EE.'Cl HCITNTAO I-iA.LD, zizi i:ountai:i, II. d . It T in Calomel Loses You a Day's Work! v Take Dodson's Liver Tone Instead Bead my guarantee I If bilious, constipated or head achy you need not take nasty, sickening, danger ous calomel to get straightened up. Every druKcIst In town your !ni gist and everybody's druggist has no ticed a great falling off In the sale of aloroet. They all give the same rea lm. Dodsons Liver Tone Is taking Ha place. "Calomel In dangerous and people ow It. wh Dodson's Liver Tone Is jerfeotly su.e and gives hetter re- wits," said a prominent local druggist . Dodson's Liver Tone Is personally gaaraDtPfd by every druggist who sella it. A large bottle doesn't cost very roach, but If It fails to give easy relief In every case of liver sluggish ess aid soDstlpallon, you have only TIIE RIGHT WAY... fa all caiof of Distemper, F inkeyo, I.iifc- i, Colds, etc ot all hons, brood mares, colts, stallions. Is to "SPOHII THEM" fVsa thAfr fnniTiift ap In thu. fernr! nnt ' Bpotin's Liquid Compound. Olve the J mmprlv in nil nf the m. It on the .a on the I ,,ini 'Ni dlseasef f V.AkTN ItwardsL v, they areffr JV blood and glandi. It routs the T xpelllnn' the disease germs, olt the trouble no mutter how "i posed" Absolutely free from thing Injurious. A child can safety take It. Bold by druggists, harness dealers, or Bent express paid by the manu facturers. Special Areata Wanted. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., For MALARIA, CHILLS and FEVER. SPEECH APPEALED TO HIM More or Less Good Reason Why List ener Cms'dered It Great Oratorical Effort. They are telling n good joke on Will Upsliaw. He wns up the other day, and was the ItitcrcKlmg center of sev eral groups lit member who had heard of the "Prohibition .Cyclone" of Georgiu. While lalking In the lobby to one of thene groups of forttK'osilng ns soclates, Congressman (birrett of Hous ton, Tex., passed, utter sulutatlons. "Did you ever hear tlarrett speak?" asked Cpshiuv of the members of his group. "Yes," they all chimed In. fTho most masterly' iidilress, the mmt he;niMi'ii!. soui-stirriiii; inMress I ever h.-.iiii . In till luy life of asso cialiou nidi Ki'i'iit orators, fell fru:u the Hps of Hint great Texan ami statesman one .night at Dallas." said U pshaw. "He was inlrodiicing me," replied Upshaw solemnly. Atluutu CacnOv tton. Paradoxical. "Jagg ha. lot of dry humor." "Yes. ami oddly enough, especially sbeii he has been drinking." ; Final. "What Is the best test of realism In a pluyV" "The renl money it draws at the box offl.-e." WAAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAg No Table DrinK Has Ever Taken The Place Of The Original Postum Cereal BoQ just like coffee 15 minutes after boiling begins. Its delicious flavor, rich seal brown color and fine aroma make it such a satisfying cup that Postum is the . ideal drink with meals for both children and grown people. Used in place of coffee it provides a real ' health drink. Contains no drugs, no caffein as does coffee: doecn t make you nervous," sleepless of fretful. ' There's a At Grocers --two to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone Is a pleasant tasting, purely vegetable remedy, harmless to both children and adults. Tuke a spoonful at night and wuke up feeling fine ; no biliousness, sick head ache, acid stomach or constipated bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause In convenience all the next day like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick and nauseated. Don't lose a day's work I Take Dodson's Liver Tone Instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. Adv. V A,. J GOSHEN, IND., U. 8. A. SOLO FOR BO YEARS. ?ntcb "STi"",""'!!! Classifying Him. The most cutting bit ot repartee we remember to 'have heard In recent weeks happened out at the Wlllougli" bench picnic of a certain fraterplty to which we belong. A very youug man and very pretty girl were discussing costumes, horseback riding, golf and fudge. The girl said that she could rlile, but preferred the old-fashioned side saddle. She said she thought It more graceful. "But, really. Miss 7L," Insisted the very young man, "do you see anything Inherently Improper In the divided skirt?" . . ; "Nothing whatever, Mr. Q" an swered the very pretty girl, earnestly. "For instance, I think that you might wear one with