I Want Ads 'lltfl'''WI!fTIWT''fflIMIMl.IINMWI'llli NEW SHOES I Springtime is here and Summer is coming and you will want - Shoes to match the seasons. We have just got in a nice line of Slippers, Lad ies White Shoes, and Oxfords. We desire you to come in and inspect our line of Shoes before you buy. We can fit you up to a "NICETY" if yon will give us a'trlal. ;-:--;- Watch our show Windows for display. Come in and be convinced of the 4 QUALITY" of our Shoes. . THEY'RE DANDIES LOCALS ' Rev. O. L.'Kerr ha iuicha e J a new Ford Sedan car. Tho eilitor of llie Hera'd has influenza this week. Mr." J. Draper town Monday, Wood was in Mr. E. L. Cairpbell and fami ly returned from Florida Satur day where they bad spent some time. . ' ... "'' ': . ' Miss Mattie Ware Of Charlotte spent the week-end with nor parents in the El Bethel section. ' Mr. and Mrs. James Goforth of Charlotte visited their parents near town Saturday and Sunday. Lewis P.-Hope and Miss La nora B. Uren were married latt Friday Rev. II. A. Culp official- intr. ;v,:'; G. H, McDaniel & Co. Lave just got in a new stock of Spilng and Summer shoes. Mr. J, V. Hamrick and wife from near Shelby visited the home of Mr, n,. W. Weaver Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. Glee Bridges who hasbeeu in servico for some time has re turned and visited . Mr. It C. Gold and family over Sund'-v. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Naoly and Miss Ella Smith visited Mr. F. Floyd Sunday. ',.' Mrs. rettu of Charlotte sncnt Monday nilit with Mrs. Mof fatt Ware an1 went t Green ville Tuesday. Mr. D. C. Mauney Oarlotte Tuesday. in Mr. Isacc Turner is slopping at the Mountain View Hotel for a few days. All members of Firview Lod Ke No, 339 A. F. & A. M. are re quested to attend a regular meet ing Friday night at 8 o'clock. Work in the second degree. Tie 9th grade will give a play at the school auditorium Friday night entitled,-"The Dust of the Earth".:-: The U. D. 0. will meet with Mrs. Fred Finger Friday after noon at 4 o'clock. Mr. S. J. Durham, of Gaptonio will speak at El Bethel Metho dist church the first Sundiy it April at 2 p, m. Mrs. W. R. Bench ami Mix G. E. Lovell itHi.ciintf il State W. M U at EJi-n on this wexk Mrs. Li ivmII li ft. .iliMid.iy and Mrs. Bench loft last week. Mr. 3. B. Dillinu ismoving his family toChnnoitethlt week. Mr, M. F. Herndon has re turned from eastern North Car: olina. He returned by way ol Columbia, S. ' ', to see bis bro ther, James, who was hurt last : week and reported him doing ' well. The children of the seventh erode ,wnt on an outing to Crowder's Mountain Frfday af ternoon, and the eighth grade went to the tattle ground Sat urday. Miss Mable Fortune ao- campaiied the seventh grade , and Misnea Smoot and Clippord : the efghtb.- Mrs. Lawrence 0. Fowke vis Ited her sister, Mrs. W. L. Watt erson, In Charlotte last week, Mr. and Mrs. Watterson return ed with her and spent tho week end. , Mr. Jeff D. Elliott of Gastonia , was In town Tuesday. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the Associate Reformed Presbyter ian church next Sibbalh. Prop ater7 services will be held on Friday at 3:30 and 7:30 o'clock and on Saturday at 10:30 A. M Preaching by Dr. J. C. Galloway ol Gastonia. Any one who has not yet cu- ti- buted t) the Armenian relaJ fund can do so by hant'ing it to Mayor McGinn is at thu Firrt National llank. ' v We a.i-2 glad to net! that the church people are urowiug more liberal. A member of one the Kings Mountain (.hutches has recently given liu nastor the, itreater part of the prica of an automobile. Mis, Patrhk came home Tues day accompanied by Miss Louise O'Farrell. ; ; ' Mrs. John Lot.g went to ChM lotte Wednesday to do shopping. Rev, and Mrs. M. C. Connor left for Asheville Wednesday morning to attend the Sunday School Convention of the Wes leyan Methodist Church. BESSEMER CITY NOTES Mr. and Mrs. R. L Lewis had as their