jairett. F,. L Ware, W. D. LacUey, II. W. (iam'ool. W. O. Falls, Mrs. E. J. Siinr-son, ,7 no. Hess, Crowder l.'iitriain, Carl Uanisey, W. .7. Ol ayford, l,:r.!' ll'r.i ion. Fin I V. '.V',nJ.-, .7. .(.. Ah xac.l- r. ' i II io,.A: V. Oinw. , Ln : ' f Liser, t'.-W. li'chaid:i-)i, Criei t ,1'j.vne, C. L. Ilt iclc, .7. W. M ir ! rison, llarlsv uineU, ii. M. Or- ; inand, (J . l!ridu"-s. .1. V,'. Me-; I hi.r.f.v, Gi W. Ware. F. C. llar-'l re'.l, U. L. Lackey, ,7. I-'.. Lip j fotd, Ajni s Noi'iis, l A. Car-1 roll, 15. !v. Ha-b.-r, V. l Ker-;: ton, H. V. Aihnan. lli'.l Piilnani, ! T. M. Ilerndon, G, ) :. --flernOo t,;i C. Vv". Uallender, A. M. lsmx,: Mrs. Hen Falls, .1. 7j Manner,! 'll' l ui.-.f.... ii'....;. 1 . "' '. fa IX, A. 1. l'al..-, W riuht liar- mo., .7. 17. May berry, B. A. Rope , . sop' i;-id.;es, G. V, Ho.'i?, L.uher le'id'jce, R. 13. Ware W. Ij. O'vensb.v, M rs. Mattie Dixon, J, T. ''Hicks, J. I. Lonj.', Mrs. Lola Woodwa ', W. P. Ware G. P. Falls, M. L. Hooscr, W, T. JaeUson, Jno. lenkins, F'eiEin Ran-saur, lv. A Chaliiir.D. A. Ii. 'Fill's, Pied, mo'nt.Tel. & Tel- Gq. I. F. lilam P. B. Falls, Cyrus Falls. S. H Rhea, Mrs. Chas. DiMinr, Mrs. Geo. Gates, T.: F. Oates, '.Jun tor Wells, L. A. McGiH. -Progressive Faraior, Vhitncy Wells, S. A. Grouse, E A,- Fait erson, .Will Randle, .7, R. Payne Odessa Goforth, 3 no. F. White, Rev. R- A, Young. These have paid' us amounts all the way from 25 cents to So. The time is growing short in which to settle up and '-.renew your subscriptions. We are com- 8ubs'i-:bers. ok ' .. & . ! ,1 1 V f ' P. (.- ir.ipe, M, I . fy ' i ' ,o'i k a I o-w ; , !'....-,.'" I ' "-''' (';;! seas hv ; Mm! ro.inil.. I.( ,-, .... ,. I (t:i:;n-l:iiai-.' 1 i,.!:,), f-t WcJ h t,,; . ; ; ...lei.e;,' ; r a. is. 1 j. i'. i- . . . -iSSN . ! be Av.V ' ,1 J I fountain, Xo; - ' v v i, v v v. j 1 1 - - - - I ii su'V . . " 1 v 7 r; ' 'i'l 1 is ! :' -. In he wi itti'n t;-,.:n: ; 1 . ! n.,. .. f... n 1 r 1 n m' . f,iH h: t ';'-, jou nieu no . , ., , ) I't'J i'.'n I...- . 1 1) ' j child'ei) v ens!, iv..,l t-ti'M-:;.. . . .' , Hr TING JLLCT : f NT j k,. .v foilowi-ut who-cv .1. . ' ! o 1 rd'.-j ol." iwei vc 1 ihU w- i I . :.i -.mi a i- ..'. ( I jt 1 a I V,.. 1 r. vl, I-., ,!,,': I l, 'V ' S?H -''.T -jj V(.'. ,;. 1,. i ,. .., . j. ... y. ' ' ! -' I 1 evs 'r, i.d.o- u-iv-. !-') ..- ' .-;,. "' :o-n---. r p s--:-L i--y .vn.-tl.y ' - r 1 I ' !' j O'v. 11. t. tl-e c :e' ( on f : 1. ivv 1 'v lii'Ji is 'i, s ('or'dcl mast do ') ( ; s ... , ,. ... !oi f.i'i- ..('. r. Tlit wo n .'i a c '-i'!. , . , w1' ' 1 : lo i'o Hie li-iV-l Will ., -.Iw- ii "'. :: w 1 (-.'; ( ' it . . , ,. ! '' 1 "' .. ., 1Vl.iA. . . the ire 1 R.,p KUjinh' toe .Va n' .1. '!,.', ,. . , A1: wh'j wi.-,,) to r,-:( coni W. 1 ,. . ,, , ,. . bJtuin nt.v i.s. ut A v ti". ., , hrm ni) A 'ii'. t cor' ,, ... . , 1 v . A, i.Oi'.ji-l'i s. c ..'l en-1 o t.i-. . ., -,;i :. ..,.