perfect propriety.'' Cleveland t'lain Dealer. An Immune Miscreant. : "If you ills pit for your neighlKir, you may full Into It yourself," re- marked Die man who remembers his Sunday school vaguely. v "Yes, returned Mr. Chugglns; "that retribution Idea may he all well enough rfir pit-digging. : - But the man who breaks glass botties In the street very seldom has any tires of his own to be ruined." Th Darn Pdrasitesl Mrs. Boobee (with newspaper) It costs Holland $3,000,000 a year to maintain her dikes, Mr. Boobee Serves her right. Why cVesn't she start a republic? Buffalo h'xpress. Reason " sizes 15c & 25c. PREMIER HUGHES t4 p. 1 c that be Is sloiu- ilenf, tunl therefore unable to gnuge the sound of his own voice,.'-'. ; ' '.. . tic wuh burn In North Wales, emigrated 10 Australia at -twenty-two ami began life there as an Itinerant schoolmaster in the Interior. ' In Sydney he opened a small general store. Then he became Identified with trades unionism In Its beginning and climbed to siwer with It. REPRESENTATIVE The congressional election of 1918 having taken th control of the house of representatives from the Demo crats, the Republican majority Is re organizing the bouse for the Sixty sixth congress. The Republican com mittee on committees tentatively sluted for chairman of the appropria tions committee James William Good of Iowa. This appropriations com mittee Is one of the ."ten principal'.' committees and In the present condi tion of congressional legislation It Is evident that It Is an exceedingly Im portant committee. Incidentally the Republicans have decided to change the ratio of representation In these ten committees from l'J majority and 0 minority members to 13 majority and 8 minority members. Mr. Good represents the Fifth Iowa district. It is composed of the counties of Benton, Cedar, Grundy. Jones, Unn, Marshall and Tama. His constituents number approximately SOO.OW. His home city Is Cedar Rapltls. SET YOUR CLOCKS ing one of their greatest reconstruction assets. It means millions ot dollars In Increased food production and to hetter health of the bench, shop, desk and counter workers. Here It means that for 210 days one hundred million people will have advantage of an extra hour of daylight. IN THE AIR OR Is there to be another race tor the North pole, this time between Rear -Admiral Robert E. Peary, V. S. N.. 1n an airplane, and Vllhjnlmur Siefnns son, the Canadian explorer. In a sub marine? Anyway, Peary says he's go ing In an airplane and that It is Just tb-3 thing.: Stefansson Intimates that the airplane Is useless, but that the submarine looks good to hint and he may go In one. In Chicago, the other day, the man who has lived In the arctic region five of the last six years -had tills to say about the Windy City: "Your Chicago -atmosphere re minds me of where I came from. It is so much like the Inside of an Kskimo ' hut, with Its open tire anil Its odor of fish oil." Having freed his mind cou- -cenilng Chicago smoke, he said : "The wireless will not help us much hi the arctic. The has no uses there. But In a submarine 1 believe It w:ll be possible to iienetrute hundreds of miles farther Into the fromi parts of the earth. My next expe dition may be made In an umlei-sua boat. It all depends on whether the Idea has the practical value which I believe presents." Supply Right at Hand. 'The study of the occult sciences In terests me very much," remarked the new boarder. - "I love to explore the dark depths of the mysterious, to delve Into the regions of the unknown, to fathom the unfathpmable, as it were, and to "' "May I help you to some of the hash, professor?" Interrupted the land lady. - - -- . - And the good woman never knew why the other boarders smiled audi bly. . MS OF AUSTRALIA It transpires that President Wll sou during his first attendance domi nated the pence conference to such an extent that few of the members cared to raise their voices against his. One of the few, It Is said, ts William Mor ris Hughes, premier of Australia, who took exception to nearly everything Mr. Wilson had to say on the subject of the dlsiiosition of the former over seas German dependencies captured ty the self-governing British colonies. The contrast between the two men Is great. Hughes Is smnll, weighs less than 100 poumls and Is alarmingly frail, having been a