! LOIS OF ' BEAUTIFUL HI, A small bott'e of "Danderine" makes hair thick, glossy j and wavy. i ED1NGS OF THE LEGISLATURE IAPPENINQ OF INTEREST IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Removes all dandruff, stops itch, ing scalp and falling hair. ffl ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY F i AT fa''" "i I Hi nuJi: S J Reasonable Argument Advanced That Lynching ia Not a Proper Method of Protection to Women. i Raleigh, Jun. 11. Standing com j tultttces on the bouse were announc ed today by Speaker Hruuimltt. The ; committees and chairmen are uh fol ' Iowh: i I Regulation of liquur truffle Slat i thews of Bertie, chairmna; election lwa, N'eal, rhairmun; claims, Oliver, ; chairman; Judiciary No. 1, Daws, . iI "Chairman; eipendltures of the house, fii ' ifW J I .Taylor, chairman; courts and Judicial HI ' Y- f 1 districts, Kay, of Macon, chairman ; Al I 4 ' I privileges and elections, Brown, of "fl " stilr' ' 1 1 i I'ltt, chairman; . banks and currency, i-uweii. ciiairmun; .. engrossed bills, Dull, chairman; manufactures and labor, Love, chairinan; judiciary No. 1. (Jrfer. chairman. . Griftin, of I.nionfl introduced a reso lution to amend the constitution and submit the question of woman suf frage to a vote of the people. , The Senate. In the seriate, thr-rc was announce ment of a .special message from Gov. Hickett rel.uivi to the ratitlcatlon of the federal (imbibition amendment, bllt Since the nenflte hna nli-uuilv nnati. To he ptinsenseil of a head of heav, ed the resolution and sent It to the be.intilul hair;, soft, lustrum, fluffy, h'iue. the message was not head. n " ln-"-' "" dandruff n merely : There was a message from tha a m.itti r of u-ung a little Danih-rine. . bourn announcing the passage of the It Is i-ii!,y'anil Inexpensive to have resolution to allow Asheville to ex nliv. soft hair and lots of It. Just get a pend S5.000 for enter; ;;inienl of re amall bottle of Kn .iHlton'-s Danderine turned soldiers an,l silors, hdt Sen noH it costs but a few cents all drug ; ator Stevens, of Buncombe, told the mores recommend it apply n little as ' arnatii that he had a bill pending In directed and within ten nnniites there I the senate involving the iuuiii mat-l will be no iipiieuriince of abundance, iter and that he wanted this house bill irehiiiiess, tiullmcss and an iueonitmm- I tabled. This action was taken. The senate udjourned to Monday noon. Jan. 13. Speaker Brummilt was confined to his hotel because of after- Lenotr, constitution!.! amendment; Qlldewelt, Insane asylums; Ferebee. public roads; Connor, bauking and currency; Stacy, military affairs; Cooper counties, cities and towns; DeLaney, Insurance. New Bills Introduces:. In addition to the bill of Senator Gray providing for tha appointment of a budget commission, others Includ ed one by Senator Warren amending the state-wide road law slightly so as to make it apply to local conditions in Beaufort county and one by DeLaney to co-ordinate the illuminating oil act and the gasoline act with reference to Inspectors. 'After hearing a strenuous speech by Representative Stubbs, of Martin, und a halt dozen other speeches In oppo sition, (he house voted to ratify pro hibition amendment to the constitu tion, the vote being 93 to 10. It was the resolution voted upon, so that the measure is now enrolled In readi ness for signatures of the president of the senate and speaker of tha house In Its formal ratification The assembly, In Joint session, can vassed the vote for United, States sen ator and state officers, a perfunctory procedure that requires only 10 min emus, COLDS, FEVERISHNESS Slack-Draught Is Used by Virginia Lady for Colds, Fever and Other Troubles With Fine Results. Rocky Mount, Vs. Miss 'Mae Chit wood, of this plnce, recently stated: "1 have used Black-Drnupht for colds nnd stomach trouble und certainly have found It very satisfactory. When I would feel bad and fever ish, as though I was taking a fresh cold, I would make a good cup of Black-Draught tea and It would soon set tue alt right. I can recommend It as a splendid laxative and gladly do so. Too may publish my statement." When you feel chilly, tired, fever- utes. showing Senator Simmons' vote I Ish, headachy and fear that you are to be 142,524 as compared wtih 9.1.697 ' tuklng cold, take a good dose of the for his Republicsn opponent, J M. I . . . heard so much about Tbedford's Black-Dr .ught. It is made from purely vegetable ingredients, acts In a gentle, natural way, and by helping pllance with the constitutional amend- j tu drlve out Psonous waste matter ment heretofore ratified. i from your system. It will often. If Both housesc passed a Joint reso-1 taken in time, prevent a chill