Liberty, Truth, Vol. 17 No. 32. VICTORY LOAN ALLOTTMENT FOR KINGS MOUNTAIN $70,950 CLEVELAND COUNTY $368,850 NORTH CAROLINA At a meeting Monday niebt in Kendrick'a olfice called by Hon. W. A.' Mauney Ciie follow ids local organization was form ed for the Victory Loan drive: - W. A. Manney, Chairman E. A. Smith, Vice Chairman H. C. Dwelle, Secretary ' Soliciting Committee: Elmer Herndon Wiley H. McGinnis C. E. Noisier ; W. P. Fulton i: G. D. Hambrlght . Dr.O. G. Falls W. S, DillinK M. A. Ware E. W. Barnes ' J.4 S. A. Manney i ' ;D,M.,Bker ' . Dr. I P. -Baker Ladies Committee - z f' Miss Bonnie Mauney ' Mrs. O. G. Falls 'Mra. H.C Dwelle . The quota for Kings Mouu- tain as fixed by the Fifth Feder al Reserve District is $70,950 and is divided between the two - banks as follows: " ) First National Bank $38,200 ; Peoples Loan & Trust Co $32,750 v A delegation composad of W. " I A. Mauney, Elmer flerndou andj 'Wiley H. McGinnis went to Shelby Saturday to confer with i.the" coaoty organisation- witlij ;- county's 3UotitiroDff the sever : al communities and it was dicid i ed tbat KiuRg . Mountain' rata part should be $86,800. But the report from the Federal "lie i serve committee- came " along - Tuesday and ook-I this by ' fix in our quota at $70,950, ; . At a mseting bold in Ken driok's office Tuesday afternoon the men listed below subscribed - the amounts set -opposite their names: "r ; '.-.' . W. A. Manney ' -," '$10,000 ; Mrs. W, A. Mauney - ' 500 t' Kings Mtn. M fg: Oo. ' 5,000 "Bonnie Mill 1 - 5,000 CoraMiH, ' ' 3.000 .H CDwelio J -b00 -M. E. Herndon " . , 500 $ Phent MM ' ' -20,000 ;F. Dllllng - 2,'000 D. M. Bajker 1,000 "f-JX. M. Baker & Co. 2.100 ' G O. Page ; 100 ''r"-3. M Patterson ' .' 800 J'E. A.- Patterson 200 .W. A. Bidenhour .200 OlLMill 500 ,W. A. Mauney, At.' 6,000 .Mrs, H, C, Dwells ' COO ;'; Jnrf. Myers Dwell.) .50 f 'Virginia Mauney '. - , 500 ..'Bonnie Mauney - -500 $60,130 hhhh $31,101,000 COUNTY ORGANIZATIONS V 0. M. Mull chairman. Clyde R. Hoey, vice president. 1. C. Griffin, manager publici ty and advertising, John P. Mull, manager speak ers and public meetings. Miss Selma Webb, chairman women's committee. COMMITTEE ON PUBLICITY Paul Webb, W H. Miller, I C. Griffin, Walter Fanning, Lee B. Weathers, A. M. Bamrick G. G. Page. CENTRAL COMMITTEE C. C. Blanton, J. T. Bowman, O. M. Gardner, A. C. Miller, W. D. Lackey, J. F. Roberts, J. D. Lineberger, Geo. A. Hoylei U, E. Campbell, Rev. O. A, Wood, C. T. Hord, James Moore, C. W Laughridge. 10 I TOWNSHIP lUTStOE OF SHELBY A. P. Spake, J. G. Hamrick, Geo. Jj. Corn well, W.' F. Gold, J. Z. Falls, L.'S. Hamricif, J.S. Blanton, 5. H. Mel calf. BOILING SPRINGS SECTION B. C. McCraw, chairman, D C. Lovelacf. Boiling Spring):. E. B. Hamrick. Boiling Springf : J. B. Hamrick, Boiling Sprint's . POLIVILLE SECTION A. B O. DePriest, chaii inan: G. R, Lattimore, R 5, Shelby; Dr. G. M Gold, K 5, Shelby; W. S. Lattimore, R 5, Shelby. : UNION SECTION j. T. S. Mauacy, churman, E. L. Weathers, R 5, Shelby; W. P. Eddleman, R 3, Shelby; Thomas McEutire,'R 5, Shelby. UWNMLE SECTION John F. Schenck, chairman; Car me Elam, Lawndale; J. A. Horn, R, F. D. Lawndaie; V. B Champion, R. F. D. Lawndaie; J, F. Falls, R F. D. Lawndaie; S. A Parker, R, F.D. Lawndule. : FALLSTON SECTION . O. C. Stauiley, chairman; Dr. E, A. Houser, Fallston; U. S. Cline, Fallston; T,' A.. Sismey, Fallston; R. A, Lackey, Fall ston; D. E. Wright; Fallston. - BELWOOD SECTION A. G. Hlgglns, chairman; W. R.