Liberty, Truth, &&&& Hg 1 kfttefa ynstfw, ZaZy Vol. 17 No. 30. Welcom In behalf of Ourselves and our Subscribers The Herald extends to our returning Soldiers and Sailors A Most Cardial Welcome back Home. Those of you who "Went Across" and helped to win for humanity the Greatest Victory of AIT Ages have forged your way into the hearts of the Liberty Loving for all ti me to come. Your Fame will Not perish from the Earth. VVitn no less fervor do we receive back those who were in training but were not permitted to participate in the conflict. GLAD TO.:SEE;YOU.V ; V ' . mnsnsnssssammammsmm BOTH SIDES CONTEST Kings Mountain's debaters woo out in the duel contest Fri day night against Bessemer City in the triangular debate conduct ed by the state university. King Mountain, Bessemer City and Cherry ville fo.-med a trUng'e but Cherry ville dropin-d out nnd declined to debatn. This left Kings Mountain and Itesseuc City to debate' under the emer gency arrangements of duel de bate. Tha query discussed was lh name in every triangle in the state and is, "Resoived, life United States should adopt a policy of requiring one year of 'military training of all able bodied men before they reach the age of 21." Messrs Lawrence Lovel and Lester Saunders af firmed the question at King Mountain against Bessemer's ' nncmtlvn. and Messrs Jesse Ki- r " feer and Edward Lovell repre sented the negative at Bessemer against ber affirmative. The Judges were unanimous in favor . J . - I. ....a at Bessemer. The judges heie were from Shdby, Messrs J. P. Mull, J. H Qulnn and G. P. .Webb. V:": . :': - As we understand it, other e- llmidatlng triangles Will be form ed over the state of those win ning Friday night and this sec ondary contest will decide who goes to Chapel Bill for the do bate finals. Second contest on April 25. STATEMENT OP 1 OWNER SHIP,. MANAGEMENT, CIR CULATION, ETC. REQUIRED THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912 Of the- Kings Mountain Her ald, published weakly, at Kings Mountain, N. C, for April 1919. - G. G, Page testifies that he is the sole. owner and editor of the Kings ..Mountain Herald and that there are no bond holders or mortgage holders. V . W. H. McGinnis, , ;- ' Notary public. ': M cow- pxnirps June 11 15)20. f invest 7 e ERY HERE From the looks of things the street paving program will be in full swing within a few, c'a.vs. Machinery arrived last week and was unloaded at Midway, the new depot sitt-, with which lo do the work. As time passes our ppop'e become more interested in good street".' That section of Mountain si met from the rail road crossing to the City limit at D. A. Fulton's will be Includ ed In thn living program pro vided everything in forthcoming. A majority of the property hold-, ers cf this section hiye h'gned a petition to the city council ask ing that this section of street br paved. '. '.- We understand that a majority of the property on Gold treet as far out as Campbell Phi fur's it represented on a petition ask log for paving. BASEBALL DETROIT TIGETS vs : ' BOSTON BRAVES at Loray Park, Gastonia, N. C. I THURSDAY, APRIL 10th. j REGULAR LINE-UPS OF THESE MAJOn LEAGUE t TEAMS GUARANTEED. For information address Gastonia Athletic Assn., Fred L, Smyte, Treasurer. LAND SALE MONDAY The sale of tho Pinchbeck- Smith land, containing 600 acres to be held on. the 14th Instant will no doubt attract a large crowd, the iand to be sold is one of the best farms iJ this sec tion, and, is ideally located, be ing only 1 1-2 miles from Kings Mountain and 1 .1-2 miles from Bessemer City, on the National Highway, and Is well improved and in a high stat j of cultiva tion. , r '; - This sale is to be conducted by the famous Penny Brothers, the World's Original Twin '.Auc tioneer who have had twenty yeats experience Appearing be fore the publio as auctioneers, and they have conducted sal s Kings Mountain, North Carolina, TliniMlay, .Aji:U Home mnot Cleveland Connty will do honor to her soldiers at a big celebra tion to be held in Shelby May 20 Particulars next week. in nearly every state in the un ion. Tuey look alike and talk alike. In crying a sale they , both speak the -same words in the s line tone of voice, crying the same bid at the same time, nev er losing a bid, while the crowd is held spell bound throughout tho sa!e. Mr. Forrest Sipe who has just rst rnrd from overseas has open 0 1 up t'tore in the Laughlin building at Midway. . Soldier 10, ilJil) 8 1 .50 CARRYING PISTOL For the first time since your humble editor lias beon 'court ing' l.e saw a woman fined in court for carrying a pistol by R:corder FalU Thursday. No double standard for tho recoid. er. So mav ::t continue. It was t woman's session with a big at e idance of members present No rcfieslinients -eie . -erved but a colkction was taUuu and, the roll called. Miss Pearl Koyster pleaili truiltv to assaulting Mrs. E'la' Queen with a bobbin in the Dil ling mill. She said that Mr Quet'n had 'talked ahout her ' Defendant paid five dollars find aid five dollars costs. Miss Pearl Ray ster's mother, Mrs. Rosa Royster, was then charged with carrying a pistol concealed on a certain dav when she was 'raising cane' with the Queens. This charae miscarriedl but one elderly ladv during the' course of her lestimof j lot the cat oat of tho wal!et and said that on a )revious occasion shi saw a pistol in M's. lio.vslor's suit case which she was paeltinir t case which she was paeltinir I ako on a trip to the camp to her son. Tho evidenco to-l hisr with her almost ii jnfiwl n cooked' tluv. cake .and slief to ta see getl sion was fined fifty dollars nud Cuslfj of $11.55. A -peace warract was asked for by Mrs. Queen agninst Mrs. Royster whom she sui i lnd threatened to kill her and of whom she said li was very much afraid. Record.-.,- Falld would uot issue the Aiirrapt but gave his promise that if she undertook further, violence that he would biat a peace warrant all to pieces WOULD REPAIR DEPOT Tae railroad company has just made a desperale effort to get a, permit from the to n to repair the old freight depot but thd council has tauck to its deteruii nation that the old firs trarl shall not be repaired Tho towi has a contract with the railroac company which calls lor a new freight depot as' well as a : pa senger station and they are i no notion of changing the plan ' Set ib out," it's a nev depot we want.' WOMAN FINED FOR A Year In Advance oys i ! ni irnm mm i mm imm ifflrnHnii e I