from de- lunon paying tribute to the lamented veoplng Into a cold the University of North Carolina, j TnoU!"nls ot people, during the past Senator Long, of Halifax, introduc- j 70 Tears, have found Black-Draught of ed a bill to increase the salaries of benefit In such cases, superior .court Judges.! i Trv It. the tiert ii...M mii' sneexe. Adv. Trust Me! Try Dodson's Uvtf Tone! Calomel Harms Liver and Bowels 1 Read my guarantee! Liven your liver and "bowels and get straightened up without taking sicken ing calomel. Don't lose a day's work! Morehead. Senator DeLaney of Mecklenburg introduced a resolution tor a special Joint committee ot Ova to prepare a bill to confer on the county author! ties powers of local legislation In coin There's uo reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calo mel when a few cents buys a large bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone a per fect substitute for culomel. It Is a pleusunt, vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as1 surely as culomel, but It doesn't make you sick und can not salivate. Children and grown folks ran take Dodson's Liver Tone, because it is perfectly harmless. j vniuuin is a aangerous urug. urn. mercury and attacks your bones., Take a dose of nasty calomel today and yon will feel weak, sick and nauseated to morrow. Dou't lose a day's work. Take spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more biliousness, constipation, sluggishness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Tour druggist suys If you don't flnrl Dod son's Liver Tune acta better than hor rible calomel your money is waiting for you. Adv. lllllllll 111 LWsssssss sthasssaW- sius nun imtiv, anu trv as you will you cannot Uud a truce of dandruff or falling huir; but your real surprise will he after about two weeks' use, when you will see new huir Hue and downy at first yes but reallv new hnlr sprouting out all over your Scalp Danderine Is. we believe, the onlv sure hair grower, destroyer of dan druff and cure for Itchy scalp and II JNjver fitil-s to siiii tuning hair nl once ! If you want to prove how pretty anil oft your hair really is, moisten it cloth with a little Danderine and carefully druw' It through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Your hnlr will be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits every-jae who trie' this. Adv. V Poor Grandmother. Marlon -Mm U mi irviiigtou Ihi.v, two years ilil. und .he recently -had n cold. In the course of which he made the ne quiilnliiiice of ealiHn-!. 'I wo or three day Inter, bis mother told him Hie story of Hed Hiding Hood. She came to ihe point where she linil to impress liiin with the fact that lleil Killing Hood's uiiiiidiiiother wus III, mid she laid that mi ijilher thick. "(live grandmother tiilomel give her tnliMiiei:" ht.;. shouted.- Indianapolis News. It ii married man is willing in pose as an "linger, his wife. will, ennct nil the other parts in the liow:. . effects from taking the anti-Influenza serum and Governor Doughton call ed the house to order at 1 o'clock. Many members who obtained leave of absence Saturday had not return ed. Representative Stephenson led the house In prayer. Appointments of sixteen additional committees was .announced. The chalrmans of the nuance, health and education committees were announc ed. Col. Benehan Cameron is chair man of the roads and turnpikes com mittee and S. Brown Shepherd, of Wake, is chairman of the committee for the regulation of public service corporations. The governor sent a special mess age to the senate and bouse urging the immediate appropriation of 176, 000 to be used for the purpose of re building the two dormitories of the Caswell Training School at Kinston, destroyed on December 8 and anuary 6. He called attention to the fact that the children there are now sleep ing in the dining hall. The committee on rules, after con sultation with Dr. Rankin, decided that it had a rule to bar the lobbyists The bill by Senator Long, of Hall fax, to Increase salaries of Judges would mean that the supreme court judges would receive $5,000 Instead of $4,000 and superior cuurt Judges $4, 500 Instead of $3,250, and would make the expense fund of each $1,500 in stead of $750. The House. Jan. 15. Speaker Brummlttt con vened the house at 11 o'clock. The praeyr was said by Rev. : Mr. McFar land. of the Methodist church New bills were Introduced us fol lows; ' , Shepherd Amend the law as to the taking ot oaths by the corporation commission. Shepherd Provide for the erection of a suitable building for the state de partment of agriculture, by authoris ing the - expenditure of $250,000 re ceipts of the department, when avail able for the