- Porter, Bel ood; A. P. Peel er, Belwood, - , ,t . WACO SECTION x W; V. Smith, chairman; S. P Miller, Waco; C. O. Bam.Waco. . . PATTERSON SPRIN6S SECTION J. B. Lowery, chairman; L. H. .Patterson, Patterson Springs Win." Lowery, Pattenon Sprinns. .' - i SROKB SECTION J. B. Ellis, .chairman; C. F.i Harry, Graver; D. J. Keeter, Grover; Lester Herndon, Grp er. , v lr Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, April BIG TANK MAY 7 The publicity committee bl the Victory Loan drive are ar ranging to have a reguiur wai tank with its crew i.i : Kingr Mountain on May 7th In the forenoon and in Sheliiy in. the afternoou.'Tliid will bo a sight wall worth seeing. Liberty Loan Levity Let the nation go dry, Bald Bill Clancy, Wbu was (ond of his drink plain or H e pf'ce of a round " -' - vi-irnt I've found, ' '. ttcre'o no row With OFFICIAL TRADE MARK OF THE 1919 WAR SAVINGS STAMPS (Te picture of Henjmln Pranklla reproduced above appears on the War Saving Stamps of the new series.) riNVCST" MICKIE SAYS f. VP VOV'B FOONB A "N f0 BIU., LOST ivUR VK-l BULLOOO. TO BOV A- UBeafv bono or nm1 -(0 6E1.V. THB FAMILY FLW MGft., AKE A CHIkNCft ON Ann 1 l i UII&KI'T TWFN OONH C09 HARbl-S ANNtHIN AN' TH6S OOT We rtf. vi3a rownos .- r? V 1 2 I t CO WELL CO, Application has been madi for a charter for the A. H. Corn well Co. which has been organi zed for Ihe purpose of maoufact uring automobile parts, doing t general repair work and sewer age work. A. H. Cornwell, ma chinist at the Pilling mill will lake charge May firnt and wil be manager of the company. (' B, Falls and others are stock holders. The company will bi incorporated with a paid-in cap ital of $5,000 with privilege ol iuci easing to J'iO.OOO. The coin pany will open shop on Chero kee avnue In tbrj place vacated by J. J. Alhed. Mr. Johh Jonef has returned to Kings Mountaic and is doing seweragH work anH will work for this new company . DOVER IAD Mrs. Asa Dover died Satur day niglit at tho home of Mr. W, L, LeRichcux at the age ol 09 years. The body was taken to Elbethel Sunday afternoon and laid to rest. Rev. E. L. Kirk conducted the funeral. Shu was a member of Elbethel Muthoditt church. She and her husband had made their homo with Mr. and Mrs- LKicheux for the past several yoars. Her husbatd and the following children survive: Mrs. W. L. LeRicheujr, Mrs, B F. Lindsay of Kings Mjnntsin: Mrs. Adam Hord, of Gastonin; Charlie nnd Koheit Dover of Shelby; Lf!0 and Lawnon Dovei of Waco, and M. 3. Dover who hus juht r'lturred from France. STILLS T Officers' RhodeM, Fulls an? Charley Stewart went a hunting Sunday morning and found a big blockade in operation just be yond the monument. For a rari ty the operators were found too, four of ihen. Bob Sheppard was c'jr.tCred and the other three es eaped , Tlia still, was located in South Carolina and Sheppard wnc taken to Yoik where hisj father went fciOO bona and lie wvi r!c; so l. Oflieeis Rhodes aid Fails with revenue officers Bob Rh.vne and CheT'ey Stewart captured another big blockade slid near the monument. They found 12C0 gallons of beer and a sack of sugar but no man. - Officers Rhodes, FaUs and Rob Rhyno made anothur ra'd Saturday in the moutains and found a big outfit miuus the still South Carolina officers had pry ceded tbeiu to the spot an hour before and got 10 gallons of whiskey. .. Ill' 1 24, 1 9 19 1.50 M GiNN'IS a LONG An all around change '' has tali en j)laco with the firm of McGin nis Brothers this wc-elr, Ivo'.eil Long of G iRlonia has bought flenry McGinnls's. interest in the tin hop depaitment. Ilonkol McGinnis has bought Ilenr.v interest in the g.-ocery '"depart ment. 'J'tie new firm will lie known as McGinnis fc Lung coin posed of Hcnkel McGinnis and Robert Long. As soon as practi oal Mr. Mcginnis will cloe out the groceries and a stock of furniture,; stoves and langes wi'l bo added to the tin business and Mr. McGinnis and Mr. Long will be equal (.-artaers all the way around. Mr. Grov?s is mov ing his electric shoo shop to an other bui'ding. Mr. Henry Mc Ginnis has not announce'd his intention. Mr. Kobe rt Long is said to be an expert tinner and he will bo in charge of tint (k partmei.t, The ch.auge of busi ness doe? not affect, the owner ship of the building which lie ongs to McGinnis Brothers. m ATHER DIED SUNDAY Mrs. R. L. Mauney will have the .sympathy of her many friends in the death of hr fath er, Prof. W. D. 