guest Saturday and Sun day, Miss Kuth Clemmer of Dallas. Mr. and Mis. N. B, Keudrick and daogbter. Novella, of Cher ry ville were the guest of Mrs. C. 14. Mauney. Miss Stella Jasey spent' the week-end with home lolks at Newton. The tenth grade of the Besse tuer City Hi-th school delight fully entettaincd at a party at the home of Miss Viola Mauney in honor of 11th grade. Many in teresting games were played af ter which, delicious ice cream and ctndi was sarved. All en joyed the i-yening very much. FOR TOMBSTONES TI10NB 117 . THE PROGRESSIVE FAR MER and the Kings Mountain Herald one year for $2 25. FOR SALE Winniemaker'8 Cleveland Big Boll cotton seid $1 50 per bushel. Jno. Hamrick; Kings Mm., N. C , R 1. i H WHITE LEGHORN eggs lor sale. 1.00 per netting, not de liyered. O. A, Rhea, Kinirs Mountain, N. C. R 2. 4 3 GET THE "KINGS MOUN TAIN HERald and the Progres sive Farmer for $2 25 a year. Old or new subscribe!. BROWN Leghorn eggs, single conn, bred to lay, $1 15 per setting, delivered, R. D. Ormond, R No 1 Kings Mtn N.C, 3 27 ;-- :' TRUCK for HIKE I now have a good motor truck for Public service. When in need of liirht or heavy hauling Call Phone t3. C. W. Richardson. LOST on King -street a pearl pin. Reward lor return to Mrs. H. C Dwell", .''' FOR SALE 10 monllisold Brood 8w. Big 'bone 'Berkshire. Act qjick. G G. Page. Kings Moun tiin. N. C. STRAYED from i'OMK one mall black sow pig htrayed ofl March 23d Finder please notify Mrs. R. S. Plonk and receive pay for trouble. FOR SALE 10 months old Brood sow. Big oono uernsnire. aci juick. G G, Page, Kings Moun- Uln, N. C. '.'' , Honor Roll Of Seventh Grade Honor Roll for the seventh grade in the Kings Mountain graded school. Bertha Beach, Eliza Davi, Margaret Lackey, Julia Maunev Sara Roberts, Ruth Wilson, Sa ra Kate Orinand, Bessie Weaver Hunter Neisler, Charles Saun ders, Thomas King, Ruth For tune. Claude Hambright, Jonn McGill, Loran Gold, Cora Or mand. Miss Mabel Fortune, teacher. BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL AT GASTONIA See Hank Gowdy, Cobb and other stars in game between Boston Braves and Detroit Ti gers at Loray Park, Thursday, April 10. Reserved seats limited. For reservations address Fr d L. Smyre, Treasurer. ady r-RtNTltJG. ALL KINDS, THE HERALD KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Cornwall went to CharloUo Tuesday. Mrs. Wesley Goforth has been sick the past week. - Sunday School will me;t nxt at the Baptist church at the usu ai time, by old time, at which time announcements will be made for further services. DoJt for get the offering for Missions, H M Sunday School and preacbiog at the Methodist church next Suaday at the usual time, by old time Dr. J, S, Hood was called to Wilmington Sunday on account of the illness of Mrs; Hood's fa ther. He returned Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones spent Sunday in Waco. The Knowlton Glee abd Banjo Club gave and interesting enter tainment at the school auditor ium Friday night, . ' MILLINKKY I now have nice line of Millinery. MESLIN and TAFFETTA $1,75 Mrs. John Long' BUYERS OF Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds Will please take notice that your Bonds are here ready for delivery. FINAL PAYMENT V WAS DUE JANUARY 80TII. Please come in and make settlement and get yourBond. We have put in a new sup ply of Lock Boxes. Rent a box to keep your valuable papers in. PEOPIiES LOAN & TRUST CO. iillW I I IIIIMMM illiaiklliiilililWffl IBIIIiill ' IN SACRED MEMORY I now have my new design book and price list and am prepared Xshow yoithe veryjattst creations in, ; TOMBSTONES ANDIMONUMENTS '': See me at the Kw'dofficc, '.::; G. G. PAGE. miiiiraiirmiioiiiniiiiBitiffliiiMitiBHiiii Boonniiiiiiiniis: m fly P is about Let me screen your doors and windows and keep the flies from getting a start in your house. Call Phone 183 3". Peterson, (Contractor 'and SBuitder m ! I KM en : ' I n a