-,' . Vi' 1 : .,'. li-, .s. 1 1 .. Hal ,. . , n-'; l-;) ii h ; I .. ,, I lie most 1 Hit we-i-a-r 's?iire . lor ' ,, , ,,, . .,, , 1). Me- , ,. ,, ,. .. , ! i.1 .s, M, U I'lonk wi' have ... t,u;bo.s uVT lhn-(i will, -be I , , ., , ... . ., t . j ,. , . ... . . ; chaise of the -knutinif for tliv nn in ,'.,' i'. ' 1 .1 1 1 1 1 -1 t. I.'nial.l If.n'd, Mi.i.v , ., . . co-nu)-,' year. I he lad'es wlio , 1, . , illMS nil'-' I !'' lu ll L'TS 1 MOII.J- 1 .,, , . ... , 1 K('".i jiil , . ' will (lo If.ittnv wi.i . p'ea&e noti-l it ,. i-i .. - I,,,.-..' 1,1 1 ..i- ......... . , c t , i . . .1-. ' I 1 ' I I 1 : 1 i I .ill 1 J . 1 1 1 . 1 I . . ,-, ' , ,.r ' , .1 ; " , :v v -1 1;..-. i hi ... i.,i: it-, ... ' ! ('.v.-...,; ', ,i- i)f'i) A" ' 1 eot.dui- !, P. ;!o.::-,0.i(. I. ( ' ; ( i i .... : ,. 1., i,. ;.m,:s .!,-..:.- Ch Ivamo ' ,. .. V , 1 ,-M,r . T:,i will . cJH ; ' - ,.v,.r Ij. 1-liA n, 1-4. M. J s; .. ,. ;, v ;',j,-,..si A.aeriean in every iortior ol tl'e ii c i.intiiiii.iy: : - t-hai i'.:i.i n of. I:, ,. V ieCiii'e t'.'e.-e naiiic.-'; il preciat'! ii it t"o i'.a--fi iends wHl kind'y a il 'r i'i:v or i-wrl n,; (lie's. TI I i: M1I-.L hi! . IV;, Or. :i by ! ':.- I f ' i iii 3i.ii''U. " i '!' (1 I ' iis-i !'ti I v , I the m.iLcs ( f a!!,.- e.i.i'i- Ii i.y s In it''(- service I "O.e C ev 'a'rl c:.inn ; i.v east of i I 1 1 aio l.it a! ! 1 ?';'. j I'J. ,',..' !:'" lm'w'!r: "-': ft.v ', of iter; tii".t. i '.'ey nia.v '-1' n ' J (,.-' Ii a v'i'r.sl .qi-is j, ni' a-, e In ;'tU l -a i.e'Vi'l'le .' Let wi.' lives of !:t; ioy in i i', i '). ,ii-.so e se. -i ,t ,' ,e n . c. i-i-'lit aw.iy ib i:? i:v .i,r'.r .Ii i repo to;' lo liie Ail ), a (; I O.-.k- i ih , v i lie!) Is ! IT .is 'm i'npo''i,ant as ).l:e j tec V oi s net w ,n; to --.-ss I le boy w ' i . (ii i .") 'I'd -.' j i n i r ;,'j d-a -.v in .- n . o i !i.-;: .V M: V . '. I by H((- j The I!, i ,.'rc s i ' ji)".. 1 1' if e.Oi'iii y Ins O' : ' 'l. ( ' I vie;' f n .il: 'M the . . !"' i'n'i'c '. i. T 'e ',. ',' si. i s i i'e i,'ai e '0 !:.;'') ..;'.!; fOilov'liIX Co i',iit'.,.-e. "I; - ". ,b'.- Il ilpilOlliildl ,0 p llfl'i' ,'..i,' .''.'-fc,s.. nnco 'o c:.n iccder t i --s .t -I i'y- Tn s ccnenttre lO.i.-is . "' Rev. G. L. K'c Dr. i. S. A'wn' M a C. K. Neis e , .Vrs. W. S. DitliiTi and Mrs. A. II. 'I '.it Lei son, lnfoi m . this- con.' mi jte? i Ped by law to revise." our list November; first, send in your arrears and dont miss a cooy of the paper. We shall be very sor ry to have to report anybody as having not paid up. ! In.- eo iwi I , . ( l .1 1 1 I it f, 'i I -it i i . , . hu ill. I 1 1 ' : i i c t: 1 I ;. , :: F ,,, . 1 ! 1 u: mi ,m . in. itauili'l Jul iijio'je l-;r mi.-nihersliiu in tlie A ! uieriian It ml C -oss. " TIL'S Red Ui'oss warts aaij) t.) yive the vocld i)ot:ce, not only that A: nieiica ca:i ri!it, hut that to the last man, woman and child ,v -.. ii-l Kiar s(iiare for mercy, ii ii.cr rr.o ond f.iii.h ainoiltt i' t '.as." AM .if es ca'-not. figiit i,;,t aec'.n pay ti e Red (,'iois ei- iiWs.