'Kedfcrn.: hr died at his hom-3 in Ansonvillc Snnday morning at tlie age of Hi years, Ho had bee.i sick fo- a long time and Mrs. Maunev had spent qnite a good deal "Of her time of lata nt his bedsidis 'She and Mn, Mauney and children were there when the end Caina and remained for the funeral.- Deceased was a native of A'u sjn county and served the coun: ty for many yrars i.s si)enn tendent of public lrsti'iicion. He served throughout th:'ei,vil War as a memb?r of Coni.jviy , 23d North Carolina regiment. Be was married to. Mit-s Wiiiuifred i S. Watkins. December 1 1, 1H,'H'. j He was a pro ninent member of the An:onyille Methodistchurch. He leave? I'ls wife,' three child rea, C. W, Ucdfui'r, of Anson villi; Mrs, J.' A. Haldwin, of Charlotte, and Mr?, U, L. Maun ev, of Kings Mountain; several grar.dchi'dren and 'a host of friends to mourn his loss. Trie funeral was conducted fioin the late residencd Monday a tl e rnoon an d ' i n termen t m ade in Aujionville cemetery. ' . . Mr, Jim Piyor and Miss Mary Lee Ward, both of Kings Moun tain, were united in malrimonv at the home of Key. M. C. Con'- mr last Saturday night at ten o'clock. Rev. E. L. Henderson of C-ntral, S. C, who is con ducting rcfivi'i services At the WuKleyan church, ofiiutated at il l v i dding ustice, Equality A Yoar In Advance E TO ORGANIZE GIS WITH $7,500 CAPITAL STOCK The fanners are to meet npnin Saturdjiy fttternoo'i tj orrani:i the co operative cotton trinncrv; It is ospeeialiy i'equcsted that " every person wl;o Las subscrili ed to tliiij stock be present t. vote in tlie election of officers and directors, Tha canvassing committee reported at the meet ing last Saturday the results ol the'r efforts which brought up tln total nuniliHr of subs-ji ibr-rs to -15. But most of those report ing had several : prospects in view which they believed they could induce to sign up during the week, On motion it was do- cided to orpanijfe and Incorpor ate when 7.") men had signed up making a cspit! of $7,500. This goal it is cxpocrsd will be reach ed by lime fortfc meeting Sat urday aftcinoi)ris at 3 o'clock. Tho present idea is to incorpor ate with a paid-in capital tt $7,"00 with iri"ilego ef Incroas. ing to probably $25,1)00 or what ever amount is decided upon, Members of the committee ex plained that they had been to busy during the week that they had not been able to see near all the people who would likely bi interested iu the proposition and it was thonght to be a compar atively easy matter to. sell the remai'ider of the stock thisweek. The sixteen names added lo the'list of 0 already on the list are: Plonk & Floyd, A. F. New-: tor, W. M Hord, J, M. Wilis nam, D. M. Buker, Hugh Ware, Paul Neisler, Fred Finger, H. G. Ware, W. A. Morris, Kalpli Kirly Jeel Wright, M. J. Har mon, .1 J: Gamble, .!, II. Davis, lj A. Kiser. Lcftevii.v person who has sot .scribed remember that he is ex pected, to he present at the meet ir.g in the hall over the' market Saturday'afternoon at 8 o'clock. But, if you i'n n not possibly be there tiie next. best tljing to do is to delegate: your: proxy 'to snure othtr member. This will insi.i-e. represerltation of all th& stock. LUTHERANS CALL SCHAEFFER PASTOR At a congregational ' mealing held at the Lutheran church Wednesday night of last week a can was exienaea nev.-' w. is. Schaeffer of' Atlanta, Ga, to be come pastor of the church. Rev. Mr. 'Schaoffer i8 a' comparative ly' young man and. has recently imiin unirnirun in nrnf-rtamn nr fir He preached here some time ago and made a good Wipreaaioa up on Hie congregation. Tlie cut also lociudes-St: "Tankea- chni inliie'cpuntryflffbicb neiavjn fourtli Wine - " '

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