Sive LET US SUGGEST; A Pair of Shoes, Extra nice ones Bedrooom Slippers, Very latest styles Silk Hose, Extra Quality A Shirt Waist or Camisole Kid Gloves in Grey, B-owh and Black Silk Handkerchief- It will pay you to inspect our line before you buy. Come in and be convinced. 2. M. SficSaniel & Co. r MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS . '.HES1SM v. THE VERY BEST IN EVERYTHING IN FRESH MEATS, FISH AND OYSTERS sold at the lowest Prices and Delivered Promptly. Order from either market, up-town or old mill. First Quality, Full Weight, Prompt Delivery, Courteous Treatment. Two Markets Peoples Meat Market W. n. Caldwell. Prop. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, ' Lucaa County, m, Frank J. Cheney make, oath that he Is Motor partner of the firm of P. J. Chen.r Co., dolnc business in tils Clt - of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm 'will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each ' and every case of Catarrh that cannot b. cured by th. use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY, z Sworn to befere me and tubsrrlhed In my presence, this sth day of December. A. D. 1884. A. W. OLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public. Hair. Catarrh Medicine is taken In . ternally and act. through the Blood on th. Mucous Surfaces of th. System. Send for tiatlmonlals, freo. P. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all drumclits. Tic. Ball' Family Pill, (or constipation. Mortgage Sale Under and by virtue of the powers of tale contained in three certain mort gage deeda from W. M. Carpenter and wife, as follows: One to R. H Garrett, commissioner on March 15th, 1906; One to Arthur Roberta on Dec. 28th, 1910, and one to Plonk Brothers Co. on April 3d, 1917, we will, on Monday, the 6th day of Jan., 1919, at . twelve o'clock, noon, at the Court House door in Sheby, N. C, sell to - the highest bidder for cash the lands conveved in .aid Mortcmr. wMh described as follows; Beginning at ' poplar on the east side of the Kings Mountain and Clover road, and runs N. 06 E. 13.80 chains to a rock and pointers; thence S.26 E. 19.36 chains to a rock and pointers; thence H.65 W. 16.00 chaina to a rock on east side of aforesaid: road; thence with said road to the beginning, containing. Thirty Acres, more or less. This the 7th day or December, 1918. Plonk Bros. & Co. Mortgagees. i Mortgage Sale By virtue of the powers of sale In a mortgage from Lloyd Blanten and wife to me, dated March 11, 1918, 1 will on Friday, Jan. 10, 1919 at 12 o'clock noon, at the court house door in Shel by, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash the land conveyed by said mortgage described as follow; Begin ning at iron stake in old Parker line on North side of King street and runs with said street N. 88 1-2 W. 62 1-2 ft. to a stake; thence N. 40 1-4 K 221 ft to a stake; thence S. 88 1-2 E. 52 1-2 ft to a stake: thence S, 40 1-2 w.' 221 ft to beginning, containing 14 acre. This Dec 16, 1918. - ' v ' Samuel Parker,. Mortgagee ; TOMBSTONES G. G. PAGE - - Herald Ofice IBBBmi HIMUJIIiCI J TITO EJlJBJt I a-op (Jin Asm potniD0 I it wn IP op P ouionwui I .iqBniva oxioj Xeqx 'III1 I ptpusid. es.t tnoj; oa I ?utu I j9ioi eqi o ln o ejq. q oi p.i oof tu I pun Bind oinj-nuv jnnvt (! J" oj out psonpaf Pa9if y 9pi pu. uapinoq. ux U oScquini qijiL reap ioojJ w J.nn. oi pssa I,, 'NlVd BU3A39 asaNruau as than asnow UnOA 'nOA -Lld3NM OX SHVd '3-ixxoa uo 'xoa xcmj ji paxBjjsAo si jje?n aqj usqAi injdjaq ajsa si 9mA 'UIBJ JO 'S3AJ3N sq) 8A3ij3j ippmb m SllMNIVa-IINV .eauw "Ha :S9AJ9M dm sua -VB3A OSI8 PUB 'sailOV USJjd AJ3A TjaOAV ajo;dbj g jo uibjjs jubjsuoo sqx ; Iff-' ' - ; PETERSON'S STRAW RIDE ETC (Continued from fourth page) like-to mix, especially when one is a ford in th river and wain deep in. cold mountain water, we wore at a loss to know what to do uext, Howover after stlrrinp in the sticks for a time wu found a good farinor who was kind onoueh to tell us of a bildc that wasn't a ford about ilirhtei n miles further up the river. We i as we were out