-ship tci el one dolla-. i i:c.i the KjII ('.!!i i-j-mcs iet u be nady to ans.ver ftilh !,t V"ir , the word ' o i';V!:.!e.U '-.), liii I sii.iiaitiil 10,1 t ) C-.iii CbTiCK PaK'KS Tli'-i 'is.; ;.. w .' ; a '. 'Ciiije,', o ; v.) " i b- e : ' :. o ,; i AVii raVvi ' p i ''uO" 'o ' ilicr , (-.,'' -: :;(. :-() 1(1 vi h-. ) l ( e- o s' .' :,. ' ' 'Cd ' ) ,l oss i e v. Ti e p d ,-iO l'd w l "i s. S I, e .e ''I -s .1 ' " C ' , e ;; n il, I , ..' 1 1.- .- . s .--. i d v i, a v. ; .. ).v i w o wo .id uuc I j ' .10 J in i.'--s f. y, j xii'. is O .vi j . : ti e Co ' of the . sc' oo's "o iwj we. . s. tne car P : ii cj'ecl-o of l -"it sv ,v.'i ; . u 1 j"s hes b -en Oe ! 'a'yiv', h o a e dy cbi"f.on have j be l 'i) to ,..it.e se Is. L tt'e j Miss 11 'e,i Loan has about ! two bjshals of peach seeds fc the third trade. Who ci- -boat this? : . .. T11F, GAS MASIC DRIVE What makes you save vouc ol ive siouesy-' the Tfoughtle s Wasiiir ;). "The Govii nment has asked for them," the Patriot replied. ''I don.'t see what it want) of (Continued oa editorial page) te 81. )) her -,a''i'!nt 01. s Not -I , (" l'-c 'i'-oiind a.- iM I!, 'I iil'i.-n 1'iit'S eelcstial h.-ne-liii-lioiis ;..ssuine this dark di--tiiisc .liimes H. U itt.fivo, son of Mr. and Mr. S. (.', Uat.eiee. had r-.een in military tri ininprat Cru.-'p I nt.-c-n. I li'-r.a irnniia u-lion ho was tran.-teixd 10 Lampevi( So jo afl: .! v,is st- -.-das iakeii U li.e li-j-1 )i till I i i , day, Sept., 27. Scon lie contract el pneumonia ar.d on Wednes da' , Oct.,- 2, j ot as tlio shades ere irthenntr a 'a'.'ufiV away his v 0 1 (.'ho .-.il" i'. 1 Svjci i.aili i-e, ;v!, , is . i iuI his fa1 h"r '' c i. he I -1st. 11k body in Gro .' S.:i ir.l :-t 1 lllie'lll' M'rVli I"; ii i- , l vr Rev. W. R: il a. i. in the ricseiiei! of (liar- -.-l-.c:.',i j S-inda. . sorrow I iiig friends and the bedy was! I tenderly laid to rest in the Gro- ver cemetery. j :.S(reint I'yatt . nccoi'irani'd . tlio ho'ly 1io.ni- an i r .niiincd for j iiie fn ier.il, ' (''carried a Fare, I lovely xi-eatn made of roj-es on an ease', l e.-.i'i ; the iiisci iii- ition Co F. I. Prv. Re'.,, lliil ' i I). Ii. Teis was fi.t ohieed at I I ll In -li' ' t y,,V ,rr,, vp u-.i. . ., ,:, ., ,' ir i,, . . '. Despi'iike t. 1 i s lav : '. 'ii sy.i.-ia:-i:iy of ma n.v 1'-' e "-ds. .dailies was a u: - i.') of Hi j Pres by t e i' ia o c I' i . ;. i . A s a V) n s fia'n he hoao'ed les p oii'ssimi by iui uprigiit.,if(3-and a God'y walk, lie w is .i on e, nc-bie (!lii 'stinn oun una aim lull ol pro.iiise. . 11a giaduated at Picdmon'. Ilifh School, s;-rin' of I'.M'i. haviPff taken ii bu-cness coiirsn ) Hie losi .'.ear I e was there. In tlw following autumn he acceit ed ii - pjsiiun us Bjok-keeper vith Stanley Auto Co., Albe marle, X. C. In a short time he was e'u cted manaiibr of the Piedmont Motor '. Co. and h ;ld illiis pisiiio.i until he went to the 1 1 ni iisn; ea'iip. lie was not, elo gible foi '. vgihlratidn i.i June, 11)17. bat was so anxious to -enter the service of his ccuntry that he volunteered for the Navy the next dav after his twenty first birthday, May '.'6,19i8. lie ion turned down, he volunteereii for service in the Coast A ' tiller'' and aiain for the Aviat on, as he .was rejected here, l e wai id nnxious'y to ,;e eilid and re joic; d when !..i day came for h m to i:o to Camp Jicksou. On (Continued on ed.i.rlal page) Justice,, Equality. A Year in Ah:tii(v 11 1 Li'. LiiwXti , . 