sufferer from dys pepsia all his life. The utterances of Premier Hughes suggested the labor agitator rather than those of the uni versity president or the statesman, be trayed a lack of cultivation and were delivered In tones that were not only particularly rasping, but also unneces sarily loud, this being due to the fact GOOD OF IOWA AHEAD MARCH 29 The daylight-saving law will go into effect Sunday, March 30, as the Sixty-fifth congress failed to pass the agricultural appropriation bill which carried a rider repealing It. Here Is (he law as It stands: "That at two o'clock antemeridian of the last Sunday In March of each year the standard time of each zone shall be advanced one hour, and at. two o'clock antemerldlnn of the last Sunday In October of each year the standard time nf each zone shall be, by retarding one hour, returned to the astronomical time of the degree of longitude governing each tone, re spectively." The national war garden commis sion has led the movement to retain the law. Secretary P. S. Rldsdale. who has just retnrned from Europe, says: 'This Is one of the most con structive pieces of legislation. In Kurooe they consider the daylight sav UNDER THE SEA ' Vain Pursuits. - "No. Nlblltx Is dead?" ' "Yes." "Did he leave any property?" . ' . i "Nothing to speak of. Nlblltx was the kind of man who had an Idea that Fortune was al ways I Just around the comer.".: ".:';. "But he never succeeded In overtak ing her?" : - "No. He was either mistaken In the location of the corner or he lingered In the middle of the block until For tune moved oa to some other corner.' i ' ' '' 1 END INDIGESTION. EAT ONE TABLET TAPE'S DIAPEPSIN INofANTLY RELIEV-3 ANY DISTRESSED, UPSET STOMACH. Lumps of undigested food causing pain. When your stomach Is acid, gas sy, lour, or you have .flatulence, heurt burn, here Is Instant relief No, wait-Ingl A Just as soon as you eat a tablet or two of Pape'a Dlapepsin all that dys pepsia, Indigestion and stomach dis tress ends. These pleasant, harmless tablets of Tape's Dlapepsin never fall to make sick, upset stomachs feel tine at once, and they cost very little at drug stores.. Ad . Different Points of View. There was a rush of wind, a cloud of dust, and the car rushed on, leav ing the old gentleman sprawling In the roadway. He picked himself up and dashed up to a policeman, yelling ex Ciledly: -.'-"That motorcar knock's! down!" The poMi-cnnni tool; can a business like uotebiHik mid said: "Hid you notice Hie number, sir?" "Yes," said the Injured one. "It was number Oil." .lust then another policeman, who had seen the accident, canle hurrying up. and said : "No, ho! The number's UP. This gentleman was slaiiding on his head when ho noticed It :" Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. A Feeling of Security You naturally feci nefiire when you know that the medicine you are about to take is Vbaolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp. Root, kidney, lirer and bladder rcmcly. The same standard, el parity strHnfth and excellence w maiiTtained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is citHtfanfrcoflfoinitied frero vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in teaipoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It ii nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and blad dar troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root. If you need a medicine, you should have t beat. On rale at all drug stores in bo ei of two sizes, medium and large. Howe if yon wih first to try this great prep: ration send ten rent a to Dr. Kilmer . Binghnmton, N. Y., for a sample , le When writing be sure and mention this peper. Adv. War Increases Mental Diseases. " KlKiires compiled by the Now York Htnte hospital coiuiiilssion hIuhv tlint Sfi)o ninre putlenht have, beoii tu tnitled to the state liospitalM durlnc the forty-four month kIimm1 wur wnM declared thun for the slmlliir period of time prior to the iM'glnning of lion tllltles, the admissions prior to the wur being 20,3111. is njcnlnut :W,:t1l after ward. The Htnte hotipliiilH ure iumUiiI ly houKlng 0.A0Q more patients than they were built to accouunodiite. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP Why use ordinary cough remedies when Boachee'a Syrup hus been ased so successfully for flfty-oiie years In all parts of the United States for. coughs, bronchitis, colds settled In the throat, especially lung troubles? It gives the patient a good night's rest, free from coughing, with easy expec toration In the morning, gives nature chance to soothe the Inflamed parts, throw off the disease, helping the pa tient to regain his health. Made In America and sold for more than half a century. Adv. . True Genius. How grateful we are to the ir.un of the world who obeys the morale, as In humility, and In the obligation to serve mankind. True genius always has these inspirations. Emerson. CroTrt Tuklw chin Tonic renow. Tlulltr and Mrgr rtonlnKtb. blood. Too emu mod fel ll.Btr.lKta. MUW, Iirlfonuiv Black. PKoaSia """"- Dare a man to do a thing, and If he's a fool he will attempt It. "."..wsKaaafafaBai . . praiae HUNT'M SALVF aavaT ' BouanaB. . ftmodlu had totally failed On? bol' o5?,d?i.h .CiUred many other ; ' afforded wonderful reli.tT it. .Kfcto thith,. flrat P!'te0 f V am Hunt'. Saiv ; ' manct to tnosa who hav to mmich i. i. ' t Hunt's- Salve la esDectallv eomnnim. na other itchlna Am fcrTot supr,!,. -prrc:'Sri.0rr.wl" - B. RICHARDS SCEOICIXE COMPANY, fllP Arraa Curone coura Sctnshiwb. Arraa Uic8F0ndiui wo A ITER SlCKNERB COMES HlU-TH. Atob Weakness couxa Stbinoth. In the spring when you're ."all in" fagged out blood thin, it you will turn to Nature's remedy, a tonic made from wild roots and barks, which has stood fifty years as the best spring tonio you will 6nd strength regained. No need to tell you it's Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, put up in tablet or liquid form, and sold by every druggist in the land.' After s bard winter shut up indoors,your blood a lamnnrnTtpfl fonin v tlRflll UCCU9 hju,v,"v . , builder find blood-makersuchasthis "MedicalDis(.'overy"ofDr.Pierce's. Send 10 centa to Dr. Pierce's Invalid.' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y, for trial packige. Paducah, Kti. "Wnn Ini yoona irl tor Mood win iinpoi-KUIit-l .nd impure. My poopU gve m. Br. riorce'i Goljrn Madind DUoorwr nil it m .nriohml .lid purUied my blood th.t I hul no troubl. of Uwt kind .inm. Oolda Midid Discovery' U Ih. rery beat blood pu-iftor vtd tonio 1 havo evpr koovn ud I aovor hwUta in rrtoitimoodios it." Uri. Jm. ku tnmbU St. ' A Cough That Lasts And will not yield to ordinary rem edies must have special treatment. Hayes' KealingHonoy Stops The Tickla Heals Tha Throat Cures Tha Cough Wonderfully effective In the treatment el Coughs, but If the Cough is deep-seated and the Head or Cheat Is sore, a penetrat ing salve should be applied. This great! helps any cough syrup In coring Coughs nd Colds. A FREE BOX Of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE f Opmt thi Pirn tnl Puitntei J Foi Chest Colds, Head Colds, and Crisp, is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES HEALING HONEY. This It the only cough syrup .on the market with which this additional treatment la given. Tha Salve Is also very valuable as a Germicide for the Nose and Throat You get both remedies foe tha price of one, 35c. Sold by all Druggists. IT your Druggist should not have It in stock. he will order k from his nearest Wholesale Druggist Made, Recommended and Guaranteed ta the Public ' by PUIS MEDICINE COMPANY, HAHOTACTOItUOr Qrova's Tasteless Chill Tonic AVOID INFLUENZA! and Hi lrJl an. . . m ' . - u . ueuumuia uj naiB "or- Kosp Iho ofvans In food oondiUon oolatf , - oowan a ndncaa favera and oolpa Uw heart. ni foi aunpl GOIV AH UXUlcil SlyfooSStii, tt. ( Bookteenlaf V "oonkaod too ron, fair uosat, uvuaaRPIBI, Unroll anr tloo. Wrlla for oaulog. ASdnu i ...iuui aw !. - a, 1.0. W. N. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. .13-119. A WAR-TIME ILL THAT'S SPREADING H11VTS SALVE CURES W! . ) RfE 'itm! 7" -'to f Europe, i Wave of ordi. &.hi..S-i:i.",','e"dl.n,! ov,er "e country. This skin Sirf f y ,how."' alwa" Prevailed, followinf rrin th'nvii0wntratr,0,f ,rrai"' 11 wisMiamoa wS sb t S"?. 'ollrin .th,t -"flict. There AV?i iff- hi.. 1 t!" ,tch ,ftw the Spani.h-Americ L"Zl7 " npmtms itMi! "-. (ontacT'JrM1 rSd ,n1 "'rS "ith n-hom they come la it ants Salt, commonly known an "Hunt's ItehTar" A Mcrlford. Olrlnhnmn ... . . . ' .J. .- I. ! , -" ' dlseaiw. T." ?l Kcsema, " , -naif lf,r loo.faru.iS INC, SHERMAN, TEXAS. Iff ;"'

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