for a irood time and didn't care where we went it was up to us to find I he budge so we started lively for Barton's bridge. Well, we were doomed to disappointment for after trav eling about fifteen miles the car in front went to the bad with a broken axle. As I have alwas had a knack at getting out ol tight places we sent the p;ood car on to the bridge with instru ctions to double back and get the walking party wherever they found them. After Evand riding some we all got to I wether on the bridge, ten of us with one little old ford car .nd B thirty two miles from the farm in the roughest mountain coun try you ever laid eyes on. As we wern all Rood and hungry we decided to forage some. We found somo canned goods but not a bit of bread of any kind, but we ate all the same. Latei j we imu a gooc i.i'iy to bake U some bread aid we ate agal f . u V. , , - - aiuur wiuuu we neara ol a car near tht we might net to take us somewhere, and surn enough we iouna tne car but not a arop of gas to be had so the car was useless to us as it refus ed to crank. The owner told us of another oar about six miles down the river that we could get so we loaded the one car and started it dow.i to get the other one and send it back for us. Af idi a iwi ui ujoui an nour we started walking till something turned up, which did pretty soou. Aftr about five mile: walk wo came on the car thai was hauling the first party in the, side ditch broken down with not a man in sight, there is where my heart failed, the men had gone on afoot in hones of getting the car they had started to find and send it for ua vVclt we walked for some tim tnd mot t'lsiH ccmirig ba..k witli .he word thai there was nothing loing in the car lino. We wer. ill together again, ten of us and no c ir at a I, and twf nty s'x miles from ro't, not a fimi d ii sight, and it dark. After a kind of ueace conference we voted to walk all together till something els3 happened. We walked for 8me lime when we came in sight of a light and it was a welcome sight. We called and a jlever looking man came to the Joor. After convincing him that we were up to no devUtnent hv agreed to tak-j us to Clarksville which is about five miles' from (.he farm. We not being altoge ther satisfied with thip, he after a little more persuasion agreed to take us to the river two miles from the farm. Well here our straw ride began. Filling; the wagon bed with straw, ten of us and two mountain men started down Soque River. The moon gave us a little light till about eleven o'c'ock ufter which it was as dark as you generally see it. We crossed the river four times. Some places the driver said it was thousands of feet almost straight down to the river bed. Well at one o'clock we were at the point where the wagon was to turn back and SI one thirty we were at the farm and in . the bed for the night. .Monday finds ns all well and at work. I have another ride to tell about but fearing that you will be worried with this I will close. In conclnsiou I will say that Mr. Elrod and family are clever people as can be found any whei e and if the Lant farm is not a success It will be no fault of Mr. Elrod's management. H. P. Peterson. . TUB HKRA1.T). $1.60 pw year BNSIBLE 'FURNITURE wm bet - Ttffli n f BEST'S: Library Tables Dining: Tables Centre Tables Library Chairs Dining Chairs Parlor Chairs KITCHEN CABINET Hundred other Tilings' Jno. M. Best Furniture Co. Phone 49 Kings Mountain, N.C. ilHIIIIOBIIIH Was the Season's Long Suit with us and we still have a few; Also We Have Big lot OVERCOATS and CLOTHING. Best Quality--Latest Styles- CARPENTER & McGILL Dry Goods an .1 Notions ' Laundry Work MUST BE DONE WELL IF THE GARMENT IS TO ENDURE AND LOOK DRESSY. OUR LAUNDRY WORK MAINTAINS THE HI- GHEST STANDARD SNOWFLAKE LAUNDRY GASTONIA, N. C. The Holidays With the approach of the holi- i aajs you Degm to cast about for Christmas Gifts Take a look over our notion de partment where many suitable gifts may be found. ."".r.V: SUITABLE CHRISTMAS GIFtft . W. A. Mauney Bro. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS