LAND'SAfcE 1 1 PINCHBECK-SMITH FARM CONSISTING OF 600 ACRES This valuable farm, located on the National Highway between Kings Mountain and iJessc mer City, only 1 1-2 miles from Kings Mountain, has been subdivided into a number of small desirable farms, and will be sold at your own price and on easy terms on MONDAY, APRIL 14, AT 10:30 A. M. Sale will be conducted by PENNY BROTHERS, World's Ori'ginal Twin Auctioneers. AMERICAN LAND COMPANY, Agent, V . J, M. Millikan, Gen. Mrg., Greensboro, N. C If you have land to sell, write u-, giving full description in first letter. Kings mountain ijrralii Published every Thursday ESTABLISHED 1869 G. Q. PAGE, Editor and Owner. Entered at the Post-office ns ec ond-claas mail matter. SUBSCRIPTON RATES (Payable id auvance.) I year - $1.50 A month. - $.73 4 month! - $.50 a months - $.2.n Circulation mainly In Cleveland! and Gaston counties, N. C. Editorial Pag In a copyrighted editorial in the Philadelphia Public Ledger, former President Taft shows that the cove nant of the league , of nations . is strong and enforceable, and in no wise contravenes the policies or in terests of the United States. Regarding the misconception to v.-hich critics of the covenant have given currency, Mr. Taft said: "The attitude of those who favor the covenant has been misconstru ed, increasing the confusion in the mind of the public in respect to the inestimable value of the covenant as it is. Were the alternatives pre sented exactly as it is, or of post poning the coming of peace and continuing the state of war until the conference could reconvene and make other provisions for peace, I should without the slightest fear as to the complete safety of my coun try under its provisions vote for it as the greatest step in the better ment of international relations for the benefit of the people of the world and for the benefit of my country in recorded history." Answering the contention that the covenant is without provision for enforcement, Mr. Taft continued: 'The proposed league has real teeth and a bite to it It furnishes real machinery to organize the pow er of the peaceful nations of the world into econimic and military action, which by its very existence and certainty will keep nations from war and will force them to the acceptance of a peaceful settle ment. This will dispense with the necessity for the exercise of econo mic pressure or force. ' Sometimes it is like making bricks without straw to get items in a smiill' community where a lack of putting them in the reporter's way is often noticeable. The , power of the printed word is unlimited and the advantages of publicity often given freely by the local paper to village news, is worth many dollars to its readers. It is also not the lo cal items that sometimes are al ready familiar to the home re.ukr before publication that is to bs lul t unrecorded, for the abi-pnt om liv ing away from the iiutjvs. home town thus get the village nws and forma lar.'e number of suiscribers scattered nil over the country who take the home paper for this pur pise especially. STILL HOLD GOOD Earnest Request is Made to All Subscribers to Redeem Promptly Their War Sav ings Stamp Pledges. jl AS USUAL Spring finds us right in lino. Drv Goods' and Shoes rigl t fivsh ft'nm the Mbuu factmor arriving con stantljv Const1 ami sec, - V nnii a .. NuTiUM WITHO wmmamsemmmmmm OMPfcErfE ELQQKCASE The best way to build up a city is for eachnd every man in it not to, strive to rend and tear dowa Whenever a man in a town is doing t well do not try to tear him down. AM the residents of a town are part Hers, not opponents. In all likelihood the more business done by -our ri vfl the more you will da Pledgee made to Invest In War Sav ings Stamps have been automatically intended to 1919 by the government, which has made official : announce ment that persona who, for any rea son, did not complete their plodees by December 31, 1018, may and are expected to