purpos. The Senate. . . I STOCK LICK IT mi am i i amski STOCK LIKE IT 'MuWlMCX INFCeOtOX , CONTAINS COPTERAI POS WORMS, SULPHUR FOR THE SLOOD, SALTRFTER FOR TMff Kltt. Ml VUMH.A, A TOnit AN? rURE PAIR, SALT. VllO RY VETLRIn 4H1AMS VCAJlS. MO DOSING. ASK YOUR DEALER POR SLACKMAN'S OR WRITS BiMKMAM Stock Remept Company Chananooca,Ten mm IJJ SkJ 1 5. SOLD FOR BO YEARS. Ladybugs to Fight Aphides. -Ladybugs will be collected by forest service men in Oregon before the period of hibernation is ended and iu me- n ui-ni iieius or rne sinie : to flfht the aphides, of which the In.ly- L "us is Hie natural enemy. , The Indv hugs hibernate on inottniuln tops and in protected canyons. . SOLD FOR SO YEARS. C UIIIDIl rhlllC -YnJimrD ALSO A TINE GENERAL SYRgNGTrlEN IUI lllrtLHIXIrtf VIIILIJ allU I LILIi. ING TONIC, Sell by All Dim St ' Imnortmit a ARn.K... Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOHIA, that famous old remedy fnf- InPnnte ami 11,1.. 1 . . . . - --"'-" uu .ujiuicii, nun WW UWE EE Bears the Signature otxffit2i In Dse for OVeTSi Years. ChUdren Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Without Improvements. "Say," remarked his street car rlenil. "why do you club fellows, refer The senate convened at noon with ! Ii old Boresuin as 'Bungalow?" President Gardner m the. chair. The oath of office was administered ta Senator Haymore, of Surry, who has been detained at home by sickness un til this time. The senate spent the morning thrashing out rules to govern this session and rounded out a schedule of them -patterned largely after those of the last session. New features ex clude from the lobbies all persons ex cept legislators and state officers, not even the president of the senate hav ing the power to Invite visitors Into the lobbies, this being to safeguard the health of the legislators in t hesa epidemic times. The House. Jan. 16 The house met at 11 o'clock and prayer was offered by Rev. D. N. CaTlness, pastor of Central Methodist t-hnrch. In lieu of punishment by death for "Oh. be only hits one s.iy. von know." Cam pimples, atadtob. bid brtath br tRkloe M7 Apple, Aloe.. Jalap rolled Into a tin? sugar pUl Called Doctor ftarce'R PLtauRt Pelleta. Ad. Failure Is the one thing that is spoiled by success. UUIMHNMUIIIUMIItlHI Mt,MIIIIIMHIIIflimnimittllllRIIMHIMIIMIIHIMtimiHmHIIIIIIMIiniimniMIMIHmilHlim hvuiip inrLUtSES AND PNEUMONIA BY USING E . TDa pieauot. enecnre, external Rpplleailoa c fur eulda, eroop. plenrlap, poeBUBuDIa, t. g A ina. ai r'jar oraHisL V.j No Mora. S AVOlll INFLUEN iiuumutmiiuiHuiHtUettiisi BUOtblD0 and llrtllllf XAe. Bur, l.OO, WfmmmM i I Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout? Take RHBUMACIDR to nam tkoeaoM aod ariYe tha polaoo f rum tb apaloaa. '-SMROBACree os mi issine SilTB RasulUTuUI OS TBS OCTCflRS" At All Drncslsu Jss. aUy See, VkaJeiaU DiMUters SBalEijoeM4 Heavy fruiter Cotton Tha moat aml4R htm hnlt IVmm. I. i.. Ba.uU daoos bla. wind and diaaaao. EUrard PIIUB. balea per aero. St Hat; Rtaala, LHiooau if uePrtvaAaOi Rod Collar. Mo Waaiua. Oa postit prtoa on Uaaalaa aaod troaa nesvy fruiter Csllsi Cs. Csratsvllle, fia. mosT psoor Cabbage Plants rij jorwy end CharlMtoa WskeSeld, Sns ceaaion Rod Flat Dutcb. by znf-a. GOO. fl H l.(W viuu: M) at tl.1t- IU.0U) and opittll.MIL 0. Ely Parcel Poal prepaid, 100, a&o; wv, a,.uu, .,uw, aa.iait w noieaaie RUd retail. D. F. JAMISON, SUMMERVHiE, a C W0 BUY DOGWOOD ui CarhaJLoll Write To-day (ot Foil Pauticulaia Shambow Shuttle Comptvnf WowrEiocket, R. L SMIM pteparalloai ol aurla.' Ralpato aradlaau oaodra A rwriiiiiai Law and !'8Man'VorFaaVa.H4r. LaUaLaVd iacADLUl.ooatPmagma. without mawng a new one ana tnat caplu, offenses committed in this the best preventative against a eon- stat(Si Representative Saunders would geated hall would be to enforce it h. imor.onment tor life in the strictly. Under the house rule, which itat1 prlgoI1 substituted. Soon after Every flower, even the fairest, has Its shallow beneath it as It swings In the sunlight.- Anon. Weekly Health Talks What Doctor Pierce Hat Done for Humanity, . BY DOCTOR CRIPPS. It tuts alwuys seemed to me that Eh Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., should be placed neur the top when a list of America's great benefactors ia written. He studied and conquered hutn diwaxea to a de gree that few realize. Whenever he found a remedy that overcame disease, he al once announced it in the newspapers and told where it could lw bought at a small Pnce He did uot follow the usual custom of keeping the ingredients secret, so that the rich only could afford to buy the medicine, but openly printed the name oi each root and herl he uaed. And so toilay the names of Dr. Pierce and his