1 1 1 Cr.i's in K I '. 1.1,1 1,1, l, 1 '.: rv .1! ii In . I ! i 1 i ! H iiiMtvi'i e-ns nl 1"- jsehed'jle tuiii' iinu he nun. I'm Luii)!)i; ton wln'ie the 1' V.-l llhl rJei.'!i "I'm'anline di.'laved ihe opi'iiinir ol the ineetuiK. line jdreo of people we-e suvi-c! at " j the lliii-:i;iitoii meeini nnd a ; f.ve will j.ffci-i.iir made tin i in ca( lii.f o! ub'jut sWHI bui(ien i tin; iiicni -nt.il expenses whieh I whs ahout s'.i.iO. Helow we quote a few excerpts from .1 J Snrl i iifjto'i paper pnblisli e;l .vhile the meeting was in iprojires; j "lj.?iTinninit Ins campaign in this cily wilh the statement that ! s.i l-.jns, !,s lie remained in i.er inv'ii'!), In- would l.ia'o hut o-ie bo ."Ve must be bcrn -again," liev. J.laxter F, McLendon, ol South Carolina, Las been con ilnetini; thu most remarkahio revival ever Iniid m tl'-.'scity for I "i" ;'asv. Hue; weeks, j ',"!:!.: to Ihirlinglnn unknown ei'i unheard of with many peo ol'-i'l'V preiudiced against j 'Vaii.;e'i!it, :n:s igan lias stirred j :'.i-, iitcn f.'Odi one end lo tho I'ltii.'i-. and his d'-awti win-h a-invl., as ha"e seldo n been sei n hire. . ' :.'r achinir the L'osnel of .,,,(.,,.-, n(i , fj . and ei'iiiiK day by day that men must be born iiKa'u and that the v iuusi forsake thi-irevtl ways, ho has stood as a mountain in our midst calling men to repentance. Ci.likj most evangelist, he has held ihe standard high. There is no proposition lo shake hands and .vitiii your eye and go to l.'l 1 '.l''t. ' C o.vds 'in ve flocked to Bur lia .ron i n.-ii) the cjuntiy for- mi , ' s ,. , , hi. nl- VViien he he r,in tho ci n :.j .;il -he m icl-j Ui$, staiement lli il : ''.) c ilie uit-eling Closed I'n 'e "',;u,'.l be tnousaiids who ; v.,ulj ult( I ihe irieci(l)!;s, ard j ins si-U'inent was hea d with I some doubt, 'Jul. Ins pieu.ctiou.s Niave come true tn facV we be j li.'ve that at one of the meetings i liieic ciust have bejn eight or . ten ihcusaii'l peop e present. ".Veil i-int uoiiii-'j have been converted at ueariy evtry meet ing and men who have never betn before Lave given their heaits lo God, and lime aion.s can leveul the good that lias oien d no. "The pastoisol the different (hii'clics I, aie en ncslly woi licdr o.r. iiser 1 1 me inee ng and aid Gti,i.si.in men and woman' of ai deiio.iiinni.'ons have. joined in vhe wJ'k. .'.!r, Mcrie"don's great se-uiojs liavo euued tliu c'nu idles, have ,d awn the Chiistia.i men and women to setbc: a id the 'j 'is a wondei ful sp', ii cf b 'othe -hood hero ioday as the result oi hts preach Buy Liberty Bonds O

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