liquidate these pledges by Investing In War Savings Stamps of the new 1919 issue. The 1919 War Savings Stamps are bine in color and a trifle smaller than those issued last year. They bear a likeness of Benjamin FraDklin, the apostle of thrift and economy. The 1919 War Savings Stamps which yield their owners four per cent interest, compounded nuartnrly, may be obtain ed from any postoffice, bank, or other authorized agent Thrift Stamps and Thrift Cards used last year remain In use during 1919, and filled Thrift Cards, that is. Thrift Cards on which sixteen Thrift Stamps have been affixed, may be ex changed for 1919 War Savings Stamps upon the payment of the few addi tional cents which represent the dif ference, between the price of . War Savings Stamp and $4, the value of the sixteen Thrift Stamps. Purchasers of 1919 War Savings Stamps should bear in mind that 1919 War Savings Stamps are to be affixed only to 1919 War Savings Certificates. Although one may have a 1918 War Savings Certificate (the parchment on which, War Savings Stamps are af fixed) which has unfilled space on It, such 1918 certificate should not have 1919 War Savings Stamps pasted na It; nor should 1918 War Stamps be placed on the new 1919 War Savings Certificate. Keep the two yeara seP' arate. . - " I " See usfor'eeds, farm ing implements and gar den . tools. ; ; Best Quality Latest Styles CARPENTER & McQ I LL Dry Goods and Notions . EISC I1T A 3 1 vi 11 j 1 r 1 11 fin 1 1 1 iimi IV SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION OF THE KINGS MOUN- : t , TAIN ASSOCIATION ' TO BE HELD WITH ELIZABETH CHURCH SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, MARCH 29-30 y-..:;:;.;. program '"' ';v SATURDAY A. M. V " 10:00 Devotional A. C. Irvin. 7 . - 10:20 Enrollment of delegates. '. 10:40 Stewardship and Missions J. W. Suttle. 11:30 Sermon W. G. Moore. . ' dinner v.' " ' 1:"0 Song and Prayer. 1:15 Is there a shortage in the ministry? If so, why? How can it be remedied? R. C. Campbell and D. G. Washburn. 2 40 Church and Pastoral Relations, D. F. Putnam and J.N. Barnett, 315 Miscellaneous business. ' ;. SUNDAY A. M. r. : ' 0-30 Devotional T. D. Harrill. I would teach it. J. D. Huddins. 10:30 Importance of training for Kingdom Work. J. H. Quinn and ! J. V. Devenny. 11120 Sermon Offering for missions. DINNER ! l;30 Song service- arranged by J. N. Barnett. W. R. Beach, for committee. MICKIE SAYS MUST mEET EVERY DEBT The war will not be pver un til the United States Govern ment has honorably met every commitment made in order to win the war. CARTER GLASS, : Ssc.etary of the Treasnry. prett- uicxv per ms, .bonH .kmow vjhat clms- PRIrVflN& VJ6 -fUHN OUT IN THS SHOP , Eft VO BE IRUNNIN' fH9 HEM JOft PRESS OW fcN MldH-f P(rintin)G IMD, NERVOUS' SEE OWRS Jno.l. Best Furniture Co. Phone 49 Kings Mountain, N.C. inOIBItlKiit! SPRINGTIME Springtime is here and our store is taking on the season's appearance. Be sure to look our Dry Goods and Shoes over before buvim? - W. A. Mavsney Bro. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS TOOK VINOL Now She U Strong and Well Berkeley, CaL 1 wai nervous, irritable, no appetite, cjyild not ileep, and was always tired, so my house work was a great effort. After many other medicines had failed Vinol built ma up and made me strong. I have a good appetite and sleep well. Every nervous, weak, ailing woman should try it." Mrs. N. Edmunds, aio7 Dwight Way, Berkeley. CaL , We ask every nervous, weak, run down, ailing woman In this town to try this cod liver and iron tonic on our guarantee to return their money it it fails to help them. , FINGER DRUG CO, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. ' ' ; ' ' The Excellent Quality of Our Laundry Work Is the Secret of Our Success- SNOWFLAKE LAUNDRY., GASTON1A'. - - . . - N. C Kings Mountain Herald and Progressive Farmer ,. . Both a year for ? Ctf gW' $2.25 READ :. . O. H. McDaniel's NEW SHOE Ad vertisement on Local page.