medicine, are widely known, inj they stand for bet-1 ivr neaitn and better citizenship. One of this great physicist.' most sue eesaful remedies is known as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are little, sugar, coated pills, composed of Mayapple, leaves of aloe, root of jalap-things that Nature rows in the ground. These Pellets are safe because they move the bowels gently leaving no bad after-effects, as so many pills do. Very often they make a pernor who lakes them feel like a new man oi . woman, for they cleanse the intestines ol hard, decayed and poisonous matter thai accumulates when one i costive. If yoi are constipated, by all means go to youi druggist and get some of : Dr. Pieie' Pleasant Pellets. They may prove ti : the very thing your system requires t .- snake yea well and aDpr v ' " has been In vogue for years, only members, judges of the supreme and superior courts, ex-members, state officers and persons especially Invit ed by the speaker, or some member are entitled to the privileges of the floor . .' ' .y ; Senate. Ehe Senate was convened at noon by Lieut. Gov. Gardner and Immediate ly after the invocation by Rev. Mil ton Barber, rector of Christ church, Raleigh committee appointments were announced. The chairmen ot some of the- more Important committees in the senate are: llolderness. appropriations; Scales, judiciary. No. 1; Long, of Hall fair, judiciary No. t; Davenport, agri culture: Wright railroads; Harding. education; Gray, finance; Cowper, of he was elected last November he an nounced through his paper that ha would introduce the measure at this session anad It is the first more to ward state-wide reformation to hit the hopper. The senate was convened at It o'clock by Lieutenant-Governor Gard ner, prayer being offered by Represen tative J. B. Stephenson, of Northamp ton. p r . While the session of the senate wasn't "Much Ado About Nothing," t was devoted for the most part to an animated discussion as to when a bill. after being passed upon favorably by one, two or three committees should be sent to the appropriations com mrttea). if the expenditure of money is Involved. W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, -NO. 4 1919. Damages Asfted for Pecans. After waiting nearly two years lor the railroad authorities to ef fect a settlement, W. A. Wayne has effect a settlement, W. A. Wayne has started suit in Superior court against tha Norfolk Southern railroad for the recovery of damages for the loss of SO0 pecan trees on his farm near Knightsdale. The orchard was de stroyed by fire which. It is alleged was caused by sparks from an engine own ed by the company. The complaint state that 'only actual damages will be asked. . , Miss Ehrenfeld Made Director. Miss Rose Ehrenfeld, R. N.. has been appointed director of the Public Health Nursing Service ot the State by Dr. L. B. McBrayer, chief of the Bureau of Tuberculosis of the State Board of Health. Miss Gbrenfeld's headquarters will.be at the State San atorium and she will have official con nection with the State Board of Health through the Tuberculosis Bureau. One feature of her work will be helping towns and communities to se cure public health nurses according to tkeir needs. .. i Appointed Embassy Attache. Washington (Special). Thomas) Owen Moore of New Bern, son of Lar ry I. Moore, has received an appoint ment as attache of the American em bassy in Paris. He will be sworn Into service by the state department at an early date, hut will defer actual sailing for Paris for several weeks. Meanwhile he will receive special training from the department of state which will equip him for the post abroad. The young man and his fa ther were In Washington at the office of Senator Simmons. Two New Charters. Charters were Issued from the office of the secretary of state for the fol lowing corporations to 4o business In North Carolina: Trout WHkie Lumber Company ol Forest City, with $50,000 authorised capital and S300 subscribed. The In corporators are S. F. Alexander. J. H. Thomas and C. A. Wllkle. Forest City. Chadwlck Fisheries Company of Beaufort, with $100,000 authorized cap Ital find $45,000 subscribed. The Incor porators are W. S. Chadwlck, C. T Chad-wick and J. 8. Caffrev.. Beaufort RQYSTER'S fertil: IZER i if1 Mwirsiica . THE GOODS FOR YOU BECAUSE IN 3 3 YEARS The quality has never failed: The ownership and manage ment have never changed: The sales have grown from 250 tons to 400,000 tons; a proof of satisfaction. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY Columbm,S.C Spartanburg, S. C Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Baltimore, Md. Toledo,. O. ' 1 - V .

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